<clever> mbock: you need to configure an initial(hashed)password in configuration.nix, and delete the .qcow2 made when you ran the vm
<manu__> I updated the config with this services.xserver.desktopManager = { xfce.enable = true; default = "xfce"; };
<clever> manu__: it also needs services.xserver.enable = true;
<manu__> do I need to install specific packages on enabling it will pick up everything it needs?
<clever> manu__: nothing has to actually be installed, just setting the right enable flags will do everyhting for you
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<clever> manu__: also, did you "nixos-rebuild switch" ?
<manu__> ok. testing now
<manu__> do I need to reboot?
<clever> you should be able to just logout and log back in
<samueldr> regarding the installer issue, #32242, is there anything that would make a difference in building the iso image?
<manu__> ok! it s working now! thanks!
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<mbock> clever: nice, the user login worked... but what's my root password in there?
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<clever> mbock: same thing, you have to set it in configuration.nix
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<mbock> clever: ok!
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<neonfuz> so my chinese fonts are still missing
<neonfuz> I found some test site that said "there are supposed to be 10 simplified chinese characters to the left" and there were only like 5
<neonfuz> I checked which font it's using, and it was a japanese font
<neonfuz> so I guess only some characters are working because it can't find a font to use for actual chinese characters?
<manveru> neonfuz: any cjk font should work i think
<samueldr> neonfuz: what fonts have you added?
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<samueldr> (don't want to re-recommend something you already are using)
<samueldr> can you also share the test URL?
<neonfuz> unifont noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk and google-fonts
<neonfuz> just tried adding source-han
<neonfuz> how do applications like firefox even find system fonts in nixos?
<neonfuz> manveru: https://u.sicp.me/k6PYT.png
<neonfuz> this is how many are missing for example
<manveru> i'm using source-han-sans-* fonts
<manveru> you add them to fonts.fonts in your configuration.nix
<neonfuz> I did
<neonfuz> do my applications need to be in environment.systemPackages or something?
<neonfuz> I prefer to use nix-env for most of my apps
<manveru> it's usually a good idea to have your apps in nixos config :)
<manveru> but i don't think that makes much difference for finding fonts
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<manveru> just make sure your fonts are in there
<neonfuz> also, which channel does 'sudo nixos-rebuild' use? Does it use the channel set by 'sudo nix-env --list' named nixos?
<manveru> nix-channel, and yes
<neonfuz> I dunno
<samueldr> with an otherwise clean machine, and the section of the article you linked to has characters for everything using chrome
<samueldr> well, chromium
<manveru> neonfuz: after that, you can run `fc-cache -r -f` and restart firefox
<neonfuz> google-chrome is missing less
<neonfuz> but still some
<manveru> what font is it using?
<samueldr> for one of the characters your screenshot is not showing, my chromium is using "Noto Sans CJK JP Regular"
<neonfuz> manveru: how do I check on chrome
<neonfuz> sawarbi gothic
<samueldr> at the bottom of the computed tab in the elements pane of the inspector
<neonfuz> also I don't think I have audio for anki?
<neonfuz> I haven't investigated much yet
<neonfuz> but is there a setting I need to enable to have alsa apps work if I'm using pulse?
<manveru> usually not
<manveru> you might wanna try restarting X for the fonts too
<neonfuz> ran fc-cache -r -f then restarted firefox, no change
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<manveru> because the font list is added to the xorg.conf
<manveru> but not 100% sure if that's just the standard fonts or also the additional ones
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<manveru> ah no
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<manveru> they are put into /etc/fonts/fonts.conf
<manveru> at the end of the file
<neonfuz> should order matter?
<neonfuz> lik, the order of fonts.fonts
<manveru> probably
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<neonfuz> hmm, maybe my order is bad
<neonfuz> that seems likely
<manveru> i really don't know much about this :)
<neonfuz> yeah...
<manveru> just reading the nixos source for how it handles this config
<neonfuz> I remember a long time ago on a different distro configuring characters to always show up using a japanese font because I was learning japanese not chinese, and so that japanese characters didn't show up as simplified chinese ones
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<neonfuz> but I don't even remember how I did that
<manveru> well, all the options are at https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#fontconfig
<samueldr> if you have config files in your home directory or ~/.config for font-config, they will still affect how fonts are found
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<neonfuz> oh shit I do have a .config/fontconfig/fonts.conf
<neonfuz> does that override or merge with the system config?
<samueldr> IIRC, it should merge-override, as in, options not defined will use the system ones, and the defined options override
<samueldr> though, I'm not sure of that
<samueldr> ah yes, it will be read after the system one is read
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<neonfuz> wtf is this message
<neonfuz> "/nix/store/mf56ch1fc4a0bmqr2v35xq9dx61nmrpg-noto-fonts-cjk-1.004/share/fonts/noto: /nix/store/i48i0r4j4f0fbg1hch8clwjmjslrm3x2-font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.3: skipping, existing cache is valid: 0 fonts, 1 dirs"
<neonfuz> this is during the font-config step when I did a nixos-rebuild switch after changing fonts.fonts
<neonfuz> that's all one line
<neonfuz> what does lucidatypewriter-100dpi have to do with noto-fonts-cjk?
<neonfuz> I think this might be a bug?
<neonfuz> /nix/store/i48i0r4j4f0fbg1hch8clwjmjslrm3x2-font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.3 is actually the first font listed in the generated fc-00-nixos-cache.conf file
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<neonfuz> which makes me suspicious that a random later font is throwing an error referencing it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/vbm1V
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 7ef982a Bart Brouns: evopedia: patch the desktop file...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vbm1P
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f2d8970 Bastian Köcher: digikam: Fix empty album problem with Qt 5.9.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 278f2fa Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #32228 from bkchr/digikam...
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<mbock> does anyone have a suggestion how to listen on github-webhook-requests on a nixos server? I'd declare a service that runs a tool like 'https://github.com/melonmanchan/simple-github-webhook', but maybe you guys know some better way to do so..?
<gchristensen> seems reasonable
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<gchristensen> npm2nix would probably be useful
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<mbock> yeah, that was the plan.. Oh, I'm just seeing that npm2nix was replaced by node2nix...
<gchristensen> oh right
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<Havvy> Is there a cratesio2nix?
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<gchristensen> there is work to a WIP project for that
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<gchristensen> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/31150 I'm using it for the nixos github bots
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<dmj`> anyone have an example of cross compiling a simple program on intel to powerpc
<dmj`> w/ nix
<dmj`> using crossSystem/config
<gchristensen> Havvy: what is Rustbot written in?
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<gchristensen> forgive me if that is an obtuse question
<Havvy> gchristensen: Node.js JS
<gchristensen> ah, may I PM by chance?
<Havvy> Sure.
<gchristensen> since it is a bit off topic and the mozilla server is down :)
<Havvy> Though Mozilla's instability is breaking my client badly.
<Havvy> Mozilla is also back.
<gchristensen> oh
<neonfuz> YAY fixed it
<neonfuz> reorganized my font list
<Havvy> gchristensen: Actually, I just lost moznet again.
<gchristensen> same ...
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<amfl> Anyone have some examples of using retroarch with cores? There's a bit going on in the nixpkgs for it and I'm not sure what to write. What's the wrapper business about? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tree/master/pkgs/misc/emulators/retroarch
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<amfl> I can enable `environment.systemPackages.retroarch` and it all works if I download cores from within retroarch, but it looks like I can define my cores with a nix expression.
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<slack1256> what options to make nix-build forcefully rebuild a derivation? (from source code, not binary cache) ?
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<gchristensen> nix-build --check
<duncan^> nnnnnn/bu29
<gchristensen> yeah duncan^?
<duncan^> It was clearly a mistake
<gchristensen> ok :) sometimes that mistake is a password
<duncan^> if that was my password it would have been compromised long ago
<gchristensen> lol
<Moredread> I want to use an option that is only in unstable (plainX) in my nixos config that I both use for unstable and 17.09. Is there a way to check that a config option exists? Or is there another pattern I can use?
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<Moredread> I think I read how to do it somewhere, but can't find it anymore
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<slack1256> well that was easy
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<slack1256> thanks gchristensen
<gchristensen> :) you're welcome
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<Moredread> gchristensen: thx, I was looking for that aswell XD
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<slack1256> I was searching the nix-build manpage, but this option is on the nix-store's manpage
<slack1256> actually nix-build admits it is just a wrapper around them, lol
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<gchristensen> (sorry for the spam)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ixmatus opened pull request #32248: Support fetching docker images from V2 registries (master...parnell/fetchdocker) https://git.io/vbmbY
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<petersjt014[m]> Ignore the weird spelling, have to use an OCR instead of a clipboard
<andromeda-galaxy> Somewhere in the thread announcing the dropping of old stackage LTS versions from haskellPackages, it was mentioned that one might be able to run hackage2nix inside a project to get a custom set of dependencies (that could track stackage if so wished). Does anyone know how to do this? I haven't been able to figure out how to install hackage2nix (ideally without a local nixpkgs checkout)
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<andromeda-galaxy> (or would it be possible to accomplish something similar---building packages that depend on a particular lts---via some other mechanism, like callHackage/callCabal2nix?)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orivej closed pull request #32247: glucose-syrup: Remove unused fetchurl argument (master...glucose-syrup-arg) https://git.io/vbmdC
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<andromeda-galaxy> also, is there a clear way to make developPackage not rebuild all the time due to the result symlink? the issue https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/30331 doesn't have a workaround listed
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<andromeda-galaxy> also, developPackage seems to have some weird behavior: if a source override is specified that points a dependency at another package that was defined with developPackage, which itself has some source overrides, it seems to end up trying to build the dependency without its own overrides
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<i-am-the-slime> hello
<i-am-the-slime> I would like to use libinput-gestures
<i-am-the-slime> I *think* there is no package for that.
<andromeda-galaxy> also, is callHackage still impure? it seems like when I use it, even when I get rid of the result symlink, stuff is rebuilt...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vbmpf
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 33300c7 Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'master' into staging...
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<andromeda-galaxy> maybe more generally: what are current best practices for developing/building multi package haskell projects locally with nix? there seems to have been a lot of churn in this recently, with various changes to cabal2nix, callHackage, the dropping of the lts package sets, etc.
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<andromeda-galaxy> the "result symlink causes rebuilds" things seems to happen whenever cabal2nix is used
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<cocreature> andromeda-galaxy: you can filter the sources to the ones that actually matter for your project to avoid unnecessary rebuilds
<cocreature> andromeda-galaxy: e.g. I have a "limitSrcs = drv: pkgs.lib.overrideDerivation drv (oldAttrs: {src = pkgs.lib.sourceFilesBySuffices oldAttrs.src [ ".hs" ".cabal" "LICENSE" ];});" function in my default.nix that I apply to Haskell packages
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<cocreature> you can also use directly modify the file generated by cabal2nix but that becomes annoying if you want to regenerate it
<cocreature> for multi-package haskell projects I use cabal new-build in a nix shell
<andromeda-galaxy> cocreature: thanks for the filtering tip
<andromeda-galaxy> how do you ensure that new-build knows how to build the dependencies?
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<cocreature> in my multi-package projects I usually have a hierarchy where one package sits at the top and depends on the other packages, so I just enter the nix shell of that top-level project and get the dependencies of that as well as the ones of its dependencies
<andromeda-galaxy> ahh
<cocreature> in case you’re not familiar with new-build: it has native support for multi-package projects similar to stack
<andromeda-galaxy> I just now tried just callPackage'ing with the path passed in to the dependency, instead of the fancy haskellPackages.override/extend that I tend to see, and that actually seemed to work better
<andromeda-galaxy> I have played with new-build a bit, that seems like it's a good idea.
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<andromeda-galaxy> do you know why most things, including Gabriel's haskell-nix, recommend the haskellPackages.override method of multi project dependencies? (i.e. is there something I am missing doing it this way?)
<andromeda-galaxy> when you do new-build, does it ever end up building locally (not in nix store) hackage deps from the sub-packages?
<cocreature> there are two different things at play here: 1. getting nix to provide dependencies for multi-package projects such that you can then do incremental development using cabal and 2. actually building your complete project using nix
<cocreature> for 2. you still need something like haskellPackages.override
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<cocreature> new-build won’t build dependencies if they are already provided by nix. obviously if you screw up your nix config/don’t update it and there are missing packages it will build them
<andromeda-galaxy> oh sorry I got that backwards - top package depends on sub-packages, not the other way around. that makes more sense
<andromeda-galaxy> presumably that dependency is encoded in nix somehow?
<cocreature> right, that’s where you need "override"
<cocreature> or just pass it explicitely when you callPackage the top package
<andromeda-galaxy> yeah, the explicit passing is what I was thinking of earlier.
<cocreature> I usually just pass it explicitely
<andromeda-galaxy> is there a particular advantage to either approach? I had an override (well, extend) version that seemed to be causing some spurious rebuilds, but it might also have been due to buggy filtering
<cocreature> I don’t think it makes a difference in most cases
<cocreature> spurious rebuilds sound very much like missing filtering
<andromeda-galaxy> specifically, when I built the depended-on package, deleted its result symlink, and then built the package that depends on it, it somehow rebuilt the depended-on package
<andromeda-galaxy> I'm trying again with the filtering fixed to see whether or not it fixes it. anyway, I think I have something working now. thanks for all the help!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl opened pull request #32250: coq_HEAD, coqPackages_8_4: remove (master...coq-clean) https://git.io/vbmju
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<asktoask> Is there a trivialish way to walk over nixpkgs and build a dictionary (pkg.name, pkg.meta) for each pkg in allPackages? Lazily.
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<fikovnik> hi, I'm trying to do `nixos-install`, but I'm only getting messages like `download-from-binary-cache.pl: still waiting for ‘https://cache.nixos.org/k7hrbj0nss7bhv07m5qa41kbf62qgcwr.narinfo’ after 5 seconds...`
<fikovnik> I can ping cache.nixos.org
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<fikovnik> seems that I just have to be more patient after 25 minutes in strated to download
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vbYeA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bd71d3a Bastian Köcher: qt5: 5.9.2 -> 5.9.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0017479 Daiderd Jordan: Merge pull request #32100 from bkchr/qt_5_9_3...
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<ylwghst> samueldr: I got this https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/32242 with unstable image too. I'm not currently sure which revision it was. It was like 3 or 4 days ago.
<Harpalus> I'm running a Thinkpad x230 and have a problem with ethernet (probably e1000e driver): When using the ethernet port, the connection drops randomly, but when using the connector of the dock, it doesn't. I know it has to be related to Nixos somehow, because with other distributions this problem doesn't occur. I tried using kernel 3.10, 4.4 and 4.12, all have the same problem. Any advice on what else I could try?
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<ottidmes> I am trying to add a local c file the srcs of a derivation, but I am getting the error "do not know how to unpack source archive <file>.c", how can I solve that without writing a custom unpackPhase?
<ottidmes> Harpalus: Seems a driver issue, did you try hardware.enableAllFirmware?
<Harpalus> ottidmes: yeah, tried that. Strange thing is the same driver is working fine on the second ethernet port (that routes to the same network card; i.e. same MAC). Btw, I've ruled out that it's a hardware problem: I've tried different cables and since it's working fine in other distros, I don't think it's a hardware issue either.
<ottidmes> Harpalus: Maybe look at what linux modules are loaded in NixOS compared to the other distros you have tried. And maybe try a different network manager, I have had problems that I was only able to fix by using NetworkManager
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<Harpalus> Thanks for the hint, I'll compare the dmesg outputs. (As for the network manager, I've tried marking ethernet as unmanaged (since I'm using NetworkManager), but to no avail.)
<ottidmes> Harpalus: Maybe in your case NetworkManager is problematic, so changing it might still be worth the effort if you are out of leads
<ottidmes> Regarding my problem, I have just used ${./<file>.c} and it seems to work. If there is a better way to solve it, I am open to suggestions
<Harpalus> ottidmes: Will do, thanks.
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/420a6ad95f1 (from 15 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable)
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<i-am-the-slime> Hoho. For some reason I keep on having to restart, so I'm sorry for asking again. How would I install libinput-gestures ?
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<ylwghst> i-am-the-slime: libinput-gestures it's propably not available in nixpkgs
<ylwghst> i-am-the-slime: you could try https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#multitouch instead
<i-am-the-slime> looks good
<ylwghst> it's xf86_input_multitouch
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<ylwghst> i'm ging give it try too
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<i-am-the-slime> Ah no actually it doesn't seem to do much.
<i-am-the-slime> No, I am lying, it seems to all be hiding in the additional options
<i-am-the-slime> It's this right? https://github.com/BlueDragonX/xf86-input-mtrack
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/ce777a26f6b (from 3 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
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<ylwghst> it's actually xf86_input_mtrack
<i-am-the-slime> @ylwghst any luck?
<ylwghst> i-am-the-slime: works good
<ylwghst> i-am-the-slime: swiping with 3 and 4 fingers is working for me
<ylwghst> i-am-the-slime: has good range of options to configure https://github.com/BlueDragonX/xf86-input-mtrack
<i-am-the-slime> There are some nice features in pull requests which are missing unfortunately.
<i-am-the-slime> To use this do I have to use synaptic instead of libinput or is it a thing of its own?
<ylwghst> i-am-the-slime: it's a driver by its self so you don't need synaptics nor libinput
<ylwghst> i-am-the-slime: i just disabled libinput and enabled this
<ylwghst> i-am-the-slime: i only don't know how to properly use pinch to zoom and rotation gestures
<ylwghst> these doesn't work in risretto
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<i-am-the-slime> I can live without those pretty well.
<i-am-the-slime> However, three finger drag is so nice.
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<mola> hi, anybody knows how to ssh connect to vm created by `nixos-rebuild build-vm`..?
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<ylwghst> i-am-the-slime: im not sure if this supports three finger drag
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<ylwghst> i-am-the-slime: i can find only tap to drag there
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<i-am-the-slime> There's a PR for it. But the maintainer seems to not react anymore.
<ylwghst> i see
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<i-am-the-slime> Maybe not really a PR
<i-am-the-slime> Okay I have to reboot to try it out. See you later.
<ylwghst> yep
<ylwghst> i-am-the-slime: restarting x should be enough
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<i-am-the-slime_> Alright, I now have a crazy fast pointer.
<i-am-the-slime_> No idea if I have any multi finger support
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<ylwghst> i-am-the-slime: you could change the acceleration in mouse settings of your env
<i-am-the-slime_> Ah, looks like dragging three fingers does something.
<manveru> yo, anyone who can merge this? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/32194
<LnL> oh, you got it working?
<manveru> :)
<manveru> had to put it into nixpkgs, but now it works
<i-am-the-slime_> ylwghst: What are the settings you use in configuration.nix?
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<ylwghst> i-am-the-slime_: i only set services.xserver.multitouc = { enable = true; }; to test it
<i-am-the-slime_> And how do you know that three and four finger gestures are working?
<ylwghst> ylwghst: we probably need do some button maping configurations
<ylwghst> i-am-the-slime_: if I swap with three up in firefox it goes page up
<ylwghst> i-am-the-slime_: i mean forward
<ylwghst> i-am-the-slime_: and backwards if I swap with trhee down
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<asktoask> Is there a trivialish way to walk over nixpkgs and build a dictionary (pkg.name, pkg.meta) for each pkg in allPackages? Lazily.
<manveru> asktoask: kinda
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<asktoask> manveru: What's your idea? :)
<manveru> well, depends on what you mean whith lazy :)
<ylwghst> i-am-the-slime_: you can use it's options like this services.xserver.multitouch = { additionalOptions = ''Option "ButtonIntegrated" "true"''; }; https://gist.github.com/anonymous/894db69592e6fabb8395cd7dd97bca80
<asktoask> manveru: mean, without running buildscripts. I have in mind something like overriding mkDerivation to be something like 'getAttr "meta"', but it's not obvious for me how to do that.
<manveru> no need for that really
<asktoask> What alternative do you propose?
<ylwghst> ylwghst: btw. when you was talking about libinput-gestures what exactly did you meant? can you send link to source?
<LnL> this will give you the metadata of most packages
<ylwghst> mean
<LnL> nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -qaP --meta --json
<ylwghst> i-am-the-slime_: ^
<asktoask> LnL: *tries* :)
<ylwghst> i-am-the-slime_: this works as ruby gem.. looks interessting https://github.com/iberianpig/fusuma
<asktoask> LnL: Oh, this is ace, thanks.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vbYLj
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 94b7925 Michael Fellinger: elm-interface-to-json: init at 0.1 (#32194)...
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<ylwghst> brb
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<manveru> `NIXPKGS_ALLOW_BROKEN=1 nix eval --json '(let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { config.allowBroken = true; config.allowUnfree = true; }; lib = import <nixpkgs/lib>; tryEval = builtins.tryEval; in lib.mapAttrs (k: v: let name = (tryEval v.name or ""); desc = (tryEval v.meta.description or ""); in [name.value desc.value]) pkgs)' | jq .`
<manveru> asktoask: something like that
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<manveru> `nix eval --json '(let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { config.allowBroken = true; config.allowUnfree = true; }; lib = import <nixpkgs/lib>; tryEval = builtins.tryEval; in lib.mapAttrs (k: v: let name = (tryEval v.name or ""); desc = (tryEval v.meta.description or ""); in {name = name.value; description = desc.value;}) pkgs)' | jq .`
<manveru> even nicer :)
<manveru> if you don't have nix 1.12 you can use `nix-instantiate --strict --eval --json -E` instead of `nix eval`
<manveru> then again i think LnL has a nicer solution, just not as flexible :)
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<asktoask> manveru: Cooking now, but I'll study that expression in a bit. Thank you!
<Phillemann> I have a gradle project that builds fine with "nix-shell -A mypackage --run gradle" but not when I run nix-build. What's the difference between the two?
<manveru> Phillemann: try with nix-shell --pure
<Phillemann> manveru: Same result.
<manveru> how does it fail with nix-build?
<Phillemann> gradle says "Failed to load native library 'libnative-platform.so' for Linux amd64."
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<manveru> nix-shell has network access, nix-build doesn't, so that's usually the big difference
<Phillemann> Ah, that _might_ be it...have to check if gradle accesses the network in a crucial way.
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<Phillemann> It's a little frustrating because there doesn't seem to be any gradle-dependent packages in nixpkgs. Otherwise I'd just copy&paste. :/
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<manveru> yeah... i don't know much about it, sorry
<Phillemann> Don't worry, thanks anyway. :)
<Phillemann> I might just post to the mailing list about that.
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<Myrl-saki> Need kinda-urgent help.
<Myrl-saki> I dd'ed my / and /boot to my new drive, but I mkfs.ext4 && rsync'ed my /home/user.
<hyper_ch> as long as it's only kinda-urgent, it's not big deal :)
<Myrl-saki> hyper_ch: :(
<Myrl-saki> Anyways. The problem's obvious. Different UUIDs.
<hyper_ch> what do you want to do?
<Myrl-saki> So I waited for the /home/user mount to timeout.
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<gchristensen> probably easiest to boot to the installer, mount everything exactly as they should be, edit the uuids in the nixos config and I think you can safely run nixos-install again
<hyper_ch> still no idea where the problem is or what you want to do
<gchristensen> as far as I can guess, the probolem is the new /home/user has a different FS UUID from the old one, breaking the boot process
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<hyper_ch> if it's just that, boot live iso, mount the root somewhere, adjust /etc/fstab manually with the new uuid, reboot to nixos, adjust the uuid in the hardware-configuartion.nix
<hyper_ch> or dd whole disk, boot with new disk, use partition manager to expand partitions if new disk is larger
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<Myrl-saki> You know that moment when yuo think you know everything?
<Myrl-saki> Well, guess what. I forgot to mount my oboot.
<Myrl-saki> my /boot
<Myrl-saki> Problem's fixed now.
<gchristensen> lol nice!
<gchristensen> good
<Myrl-saki> TMW I felt very smart thinking "Oh, yeah, I'll boot my drive then fix it on emergency mode."
<Myrl-saki> Then of course it doesn't get fixed. Because I forgot to mount /boot
<Myrl-saki> Since we're already on the topic of partitions. Is there a way to have /boot not automount?
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<Myrl-saki> (But mount on, say, nixos-rebuild switch then unmount again?)
<hyper_ch> write an bash script that does that
<Myrl-saki> hyper_ch: Makes sense lmao
<hyper_ch> mount boot, check if boot is mounted, run nixos-rebuild, umount boot
<Myrl-saki> How do I append to /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix?
<hyper_ch> no idea what you mean by append to hw-conf.nix
<Myrl-saki> hyper_ch: Change /boot to not automount.
<manveru> Myrl-saki: hardware-configuration.nix is imported into your configuration.nix, so you can modify anything you want inside configuration.nix to override what's in the hardware cofig
<Myrl-saki> Ah. Thanks.
<manveru> or just modify it directly, it's not like it'll be overwritten unless you run nixos-install...
<hyper_ch> no idea, never tried to not-automount /boot
<Myrl-saki> I'll go screw my hard drive now.
<Myrl-saki> brb. Probably going to take an hour, since I'll be moving my desktop ssd to laptop.
<hyper_ch> desktop and notebook must be pretty far apart if that takes an hour
<Myrl-saki> hyper_ch: I'm a coward.
<hyper_ch> just have backups
<Myrl-saki> I'll probably spend 50 minutes debating whether or not to actually go through.
<Myrl-saki> hyper_ch: I mean, I'm scared of frying my laptop's mobo.
<hyper_ch> :)
<Myrl-saki> :C
<Myrl-saki> It's my only lappy
<MichaelRaskin> hyper_ch: it's not the distance between them, it's the distance that has to be travelled by the screws holding the drives.
<manveru> zeno in action
<hyper_ch> swapping drive in notebook should be a no brainer
<hyper_ch> but then, I guess there's notebook producers that make it extra hard to do so
<manveru> apple...
<hyper_ch> oh apple... remember MacOS simple root login? Well, seems Apple undid that patch with another patch... working with pros: https://www.wired.com/story/macos-update-undoes-apple-root-bug-patch/
<hyper_ch> manveru: never owned an apple product
<Myrl-saki> MichaelRaskin: And the loose screws in my mind? C:
<manveru> i got a mac from work... not using it for anything but their proprietary cisco jabber thingy
<MichaelRaskin> hyper_ch: apparently, reapplying the first patch and rebooting still works, though.
<hyper_ch> MichaelRaskin: don't have an apple product - can't test :)
<MichaelRaskin> Neither do I.
<Myrl-saki> Who here actually uses KDE?
<manveru> i didn't upgrade it yet anyway
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<Myrl-saki> Just curious, since it seems to be the "official" NixOS DE.
<hyper_ch> doesn't everone use KDE?
<Myrl-saki> hyper_ch: :(
<manveru> we have an official DE?
<Myrl-saki> So I'm the one who's weird.
<MichaelRaskin> Does anyone actually use a DE???
<hyper_ch> manveru: live iso contains kde
<Myrl-saki> manveru: I mean, the graphical ISO of NixOS is KDE.
<Myrl-saki> hyper_ch: Ye
<manveru> oh...
<hyper_ch> you never noticed?
<manveru> yeah, if you wanna work on the live cd all day
<manveru> can't say i used the graphical cd yet
<Myrl-saki> Wait, so the NixOS Graphical ISO is not NixOS themed?
* Myrl-saki never used the graphical cd yet, except for that one time when I made a mistake.
<hyper_ch> kde blue fits nixos logo
<Myrl-saki> On that topic, what DE/WM do you guys use? :D
* Myrl-saki XMonad4life
<manveru> no clue who chose the DE for the live cd, but i don't think there's a nixos theme for any really...
<manveru> i3 here
<hyper_ch> KDE... is there any other option?
<manveru> xfce?
<Myrl-saki> hyper_ch: Reee
<Myrl-saki> Xfce's pretty nice. :D
<manveru> but i guess they wanted to add qparted or the like, so they had qt already :P
<Myrl-saki> Brb now again
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<pstn> Does anybody have an rss feed for the nixos channels? I'd like to have a notification when a new build is ready.
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<gchristensen> pstn: sort of ...
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<gchristensen> it isn't RSS, but I can deliver rabbitmq messages or you can poll https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09/
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<pstn> Sounds good if I can get rabbitmq and matrix to play nice with each other.
<ylwghst> How should install and use ruby gems?
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<samueldr> when I'm hacking around ruby, I'm using bundler in a nix-shell
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<samueldr> ylwghst: is it possible you still have the iso or image, even if burnt on USB, around?
<manveru> bundix 4 life :D
<samueldr> well, obviously, once you know what to use, bundix it all :)
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<manveru> i like the combi of direnv/nix-shell/bundix for developing too
<manveru> to install new gem, just add it to Gemfile, run `bundix -l && direnv reload` and you're done
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<samueldr> still new to bundix, don't you need to use bundler once at least for it to generate the lock file?
<manveru> no, bundix does that for you
<samueldr> well, documentation might need an update! :)
<manveru> -l stands for lockfile :)
<manveru> true that... i suck at docs man :|
<samueldr> are you the author?
<manveru> yeah
<ylwghst> samueldr: i ll try to find it
<samueldr> oh, you seem to have the same name at least
<samueldr> ylwghst: if you do, it will help greatly since it wasn't known that it affected another image
<manveru> atm i'm focusing more on elm stuff, will make a proper elm2nix soon
<manveru> but i use bundix for work
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<samueldr> just started to include it at work
<samueldr> I'm lucky enough to be able to use nix
<ylwghst> im totaly lost with this things
<manveru> yeah... my next project will be mostly in Go, not sure about the state of nix support for it
<gchristensen> pretty decent
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<samueldr> hmm, I might have looked at an earlier manual or description for bundix
<samueldr> there's even magic in it
<samueldr> well, disregard my manual comment, it seems fine
<manveru> yeah, magic is deprecated
<samueldr> or not then :)
<gchristensen> lol, manveru
<manveru> the option still exists, it just doesn't do anything anymore
<manveru> so i don't break flags
<ylwghst> i've always used only rvm and gems on macOS
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<samueldr> even without bundix, using nix and nix-shell for ruby was already muuuuuch better
<samueldr> I always hated rvm and such tool, how they are... side-effecty
<manveru> true that
<manveru> it's just that bundler likes to do stuff all over the place
<samueldr> muscle-memory has me use --path with bundler
<manveru> even then it does stuff like .bundle/config
<samueldr> archlinux defaults to global gem installs, but without write access to that location
<samueldr> yeah
<samueldr> not the prettiest
<samueldr> still better than npm
<manveru> i'm still using yarn instead of yarn2nix for dev though
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<samueldr> haven't had time to look into "nixing" the npm parts yet
<samueldr> well, yarn parts
<manveru> node2nix works too, it's just super slow for large projects
<manveru> yarn2nix reuses the hashes in the yarn.lock file, so it's pretty fast
<ylwghst> brb
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<manveru> anyway, i'm working on a nixos-installer in my free time, and using elm for that, which is an unholy combo of elm-package and npm :P
<manveru> plus they have "native" packages that can't be published to their offical repo, so you need yet another tool for those
<gchristensen> pstn: if you make a tool to take the history file and convert it to an RSS feed, I'll run it when the channels change
<manveru> i'm working on a unified nix experience for this... yak shaving ftw
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<pstn> gchristensen: I'll put it on my list. I'll let you know, when I have anything.
<gchristensen> coo/
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<akfp> How do I build "amdgpu-pro" which is nested under linuxPackagesFor?
<gchristensen> pstn: what matrix room is this for?
<akfp> nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A <..something>.amdgpu-pro
<pstn> I would make a room for myself to have notifications
<gchristensen> kinda weird
<gchristensen> you could use dunst and libnotify + something to poll the latest file
<akfp> nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A linuxPackages_4_9.amdgpu-pro worked.
<ylwghst> samueldr: I don't have the image anymore. I overwritten it with stable 7f6f0c49f0 which I've decided to download instead of that affected unstable image at that moment.
<samueldr> aw, oh well
<pstn> akfp: What do you need amdgpu-pro for? If it's hardware support, we now have the linux 15-rc1 kernel that also supports all the new cards and is less broken than amdgpu-pro imho.
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<akfp> I need the 17.40-492261 driver.
<akfp> it's a newer driver, so I need to update nixpkgs.
<hodapp> woo \o/ got tensorflow_object_detection building... but only on an older version which has the good fortune of having a build script in the root dir that only works with object_detection
<hodapp> are there are examples in nixpkgs of checking out a repo, then working only in a specific subdirectory thereof?
<WilliamHamilton> hi all, is the package `cups-pdf` somehow available in nixos? I didn't find it grepping nixpkgs nor through `nix-env -qa`
<WilliamHamilton> (I'd like to add a pdf printer visible through `lpstat -p`)
<akfp> psrn: for 15-rc1, which channel should I use, or do I have to use unstable?
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<pstn> it's in unstable and you have to enable the testing kernel.
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<eraserhd> so, nar doesn't keep setuid bits, is that right? What do you do if you need them?
<samueldr> security.wrappers if often used on nixos
<samueldr> (assuming nixos)
<eraserhd> actually darwin
<eraserhd> i realize i'm in uncharted waters, though
* samueldr vanishes
<akfp> pstn: how do I do that? I can't find the symbol linuxPackages_4_15 in nixpkgs unstable
<pstn> akfp: Yeah, the option is a bit confusing. You have to set ```boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_testing;```
<akfp> thanks!
<manveru> eraserhd: maybe nix-darwin has a solution, check out ##nix-darwin :)
<eraserhd> I guess I should be in that channel too, huh? OK
<akfp> so what should I use instead of this ``` services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "amdgpu-pro" ];``` when using 15-rc1?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel opened pull request #32253: kio: patch for Qt 5.9.3 (master...kio/qt-5.9.3) https://git.io/vbYO6
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<samueldr> akfp: not sure, but I would assume it to be the same
<samueldr> that's what xorg will use, which will be from the currently running kernel
<samueldr> that's unless the amd drivers' name changed
<ylwghst_> samueldr: I downloaded 7f6f0c49f0 on 26.11
<ylwghst_> samueldr: this is a cache from 28.11 http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable
<samueldr> you made me realize the issue might be worse than what was obvious yesterday
<ylwghst_> and there is nixos-18.03pre121253.2f1a818d00
<samueldr> just tested the hydra-built penultimate iso, the one from the channel just before
<samueldr> and it breaks
<ylwghst_> oh yeah that should be the one i have tried to install before to stable becase it says: Released on 2017-11-26 04:00:22
<samueldr> LnL: you must have seen that my own built iso work, when hydra-buil fails?
<LnL> yes, that and the fact that the nixpkgs diff doesn't look related
<samueldr> it isn't
<samueldr> I just tested that penultimate revision and it break too when built from hydra
<samueldr> I'm creeping up in the releases to see when it started breaking
<ylwghst_> 7f6f0c49f0 does work
<samueldr> ac35504 for 17.09 works
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<samueldr> ah, I see that's stable too, thanks!
<ylwghst_> thats stable
<samueldr> I'm downloading f9390d652 to check
<ylwghst_> i still have it on thumdrive
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<ylwghst_> i'm trying to reproduce it on current unstable
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<samueldr> Hydra-built f9390d6 works.
<samueldr> still, nothing looks wrong/weird in the commits, so the idea that there's a side-effect coming from hydra is a good one
<ylwghst_> 18.03pre121779.420a6ad95f1 works too
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<WilliamHamilton> Hi all, how could I add a pdf printer in nixos? (visible by cups and lpstat)?
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<fikovnik> how can you log into the built vm (nixos-rebuild build-vm) - I set users.user.myuser.hashedPassword but does not seem to work
<ylwghst_> samueldr: 18.03pre121253.2f1a818d00 affected
<ylwghst_> samueldr: see http://i.imgur.com/ylRIf2g.png
<akfp> ylwghst_: I just installed nixos today (been years since), and I got exactly the same issue.
<ylwghst_> akfp: which image you've used?
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<akfp> the standard manual image. non-graphical.
<ylwghst_> stable right?
<akfp> yes
<ylwghst_> I have just tested current unstable which seems working.
<akfp> I used the workaround mentioned in the github issue
<samueldr> current unstable seems to work
<samueldr> and yeah, that's a weird issue
<samueldr> I'm curious to see what it is in the end
<ylwghst_> me too
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/dccdfca8096 (from 3 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09-small)
<akfp> wild guess: some string concatenation issue with alreay octal padded number and without.
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<samueldr> akfp: an image built from the same commit on my local machine works
<samueldr> which makes me think it's something outside of nixpkgs
<samueldr> OR specifically to the release process
<akfp> have you diffed the images?
<samueldr> weird thing: there's nothing that seems to be affecting the build process or anything from the minimal images in the nixpkgs changes
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<samueldr> akfp: yes, but it's harder when it comes to nix store, since they are built differently, a couple packages have a different hash
<samueldr> (mostly coming from the difference in the version string)
<LnL> does the store path it's complaining about exist?
* samueldr boots to check
<orivej> yes. I'm investigating this
<samueldr> at least, it seems easy to reproduce
<orivej> it is. thanks for the reproduction steps!
<samueldr> nixos-install is running...
<pbogdan> fwiw the squashfs of the store has number of paths with odd looking permissions / timestamps
<pbogdan> shouldn't those be readonly / Jan 1 1970?
<orivej> yes, this appears to be the issue
<samueldr> the path to the .pl script does exist in full
<samueldr> is there any verbose or verboselier param for nixos-install?
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<orivej> and its mode is 644 in the bad image and 444 in the good image
<pbogdan> yep
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<samueldr> this seems to correlate
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<Kozu> I'm trying to install Nixos with UEFI and LVM. I've tried following the manual, and other blog posts and I still get stuck in the same issue every time. I get "error: changing mode of '/nix/store...-update-users-groups.pl' to 100444: Read only file system". What am I doing wrong? I just downloaded the latest stable image (17.09.2253.559ebb7ed02)
<samueldr> hi!
<samueldr> there's a known issue with the stable iso
<ylwghst_> Kozu: use current unstale instead or workaround in link above ^^^
<akfp> is there an "easy" way to mostly disable all drivers during a kernel compile? it's taking ages.
<samueldr> Kozu: I would personally use a known working 17.09
<akfp> the workaround in the issue installs 17.09. probably the safer option?
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<samueldr> Kozu: do you need minimal or graphical?
<samueldr> yes, probably
<Kozu> samueldr: I'm new to NixOS but I've installed it previously on VirtualBox. Now I got a new laptop, and want it to run NixOS. I've always used to minimal installer
<Kozu> ylwghst_, samueldr: Thanks, you've really saved a lot of my hair from being pulled out
<samueldr> don't worry, hair was shed for you already
<ylwghst_> hehe i know that feeling
<samueldr> (it's been a head scratcher)
<Kozu> Looking forward to try running NixOS on my every day computer :-)
<samueldr> yay
<akfp> is there some script that will take all the kernel modules currently used and create a kernel config based on a minimal config that contains what I need?
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<fearlessKim[m]> akfp nope
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<fearlessKim[m]> dnsmasq doesn't seem to work with edns option (in nixos at least)
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<Myrl-saki> Did anyone take note of how long it took me to install the SSD on my laptop?
<Myrl-saki> Let me guess. Too damn long?
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<fearlessKim[m]> edns is enabled by default and I have it working everywhere so that must be some bug/security in this house wifi.
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<plakband> When booting from a live-usb on a 2012 rMBP, starting the display manager gives me a black screen. I tried choosing the nomodeset boot option, but to no avail. Has anyone else had this issue?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #32213: wordpress: 4.9 -> 4.9.1 (master...update-wordpress) https://git.io/vbLho
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<Guest40001> a *stupid* question, been away from nix for a while: I can use `fetchurl` to specify the src attribute of `mkDerivation`. May I also use a folder from my filesystem as `src` instead?
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<MichaelRaskin> Yes, you can; it will be copied to Nix store.
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<Guest40001> so I guess the syntay for it is just: `src = './myfolder'` ?
<MichaelRaskin> No quotes.
<Guest40001> ok
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<akfp> anyone installed AMD ROCm OpenCL drivers?
<sphalerite> oh boy, mass rebuild on my chromebook
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<roconnor> Does Haskell's Cabal's mkDerivation have an attribute that does builds an sdist?
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<akfp> where is linux-vdso.so.1 for using with patchelf. it's not under /run/current-system/
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<akfp> ah, there is no such library..?
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<toogley> i have two computers, both running with nixos. although both are very differently used, i use on both the same subset of programs, defined via environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [] . how can i generalize those? for some other settings i have a file general.nix which i do include in both configuration.nix - but defining pkg list there doesn't work, because i would then define that twice
<toogley> what would be the best way to solve that?
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<akfp> hmm.. how am I supposed to run binaries on NixOS when the dynamic loader is not under /run/current-system: find -L /run/current-system/ -iname '*ld-linux*' return nothing, while a typical executable uses an interpreter from /nix/store: /nix/store/h1a1ncbkkhapzm0509plqjlfrgxw22f3-glibc-2.25-49/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
<mightybyte> Why is it that when I do "nix-env -i tetex", the latex executable is available, but when I do "nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A tetex" it's not?
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<ryantrinkle> is there a standard way to turn a nix string into a string representing a nix string literal?
<LnL> nix-shell -A gives you the build environment of a package, not an environment with the package already available
<ryantrinkle> I've written: escapeNixString = s: "\"" + escape ["\\" "\"" "$"] + "\"";
<ryantrinkle> but it'd be nice if it also handled "\n" and all the other things nix typically turns into printable characters when it produces a string
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<sphalerite> ryantrinkle: why do you want to do that?
<sphalerite> ryantrinkle: maybe builtins.toJSON would work?
<Guest40001> A freshly built nixos vm I can start like this: `QEMU_NET_OPTS="hostfwd=tcp::8888-:80" result/bin/run*`, whereas my local traffic on port 8888 is forwarded to the vm's port 80. Nice, but how can I specify multiple forwards? I'd like to forward 2222 to 20 as well.. it's a bit tricky..
<sphalerite> Guest40001: not 100% sure on this one, but maybe add another hostfwd=foo after that one, separated with a comma
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<Guest40001> sphalerite: magic, I was sure I tried this one.. works!
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<mightybyte> The nix manual has a nice simple example illustrating a nix expression for hello. But how do I take that expression and make it into something that I can put into a default.nix and call nix-build or nix-shell on?
<toogley> btw. do pkgs in stable releases (such as 17.09) ever get a version upgrade?
<mightybyte> The manual talks about how to do it if you add that nix expression to all-packages.nix, but I don't want to do that.
<sphalerite> mightybyte: you can also write a separate default.nix file in which you do `(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./hello.nix {}`
<sphalerite> toogley: usually no. There are some exceptions though, like browsers
<mightybyte> sphalerite: Hmmm, is that the canonical accepted way to do it? I got the impression that the accepted way was to put it all in default.nix.
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<sphalerite> mightybyte: using callPackage makes it overridable and generally more versatile
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<sphalerite> you can also pass a package function to callPackage, rather than a path, in order to keep it in a single file. But then the package function is harder to get out, and you have ugly parentheses around the majority of the expression
<mightybyte> sphalerite: Any chance that can be added to the manual? It seems like that is always the first thing I want to do.
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<sphalerite> PRs are always welcome :)
<toogley> sphalerite: thanks
<mightybyte> sphalerite: What repo is the manual in?
<sphalerite> the nixpkgs repo, in the doc/ directory
<mightybyte> Ahh, ok.
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<Guest40001> anyone a comment on this chicken/egg problem: I have nixos server configuration stored in a github repo. This config runs on a remote server. fine. It should be able to rebuild itself from the latest master of the repo. a shell command could do so in an inpure way: 'git clone... bla... nixos-rebuild switch'. I thought I could also do so a bit cleaner by making a derivation using fetchFromGithub. However fot this I n
<Guest40001> eed the sha of the latest commit, which I cannot know beforehand. Anyone bumped into this?
<sphalerite> Guest40001: it's a fairly stateful task, so I wouldn't try to make it pure
<mightybyte> sphalerite: That's the Nixpkgs Contributors Guide. I'm talking about the Nix Package Manager Guide.
<sphalerite> you could use builtins.fetchTarball I suppose
<sphalerite> mightybyte: oh right, that's in the nix repo doc subdirectory :)
<sphalerite> Hm, nix-shell is segfaulting D:
<herzmeister[m]> helloes, i'm trying to install nixos with an encrypted root file system. seems i have to change or override the `filesystems."/"` setting in the generated `hardware-configuration.nix`, otherwise conflict. what's the best practice? let go of importing the hardware configuration altogether?
<mightybyte> sphalerite: Perfect, thanks.
<sphalerite> herzmeister: why would you need to change that?
<sphalerite> herzmeister: it should be detecting it correctly.
<herzmeister[m]> when i tried to boot it didnt find the device
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<herzmeister[m]> also the manual specifies i have to put the line in the standard configuration file
<sphalerite> fileSystems."/" should be fine, you may need to specify the luks volume manually though
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<sphalerite> No, the fileSystems line shouldn't be necessary. The luks.devices one is though
<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/7d27f25582b (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
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<herzmeister[m]> ok, thanks, imma try
<sphalerite> ylwghst: 👎 use a UUID!
<ylwghst> ok
<ylwghst> herzmeister[m]: it's important to let it re-generate the hardware-configuration.nix
<ryantrinkle> sphalerite: here's what I was going for: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/32256
<ryantrinkle> I wanted a way to provide unique and unambiguous names for types.strMatching, which I'm introducing here
<ryantrinkle> sphalerite: using builtins.toJSON worked great :)
<ryantrinkle> although i still had to manually escape $
* ylwghst brb
<herzmeister[m]> how would i do that? i.e. hardware configuration only?
<ylwghst> nixos-generate-config --root /mnt
<sphalerite> Yeah it doesn't overwrite an existing configuration.nix
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<herzmeister[m]> indeed, thx
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ryantrinkle opened pull request #32258: nat: add extraCommands option (master...add-nat-extraCommands) https://git.io/vbYEP
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<herzmeister[m]> now i have other problems, i want to keep my boot partition unencrypted, and this seems to cause trouble. I get an `ERROR: not a subvolume: /mnt/boot` and `ERROR: Failed to get subvol info /mnt/boot: 1`, and two entries with `filesystems."/boot"` were being created in the hardware configuration. as far as i can tell i had prepared and mounted everything correctly before.
<ylwghst> herzmeister[m]: try follow this http://tinyurl.com/nixos-install
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<herzmeister[m]> perhaps i have to just start all over you mean :-]
<ylwghst> how does look your partiton scheme?
<ryantrinkle> zimbatm: just put up some more nat-related PRs; not sure how interested you really are in this stuff :P
<ryantrinkle> (i just replaced my home router with a nixos box, so I'm pretty interested right now, lol)
<ylwghst> herzmeister[m]: you don't have to edit hardware-configurations.nix
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<ryantrinkle> but it'd be great to get your feedback on this stuff, or if there's someone else you think I should run them by, let me know :)
<zimbatm> ryantrinkle: I was roped into reviewing the PR mostly :0
<ryantrinkle> haha, well i appreciate it
<mightybyte> sphalerite: Ok, I'm making progress with a default.nix as you described. But now the files of my simple package don't seem to be available. I'm using "src = ./.". Is that correct?
<zimbatm> I don't mind spending a bit of time on this
<herzmeister[m]> ylwghst: i dont intend to. :)
<ryantrinkle> i took your suggestion a bit further than the original idea, but i think it might be useful in other places
<ryantrinkle> this adds regex-based types generally
<ryantrinkle> i'm not sure if that's something folks really want, but i figured it'd be easier to decide after seeing it in action
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<ylwghst> herzmeister[m]: if you are ok with only 2 partitons scheme create one for boot and second which will be luks enc device
<sphalerite> mightybyte: ./. rather than ./
<mightybyte> Yeah, that's what I have
<ylwghst> herzmeister[m]: first - boot should be formated as vfat
<herzmeister[m]> thats exactly what i did. and the boot is mounted normally. still i get this error.
<herzmeister[m]> i try to re-mount
<mightybyte> If I use ./ it doesn't even build. With ./. it builds but there's a build error and when I use -K as described in the manual and go to the build directory I don't see any of the source files.
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<zimbatm> ryantrinkle: interesting, I wonder if this could be used anywhere else
<zimbatm> did you notice that builtins.match doesn't support "\d" to match numbers?
<ylwghst> herzmeister[m]: mount /dev/volumegroup/yourootpartition /mnt && mkdir boot /mnt && mount /dev/sdaX /mnt/boot
<ylwghst> mkdir /mnt/boot offcourse
<ryantrinkle> zimbatm: i'd expect it could potentially be used for most of the string options
<ryantrinkle> most aren't actually totally unconstrained
<ryantrinkle> however, we'd probably need to make the docs a bit nicer
<zimbatm> yeah, it's a start
<ryantrinkle> i.e. say "string representing a domain name" instead of "string matching <regex>"
<ryantrinkle> or whatever
<ryantrinkle> IP addresses might be a good place to start
<ryantrinkle> regarding "\d", i hadn't noticed - i just pasted in your regex - but that is a bit annoying
<ylwghst> ylwghst: and define this in your configuration.nix boot.loader.grub = {
<ylwghst> enable = true;
<ylwghst> device = "/dev/sda";
<exfalso> Hi, brand new nixos user here. I'm writing a package in nixpkgs and would like to use nix-shell to drop into the build env. How can I do this seeing that the default.nix is a function (taking stdenv etc)?
<ylwghst> boot.loader.grub = { device = "/dev/sda"; };
<ryantrinkle> zimbatm: there are two other nat-related PRs now: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/32257 (dmz host support) and https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/32258 (extraCommands for nat)
<herzmeister[m]> i dont have grub, it generated systemd-boot for me, and i'm fine with that
<ylwghst> thats ok
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orivej opened pull request #32259: Revert "qt5: 5.9.1 -> 5.9.3" (master...qt) https://git.io/vbYzt
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<infinisil> exfalso: The package should have an attribute defined which you can use instead
<zimbatm> ryantrinkle: I have seen a few people trying to refactor the networking module but am not super intimate with it
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<infinisil> exfalso: so e.g. if you want to use the hello package, you'd use nix-shell -A hello
<ryantrinkle> zimbatm: yeah, i'm hoping to keep my changes small - just enough to make the home / small-office router thing straightforward
<infinisil> exfalso: These attributes are all set up to call their respective nix files like `hello = callPackage path/to/hello/default.nix {}`
<zimbatm> yeah I think the others where suffering from too much scope
<zimbatm> not that it's a bad thing, but it makes it harder to merge
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<infinisil> exfalso: These are all defined in nixpkgs/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
<zimbatm> ideally we could use nftables instead of iptables because they are more declarative I think
<exfalso> infinisil: yes, I added a corresponding entry there
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<ryantrinkle> ah, interesting
<exfalso> but when i do -A mypackage it drops into a shell that has everything installed (so it's not a "clean" env)
<ryantrinkle> zimbatm: ah, i hadn't heard of that, but it looks cool :)
<infinisil> exfalso: add --pure
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<zimbatm> it's supposed to be the iptables replacement
<exfalso> infinisil: awesome, that's what was missing!
<exfalso> thanks a lot!
<infinisil> exfalso: ;)
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<ryantrinkle> cool :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orivej pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vbYzu
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a1b77bf Orivej Desh: Revert "qt5: 5.9.1 -> 5.9.3"...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e29b1f4 Orivej Desh: Merge pull request #32259 from orivej/qt...
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<magnetophon> toogley: you can make file common.nix with ale the common settings, and import that in the configs for the different machines. if you define systemPackages multiple times, they just get added together. makes sense?
<toogley> magnetophon: ooh, okay
<toogley> magnetophon: didn't knew that, thanks!
<magnetophon> yw
<mightybyte> sphalerite: Hmm, I'm not quite sure how to modify the manual. It is operating with the context of default.nix being the expression that requires arguments. Your approach of making a hello.nix and a default.nix seems like it would require fairly extensive surgergy to the example.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/vbYgY
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 83bc80f Tim Steinbach: linux-copperhead: 4.14.2.a -> 4.14.3.a...
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<nh2[m]> fadenb: do you still do stuff with the elastic beats? I find that some files are missing from the package (filebeat.template.json)
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<herzmeister[m]> ylwghst: thanks, reinstallation seems to work now. (after another reboot.) fyi i got an assertion failure for `name = "rootfs";` but i just removed the name.
<hyper_ch> hmmm, anything wrong with unstable? I'm stuck at download:
<hyper_ch> nixos-rebuild boot --upgrade
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<ylwghst> herzmeister[m]: nice
<herzmeister[m]> and system also boots now finally. thanks. success so far.
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<akfp> how do I find libstdc++. if I use ${getLib pkgs.gcc}/lib/libstdc++.. then I'm getting a path in gcc-wrapper, not gcc.
<fadenb> nh2[m]: have not used it in a while.
<nh2[m]> fadenb: do you know your way around buildGoPackage? The problem is that the nix filebeat package really contains only the built binary, not the other files like that json file
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<nh2[m]> fadenb: e.g. the debian package Elastic offers has `./etc/filebeat/filebeat.template.json` in it
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<fadenb> I actually have no idea how it is currently build. I believe globin changed it some time ago to the buildGoPackage
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/ae2cf0bee8d (from 8 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
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<jmc_fr> Hi. Quit new to nixOs. I'd like to enable htop automatcaly when loging in : any idea how to do this ?
<jmc_fr> quite new
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<hyper_ch> you can do that like on other distros
<jmc_fr> hyper_ch: I mean "how to do that from configuration.nix" ...
<nh2[m]> anybody know how can I add extra files to a `buildGoPackage`?
<hyper_ch> nixos doesn't manage .dot files or user environments
<ashkitten> hi, how can i add custom mp3 files to icecast's search path? it currently looks for them in `/nix/store/w05fl28kv0smiygvr9w65dl586pxmp4z-icecast-2.4.3/share/icecast/web`
<jmc_fr> hyper_ch: OK, thks
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<Turion> I'm developing a gloss/haskell/opengl app. With Ubuntu, it Just Works, but with Nixos, I'm getting the error "Unknown GLUT entry glutInit". I'm running it in a "nix-shell -p mesa mesa_glu freeglut".
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<sphalerite> hyper_ch: it does manage user environments!
<sphalerite> that's exactly what nix-env is for
<hyper_ch> sphalerite: you know what I mean
<sphalerite> I do, but I don't think everyone will
<infinisil> hyper_ch: home-manager!
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<gchristensen> and nix-env is a terrible experience :/
<akfp> is there a fakeroot-like program that makes it possible to emulate that /etc/foobar is a given file?
<sphalerite> infinisil: not part of nixos ;)
<sphalerite> gchristensen: yeah…
<infinisil> sphalerite: Eh, home-manager is pretty much nixos really, it just lives outside of nixpkgs
<sphalerite> akfp: proot might be able to do what you want
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<ashkitten> where should i put arbitrary directories like the icecast webroot?
<Turion> I believe the GLUT thing is an actual bug in nixos: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41527061/nixos-haskell-opengl-problems-with-building-and-running-opengl-programs Other people seem to have it as well...
<ashkitten> i'm not very familliar with the directory layout in nixos
<Avaq> Hello! I followed this guide (https://nixos.wiki/wiki/NixOS_on_ARM) to install NixOS on my rbpi3, and after some fiddeling got it to work.
<Avaq> It took longest to figure out that the recommended `boot.loader.generic-extlinux-compatible` should no longer be used, and it should be `boot.loader.raspberryPi` instead.
<Avaq> Anyway, everything worked fine until I `nixos-rebuild` started to fail because it couldn't write .tmp files to /boot. I then tried resizing the partition and destroyed everything.
<Avaq> Now I'm starting over, and I wonder if there's anything I can do from the start to prevent this happening.
<Dezgeg> why shouldn't boot.loader.generic-extlinux-compatible be used? that's just wrong
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<Avaq> Oh - it couldn't write the tmp files because the partition was too small, doing the following would work: `mv /boot/nixos /root/nixos; nixos-rebuild switch; mv /root/nixos /boot/nixos`.
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<Avaq> Dezgeg: I followed the advice given here (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/22014#issuecomment-275121594), and things started to work.
<Dezgeg> how were things not working?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] mightybyte opened pull request #1711: Show an example default.nix that calls hello.nix (master...master) https://git.io/vbYad
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<Avaq> The boot proces would get stuck on "Starting kernel.." or something of that sort.
<JosW> Yeah instead of a reply "nixos doesn't manage .dot files or user environments" as a period answer. Someone new to Nixos would likely need some more info or guidance.
<Avaq> Yeah
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<JosW> For one I would like to know more on that as well...
<Dezgeg> well, it should work
<Dezgeg> rather the boot.loader.raspberryPi is the unsupported one
<Avaq> Oh
<Dezgeg> I can't test until monday though
<Avaq> Could it have something to do with using a USB->TTL?
<Dezgeg> did you pass console=ttyAMA0 in the kernel params?
<hyper_ch> what does this mean? https://paste.simplylinux.ch/view/raw/998d7dc4 --> syntax error, unexpected $end, at [different files]
<Avaq> Dezdeg: In one of these files under /boot/extlinux ?
<Dezgeg> or maybe it's console=ttyS0 in rpi3
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<Dezgeg> in boot.kernelParams (which eventually does get written to exlinux.conf)
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<Avaq> I remember manually editing the exlinux.conf to append this console line, which did resolve the issue but not fully, this was a week or two ago so I can't quite remember fully.
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<Avaq> Ah, I should have used boot.kernelParams
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<Avaq> Dezgeg: So it's unlikely that the boot partition will be too small when I use the generic-extlinux-compatible bootloader (and get it to work this time)?
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<Dezgeg> well you do need to delete old generations quite aggressively
<Avaq> Every generation just writes a few lines into the extlinux.conf right? Or are there other files under /boot used solely by older generations?
<sphalerite> Does anyone know a nice tool for dissecting arbitrary binary files?
<Dezgeg> yes the kernels and initrds and .dtbs
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<hyper_ch> ok, nixos-rebuild fails with this error https://paste.simplylinux.ch/view/raw/998d7dc4
<hyper_ch> anone has an idea?
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<infinisil> hyper_ch: what does nix-info say
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<hyper_ch> infinisil: pretty much the same https://paste.simplylinux.ch/view/raw/36419822
<infinisil> hyper_ch: what is your NIX_PATH?
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<Avaq> Alright, thanks for the insights Dezdeg! I will give it another shot. :)
<infinisil> hyper_ch: and does /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs contain an actual nixpkgs?
<hyper_ch> it's empty
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<infinisil> hyper_ch: add a channel with nix-channel then
<infinisil> with sudo
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<infinisil> sudo nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable unstable for unstable
<hyper_ch> infinisil: still empty
<hyper_ch> still not owrking
<infinisil> and sudo nix-channel --update
<infinisil> oh boy
<infinisil> hyper_ch: what does `nix-store -q --referrers /nix/store/0piqbrnqj5grihwnrqpiadda8nv8sh7z-env-manifest.nix` give you
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<infinisil> hyper_ch: and i assume nix-env -q also spits out such an error
<hyper_ch> nope, no output
<infinisil> hyper_ch: sudo nix-env -q?
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<hyper_ch> I'm root
<infinisil> ah
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<infinisil> hyper_ch: try doing some operations with a different nixpkgs by adding `-I nixpkgs=<path to nixpkgs>` to your nix commands
<hyper_ch> not sure what you mean
<tpanum> What is the proper way of doing custom key mappings? Been googling for a while, and I cannot seem to find a clear answer
<hyper_ch> I'm trying to rebuild
<infinisil> hyper_ch: you have a nixpkgs checkout?
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<hyper_ch> nixpkgs: command not found
<infinisil> tpanum: usually you'd use your WM for that
<i-am-the-slime> I am trying to make this work : https://github.com/ethul/purescript-webpack-example/tree/master
<i-am-the-slime> psc that comes from purescript (haskellPackages.purescript on Nix) <-- I installed that purescript package but I don't have psc in my path
<infinisil> hyper_ch: do `git clone https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels` in e.g. ~/src, then `nixos-rebuild switch -I nixpkgs=$HOME/src/nixpkgs`
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<infinisil> eh, nixpkgs=$HOME/src/nixpkgs-channels if you do it like this i mean
<infinisil> hyper_ch: oh and check out the version you need
<hyper_ch> and which version do I need?
<infinisil> hyper_ch: `git checkout nixos-17.09` if you want 17.09
<hyper_ch> ah
<infinisil> I'm just hoping this fixes it so you don't need a checkout after that, not sure if it will work
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<hyper_ch> updating my iso... just in case
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<hyper_ch> nothing really happens
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<infinisil> hyper_ch: what do you mean? the nixos-rebuild doesn't do anything?
<hyper_ch> yes, just sitting there
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<infinisil> no output at all and still not finished executing?
<hyper_ch> yes
<infinisil> hyper_ch: is this a slow machine or something?
<hyper_ch> no
<infinisil> hyper_ch: add -vvv
<hyper_ch> no output
<infinisil> huh
<hyper_ch> root@servi-nixos:~# nixos-rebuild -vvv switch -I nixpkgs=/root/nixpkgs-channels
<hyper_ch> no output
<infinisil> hyper_ch: okay, how about this: `strace nixos-rebuild switch`
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<infinisil> this should normally just barf lines like crazy
<hyper_ch> it does
<infinisil> and it stops at some point?
<hyper_ch> yes
<hyper_ch> I'll boot from the live usb
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<infinisil> huh
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<thblt> Could someone please try to reproduce an issue for me? Run "nix-shell --pure -p tetex" ; then "tex", type "Hello" or something followed by return. Does it segfault?
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<thblt> It's the first time I see tex segfaulting, but thanks god it's reproducible.
<srk> thblt: yup, it does
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<thblt> srk: Cool, thanks! And now for a bug report!
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<Avaq> Dezgeg: I realized you're likely the one behind the wiki page on ARM nixos, so you may be interested in the problems I encounter: I found that in both cases I had to do `date -s "2017..."` before sucesfully being able to `nixos-rebuild`.
<Avaq> When booting for the first time, date is 1970.
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<hyper_ch> infinisil: installing anew
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<thblt> Avaq: ntp?
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<oleks> Hi, I'm trying to build poppler utils from source but get the error "Could NOT find Freetype (missing: FREETYPE_LIBRARY FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIRS)", despite having the freetype package installed via configuration.nix
<thblt> oleks: package ≠ includes. nix-shell -p freetype
<oleks> thblt: I still get the same error :-(
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<Ralith> thblt: you need it in buildInputs; nix-shell just gives you the package again
<joepie91> Achievement Unlocked: packaged a proprietary game, and it worked on first try
<joepie91> unfortunately it did irrecoverably crash my GPU driver 10 seconds laterf...
<hyper_ch> infinisil: that's so nice about nixos... server already re-installed... just upgrading to latest unstable smalln ow
<joepie91> later*
<hyperfekt> Could anyone shine some light on what mounting configurations are generated at installation? I'm trying to add encryption to bcachefs but don't know how I'm supposed to get a list of encrypted volumes without having to hardcode them into configuration.nix. ZFS has the advantage of having a "-a" option that unlocks them all, but it seems LUKS actually requires hardcoding?
<hyper_ch> infinisil: and upgrade done, rebooting now
<MichaelRaskin> joepie91: given the GPU mess you are tempting fate: irrevocably is when a power-cycle still doesn't help…
<thblt> (oleks: see Ralith's answer above)
<hyper_ch> hyperfekt: be careful about bcache on 4.14... there are bug reports (and fixes) that will cause write error
<infinisil> hyper_ch: what do you consider hardcoded? Putting UUID's in your nix config? Because that's needed for it to be reliable
<hyper_ch> also for luks, you just need to provide key for / to unlock
<hyper_ch> on the root partition you can then have a key that unlocks all other encrypted partitions
<joepie91> MichaelRaskin: well, irrevocably as in cannot recover without a reboot :P
<joepie91> MichaelRaskin: radeon driver usually does an okay job at restarting itself
<hyper_ch> infinisil: wrong person :)
<joepie91> but this time it really was schluss, and needed a reboot
<infinisil> hyper_ch: oh whoops, meant hyperfekt
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<joepie91> MichaelRaskin: anyway, let's start the game again, and let's hope it was an anomaly.. :(
<hyper_ch> hyperfekt needs to change his nickname to avoid [tab completion] confusion
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/83bc80fb96c (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09-small)
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<joepie91> otherwise I may need to try and get a refund for it...
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<joepie91> wish me luck :P
<infinisil> rycee: you here?
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<hyperfekt> infinisil: I see. I was thinking that since nixos-generate-config detects mounted devices and their filesystems it could also detect if they were decrypted.
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<hyper_ch> hyperfekt: it detects mounted filesystems I think
<MichaelRaskin> joepie91: or run the game with sw rendering…
<joepie91> MichaelRaskin: that's going to get me .5 FPS I'm afraid, it's a very new game
<joepie91> (Dungeons 3)
<rycee> infinisil: Yep, howdy :-)
<infinisil> hyperfekt: everything that gets detected was implemented by somebody. You could add to the implementation that encrypted btrfs's get detected :)
<MichaelRaskin> joepie91: hm, it does seem to have actual complicated graphics…
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<joepie91> MichaelRaskin: (it's Mono-based, if that makes a difference)
<infinisil> rycee: Regarding HM, what do you think of linking files like `$HOME/some/file -> /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/$USER/home-manager/home-files/some/file`, which would get HM closer to atomic switching
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<hyperfekt> hyper_ch: The keyfile in root trick is a good idea! A bit too imposing to set as a default for users though, I fear.
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<hyper_ch> hyperfekt: users? not sure what you mean
<MichaelRaskin> joepie91: what makes a difference is actually having a world with multiple 3D models that partially occlude each other.
<hyperfekt> hyper_ch: Well ideally if I implement this it's going to nixpkgs so other people can just use it.
<infinisil> rycee: or `~/some/file -> ~/.home-files/some/file` and `~/.home-files -> /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/$USER/home-manager/home-files`
<joepie91> ha, I retract my achievement
<joepie91> it actually wants GTK too for some plugin
<rycee> In principle it should work (assuming the systemd hack is kept). You still need to set up the links originally.
<rycee> infinisil: ^
<hyper_ch> hyperfekt: no idea what you really wanna do, but good luck
<hyperfekt> hyper_ch: Haha, sorry and thanks :b
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<rycee> infinisil: So you still have to loop over all links to check whether they still are valid or if some is missing.
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<rycee> infinisil: So I'm not certain whether there is a significant amount of "atomicity" added by doing this.
<infinisil> rycee: Hmm
<infinisil> rycee: I mean most of the time you don't add/remove any files, you just change them, which would be atomic
<rycee> infinisil: nonsequitur is having a PR (https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/pull/156) that makes the links go directly to the raw /nix/store path.
<gchristensen> that would reduce the atomocity of the switch
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<infinisil> gchristensen: how so?
<gchristensen> well if your ~/.home-files dir is a link to the /nix/store, then when the switch happens anything pointing to ~/.home-files switches atomically
<gchristensen> doing bare links to /nix/store make it piecemeal
<infinisil> gchristensen: Yeah that's what i mean
<infinisil> currently home-manager doesn't work like that
<LnL> ^ that's why the nixos etc module has indirect symlinks to /etc/static
<gchristensen> yeah I was saying rycee's link to a PR about links going directly to /nix/store paths would make it less atomic
<infinisil> gchristensen: I personally don't really get the point of that PR, rycee you know what's the advantage of linking files directly?
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<rycee> infinisil: Not sure. The main thing I see is that it avoids a level of link indirection and therefore avoids the hack needed for systemd units (which get the wrong name if they are doubly linked).
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<joepie91> MichaelRaskin: yep, it still crashes my GPU driver :(
<MichaelRaskin> Pity.
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<infinisil> rycee: Oh, actually that hack can be avoided rather easily
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<infinisil> rycee: The systemd module should just use `writeTextDir` instead of `writeText` to create the service files and adjust the passed source attributes of xdg.configFile
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dywedir opened pull request #32265: youtube-dl: 2017.11.06 -> 2017.12.02 (master...youtube-dl) https://git.io/vbYiE
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<rycee> infinisil: Hmm, not sure if that would work with the link cleanup.
<rycee> Since it would point to something outside the HM generation.
<aanderse> does anyone know what linux-vdso.so is?
<aanderse> trying to run a steam game but it isn't running at all
<aanderse> ldd says the game is referencing that but can't find it
<aanderse> a find on my system doesn't find a linux-vdso.so either
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<infinisil> rycee: just switched my user profile to use this patch, works without problems :)
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<rycee> Cool! 👍
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<toogley> i have this nixfile: https://paste.pound-python.org/show/2GiDOJmCZCn7ICOyio7D/ which is based on the current file on master, but slightly modified. when i run nix-build neomutt-pkg.nix, then i get:error: cannot auto-call a function that has an argument without a default value (‘stdenv’) - i've read https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#note , i guess i should add sth like that somewhere, but i don't know where
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<infinisil> toogley: nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs>{}).callPackage ./neomutt-pkg.nix {}'
<infinisil> toogley: But better would be to use the attribute directly: `nix-build -A neomutt` in the nixpkgs directory
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<toogley> infinisil: but then i would have to define what neomutt is somewhere. and i don't know where that place is
<toogley> or rather how^^
<infinisil> toogley: So you only copied that single file and not the rest of nixpkgs?
<toogley> jep
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<infinisil> toogley: Well then only the first approach would work
<toogley> ah, okay
<infinisil> toogley: I personally prefer to use all of nixpkgs and make changes there
<toogley> why do you prefer that?
<infinisil> then nix-build -A ... works and it's easier to upstream changes
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<toogley> ah, okay
<toogley> thanks
<infinisil> :)
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<rycee> Could put it in an overlay?
<infinisil> rycee: ?
<toogley> unpacking source archive /tmp/nix-build-neomutt-neomutt-20171027-src.drv-0/neomutt-20171027.tar.gz
<toogley> output path ‘/nix/store/0gz3mssnrwvk9m6iszs8zg9ijm3c38ir-neomutt-neomutt-20171027-src’ has r:sha256 hash ‘0pwc5zdxc9h23658dfkzndfj1ld3ijyvcxmsiv793y3i4dig0s3n’ when ‘10z523cy3s6syh0mwpsncl87wrvyzsk99y7nzicwvx6y3hmdw01d’ was expected
<toogley> where does that hash come from?
<toogley> it is not from the tar.gz
<rycee> I.e. dropping something like `self: super: { myneomutt = super.callPackage ./path/to/tweakedneomutt.nix {}; }` in ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/myneomutt.nix
<toogley> and a path cannot be hashed with sha256sum
<rycee> toogley: The neomutt package uses fetchFromGitHub so the hash will differ from a plain tarball.
<toogley> rycee: is there some advantages over the solution suggested by infinisil ?
<toogley> how do i get the hash fetchFromGithub uses?
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<rycee> toogley: Overlays are handy when you don't want to edit inside a Nixpkgs clone.
<rycee> toogley: The hash it expects is printed in the error message: 0pwc5zdxc9h23658dfkzndfj1ld3ijyvcxmsiv793y3i4dig0s3n.
<toogley> :D oh, right
<toogley> (and i also found nix-prefetch-url --unpack )
<rycee> Yeah, the nix-prefetch-* scripts are also quite useful.
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<Dezgeg> not really, I'd consider them harmful
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<infinisil> Dezgeg: You mean because it uses the hash of the unpacked content which is usually not the one the distributors put on their website?
<viric> Dezgeg: have you ever used yocto linux?
<Dezgeg> viric: no
<Dezgeg> infinisil: copying the hash from the error message is 100% foolproof, with nix-prefetch-* you can end up with dozens of cases where it appears to work but you silently got a wrong hash instead
<viric> Dezgeg: it'd be nice if nixpkgs allowed something like what yocto allows
<Dezgeg> what does it allow?
<viric> cross-building, prepare a full OS image
<viric> that may be very small in size
<infinisil> Dezgeg: Oh didn't know thatt
<Dezgeg> maybe one day
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<viric> It also creates packages for that OS (rpm, deb, opkg, whatever you want) so you can later install binaries over that image
<viric> there is a big overlap with nixpkgs
<viric> they don't target desktop os, though
<Dezgeg> I do have used buildroot touch, much simpler to understand than yocto (I believe)
<viric> yocto has nix-like things in the build system
<viric> but recipes are a hell to write
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<viric> similar to gentoo/arch
<viric> all goes through overwrite of env vars
<viric> or addition to arrays
<viric> so you kind of run them all and the vars have the proper final values
<Dezgeg> buildroot is all just makefiles, the recipes are just a bunch of make variables; quite horrible (and almost no dependency management at all) but they keep the recipes very simple
<viric> yocto luckily has support for many boards
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<viric> often provided by vendors
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<phdoerfler> oops
<phdoerfler> :D
<phdoerfler> It's getting late
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<ma27> when I want to package a python-based application (which has a `requirements.txt`) should I use pypi2nix or the packages from `pythonPackages.*` (the package is supposed to land in nixpkgs soon)
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<infinisil> ma27: Have a look at other python based packages in nixpkgs
<infinisil> ma27: They use buildPythonPackages and the pythonPackages attribute
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<infinisil> (I'm not sure what pypi2nix does)
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<ma27> infinisil: `buildPythonPackage` relies on a `setup.py` internally which is not available in this case
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<ma27> hmm, but it seems as there's actually another tool in nixpkgs which uses pypi2nix for dependency resolution
<infinisil> ma27: buildPythonPackage supports multiple formats
<infinisil> ma27: (and buildPythonApplication is pretty much just buildPythonPackage)
<infinisil> I'm not familiar with python packages, but something ought to be the thing you're looking for in there
<infinisil> ma27: I'm pretty sure just using buildPythonApplication should work though
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<ma27> infinisil: ah, didn't know about `buildPythonApplication`, will try this out, thanks!
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<ma27> IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'setup.py'
<ma27> however, I might be missing something and I'll have a deeper look into the pythonpkgs internals now %)
<fikovnik> hi, a newbie question, but how can I log into the vm built by nixos-rebuilt? I have a user defined in users.users with hashedPassowrd, but that does not seem to work.
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<infinisil> fikovnik: There is this section: https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/index.html#sec-running-nixos-tests
<clever> fikovnik: try using initialPassword, and delete the temporary .qcow2 file it made
<infinisil> fikovnik: Oh wait, that link is for nixos test vms, never mind
<fikovnik> infinisil: :)
<fikovnik> clever: thanks, I will try deleting the .qcow2 file - I already tried the initialPassword (and password) and nothing worked so far
<fikovnik> I can connect by ssh via authorized_keys, but then I cannot change the password
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<benley> any of y'all have a grasp of how dbus user sessions are supposed to work? I'm trying to figure out why I end up with DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS set to something completely different in my x11 session versus what's in `systemd --user show-environment`
<clever> fikovnik: initialPassword only has an effect the first time it boots
<clever> fikovnik: then the /etc/passwd is setup and it ceases to do anything
<clever> but if you delete the .qcow2 file, it will be a fresh boot
<fikovnik> ok
<benley> I tried toggling services.xserver.updateDbusEnvironment to true, and that got the systemd environment matching what my shell sees for a minute after login, but then somehow the systemd environment got reset to the per-user value instead of the per-session one
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<rycee> benley: User dbus sessions are a bit screwy in NixOS: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/17943#issuecomment-341860410
<fikovnik> clever: where exactly should the file be?
<rycee> benley: I haven't seen the problem you describe before, though.
<benley> hmmmm
<clever> fikovnik: the build-vm will drop it in the current directory
<clever> fikovnik: and the name will start with the hostname
<benley> rycee: thanks for the issue link - what a confusing mess
<rycee> benley: For me the two are equal inside and outside the systemd environment: `systemctl --user show-environment | grep $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS` gives `DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-DXlgGBjq0f,guid=1038805ae2f755126d7963225a2275b7`
<benley> mine gives me DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus
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<infinisil> For me it's the same as benley
<rycee> benley: Yeah, it's a bit unfortunate. I really want to be able to use `--wait` but can't until it's fixed in NixOS. And I haven't had time to champion the change.
<fikovnik> clever: amazing! it works!
<benley> if you have `services.xserver.updateDbusEnvironment = false` in your config, the /run/user/1000/bus path is what you'll get in systemd I'm pretty sure
<infinisil> rycee: Is that the reason for the sleep 0.5 ... loop in HM?
<benley> but if you set that to true, it looks like systemd _should_ get the abstract=... one that matches the x session
<benley> but ... that somehow still isn't working right for me
<rycee> infinisil: Yes, and also why the window manager itself is not running as a systemd unit.
<rycee> benley: Do you use socket activated dbus?
<benley> oh hm. *should* the window manager be run as a systemd unit?
<benley> rycee: I don't think so, unless that has become the default.
<infinisil> I think theres' more problem with WM on systemd than that
<benley> I can try it and see what breaks
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<infinisil> i wanted to get xkeybind running with systemd, but after hours of frustration i ended giving up
<infinisil> #linux said it can't work
<benley> heh. My issue is with dunst, which is supposed to get started via dbus activation
<infinisil> because it needs X and X doesn't like systemd or something
<rycee> benley: I think the `updateDbusEnvironment` option causes the wrong DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS to be set.
<benley> the x session itself gets a new environment if services.xserver.startDbusSession is true (which is the default)
<benley> and in the xsession script it sure does look like the systemctl environment should get updated to reflect that, when it runs systemctl --user import environment DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS
<rycee> Yeah, it should start dbus with dbus-launch. That should also set the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS variable.
<benley> but that doesn't actually seem to stick
<rycee> benley: Odd, it stays as /run/user/1000/bus in systemd?
<benley> I'm doublechecking that, one sec
<rycee> benley: In any case, dbus activation should work since it happens outside systemd. Did you install dunst in your user profile?
<benley> oh interesting, it _does_ get updated to the dbus-launch value
<rycee> benley: Cool.
<benley> dunst is in the system profile, and I added it to services.dbus.packages as well as systemd.packages
<benley> okay ... I just ran `systemctl --user start dunst.service`, and dunst started up ... and also the systemd environment got reset to DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus at that time.
<benley> which is really strange
<rycee> Yeah, you don't want to use systemd to run dunst.
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<benley> (and dunst was launched with the "bad" bus address)
<benley> perhaps I should just start dunst in .xprofile and move on
<rycee> Try `mkdir -p ~/.local/share/dbus-1/services && ln -s /run/current-system/sw/share/dbus-1/services/org.knopwob.dunst.service ~/.local/share/dbus-1/services`
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<rycee> (assuming org.knopwob.dunst.service is where I think it is)
<benley> I'm really confused by the systemd environment changing when I ran systemctl start; that is surprising
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vbY9f
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 58307d1 Tuomas Tynkkynen: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/staging' into master
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<benley> whoa - after adding that symlink, dbus managed to launch dunst.
<rycee> benley: From what I know systemd _always_ uses `/run/user/$USER/bus` so I'm not terribly surprised that it finds the value we inject offensive and overwrites it ;-)
<rycee> I get the same when I run dunst manually: DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus
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<rycee> Which is why the user systemd knows nothing about the user dbus, and vice-versa
<benley> hrm, I guess that makes sense
<benley> is it unusual to run a user dbus that's separate from the one started by systemd?
<benley> also, why did adding a symlink in ~/.local/share/dbus-1/services make dbus activation start working?
<rycee> From what I've been able to tell from reading mailing lists and such the only supported way to run dbus is though socket activation.
<rycee> I absolutely would like a socket activated dbus by default in NixOS 18.03.
<benley> That sounds like a good goal
<rycee> The .local path is simply a path that the session dbus looks at by default.
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<rycee> Unfortunately socket activated dbus in NixOS at the moment works even worse than the current way to run it :-D
<benley> right - I just thought dbus would already find the dbus service because it's in a location listed in <servicedir> in /etc/dbus-1/session.conf
<benley> or does that not get used for the dbua-launch instance started by xsession?
<rycee> But socket activation can be made to work pretty easily as I describe in the comment I linked above.
<rycee> benley: Yeah, why that didn't work is beyond me :-)
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* benley tries out services.dbus.socketActivated = true