Do any of the Minecrafers here know how to speed up launch time when using a modpack?
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boomshroom: depending on the modpack you may need to increase the RAM allocated to the JVM; eg. the default setting for the kitchen-sink FTB packs is way too low and leads to the launcher spinning its wheels endlessly garbage-collecting uncollectable stuff
boomshroom: you can also run jvisualvm from the oraclejdk to debug the java process
boomshroom: it works even on the non-oracle jvm
boomshroom: beyond that, there's not much you can optimize that I know of (without actually modifying the modpack or its contents in some way) aside from some minor speed gains by loading from an SSD instead of a HDD
most of my time is spent in the cpu anyways
and i think its heavily single threaded
yeah, most of MC initialization is just bursting a single CPU thread
so short of getting an obscenely expensive CPU there's not much to improve there
or fixing the initialization code in every mod
the SSD will only help with the I/O-heavy phases; the process isn't perfectly parallelized so there are some parts of the loading process where it'll bottleneck on I/O instead of CPU and vice versa
but the bulk is still CPU-bound
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I'm still amazed at how long eg. FTB packs take to initialize
there's really no excuse for needing 5 minutes for such a relatively limited amount of content
sure, it's a lot of content, but not 5-minutes-a-lot
i remember it being more like 10mins
varies by system, it's about 5 for me
the fml logs may say which mod is to blame
for whatever is the canonical FTB kitchensink pack at the time :P
joepie91: do you see a loading-log.log file?
clever: I *suspect* that it's some sort of exponential lookup thing caused by mod 1 interacting with mod 2 which leads to mod 2 interacting with mods 3 and 4 etc.
plus crappy autoupdater code
clever: not sure what you're referring to with that, but I've never seen anything particularly weird in the FTB launch log other than lots of mod interactions
joepie91: try this cmd, find $HOME -name loading-log.log
clever: isn't that in ~/.ftblauncher?
because I don't seem to have any logs there
and my $HOME is pretty big :)
yeah, you can limit the search to there if your using ftb
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nothing found with that name
mine was in ~/.MCUpdater/instances
your forge might be too old to make it
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what version of MC?
not a clue, haven't played MC for a while
whatever the FTB kitchensink packs use
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they are split between the modern mc and the old 1.7 stuff
I think I've played newer as well
but not certain
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tconstruct: 722ms
my log file says things like this
oh, it times mod loads?
integrateddynamics: 3251ms
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perhaps I've only played older then, no idea
anyway, brb
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with what command can I fetch a store path from a binary cache?
nix-store -r /nix/store/foo
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nh2: i aslo need to test our your nginx nixos cache when i get home, ive got gigabit inside the lan so it should help with the latency of common things
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clever: I've just updated the gist, to contain some improved caching settings for cloudflare. Before I made it cache 404s which isn't good
ah, i see a diff
clever: so far it brought a 2x speedup for my nixos stuff vs cache.nixos.org
so I'm very happy, thanks for your initial gist
nh2: i also noticed you use, but i recently had issues with claiming some servers i use dont exist
i just run my own recursive cache
nh2: you put it behind cf? :D
clever: yes, you can put everything there, IIRC the only reason I put it was that one needs to set it to _some_ IP that's a nameserver, so I just picked that
gchristensen: yes, it's pretty fast
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clever, gchristensen: if you also want to try this with CloudFlare, you need to set their settings to "Cache Everything" (in contrast to expectations, this doesn't force caching, it still respects upstream caching headers; the "cache everything" just says "cache all file types", including the nar stuff)
i would expect cloudflare caching and ec2 stuff to not be that much better then cache.nixos.org, other then it being an isolated instance
and maybe being in your region
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but i do have ~5 nixos machines at home, and a local cache to share between them would help
clever: I would also not expect it but in my measurements from earlier today it showed that cache.nixos.org Cloufront performs very badly even when accessed from AWS Frankfurt
for me it's almost always a crawling slow few-MB/s-at-max
almost sounds like cloudfront needs more work?, do we know anything about the internals behind how it works?
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clever: only thing I know is that even when I curl the same .nar.xz from CloudFront from the same machine multiple times in a row, it will cache-miss every now and then
CloudFlare is much more predictable in that regard, if you hit the cache once from one location, you can be pretty sure it'll always hit the cache from that location for the next couple hours (have never observed it otherwise so far)
clever: I'm currently trying to add an extra feature to this config so that I can put my own built packages (generated with `nix-push`) into /var/public-nix-cache (thus my question about force-fetching a path), but somehow it doesn't work yet
another thought, is to write a custom client that will recursively browse the narinfo tree and fetch every nar via the cache
clever: the setup for that is already in the gist but it doesn't seem to work. Fetching the file with curl certainly does, but not with `nix-store -r`. I wonder if I have to do something special with that beyond putting the output of `nix-push` into that directory?
but just throw out the bytes as it goes
i think nginx has an index of what it has downloaded
and nix-push will re-sign things, so the narinfo will be wrong
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clever: also, I generated it with `nix-push --none`, is that a problem (not xz-compressed, because that took too long to try it this evening)
clever: what will nix-push sign it with if I run it from my desktop?
you have to pass it a key with --key-file
and if you dont, the narinfo files just wont be signed
nix-daemon may ignore them entirely
checking the http access logs can reveal what its doing
clever: hmm, OK. I guess I should first enable access logs so I can see if if it's even trying
and since you also have nginx acting as a mitm for cache.nixos.org, you can see it trying again on another cache
clever: is there any reason I need to be trusted to seed torrents for the binary cache?
also, when i check the A records for cache.nixos.org, i can see 8 ipv4 addresses behind the domain
/ generate the .torrents ?
gchristensen: as long as you serve the original .narinfo files from cache.nixos.org, the signatures stay intact, but you would need to host the unpacked torrent on http, and set that as a binary cache
i dont think nix can read narinfo+nar files from a local dir
gchristensen: wait, nix can already fetch stuff via torrents?
no it can't, nh2
ah that'd be cool
gchristensen: did you catch what I said earlier about why the database wouldn't matter for this PHP issue on ttrss?
hodapp: I did, but I'm not sure what to say :9
gchristensen: me neither, but I'm hoping someone who knows more about nginx configuration can weigh in or at least reproduce the issue\
hodapp: did you ever try it with display_errors = on in the php.ini?
clever: I don't think I tried that. At a certain point, I just gave up trying to diagnose anything, and instead just wanted to see if as vanilla of a configuration as possible reproduced the issue
hodapp: if you read the php-fpm command from the systemd unit, youll find the current php.ini path
clever: is there some standard way to enable access_log for nixos nginx?
copy it somewhere, change display_errors, and then manualy run php-fpm with the right end, and the new php.ini path
clever: out of curiosity, if you check out the configuration in that issue I filed, do you get the same problem?
nh2: dont see one, youll need to use one of the many extraConfig options to insert it at the right place
thanks. please make me feel stupid by finding the one obvious thing I ignored.
clever: a major problem with bittorrent is distribution of the .torrents. heh.
magnet links!
my friend says it worked for a site called pirate bay, where I guess he buys all his movies and stuff
clever: `nix-store -r /nix/store/abcabc...-cudatoolkit-8.0.44` doesn't hit the access_log at all, no idea why not
nh2: what is the contents of nix.conf on that machine?
then you have to distribute the magnet links, hodapp
they're tine
so are the narinfo files
whether or not that is a problem depends if your goal was to eliminate the central cache or not
clever: ah, I ran this from the nginx server machine, which hasn't actually got itself as binary-caches entry, will fix that
hmm. maybe I should just use a Python-based RSS client so that I have a much better chance of it actually working, and of being able to hack it
as much as folks swear by ttrss
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hodapp: i can confirm the same problem in a vm when i use the config from the gist
I think there are cool ways to experiment with alternatives to the binary cache by making an http prooxy
hodapp: now i can just debug it locally
* hodapp
throws a dart at the wall
let's use... IPFS
nh2: you need to generate a keypair (nix-store man page), then use --key-file on nix-push so it can sign things
nh2: and ensure the public half is in the nix.conf file
sure, go make an http proxy and get playing :)
nh2: and it currently has a bug, where it doesnt save the signatures from cache.nixos.org, so anything you get from nixos, is re-signed by your key
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nah, I didn't want to actually do the work, I just wanted to pretend I had a clue
the IPFS paper has been on my to-read list for embarrassingly long now
simpson doesn't like it
why not?
ipfs is mainly a hash(value) = value database
so you need to know the hash of the content to ask for me
for it*
and the binary cache stuff isnt based on the hash of the content
its more of a hash(source) = compiled_binary database
and your "lookup" function is gcc
so in short: IPFS is hash(output)=output, Nix is hash(input)=output
and the narinfo files act as a map between things
and the naming of the nar file depends on the server
for example, hydra uses a narpath that is identical to the storepath, without even a .nar at the end
also I heard that IPFS is not particularly competent
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so when it gets the nar request, it knows exactly what path to pack up on-demand
catern: competent as far as what?
catern: another limitation of IPFS, is that you only store the things you asked the network for
catern: so if nobody asks for a given object, it just doesnt get mirrored, and it dies off
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and related, the object must remain in the ipfs storage dir, in blocked form (not usable by nix) to share with others
so you need 2 copies of everything you install (one in /nix/store, one in the ipfs store)
hodapp: eh I dunno
that just encourages people to delete it from the ipfs store, and then nobody benefits from it
its the same as serving .zip files in a torrent
it took me a full 7 months to realize that I can work around lack of left recursion support in a PEG parser, by always recursing on the right side
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now i have to unpack it to use the content, and then i just delete the zip
Nix is kind of fundamentally different from CA storage, right?
CA (content addressed) storage is, y'know, content addressed
catern: CA storage?
ah, yeah
well, yes and no
the Nix store is a cache for a *function*
you could consider the binary cache to be content-addressed
in a way
that is, you request the hash of the build configuration from the binary cache to get a build
yeah, sorta
yes, that's fundamentally different from CAS
catern, joepie91: see above, IPFS is hash(output)=output, Nix is hash(input)=output
they both use hashes of course :)
nh2: right
that seems like a needlessly strict definition of "content-addressed" :P
and the output is generated via output=f(input)
and f isnt always going to give the same out for the same in
clever: OK, so that narinfo files are mutable (given that I just added a signature), we should probably reflect that fact in the nginx config by not caching those forever
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nh2: at least on cache.nixos.org, the files are immutable, but when you take different cache providers into account, they may each have different narinfo contents
CAS is this function: hash(x) -> x; Nix is this function: x -> y, and an associated cache which is cheaper to perform looks up in, which is hash(x) -> y
nh2: something ive been thinking of, is a custom daemon, that can query several binary caches, then cache them all in one spot, and serve them up
it's like memoization, basically
nh2: and will be configured to prefer a cache.nixos.org signature, when one exists
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clever: that would be useful; this CloudFlare thing is already doing wonders for me but the eventual even better solution would be a machine in the same datacenter that has it all on the disk
nh2: it may also help to mix the 2, use a slower daemon with a full cache of everything, then a nginx over that, that can quickly serve recently used data
then you can take advantage of the optimization ngingx has already had
clever: `nix-store -r` works now against the cache, thanks!
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clever: yes, I've found that a couple things 404 on github that shouldn't. Recently also on a "History" page of a file, clicked the "<>" to show the file contents, got 404
clever: I guess I'll add that gist to the GitHub issue
clever: though in this case it might not be github's fault
ok so this isn't nixos per se but i installed nixpkgs on alpine and it's having trouble running binaries that need glibc. how can i get nix-env or whatever to set the right environment cruft so that it uses nix's ld-linux.so and libc.so
nh2: could be another force push, ive been having problems with those lately
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_habnabit: are you using nix-shell?
clever, i could, if that would help
clever, i wasn't at the moment
nearly everything compiling related breaks if not used in nix-shell
clever, ok. so how do i start nix-shell?
and installing the compiler/libs wont help, and sometimes makes it harder to see the problem
nix-shell -p gcc libfoo libbar
that will give you a shell that can compile things using libfoo and libbar
ah ok
$ ldd rustup-init => /nix/store/7n45x3waczv1smsdkax2dy4j2zhbfk82-glibc-2.25-bin/bin/ldd: eval: line 1: ./rustup-init: not found
.. huh
_habnabit: try with patcheld --print-interpreter
clever, at last! ldd is giving output!
the only + there is string concat, and - is missing entirely
and now i can see i'm also missing libz
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_habnabit: lol, zlib is in my example
clever, so i'm looking at this code, but i'm not really sure what to do with it
_habnabit: if you run nix-build on this file, you will get a result symlink pointing to a bash script
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clever, ah ok
that bash script can be ran on an ELF file to patch it
clever, got it
and as long as you keep that result symlink, nixos wont delete the libraries
so the rustup binary will keep working
is there something like https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html but shows the contents of files? i'm not sure if something other than the 'zlib' package has libz.so.1
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well, and command-not-found for executables, I don't think that includes libraries
i have used nix-index, and it works well when you know the path
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is `nix-env -i zlib` in nix-shell supposed to do whatever magic is required to make libz.so.1 dynamically loadable?
installing libraries with nix-env will never make them work
you must edit the rpath with patchelf, to point to zlib
the gist i linked can do that
ah ok
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"Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement celery-with-mongodb (from leselys==0.2.6) (from versions: )" I am kinda not sure what that means...
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clever, haha, nice.. another executable already has an rpath set, and --set-rpath clobbers it :c
there is a --print-rpath
this is getting complicated
i haven't even gotten rustc running yet and i'm not sure if it'll produce correct output
its usualy simpler to use the rust thats already packaged into nixpkgs
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i need rust nightly, unfortunately
i think thats in the mozilla overlay
where's this?
2017-06-26 21:45:59< Infinisil> You can however clone the nixpkgs-mozilla repo, then link to it with nixpkgs.overlays = [ (import path/to/mozilla/overlay/rust-overlay.nix) ];
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but thats for configuration.nix
i'm not sure what that means
for normal nixpkgs, its in ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays i think
lookup the nixpkgs overlays int he docs
clever: do you know if there is any *complete* reference of operators in Nix? I've assembled a list of all the operators and bits of syntax I could find in the parser source, but I haven't figured out how to determine the precedence
joepie91: there are also some edge cases, like set.a-b or set."a.b"
clever: the former evaluates to set."a-b" if I'm not mistaken, I'm not sure what the edgecase for the latter is
clever: can you elaborate on that last one?
its an attribute names a.b
which will give fun error messages, because set.a.b doesnt exist
clever: is it possible to define an attribute (ie. not attribute path) "a.b" on a set?
which would make set."a.b" a valid lookup
yeah, { "a.b" = value; }
then I'm not sure what's the edgecase, unless you mean it in the sense of: set.a.b != set."a.b"
its just an unusual thing that not many will expect
(which seems obvious to me, but may not be to others? idk)
and the errors say set.a.b
so you dont notice that the . isnt part of the path
okay, I get what you mean now
clever: I'm a bit biased because writing parsers for invented and/or existing formats is pretty much a saturday evening hobby project for me, so I don't even notice some of the typical language design quirks
I just kind of assume them to exist
clever: anyhow, currently trying to implement a Nix parser, using a PEG generator
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Hi. I have 2 jobs in hydra. One is a 'buildPythonApplication' which appears in the channel. The other is a dockerTools.buildImage (a runCommand derivation) which doesn't appear in the generated channel. How hydra decides packages to include in the channel, and how could I add the dockerImage also?
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[nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vQEaM
[nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vQEom
nixpkgs/master bf9e5d2 Ioannis Koutras: kdiff3: add dependency to kcrash
nixpkgs/master 680298e Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #27039 from jokogr/f/kdiff3-kcrash...
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[nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vQEK7
nixpkgs/master 8f5cf68 Frederik Rietdijk: ktorrent: fix build
nixpkgs/master 43ca911 Frederik Rietdijk: kdevplatform: fix build
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[nixpkgs] FRidh opened pull request #27079: virtualenvwrapper: only add Python to $PATH, fixes #26982 (master...virtualenvwrapper) https://git.io/vQE6r
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I tried doing `nix-env -i terraform` to see whether it has it and judging by strace, it's now crawling /nix/store now — why?
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I think what you're seeing is that it's evaluating all of nixpkgs
Why does it need to?
nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA terraform is a lot faster because it uses the attribute
gchristensen: ktorrent and kdeveleop issues seem to have been fixed now :) at least on nixos the handling of bug reports won't take years without any feedback
LnL, There's so much more I need to understand.
* ij
-i searches by name, so it needs to look at the name of each package to find it
while using an attribute is like a regular dict lookup
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[nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vQEPG
[nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vQuI6
nixpkgs/staging bb3c8a1 David McFarland: lib: Include darwin in isUnix
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No ideas about snat?
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blargh, sometimes I have no idea what these Python packages are doing when they try to install
just used fetchPypi on one and the result was completely missing several modules
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so I did 'python setup.py build' from a nix-shell with the source, and the resultant script is trying to run completely a Python wrapper completely without the correct environment
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I need to convert an SHA512 hash in base64 notation
to nix's notation
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sha512 = "..." can take the standard notation
oh does it also understand base64?
hmm not sure, try it :)
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no, base16 and base32
yup does not work: error: hash ‘m+qzzcn7KUxEmd1gMbchF+Y2eIUbieUaxkWtptyHywrX0rE8QEYqPC07Vuy4Wm32/xE16NcdBctb8S0Xe/5IeQ==’ has wrong length for hash type ‘sha512’
so I need to convert it to nix's base32 notation
but I guess I have to implement such an encoder myself
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hmm or print the hash base16
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not sure if that's a good idea for SHA512 hashes
__Sander__: Silly question, why don't you just use the hash that nix will print for you once it determines that your bogus hash is wrong? (if you get the length right)
srhb: my use case is a generator
I want to take the registry's sha512 hashes
but they use base64 notation
make nix support that :)
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ikwildrpepper: that could be a nice addition
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is there a simple interface to make-disk-image.nix
hello, I'm trying to set up an encrypted partition/boot partition. I've followed https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/index.html#sec-luks-file-systems, but get "error: will not proceed with blocklists" and "installation on /dev/mapper/c" failed when I try to `nixos-install`. Any suggestions?
all I want for now is to just test whether my somewhat bespoke Nix setup is functioning enough to build a NixOS disk image
any NixOS disk image at all
so I don't want to have to make up values for the parameters
catern: what if you did nixos-rebuild build-vm?
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gchristensen: I'm not on a NixOS setup, I have Nix on Debian :)
so I did successfully build a NixOS disk image
(the installler CD, as instructed by the NixOS manual)
build-vm can also be done with nix-build
clever: indeed I used nix-build
nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -I nixos-config=./configuration.nix -A vm
now I want to build, say, a minimal disk image that just runs in QEMU
there are lots of various configurations in nixpkgs, is there one that satisfies that?
which is just: cd nixpkgs/nixos; nix-build -A config.system.build.isoImage -I nixos-config=modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-minimal.nix default.nix
that is easy for a mere babe in arms like me
but i'm not sure exactly... how to do that?
oh wait
you can also add any of these modules to the imports section of a custom one
and then aim nixos-config at that
which is exactly how configuration.nix works
okay but, then I want to do the system.build.novaImage action
use -A
the example you pasted already has that
sure, so when I do "nix-build nova-image.nix -A system.build.novaImage -I ..." it says it can't autocall a function without default params
which is what I would expect
heh building with base16 notation works
but still
you must put nova-image into the nixos-config, and build nixpkgs/nixos/default.nix
not build nova-image.nix directly
it sounds ... long, __Sander__ :)
sha512 hashes in base16 are looong
clever: ohhhh :) thank you!
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I see now (well, I guess :) )
catern: the default.nix under nixos will merge all of the core modules and the <nixos-config> module together, to create a single config attrset
catern: and the modules are able to set eachothers options and inter-connect
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huh, neat
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hey, how would I go if I wanted to import an expression from github in the imports field of my NixOS configuration.nix? "<https://url/file.nix>" doesn't seem to work that way
ldesgoui: need to call fetchurl on it first
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I think what I actually want to do is load the repo like a channel and use that from there, because the file I'm using does local imports and fetchurl will definitely not work
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fetchtarball would unpack it after fetching
then it would need the .zip or .tar url from github
Hi guys! I'm here to ask one simple question: How can I determine an absolute path to a file with known relative location to the *nix file itself within a nix-shell file? More precisely, I need to add a CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH and I know the path relative to the *.nix file...
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schmits: add an attribute to the derivation, CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH = "-I${./include}";
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but keep in mind, it will import a copy of the include dir when nix-shell is ran
and it will be an immutable snapshot of the headers
Thank you clever, this seems to work! I don't know what I am exactly doing there but I guess this is something I could imagine if I only knew functional langs like haskell?
i learned nix before learning haskell
:-) a dumb question then, is there a nix language documentation around here somewhere?
Hmm, this approach does not seem to work for LD_LIBRARY_PATH! Why is that?
nixpkgs may already be doing things with that var
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is there a way to workaround this? How can I tell my build system to append a bunch of long /nix/store paths to to search paths. (Without hardcorded /nix/store paths in the build system)
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schmits: refer to the derivations, like LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${hello}/lib
oh sorry maybe I didn't express myself well but this is what I am doing but it doesn't work :(
what error does it give, how does it not work?
clever: bummer, something stopped working. For some reason `nix-store -r` suddenly started preferring cache.nixos.org again, instead of my binary cache URL. Both are in `binary-caches`. strace shows that it reads nix.conf with those in `binary-caches`, but it chooses cache.nixos.org for some reason even though it is second in the list
and strace shows that it doesn't even try to connect to mine
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okay, sanity check. my compiled list of operators (https://gist.github.com/joepie91/c3c047f3406aea9ec65eebce2ffd449d) says that the precedence of the boolean negation operator is *lower* than that of numeric operations like addition; this would mean that `!1-1` would be interpreted as `!(1-1)`, not as `(!1)-1`
did I get my documentation wrong, or is this really how things are supposed to work in Nix?
well that was poorly and confusingly phrased
s/predence is lower/binding is weaker/
precedence *
clever: ping
(I am aware that `!1-1` is not valid code, which is why I can't figure it out through the REPL - I'm just wondering how it's interpreted by the parser)
Damnit did all my messages not come through?
joepie91: Well anyways, this works: `2*-2` evaluates to -4
Infinisil: yeah, but that's numeric negation, not boolean negation
it has a difference precedence
Infinisil: and no, I saw no messages at all from you :p
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Infinisil: if you look at https://gist.github.com/joepie91/c3c047f3406aea9ec65eebce2ffd449d you'll see that numeric negation is at precedence 3, so a stronger binding than multiplication (at precedence 6), but a *boolean* negation has precedence 8 (ie. weaker binding than multiplication)
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I'm not sure if this has something to do with it being inherently impossible to combine boolean and numeric operators in a single sequence, but this precedence seems difficult to implement
and I'm not totally convinced that I can wing it :P
(by ignoring the precedence)
gchristensen: pong
Ah I see now
Infinisil: the official manual is unfortunately of no help here, since it does not document numeric operators *at all* :)
joepie91: Yeah this doesn't apply when the expression isn't even valid, there's nothing to parsed correctly
clever: a while ago during that kernel bug w.r.t. that obscure protocol, you had a magical way of super-duper forcing a module from loading. do you remember what that was?
Infinisil: problem is that type checking is a separate concern from AST parsing
gchristensen: ah yeah, one min
Infinisil: so even if the end result after evaluation would be the same, ignoring the precedence of boolean negation relative to numeric operators would yield a different AST than the reference implementation would
gchristensen: this will run false any time the user wants to load dccp
yeah, perfect :D
clever: I suspect it's something with cache priorities, cache.nixos.org has 40, my cache has 50 apparently. Do you know what those priorities are?
gchristensen: this is also how the fuse root exploit works
gchristensen: fusermount is setuid root, and if it cant find fuse in /proc/filesystems, it will just system("modprobe fuse")
joepie91: The reference implementation? There is no result of an invalid expression
gchristensen: but modprobe can load its config via an env variable
globin: is there an equivalent of 'nix edit' in stable? I'd just like to view the defn of a package's derivation. Right now I go to github nixpkgs, which works, but I'd much rather be able to view it offline and re what's actually running on my machine.
gchristensen: and if you mess with ulimit some, fusermount can fail to even open /proc/filesystems
noffle: local checkout of nixpkgs and grep >_>
Infinisil: there's no *evaluation* result, correct. doesn't mean that there's no AST representation
noffle: nope but you can always do nix-shell -p nixUnstable
joepie91: You said something about the reference implementaiton being different
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nh2: ah, so you may want to adjust that, if you want to take over for bandwidth/latency reasons
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joepie91: I assume you mean the implementation of nix?
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Infinisil: what I'm saying is that (!1)-1 is the logical interpretation I'd expect, and that's how it works in other languages... but the parser code for Nix suggests that Nix would interpret it as !(1-1) instead, which is difficult to implement in my current model
Infinisil: so I'm trying to verify whether I'm correct that Nix would interpret it as !(1-1)
if so: I have a problem :P
joepie91: Well, just look through the source code
because then my parser would also have to interpret it as !(1-1)
Infinisil: yes, that's how I've put together that operator table in the first place
clever: the reason it started working: Before I populated /var/public-nix-cache, there was no nix-cache-info in it, so it fetched it from upstream, and thus my cache URL also had priority 40 (simply copying what cache.nixos.org had). But once I rsync'd my `nix-push` output over, it suddenly didn't pull that nix-cache-info file from upstream, thus obtaining priority 50. That's why it stopped working in the middle of the night, when CloudFlare inv
I am explicitly looking for third-party confirmation that I understand the behaviour of the parser correctly
clever: I mean "the reason it stopped working"
clever: #TIL
nh2: ahhh
sphalerite: also, <foo> will desugar into builtins.findFile at parse time
joepie91: Haha, well if you got it from the source then it must be right, you could try modifying nix to output the ast so you check though
Infinisil: thanks. that seems to confirm my suspicion :(
Infinisil: didn't know there was a --parse flag
joepie91: Man pages are quite nice if you take the time to read through them :)
Infinisil: they're also totally useless if you're looking for a specific thing :)
Yes :)
(and you don't know where it's going to be, that is)
nh2: my idea with the cachecache project, is that you point it to many caches (you would have to nix-push to a normal http server), and then it would multiplex for you, and manage choosing which cache to get something from
Well, searching through manpages helps sometimes
i cheated a bit with writeText, to make it easyer to read
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clever: I've added now an nginx rule `= /nix-cache-info` so that my cachecache server always delivers that file from upstream
that fixes it
nix-push will only create that file if its missing
so you can always edit it and make it a higher priority
then your cache will take over when there is a conflict
which you may prefer, since you have the same content as cache.nixos.org anyways, but at a higher speed
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clever: I generate nix-push locally and then rsync it to the server, so it will always create the file, and there's no flag to set the priority in nix-push, so I'd have to make a script that edits or deletes the file and make sure that people always use the script instead of nix-push itself, that seems too risky for me, so I make nginx ignore it. Given equal priorityes, nix seems to choose the one that's first in the binary-caches list (probably
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sounds like rsync is the problem area, it needs to not overwrite
but yeah, i can see how just staying at equal priority would work
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Is there a way besides FUSE for a userspace program to provide a "view" of another file (e.g. with a particular offset, or decrypting an encrypted one for instance) in which other programs can seek and write?
Sort of like a FIFO but with operations you have on normal files too, like seeking
if JRE is the answer, then you're asking the wrong question IMHO :)
that sort of thing would be useful for making disk images
e.g. mkdosfs doesn't support an offset parameter like mke2fs does
Building disk images is generally a pain
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[nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vQuHf
nixpkgs/master 54eeab4 Frederik Rietdijk: Python: fix update script in case no PyPI releases are available for a given version
nixpkgs/master 034c1a2 Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs: several maintenance updates
nixpkgs/master c64d8ea Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.jupyter_client: 5.0.1 -> 5.1.0
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hyper_ch: I suppose it could be done with seccomp/ptrace hackery as well :D
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[nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vQuHW
nixpkgs/release-17.03 72c9ed7 Vladimír Čunát: Merge #26628: treewide: setuid/setgid fallout...
[nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #27095: csmith: init at 2.3.0, pull in Sys::CPU as dependency. (master...feature/csmith) https://git.io/vQubw
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[nixpkgs] gnidorah opened pull request #27096: maxx: init at 1.0.0 (master...maxx) https://git.io/vQubo
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ToxicFrog: if you fix the value of $NIX_REMOTE (copy it from the normal user end to the unit), nix-shell will work again
If I were putting this in configuration.nix, that would be fine, but I'm not.
but its better to generate the unit file from nix
It would be better, and if nixos ever adds the ability to generate per-user systemd.user unit files, that's what I'll do
yeah, that would help
ive only ever used system units with the User= on them
But as it is, I want this to be enabled by default only for a subset of users, which configuration.nix doesn't understand how to do, sooooo...
it would need the script to read the user, and then nop itself
ToxicFrog: rycee's homemanager would probably be a more elegant solution
ToxicFrog: I haven't used systemd user units at all yet but I plan to eventually get home-manager set up and use that for them
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clever: you probably know tricks to get a nixos image smaller... right? :D
currently I'm using just <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/profiles/base.nix> for the config
sphalerite: start by finding the top-level derivation (before it became a .img), and run something like this on it
this lets you cut out locales you dont want
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When did the format change from en_GB.UTF-8 to en_GB.UTF-8/UTF-8?
What does the second UTF-8 mean? :/
no clue
ah well, not really that important I suppose
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Anyway, I've torn through make-disk-image.nix to make it usable for writing UEFI-bootable USB stick images
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(but breaking BIOS boot)
it should be possible to do both
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if you set boot.loader.grub.efiInstallAsRemovable it should work in a usb stick, and if you also set device, it should with via legacy, as long as you have both a bios boot, and a fat32 efi system
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I'm using systemd-boot
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grub supports both
systemd-boot, i havent even seen a limit on how many generations it puts in /boot, and i'm not sure if it even has a rollback menu?
sphalerite: and also with an scp option, i could build a nixos kernel+initrd that has a full rootfs embeded into the initrd
sphalerite: then i could upload that to petitboot, and kexec it instead
which lets me remotely reinstall or repair a nixos
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Just reading about IBM POWER
IBM Power E870 can be configured with up to 80 POWER8 cores and 8 TB of RAM."
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* clever
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clever: i guess this means 8TB isn't Big Data
That sounds like it would be good enough for zfs dedupe :p
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[nixpkgs] knedlsepp opened pull request #27104: gogs: Fix cyclic dependency on darwin (master...fix-gogs-on-darwin) https://git.io/vQzUJ
I seem to have found a solution for the iffy precedence of boolean negation too \o/
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joepie91: hah. iffy because they're booleans. xD
sphalerite: I believe it can be enough ;) I definelly no more try enable ddt with lesser RAM
sphalerite: nah, mostly iffy because it has a totally different precedence from what it'd have in most languages :P
joepie91: so what's this parser for and in?
sphalerite: in JS, using PEG.js, for parsing arbitrary Nix code
goal is to have it produce equivalent ASTs to the reference implementation
eventually my goal is to have better developer tooling for Nix
joepie91: one of my past projects needed an AST for nix files, with the ability to apply arbitrary mutations and then serialzing it back out to nix
joepie91: for example, reading a configuration.nix file (a function returning a set, possible with complex expressions)
joepie91: So why this approach and not emscripten + original nix?
joepie91: and then adding a simple key=value entry to it, overwritting one, or appending
clever: the 'serializing back' already sorta exists in JS, just the parsing doesn't yet :p
sphalerite: because I want a maintainable codebase that I can actually work with in practice and design tools around
emscripten is nice to get black-boxed things to run in a browser, but it doesn't produce maintainable code
fair enough
but why JS? xD
(and there can be significant performance hits)
sphalerite: JS is my default language for things without specialized requirements, because of 1) ease of building maintainable/usable abstractions, 2) size of the existing ecosystem, 3) sane package management, and 4) generally-pleasant-to-work-with-and-simple language
it's the fastest way for me from an idea to a working implementation
(for values of 'working' that go beyond 'it looks like it works')
sane package management? :D
there's a sane package manager for js now?
i mean yes you can use nix
this sounds like bait I'm not going to engage with :)
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it's virtually always the same discussion, yadda yadda leftpad yadda yadda disk space yadda yadda bloat yadda yadda install time etc.
joepie91: oh i guess there's yarn now
joepie91: nah
throw in some poorly understood complaints about semver and automatic updates
and ta-da
"deterministic install order"
dash: congratulations, you're the first person I speak to who, of their own accord, manages to point out the one valid criticism about NPM
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(technical criticism that is)
joepie91: well uh
that having been said, there's a reason I said "package management", not "package manager"
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NPM itself is of very poor quality
joepie91: what is this channel about, affter all
joepie91: I don't know enough to really know much about what other people hate/criticise about npm, if you have an article or something that explains and/or dispels them I'd definitely be interested
but NPM implements the model set out by Node, and the *model* is sane
dash: even in here I've seen a good amount of misdirected comments :P
I need a patched version of pjsip for a package I'm building, what is the recommended way to do this?
My only reason to believe that node's package management isn't sane is "everyone seems to say so", and I know very well that it's not a good reason :)
which, respectively, address a lot of misdirected NPM criticisms, and the concept of small modules and why it's beneficial
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I also need to go to bed!
Gnight all
sphalerite: good call. very few people actually understand how NPM or modular/nested dependencies work, this is especially true amongst people who don't actually use these things
sphalerite: I'd be happy to explain more details if there are particular things you're wondering about :p
joepie91: Why is there only one NPM?
Like, if you *really* wanna talk about technical issues, we can talk about technical issues, but it's not gonna be fun.
simpson: can you rephrase that? there's a few different things called "NPM", the registry, the client, the company
joepie91: All of those things, why is there only one of each?
simpson: that is a question I've been hammering on for a while now, and I'd prefer if there were zero of the company
joepie91: I can understand that preference.
the thing with NPM is that the company does an extremely poor job, the client is terrible from an implementation POV, and the registry is proprietary; however, the concepts it implements are sound and, even with the terrible implementation, still blow virtually every other language package manager out of the water based on purely technical/economic metrics
Can you show us those metrics?
which is why at the same time I get extremely tired of people complaining about things they either don't understand or that aren't a problem, but also very publicly criticize NPM and all its operations
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[nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vQzTQ
nixpkgs/master 7f7b74d Josef Kemetmueller: gogs: Fix cyclic dependency on darwin...
Well, yes, but the people who complain about the right things are usually seen as opinionated cranks.
no disagreement there
For example, I would like us to stop doing JS and the Web entirely.
simpson: and show, no, but I can certainly explain them. most notably, the nested dependency model significantly reduces dependency conflicts (to nearly zero), resulting in adding a dependency being essentially free (ie. there's no per-dependency cost), which in turn results in a lot of smaller dependencies instead of a few big ones, which means different parts of functionality can be independently versioned and maintained, which significantly reduces
the cost of maintenance, audits, replacement, and so on
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simpson: the ecosystem grows around the dependency model, and the fact that it's /really hard/ to cause a conflict has caused a lot of other desirable traits to flourish in the ecosystem (one of those being nearly universal semver adherence)
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the cost is now only in the actual surface of the dependencies you add, not the amount of dependencies itself
semver might be a local maximum. Not sure yet.
(and many small dependencies have a lower total surface than a single big one, since you can more granularly pick the specific bits and pieces you need)
Aside from that, meh. Nix can do all of this and lets you use non-JS additionally.
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Also I'm still not sure whether modules deserve to know their own names.
simpson: why do you think I'm here writing development tools for Nix? :P
joepie91: So that you can escape JS, Kurt-Russell-style?
right now it's not realistic to suggest use of Nix to the average developer, in part due to the state of its documentation
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even for me personally it's still too much hassle to rely on it during development
that doesn't mean I don't recognize the technical benefits; it's just not at a point yet for me where it's a net win
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My solution was to stop worrying about the average developer directly. Instead, I'll build things, and show folks the ideas from my things. They won't *use* my things, but they'll learn my ideas.
besides that, no matter whether you use Nix or not, you're still limited to the package model introduced by a language, and the ecosystem that has grown around that model
which means that even if I were to replace NPM with Nix, it'd still be beneficial for me to write in JS since the ecosystem is generally saner
as a result of the language-native package management being less crap
I still worry that it's solving a problem that didn't need to be solved. Monte doesn't *have* language-native package management; it relies entirely on Nix.
right now, on the metrics that actually matter (development speed, reliability, work required for maintenance, auditability, etc.), JS + NPM score higher than any other language I've looked at
simpson: it doesn't do a very good job of it though
dash: We have like three people writing Monte. We need more people and modules before solutions for managing those modules will become palatable.
joepie91: We'll have to agree to disagree; I don't think that we use the same rubric.
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simpson: well, you didn't specify yours :P
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joepie91: What I'm looking for in a general-purpose language is how much of a *platform* it provides. If we assume that DSLs are good, it follows that the platform language needs to be a good DSL host. Also, there's several properties that are hard to implement in DSLs without also implementing them in the host language, so we want to make sure that the host language is sufficiently restrictive to keep
footguns at arms' length.
I'm only willing to even *consider* JS because of the massive effort put forth by the rest of the object-capability community on making cap-safe JS a thing, with Caja and all the ES5/ES6 work.
simpson: I'm not convinced that DSLs *are* good, as a general rule of thumb... and that seems like a very academic view that doesn't really take into account the practical tradeoffs
But otherwise it's a terrible language for readability and it offers very little in the way of upwards meta while being tied in its runtime to a legacy of rushed decisions.
I'd strongly disagree with "terrible for readability"
joepie91: well, what's readability
You're thinking of the code that you would write. You're not thinking of the code that is *possible* to write.
dash: the ability to efficiently and accurately convey the semantic meaning of the code to the reader
simpson: I *am* thinking of the code that is possible to write; however, I'm looking at the optimistic end, not the pessimistic end
simpson: if your argument is "it's easy to write unreadable code in JS", then sure, I will agree with you there
but that is something very different from "terrible for readability"
because at the same time, it's *also* easy to write *highly readable* code in JS -- it's just entirely dependent on the priorities of the developer
joepie91: Well, that's a pattern in my rubric; I judge languages not just by their idioms and popular styles, but also by how underhanded, obfuscated, hard-to-read, and convoluted they can get.
joepie91: reasonable answer, i'm dismayed how many people want to say readability is about conveying the intent of the code or somesuch
simpson: while that can be *a* metric, you seem to be using it as a critical metric; overlooking the optimistic end -- and the problem with that is that that optimizes your judgment for poor and unmotivated developers
joepie91: I imagine code review as adversarial: One person wants their code in the codebase, and one person wants good code in the database. Thus, there is a moment where a person tries to convince another person that their code, which may not be good, is indeed good.
So, how do you tell if code is good? By reading it. How hard can the code be to read? Depends on the language.
simpson: that is, if you treat the pessimistic end of what is possible as your primary metric, you end up analyzing "what kind of code would be written by an incompetent developer", which isn't a terribly useful metric, as an incompetent developer will produce substandard code *either way*. instead, you'd want to consider what a competent developer *could* write, what the ceiling is for their performance in a given language.
optimizing for mediocrity is just not useful in the end.
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joepie91: So why do you use JS instead of Smalltalk? We should all write APL and Factor, shouldn't we!
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joepie91: More seriously, I'm afraid that I don't see our peers and contemporaries as skilled engineers and craftsmen. I see us all as painters in caves, mixing paints by hand and ignorant of fundamental concepts like point perspective.
simpson: because like I said, I have not run into a language where the tradeoffs work out better [for general purposes] than in JS. I'm always open to learning about one, *if* somebody can provide a solid rationale that doesn't totally ignore half of the metrics (eg. developer productivity, ecosystem health, and so on)
(to be clear: yes, there are cases where JS is totally unsuitable)
we are all in the gutter
but some of us are looking at the stars
linus is looking at the potholes
simpson: right, but that comes back to what I said earlier - it's optimizing for mediocrity. my goal is to not just keep improving my own competence, but also that of others, and to end up with more reliable systems in the end. to that end, it makes sense to invest effort into something that has a high optimistic ceiling of what a competent developer could accomplish, both for my own purposes and that of other people.
simpson: worth noting that I do a lot of work on the 'making people better developers' aspect too, btw - it's not just sitting and hoping
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[nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vQzIr
nixpkgs/master ba757e6 Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.pgocaml: requires OCaml ≥ 4.00
nixpkgs/master 9f9ca26 Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.lwt: requires OCaml ≥ 4.00
nixpkgs/master 91e8a6a Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.csv: 1.4.2 -> 1.5
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I actively work to root out bad practices from the ecosystem, teach people how to write better code, not to cut corners, etc.
joepie91: I understand your position well; I've worked with many folks who have held positions like this. Unfortunately, I have not seen efforts to teach people work half as well as simply *changing the process*.
simpson: I constantly measure the effect :)
In javascript, can't you just write "foo.blah = 1;" for any object named foo, even if it doesn't support a property named blah? I'd prefer to get a runtime or compile-time error.
joepie91: In lines of code? In pages per week?
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I prefer typos to result in an error.
DavidEGrayson: Sure, that's a way to look at it.
So then something like Typescript could probably catch errors like that.
DavidEGrayson: I look at it and think, "Why does `foo` allow callers to alter its attributes like that? That's so rude! Languages shouldn't allow that."
simpson: that's output, not effect. I measure effect by tracking habits in the ecosystem, tracking where my writings spread, how public opinions about things change, what proposals get added for ES, how module usage phases in and out, and so on.
joepie91: Okay. But do you have graphs? I'm an SRE; if you really want to shift my view, you need to show me graphs.
simpson: a considerable part of my time is spent simply on talking to people and reading forum threads and chatlogs and whatnot, to understand how habits are changing.
simpson: nope, nor do I need them
joepie91: I agree that we should be metrics-driven, that we should be empirical, and that we should measure stuff. I think that computer scientists are pretty bad at actually measuring stuff and that we are often too totemic.
simpson: I do want to point out that not all metrics are numeric
joepie91: that only reveals stuff about people who *discuss* programming
or graph-plottable
joepie91: Hm. I guess the other question that comes to mind is why JS and not, say, Elm or ClojureScript
joepie91: But they're at least *comparable* and obey some axioms.
dash: not necessarily. I particularly focus on people who ask questions, *especially* beginners, what answers they get, as well as third-party information about what people talk about in closed social circles
dash: It's the argument by supremum; JS supposedly sits at the best intersection.
dash: I've seen no compelling arguments to use either Elm or ClojureScript
simpson: My best argument against is how they look on your resume
dash: this is a (freelance) developer indicating that they have trouble selling MongoDB to clients, in part because of the article I compiled
that's second-hand information about opinions of non-social-developers
one of many, but most data points are less clear
simpson: you're missing the point here.
simpson: I'm measuring ecosystem impact, not lost reads.
joepie91: I'm not a sociologist.
that article does not provide numbers on ecosystem impact, it provides numbers on lost writes
therefore it measures a totally different thing from what I'm interested in knowing
them being numbers doesn't make it any more relevant
joepie91: What's relevant is that numbers can be *compared*, and what you're trying to pass off as "metrics" aren't necessarily comparable.
simpson: what I do lives on an intersection between technology, sociology, psychology, and pedagogy.
joepie91: It reminds me of https://www.quorumlanguage.com/ , which really is an aggressively mediocre language that caters to lowest-common-demoniator thinking. They measure, and they write papers, but they're failing to climb upward. I think that maybe they're not measuring the right things.
simpson: this is a "perfect or nothing" argument.
Huh? No, it's a question of priorities.
these things are simply not numerically measurable. you can say "well, no numbers is bad, so let's not measure", or you can say "let's try to get as accurate a measurement out of this, even if not numerical, in an attempt to track impact"
joepie91: Let's say two events X and Y happen and impact your community. Which one had more of an impact? How do you tell?
simpson: the question is too vague to answer.
joepie91: Okay. Now, here's the thing. As an SRE, when I get paged, I have metrics: Time taken to respond, SLAs impacted and measured, SRE-hours consumed, revenue impact to the business, etc.
simpson: human behaviour and the spread of concepts, habits and opinions isn't something that's as trivially quantifiable and generalizable as you are demanding, nor is it always clear how to measure things without a very well-defined idea of what you're looking to learn. most of the time, it's an iterative process of trial and error.
sure, but how does that relate to my goal of getting people to write better software?
joepie91: Okay. Can we iterate on JS and maybe produce something better?
joepie91: I can measure things like *which language the erroring service is written in*.
theoretically, yes. in practice, it seems that everybody is too mired in either petty biased language wars or an overly academic view of programming, to actually produce anything that holds up as better in the real world.
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joepie91: How do you feel about the fact that ECMAScript's committee is filled with people who hold my views about languages *but* think that JS can be saved? They've been porting *academic language features* into JS for a few years now.
Maybe "academic" isn't such a curse word!
simpson: I am very unhappy with the recent additions to JS.
joepie91: Excellent! Why?
simpson: some of the features were long missing, but many of the features had absolutely no valid reason to be added, and have resulted in undesirable consequences.
simpson: eg. instead of capitalizing on JS' prototypical object model, class syntax was added, and it has further muddied the waters and confused people on how objects actually work in JS.
Ah, sure. Classes aren't the best.
some of the more recent things, such as async/await and ES modules, also have significant design issues.
and generally solve non-existent problems.
Do you have an opinion on WeakMap?
the problem with the recent additions to JS is that they are often substitutes for better documentation and education.
adding features instead of explanations.
people *already* have an extremely poor understanding of how JS works as it is (and it's not like it's difficult! it's just not documented well)
and the additional features are only making this problem worse.
I will have to investigate it more before I can form a useful opinion on it :)
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joepie91: JS have too many bracec in code (but thanks gods not sigils)
joepie91: Personally I'm disappointed that template strings aren't very extensible.
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simpson: I'm very skeptical about how complex they already are. I haven't really seen a valid rationale yet for having tagged template literals, for example.
one of the big benefits of JS as a language, was that it was a very /small/ language, in the sense of having a relatively small amount of syntactic constructs that were largely generic in nature
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some mishaps (like constructors) aside, generally speaking things were only implemented in the language itself if it was impractical to not do so
the recent additions have *significantly* increased the learning curve of the language, and this is causing people to (over)use language constructs where generic abstractions would have been more appropriate
joepie91: In E, the tags are used to implement DSLs. We've practically shown in Monte that you can have DSLs for parsers, tree transformers, Monte itself, HTML, and more.
simpson: right, and I still feel that it's not a desirable thing to have that feature in a general-purpose language.
joepie91: Also in E and Monte, template strings can be used as *patterns*, which perhaps motivates the flexibility more.
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it significantly increases learning curve, also on a per-project basis, because every project will essentially be written in its own language.
joepie91: Well, yeah. That's the way that projects *already are*; they have dialects. Monte aims to have *standard syntax* for dialects and DSLs.
And then, eventually, *tooling* that can understand the DSLs.
simpson: anyhow, I should get back to my project before I discuss my entire remaining weekend away :P
I definitely want to finish my Nix parser tonight
joepie91: Are any of these well-written: Angular, Backbone, Dojo, Ember, GWT, jQuery, MooTools, React, SproutCore, Vue? I hear that these are all big mature projects with opinionated libraries that require non-standard idioms.
IOW they have dialects.
simpson: many of them are extremely poorly designed, some as a consequence of the time during which they were designed and the available environment support at the time -- not all, however.
simpson: that having been said, I'm very skeptical of the DSLs introduced by the non-poorly-designed libraries
(these are also all frontend libraries, which isn't a good baseline metric for JS, because it's largely "working around browser capabilities")
joepie91: Sure, JSX is terrible, but what's worse: Writing "jsx`whatever`", or writing JSX in JS comments?
I'm thinking of JSX, right? Or was it something else that was JS+HTML mashed into JS comments?
I don't recall "JS+HTML mashed into JS comments" at all
JSX is an actual custom-ish format
that is, it's an extended variant of JS
(and a standard JS parser will not understand it)
(I also don't really like JSX for a number of technical reasons)
but I really should get back to my project :P
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Yeah, I'm getting back to battlestation-building.
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simpson: btw, to clear something up: I'm not using "academic" as a curse word -- in fact, that's why I explicitly said "*overly* academic". the problem is that when you only focus on the theoretical design and quantifiable metrics, you're going to miss things, and I often find that people and projects with a strictly academic view fail hard on the 'softer' factors, such as (driving/analyzing) human behaviour, documentation, economic tradeoffs, and so
on. sure, theoretical aspects and quantifiable metrics are an important part when considering something, but they are not the *only* part.
(and it's extremely difficult to discuss a topic when every argument about a softer factor is met with something along the lines of "yeah well, but the numbers/theory say...")
On the other hand, calling a language "practical" is the sort of thing that can be used to dismiss literally any aspect of its design or any failing from a usability standpoint.
hodapp: calling something "practical" doesn't somehow remove the requirement to provide a rationale supporting the claim :)
any word can be used to dismiss any failing, that doesn't mean that it's any more valid to do so with one word than with another
hey #nixos, I'm incrementally setting up NixOS on my personal machine (currently running Arch), here is my plan, can you tell me if this is crazy in any ways? 1. install multi-user Nix on top of Arch, putting /nix into a separate btrfs subvolume, 2. use Nix and install all the packages I want, 3. install NixOS in another btrfs subvolume, sharing the /nix subvolume with Arch, 4. completely switch from Arch to NixOS
hodapp: ie. if somebody claims there to be 'practical benefits' in something, I'd just as much expect them to provide a rationale as to what those benefits are and why they are beneficial over the other options, all things taken into account
It's certainly curious the sort of blindness that using a language extensively can grant a person, though.
which is why experience with multiple languages is important :)
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clever: what if the extraConfig kernel override barfed if you passed in a param starting with CONFIG_ or had an '=' in there?
to catch common problems
(where common problems = how I wasted my last 1hr :P)