#69265 (by eyJhb, 36 weeks ago, open): networking.firewall.extraCommands: should run before all drop/reject
It is a looong time ago, but I hope someone has comments on it ( hexa- , andi- , gchristensen, adisbladis )
Anyone pretty much :D
* andi-
avoid the firewall module as much as possible
eyJhb: I am not sure those extra commands are supposed to augment the nixos specific rules or if they should *only* touch rules that they manage.
andi-: so you don't have it enabled at all?
Well, it would be nice to allow to insert rules before and after tbh.
eyJhb: I do have it enabled but I try to move away from it.. Currently handwriting nft rules (with some nix string templating)
Ahh :)
eyJhb: you can do that with ip6tables -I <chain> <pos> -j LOG --log-prefix "foo: "
now there is unfortunately no rulenum with -1 as the 2nd to last element :/
+1 for nftables
iptables is madness.
i can actually read and follow the nft file syntax
i'm on nftables as well
mdlayher: can you write a program that checks if an nft file is valid without root privs (or spawning a VM)?
That is my main concern with nft right now....
hm i dunno
You can't :)
I can't
nobody can
i was going to write an nftables lexer/parser at one point for funsies, especially since we have a pretty good nftables manipulation package for Go
all of the known filters (and their syntax?) are only available in the kernel
we would need some unpriv interface to verify config / extract syntax trees
that would be nice. i think the nixos module verifies things before starting up
not sure that is the case
it has a checkScript looking whether ip_tables is loaded and else executes the rulesScript
does a `nft -f` rollback if something fails?
does a `nft -f` script rollback if something fails?
it is supposed to be atomic
so I would guess so
and in my experience it was never in a "broken" state