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<{^_^}> #44288 (by Ekleog, 2 weeks ago, open): global-platform-pro: init at 0.3.10-rc11
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<domenkozar> could someone review?
<srhb> domenkozar: LGTM!
<domenkozar> tnx!
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<srhb> Shea Levy's post could basically be imported into the nix manual verbatim...
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<timokau[m]> I accidentally merged a PR into release-18.03 that should've gone to master. What is the best way to fix it? Just revert the commit on release and cherry-pick it to master?
<{^_^}> #45041 (by bsima, 14 hours ago, merged): urbit: 0.4.5 -> 0.6.0
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<samueldr> timokau[m]: urbit is already 0.6.0 on master it looks like; this feels more like an issue with how the user attempted the backport
<samueldr> as for whether this was fine to backport, rules are still fuzzy :/
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<thoughtpolice> Hrm, interesting failure! Anyone seen this from ofborg -- `checkMeta = true;` failures? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/38698 & https://gist.github.com/GrahamcOfBorg/bfd4be3686cad4908c957631268cf906
<{^_^}> #38698 (by thoughtpolice, 18 weeks ago, open): Overhaul PostgreSQL packaging, native extensions, and NixOS support
<infinisil> thoughtpolice: yeah i saw one too in another pr, probably something broken in master at some point (as ofborg does the checks on the merge commit)
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<simpson> Hey, how do I get something to build on Darwin? I got an error about "x86_64-apple-darwin" not being supported, tried adding it to platforms but it didn't work.
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<simpson> Tried just removing `platforms` altogether. Works for now. This package (PyPy) might do better to set `badPlatforms`.
<simpson> Oho, db doesn't build on Darwin? That's surprising.
<LnL> it does
<simpson> Hm, any idea what I'm doing wrong? https://bpaste.net/show/9ec75127cde5
<LnL> what branch/rev is that
<simpson> d817452e296b6578bbbf940cc6f899602792081e should be recent master branch
<LnL> hmm that's only a few commits
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<LnL> /nix/store/ph2945yr10vc17wpbv8w9g8mqjcwldbn-db-5.3.28-bin /nix/store/77r5diqdsjf9kil2104n6vzvacfmgrgw-db-5.3.28
<simpson> I might be doing everything wrong; I don't know how to Darwin.
<simpson> /nix/store/6annzgd06z92md2rrqa3bamqgv4dz92c-db-5.3.28.drv
<LnL> dunno what you could be doing wrong except not be using that nixpkgs or have interfering overlays
<simpson> I don't have overlays. I do have nix-darwin.
<LnL> nix-store -q --binding out /nix/store/6annzgd06z92md2rrqa3bamqgv4dz92c-db-5.3.28.drv
<simpson> /nix/store/aavs15bb59acjyx2b3vvbi82zkwr0dh5-db-5.3.28
<LnL> yeah, so that's not what's in master right now https://hydra.nixos.org/build/79217237#tabs-details
<LnL> NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/1d4de0d552ae9aa66a5b8dee5fb0650a4372d148.tar.gz nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A db --option restrict-eval true
* simpson waiting for build
<LnL> that should be substituting tho
<simpson> Sorry, coworker is needing help. It did substitute from cache.
<simpson> ph2945...
<simpson> LnL: Aha, something in the PyPy derivation route must use a custom db.
<simpson> Huh, okay, so `pypy` and `pypy.override { db = pkgs.db; }` are not the same.
<clever> 7508 pypy = pypy27;
<clever> 7547 pypy27 = callPackage ../development/interpreters/python/pypy/2.7 {
<clever> 7550 db = db.override { dbmSupport = true; };
<simpson> clever: How dare you read code! But yeah, nice find.
<simpson> So it would seem that that option doesn't work correctly on Darwin? I'm testing now.
<simpson> Yep.
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<LnL> oh, staging doesn't evaluate periodically anymore?
<andi-> I did just run the rebuild-amount.sh against a change to libxml2. It rebuilds 2x the amount of packages on darwin compared to x86_64? How does that make sense? Is it that important on darwin? (doubt it somehow)
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<LnL> yeah
<LnL> andi-: stdenv -> clang -> (maybe cmake?) -> libxml2 :(
<andi-> wow
<andi-> ok
<LnL> I have no clue why it needs that, have not investigated
<LnL> but I did get rid of a bunch of extra stuff cmake/python pull in by default, those are build time only so we really don't care as long as it still builds
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<jtojnar> could somene trigger a rebuild of packages-unstable.json.gz?
<jtojnar> samueldr said it should be fixed the next time channel updates (which was 2 days ago) but the file is still out of date
<samueldr> (checking if it should work)
<samueldr> makefile as is currently should work, that's at least this
<samueldr> for the record, here's how (AFAIK) the website updates
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<samueldr> oh
<samueldr> there's an issue here!
<samueldr> someone 👀 has been 🌹 fancy with unicode and wreaking havoc! https://gist.github.com/samueldr/3e8cf37e9a4e364997bda0367a436f53
<samueldr> jtojnar: you decide whether to blame or not :)
<samueldr> (I ran the command that's in the systemd service to figure out the issue)
<ldlework> infinisil: can you remind me - is there a step where i need to manually generate a tls certificate?
<ldlework> there is a znc.pem there....
<ldlework> ssl verify is off
<ldlework> my nix config are the same
<ldlework> my weechat config are the same
<ldlework> 18:51 =!= irc: TLS handshake failed
<ldlework> 18:51 =!= irc: error: Error in the pull function.
<ldlework> oops wrong channel
<ldlework> crap
<samueldr> jtojnar: does july 11th look right?
* samueldr should have looked instead of asking