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Shea Levy's post could basically be imported into the nix manual verbatim...
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I accidentally merged a PR into release-18.03 that should've gone to master. What is the best way to fix it? Just revert the commit on release and cherry-pick it to master?
#38698 (by thoughtpolice, 18 weeks ago, open): Overhaul PostgreSQL packaging, native extensions, and NixOS support
thoughtpolice: yeah i saw one too in another pr, probably something broken in master at some point (as ofborg does the checks on the merge commit)
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Hey, how do I get something to build on Darwin? I got an error about "x86_64-apple-darwin" not being supported, tried adding it to platforms but it didn't work.
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Tried just removing `platforms` altogether. Works for now. This package (PyPy) might do better to set `badPlatforms`.
Oho, db doesn't build on Darwin? That's surprising.
NIX_PATH=nixpkgs= nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A db --option restrict-eval true
* simpson
waiting for build
that should be substituting tho
Sorry, coworker is needing help. It did substitute from cache.
LnL: Aha, something in the PyPy derivation route must use a custom db.
Huh, okay, so `pypy` and `pypy.override { db = pkgs.db; }` are not the same.
I did just run the against a change to libxml2. It rebuilds 2x the amount of packages on darwin compared to x86_64? How does that make sense? Is it that important on darwin? (doubt it somehow)
I have no clue why it needs that, have not investigated
but I did get rid of a bunch of extra stuff cmake/python pull in by default, those are build time only so we really don't care as long as it still builds
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could somene trigger a rebuild of packages-unstable.json.gz?
samueldr said it should be fixed the next time channel updates (which was 2 days ago) but the file is still out of date
(checking if it should work)
makefile as is currently should work, that's at least this
for the record, here's how (AFAIK) the website updates