gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-dev to: NixOS Development (#nixos for questions) | https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/trunk-combined https://channels.nix.gsc.io/graph.html | 18.03 release managers: fpletz and vcunat | https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-dev
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<gchristensen> is there a nice canary attribute for if something should be applied to staging vs. master?
<gchristensen> or: could we come up with one? https://github.com/NixOS/ofborg/issues/66#issuecomment-407148658
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<gchristensen> some OfBorg updates! build time-outs, push-button deploys, monitoring transparency, homepages, :D https://www.patreon.com/posts/timeouts-nix-ci-20643198
<samueldr> don't forget to add this to the nixos-weekly issue!
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* samueldr should have stopped 15 minutes ago
<samueldr> (tried to wrangle a dark corner of github I never used and accidentally pushed a branch somewhere I didn't want to)
<samueldr> I will say that the documentation about pushing on other's repos on PRs is sorely lacking
<samueldr> (which is what "Allow edits from maintainers" means)
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<srhb> trunk-combined says "timeout" today: https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/trunk-combined#tabs-errors
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<jtojnar> gah, almost deleted staging-next https://i.imgur.com/XiKzG8w.png
<srhb> jtojnar: Hah! Would have been relatively easy to restore. Hope your adrenaline level is okay. :-)
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<jtojnar> yeah, I did not click it this time
<jtojnar> it would probably have much less PRs to re-open than the release branch anyway but it should still be protected
<jtojnar> BTW, it would be nice if GitHub could protect patterns like GitLab can, then we would not keep frogetting to protect release branches
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<vcunat> Protecting the branch is in the release step-guide IIRC.
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<jtojnar> yeah, but it would be nicer if GitHub did that for uns, would be one less thing to forget
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<jtojnar> did not see it before
<vcunat> Maybe it's some newer feature. I feel that the competition from GitLab really helps, and they often "steal" each other's ideas if they prove to be useful.
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<jtojnar> yeah, must be new, they still did not allow it in March 2017: https://blog.github.com/2017-03-06-restrict-review-dismissals-with-protected-branches/
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<timokau[m]> Why don't we protect master yet by the way? I read somewhere that ofBorg's `build-then-merge` is a blocking factor, but what stops contributors from going through PRs now?
<vcunat> timokau[m]: all our protected branches (including master) are so far only protected against non-fast-forward pushes and deletion
<vcunat> (I believe)
<timokau[m]> Oh, I thought branch protection == only PRs
<vcunat> Forcing all go through PRs is certainly a thing to consider.
<jtojnar> timokau[m]: going through PRs without build-then-merge is annoying for small fixes
<timokau[m]> Still, do you know why we don't do that yet? Seems to me like it would be a big advantage with minimal inconvenience.
<vcunat> And it was considered in connection with Borg some time ago, but not enabled (yet).
<vcunat> BTW, going through PR by itself doesn't really enforce anything.
<timokau[m]> jtojnar: You could still immediately merge them. At least ofBorg might still show eval failures, predicted number of rebuilds and whatever other CI there is besides builds.
<timokau[m]> Next step would be requiring ofBorg approval, that would need `build-then-merge`. But I think just going through PRs would already provide some benefit.
<jtojnar> well, if I wanted to make use of any of these, I would have to wait (# of rebuilds still takes several minutes usually) – that is the annoyance I am talking about
<jtojnar> for small changes that you are reasonably certain that they evaluate it is annoying
<vcunat> yes, it does have such disadvantages, and the history might be harder to read in some cases
<gchristensen> and it adds a lot of PRs which otherwise wouldn't happen, possibly making it harder to see PRs which actually need review
<gchristensen> I'm on board with it, but we need to tread carefully
<jtojnar> sure, occasionaly something slips, but I do not think it happens so often to forbid direct pushes, until we have auto-merge
<gchristensen> I'd like ofborg's eval to be much faster, too
<timokau[m]> Alright looks like the consensus is against it for now, just throwing my opinion out there :)
<vcunat> Ah, yes, this command that merges when checks pass.
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<gchristensen> I'm very much _for_ it, but I want it to go smoothly and not be a giant burden
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<timokau[m]> For the "huge number of PRs" problem I would like to have a tagging workflow (would also need bot support, see ofborg #164). Then we would only need to look at number of `needs:review` PRs.
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/164 (by jcumming, 5 years ago, merged): - ncmpcpp 0.5.10
<timokau[m]> gchristensen: Yeah better safe than sorry^^
<gchristensen> yeah, the way I see it is we have one, maybe two chances to turn it on and have it go well before its a very hard thing to try again
<timokau[m]> You think that "public opinion" would go the wrong way if we enable it too early?
<gchristensen> yeah
<timokau[m]> Maybe you're right, can't hurt much to wait a while longer.
<gchristensen> if we make it too annoying it won't be fun to contribute anymore, and then people who don't have to won't
<srhb> gchristensen: Would it be really hard to have a parallel branch that is always merged-on-build by ofborg for a while? I realize it'll diverge quickly, but it would be interesting to see how much breakage there is.
<gchristensen> what happens if a commit breaks the series? :)
<srhb> We'd have to reset it occasionally to master
<gchristensen> yeah, I think if we had far fewer people that could work, but the rate of change is too high for it IMO
<srhb> OK. It was mostly to see how it'd go over a short term.
<srhb> We could also consider a "staging-like" branch that has automerging on, but requires manual merges into master
<srhb> And then some people would use that instead of master to test automerging specfically
<gchristensen> that seems like a cool idea
<srhb> I think we're enough people that care about this that it might be doable, if not completely large-scale
<samueldr> I like the idea of not-master-but-almost branch to track what would currently be direct-to-master commits
<gchristensen> my concern is around what happens if one of the commits breaks the chain, how is that dealt with? seems like committing to that branch could cause hard people-problems
<samueldr> is the cost worse than breaking master?
<samueldr> (not being contrarian here)
<samueldr> if not-master breaks, master can (in theory) still build and updates merged through PRs still will go their merry way, right?
<srhb> The people-fix is force pushing a --reset hard master at not-master
<gchristensen> seems we need to quantify the cost of a master break ):
<gchristensen> :)
<samueldr> yes, this wasn't hand-waving the argument, I really want to understand the benefits too of the direct-to-master commits
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<samueldr> and risks
<gchristensen> a benefit are trivial commits are trivial to apply and are fast to get done
<domenkozar> btw
<domenkozar> could get OSS free version of https://mergify.io/
<gchristensen> a/the problem is defining what are the success conditions which permit merging
<srhb> Can we punt that to the PR author? For instance, a permitted criterium could be "builds on meta.platforms"
<gchristensen> maybe? :)
<srhb> Right, I'm just making discussion points. :P
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<infinisil> srhb: Ping
<srhb> infinisil: pong
<infinisil> I get your point, and it's a valid point. Combining them however has the benefit of not introducing any duplicates automatically
<infinisil> And if we had proper ADT's for the module system this would be a bit better
<srhb> infinisil: I hadn't thought of that. You're right.
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<infinisil> The current implementation could still be improved though: The specPaths collection can be moved into the submodule (as an internal option), the same for the assertion with hasAttrPath
<vcunat> hmm, mergify seems intriguing for this, at least at superficial look
<infinisil> mergify?
<srhb> infinisil: (for auto merging prs)
<srhb> infinisil: Yeah, agreed. I know johanot wants to combine this into his rather massive effort for k8s in 18.09 so I don't want to nitpick too much and hold things back.
<srhb> infinisil: But I always get nervous when it becomes sorta-easy to accidentally import secrets.
<infinisil> srhb: How can you accidentally import secrets with this?
<infinisil> Or with slight carelessness on changes
<clever> infinisil: src = ./.; in the wrong dir
<srhb> infinisil: I'm mostly scared of the if isAttrs v then (safe decl stuff) else (potentially unsafe imp stuff with v :: path)
<infinisil> clever: What's this got to do with the PR though?
<srhb> It might not be as risky as I feel, but it's a bit complicated juggling.
<clever> infinisil: hadnt read the PR yet
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<infinisil> Hmm..
<srhb> infinisil: It's a nit, but I'd prefer if the path v travels through in the impSpec case is a very clean (toString v) at the earliest possible time. :P
<srhb> But yeah, no biggie. Just a minor concern
<gchristensen> I am also a big fan of opting for simpler than more complex in the module system
<infinisil> srhb: Something like using `apply = v: pkgs.writeText name (builtins.toJSON v)` on the spec option?
<infinisil> In the case of a path only I guess..
<infinisil> But that would complicate it some more
<infinisil> It just doesn't feel right to have 2 options for a mapping from name -> path and name -> attrset, where the attrset is always convertible to the path
<infinisil> But if more people like that then I won't hold against it
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<srhb> infinisil: I don't want to step on any toes, you've been putting a lot of work into those reviews. I don't feel strongly about it.
<infinisil> srhb: Posted a comment about it :)
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<srhb> infinisil: Well summarized, thank you!
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<infinisil> Huh what did I miss, hydra didn't evaluate in 3 days and all logs are wrongly encoded
<srhb> infinisil: logs should be okay going forwards, evals are.. Not good
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<infinisil> gchristensen: You can update the release managers in the topic btw :)
<infinisil> samueldr: Regarding commits not going through PR's, I'm currently fixing a bunch of packages without PR's, which didn't even build before, you think this is okay?
<gchristensen> I think it is probably still preferrable to do a PR, but maybe on the lower end of "hmm wish that was a PR"
<Ericson2314> infinisil: you can always do a PR and then immediately merg it
<infinisil> Alright, will stop that then
<samueldr> infinisil: depends on the semantics, but yeah PR+merge after eval/build from ofborg (maybe not even build?)
<samueldr> but if you fix "the same issue" in multiple packages, it's (obviously?) one PR, right?
<infinisil> Yea sure
<gchristensen> it sucks having loads of PRs fail eval checks, is why I advocate for the PR strategy :)
<samueldr> does github have an equivalent to gitlab's "merge when checks all succeed"? I guess not since there are mergify services :/
<infinisil> gchristensen: Well I of course build all my changes before pushing, but yeah, I get what you mean
<infinisil> samueldr: https://github.com/sindresorhus/refined-github#highlights -> "The option to wait for checks when merging a PR "
<samueldr> hmm, needs a bit of porcelain over top github, but useful for this use case
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<gchristensen> peti would like ofBorg to verify rPackages, but it is disabled here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/99f4e548c49e3dfc3d1c7f4996c1d72da2623f00/pkgs/top-level/release.nix#L174 is there an easy way to edit https://github.com/NixOS/ofborg/blob/released/ofborg/src/outpaths.nix to also expand rPackages without specifically mentioning rPackages?
<LnL> I think release.nix explicitly doesn't recurse either IIRC
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<samueldr> I'm uh, probably a bit too shy :/ what's the expected process for sharing fixes on PRs, I kind of feel it's rude to "just push on their branch", and also kinda feel bad just closing and making a new PR with their changes + mine on top
<samueldr> (and I'm probably overthinking this!)
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<samueldr> s/shy/polite/
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<gchristensen> sometimes I'll make a branch off theirs and send them a link to the diff of what I added
<gchristensen> and say "I could push this to your branch and merge it as-is if it looks good to you"
<samueldr> thanks for the input, I was about to say something like that
<samueldr> it's awfully convenient how github allows you to refer to commit IDs on any fork repos
<gchristensen> whoa
<samueldr> (and through th PR API, you can get an already-merged commit ID for the PR)
<samueldr> (but I guess that's something you already know from ofborg)
<gchristensen> I did know that one, yeah!
<infinisil> Is it okay for a certificate manager service to run as root? See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/44556#discussion_r208997742
<infinisil> (acme does as well by default)
<gchristensen> it needs to write to highly privileged locations, not sure a non-root user will cut it
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<infinisil> Yeah probably