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<clever> Dezgeg: i'm getting some weird build failures on arm, got a second to take a look? https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/a75347cc4456fefd2ad822f7d0c6118e
<Dezgeg> which branch?
<clever> master and nixos-unstable both fail
<clever> its within binutils
<Dezgeg> both have built fine for me
<clever> (facepalm)
<clever> i just now noticed, / was full
<Dezgeg> maybe some of the input files are corrupt for some reason?
<clever> why did ld not just say so? lol
<Dezgeg> like that :P
<clever> also, binutils fails under qemu-user, because qemu has gotten more strict with clone() flags, and libc has gotten more fancy
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<obadz> so I'm nix-building with nix.useSandbox = true and yet it's downlodaing the world from Rust... what gives?
<obadz> hmmmm looks like they have a fixed output derivation in there
<obadz> now this: error: the lock file needs to be updated but --frozen was passed to prevent this
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<ekleog> obadz: this last error is due to the dev forgetting to push the latest Cargo.lock after updating Cargo.toml, usually
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<aszlig> grahamc: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/39647#issuecomment-385166351 <- is there a way to tell ofborg to build with allowUnsupportedSystem?
<aszlig> (i don't have a darwin machine so i'd like to know whether the package builds on osx and add it to platforms if it does)
<aszlig> or is the only possible solution to temporarily add a commit and remove it afterwards?
<vcunat> aszlig: why don't file a WIP PR extending meta.platforms?
<vcunat> then you merge it or not, based on Borg
<aszlig> vcunat: which is basically the same as adding a commit und removing it =)
<vcunat> yes, except without force-pushing
<aszlig> i was just curious if there is a way to force it somehow
<vcunat> (I don't know that)
<aszlig> vcunat: okay, never mind... a whole bunch of the dependencies are platforms.linux only
<vcunat> :-)
<aszlig> but would be nice to know anyway
<vcunat> perhaps a temporary commit disabling these checks in stdenv
<vcunat> (to quickly find which of the actually fails to build)
<aszlig> vcunat: hmhm... i won't... all of the kde packages are linux-only, so such a build would be way more than a chromium build...
<vcunat> I meant just running Borg on the particular packages you're interested in
<vcunat> but if it's chromium, the build itself will probably be too big for Borg anyway
<vcunat> (1h timeout)
<aszlig> vcunat: yeah, one of the dependencies is webkit anyway
<obadz> ekleog: thx. I was just downloading a tarball :(
<aszlig> vcunat: mhm, it's already building chromium now (qtwebkit) on aarch64-linux :-/
<aszlig> s/webkit/webengine/
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<Mic92_> autoPatchelfHook works great
<aszlig> Mic92_: now it even has a proper derivation name :-D
<aszlig> Mic92_: so it's time for part 2 (probably the more controversial one), soon :-D
<aszlig> ... because who would run proprietary software (if at all) without sandboxing? =)
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<Mic92_> aszlig: what kind of sandbox?
<Mic92_> is it like nix-index + patchelf?
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<vcunat> hmm, chromium tests are getting stuck on master
<vcunat> I can reproduce that locally
<aszlig> Mic92_: nah, doesn't have anything to do with patchelf, it's a runtime sandbox which constrains the program to its closure + runtimevars (like for example it uses the nix library to query the closure of path-likes such as LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
<aszlig> so in general it could be used for anything, not just proprietary programs, i just happen to find proprietary programs extra-suspicious which is why i wrote that in the first place
<aszlig> vcunat: do you have a build log?
<vcunat> (bisection in progress)
<vcunat> it always stucks right after making screenshot ‘sandbox_info.png’
<aszlig> vcunat: what's the content of that screenshot?
<vcunat> aszlig: where does the file appear?
<vcunat> inside the qcow2 image?
<aszlig> vcunat: nah, it should be on the host
<vcunat> I see no *.ppm or *.png
<vcunat> bisection points to 65.* -> 66.* most likely
<vcunat> (I'd have to build chromium now :-/
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<aszlig> vcunat: most likely you need to do a sync... an alternative would be to comment out or remove all of the tests coming directly after the screenshot
<vcunat> # ls -lR
<vcunat> .:
<vcunat> total 8
<vcunat> -rw-r--r-- 1 nixbld1 nixbld 6333 Apr 28 15:10 env-vars
<vcunat> drwx------ 2 nixbld1 nixbld  100 Apr 28 15:10 vde1.ctl
<vcunat> drwx------ 3 nixbld1 nixbld  120 Apr 28 15:10 vm-state-machine
<vcunat> drwx------ 2 nixbld1 nixbld   40 Apr 28 15:10 xchg-shared
<vcunat> ./vde1.ctl:
<vcunat> total 0
<vcunat> srwx------ 1 nixbld1 nixbld 0 Apr 28 15:10 001.5
<vcunat> srw------- 1 nixbld1 nixbld 0 Apr 28 15:10 ctl
<vcunat> ./vm-state-machine:
<vcunat> total 29700
<vcunat> -rw-r--r-- 1 nixbld1 nixbld 30474240 Apr 28 15:19 machine.qcow2
<vcunat> (oops, I'm considered to flood the channel, apparently)
<aszlig> np
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<aszlig> as an alternative a $machine->execute('sync'); after the screenshot should do it as well
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<vcunat> oh, I didn't look into $out but into $TMPDIR
<vcunat> screenshot seems perfectly OK
<vcunat> google.com in chromium
<aszlig> vcunat: that doesn't look right then
<vcunat> oh, there are two windows
<aszlig> it should display sandbox info
<vcunat> one is behind, apparently
<vcunat> title "startup done"
<aszlig> yah, that's the first window
<aszlig> so aparently the second window got started behind the first one
<vcunat> could it be that the new chromium version behaves differently?
<vcunat> it's trying to _search_ something around sandbox
<vcunat> (and stuck at resolving host, due to our test sandboxing)
<aszlig> vcunat: no idea...
<aszlig> vcunat: haven't used chromium since ages
<vcunat> I almost never use it, too :-)
<vcunat> I might've spent more time fixing it than using it during the last year
<vcunat> (due to being a channel blocker)
<aszlig> hm, maybe replace "chrome://sandbox" with "about:sandbox"?
<aszlig> just a guess... maybe they got rid of that chrome://-stuff... or maybe not?
<aszlig> or they removed the sandbox-page in general
<vcunat> chrome://sandbox still works
<vcunat> (same nixpkgs revision, run directly)
<aszlig> hm... then it's something different
<aszlig> how far are you with the bisect?
<aszlig> because i could take over with a 48 core machine, if that helps
<vcunat> good: a3e197a22270f335e08690706d35c5fd9483a509
<vcunat> bad: 1ca71377f3442ac9e24ad1716fcb85f29b3c8e74
<vcunat> I have only 16-threaded one :-)
<aszlig> k
<zybell> vcunat:think about checking for captive portal.
<srhb> Looks like windowactivate instead of windowfocus might make a difference
<srhb> Not sure why.
<srhb> In the find-window invocation
<zybell> that is network access that wont show
<srhb> Oh, sorry, thought we were talking about the find-window failure.
<aszlig> the breaking change is 2b29e401531306d044f797a5dfaeed86f5394085
<aszlig> chromium: 65.0.3325.181 -> 66.0.3359.117
<srhb> search?q=e....sandbox....
<vcunat> (04:45:07 PM) aszlig: --- a/nixos/tests/chromium.nix
<vcunat> (04:45:07 PM) aszlig: +++ b/nixos/tests/chromium.nix
<vcunat> (04:45:07 PM) aszlig: @@ -139,2 +139,3 @@ mapAttrs (channel: chromiumPkg: makeTest rec {
<vcunat> (04:45:07 PM) aszlig: testNewWin "check sandbox", sub {
<vcunat> (04:45:07 PM) aszlig: + $machine->sleep(10);
<vcunat> (04:45:09 PM) aszlig: $machine->succeed(ru "${xdo "type-url" ''
<vcunat> (04:45:16 PM) aszlig: ... and the test succeeds
<vcunat> (04:45:28 PM) aszlig: but this is obviously just a workaround
<srhb> Oh, did I lag out...
<vcunat> they were direct messages between us
<srhb> Ah :)
<srhb> OK, nevermind me then!
<vcunat> we should've done this in the open
<vcunat> (04:46:29 PM) aszlig: i'm trying with sync window activation
<aszlig> vcunat: ack
<aszlig> it seems that there is a delay between window creation and location bar focus... i'm trying now whether i can circumvent this with ctrl+l
<aszlig> hm... this is ridiculous... no succeess...
<aszlig> waiting 20 seconds is really nuts
<srhb> No kidding.
<MichaelRaskin> Obviously, my PR to experiment with better GUI tests as Nixpkgs tests got closed as functionality duplication… (and debugging NixOS tests is a ‘Just No.’ given their overhead)
<vcunat> I don't think that would be really noticeable in our tests.
<vcunat> (especially if chromium needs a rebuild)
<vcunat> ... but if you can rid of the delay without too much pain :-)
<MichaelRaskin> Well, no sane amount of wait doesn't guarantee lack of false failures whe Hydra is loaded, and an insane amount of wait means that you cannot debug the test locally when Chromium slightly changes the behaviour
<aszlig> vcunat: well, given that my real life uptime is already too much... i'd go for a workaround now...
<vcunat> sleep resets uptime?
<vcunat> (it doesn't on my desktop)
<vcunat> (actually, tested only on suspend-to-*RAM*)
<vcunat> I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully we can bump nixos-unstable today.
<vcunat> There's no other blocker ATM.
<aszlig> trying the lowest possible sleep amount without being *too* low and pushing in a minute...
<aszlig> pushed
<srhb> \o/
<aszlig> the delay seems to be around 3 to 4 seconds, so i used a sleep of 10 seconds just to be safe
<aszlig> vcunat: hm... you're right... it shouldn't reset uptime, but who knows which OS i'm running on...
<aszlig> vcunat: sometimes it behaves in really weird ways
<aszlig> and my RAM doesn't seem to be ECC memory
<vcunat> :-) 10 seconds probably aren't enough in real life.
<MichaelRaskin> Seems too low for Hydra, yes
<aszlig> well... if it isn't enough, we can still bump it to 3600 ;-)
<vcunat> If you referred to me, I meant real-life sleep.
<vcunat> The commit you pushed works fine for me locally.
<MichaelRaskin> Better 3000. Rationale: a patch to Chromium test should not timeout on ofborg if Chromium is available from cache
<vcunat> I haven't managed to make Hydra complete an evaluation yet since.
<vcunat> :-)
<vcunat> ah, evaluation is there, so we should know soon
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<vcunat> Success! Let me re-test for 18.03, as it now happens there as well.
<srhb> fwiw if it turns out to be not enough it looks like reusing the other window might in fact help (since we're waiting for the titlebar at least with ocr -- but it might be incidental)
<srhb> Thanks for the workaround ^_^
<pstn> matrix-synapse will get an update for gdpr compliacne soon. I'm wondering whether it would be a good idea to bump the major version up even in 18.03.
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<vcunat> gdpr on this channel as well :-D
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<vcunat> if it's an unobtrusive update, certainly
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<pstn> vcunat: Can't really get around it atm. I don't think it's going to be that bad. I just don't want to be the first to get sued :-D
<gchristensen> do I need to do gdpr stuff for ofborg?
<MichaelRaskin> Well, one could argue that you do your best to make sure that what ofborg stores (logs and outcomes) is independent of the identities of any people…
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<vcunat> I don't expect there's anything special in ofborg.
<vcunat> (but I don't have much idea about gdpr really)
<gchristensen> how about the nixos cache
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<pstn> I don't think there is any personal data in it, is there?
<MichaelRaskin> If you run it as your own user and not as ofborg, it might leak $HOME
<gchristensen> how does gdpr impact access logs?
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<pstn> gchristensen: You aren't allowed to just keep them and have to inform users that they exist. Pro tipp (at least for ipv4): Just logging the /24 net part is usually enough and not personal data.
<pstn> In my company, we decided to do our access logging that way. We currently are in the process to find out what we do with ipv6...
<simpson> gchristensen: I'm not a lawyer / this is not legal advice / GDPR PII / is anything which can deanonymize / Burma Shave
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<pstn> simpson: I think it's "deanonymize without considerable effort", but that's the idea.
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<simpson> pstn: I have personally been advised that IP addresses or any kind of geolocation is in scope for GDPR, so YMMV.
<vcunat> uh, /24 is relatively good geoIP clue
<vcunat> (I think)
<vcunat> well, I hope it's extremely unlikely someone would try to "legally attack" a service like ofborg
<pstn> simpson: That's what our legal people told us. That's the fun about gdpr: Nobody knows :-D
<simpson> Indeed~
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<vcunat> Yeah, not unusual with EU legislation to be a bit vague :-)
<gchristensen> Im definitely of the "wait and see" opinion here...
<pstn> I think /24 falls under the "statistical data" clause in the gdpr. IANAL of course.
<MichaelRaskin> I do hope GDPR will only be abused in the obvious way
<pstn> MichaelRaskin: In Germany, the obvious way are "Abmahntrolle" that use bots to wildly send case-and-desist letters and try to extort money. Currently trying not to be in the first wave of those...
<fadenb> https://youtu.be/qHyx5u_tmec for 1 hour 'gdpr for nerds'
<gchristensen> I was looking to nap ...
<MichaelRaskin> pstn: Mmm… bots and quasi-legal documents? One could hope they won't try to abuse GDPR, if only because they should be afraid their machinery can be found out of compliance
<pstn> You can hope but they usually abuse every new law. It's all super shady and people use their licenses regularly but that doesn't stop them.
<MichaelRaskin> Do they actually sue?
<vcunat> I have yet to see a bot lawyer.
<pstn> MichaelRaskin: Some times they do, some times they don't. You can attach fees to your cease-and-desist letters in Germany (if they ar legal in the first place) and that's how they usually cash in.
<pstn> vcunat: If you want to get to know one, torrent some popular Music with a German IP.
<zybell> GDPR:Is relatively simple:you split all personal info(login account,email,payment details...)from publically available personal info,which is strictly opt-in(profile,gravatar,nick)and all logs,tasks,gits(anonymous data until nick is posted).And you connect these machines by tokens,that are unique and do convey info about the owner only with the cooperation of the server one,where that info is deleted some fixed time (maybe 0)after the
<zybell> token is redeemed.That policy is publicly posted,and presented in short when an account is created. In short you need a central place where that link with personal data can be made and *broken*.
<simpson> zybell: Hypothetical: A user uploads an encrypted blob of PII to my storage service. I do not have the key and cannot tell that the blob contains PII. What does GDPR require me to do with this blob? AFAICT there's no allowance for this sort of provider-independent security.
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<LnL> add a hidden master key so you can help users identify their personal information
<zybell> Simpson:there is:there is law that *forbids* you to even attempt to decrypt that data(even if it is as easy as pw protected zip)thanks to DRM.For you that is *legally* no PII.Unless you get the key to find out how rich the persons are ofc(AUFTRAGSDATENVERARBEITUNG);-)
<ekleog> <obadz> ekleog: thx. I was just downloading a tarball :( <-- yeah, sometimes you just need to add a cargo.lock, last time I had to I just gist'd it for temporary use, and PR'd it and the commit was accepted
<ekleog> the general policy for executables is supposed to be “please commit your Cargo.lock”, but it turns out quite a number of devs forget about it, and don't notice (as they have theirs locally)
<ekleog> simpson: I don't think GDPR enforces against that, after all I can just upload a picture of cat and hold a vernam key that decrypts it into whatever same-length cleartext, including PII or top-secret documents :)
<zybell> LnL:you can *allow* users to have a signature on their data,to allow *you* to help them find their data, but *never ever* do the key yourself.
<simpson> zybell: LnL was being sarcastic, I think.
<zybell> I wanted to make sure.
<LnL> yeah, I wasn't serious :p
<zybell> There is even a (complicated)situation where you *can* do it. And that may make sb believe they could it do in others.
<vcunat> I've seen desires to encrypt IP addresses in logs to achieve pseudonymization.
<vcunat> (but maybe it wasn't gdpr-related, though it was recent)
<zybell> vcunat:that may be possible,if the keys are strictly managed.
<clever> what about just hashing the ip?
<clever> then you have no undo, but you can answer the question "did ip X contact you?"
<vcunat> that's almost the same as encryption
<zybell> The complicated situation is comparable to that vcunat alludes to.
<vcunat> and it's worse on privacy in the forward direction, assuming the salt is missing or public
<vcunat> (with 32-bit space you can brute force the hash in most cases)
<zybell> clever no. hashing is *not* enough.
<zybell> HMAC can be *made* to work.
<Mic92_> there is also differential privacy
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<sphalerite> Are we getting glibc 2.28 in the near future?
<sphalerite> oh er it's not released yet
<vcunat> will something important be in there?
<vcunat> > Nominative and genitive month names are now supported for the Catalan and Czech languages. :-)
<vcunat> sphalerite: not backported upstream (yet) https://sourceware.org/git/?p=glibc.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/release/2.27/master but perhaps we can simply apply it
<vcunat> (or ask at the bug what they think)
<sphalerite> yeah I was going to try backporting it to see if my soname stuff would start working
<sphalerite> Alternatively, we could just wait till August? :p
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<vcunat> well, for _testing_ an absolute-path branch it's perfectly OK to blindly cherry-pick the patch
<vcunat> that way we'll uncover possible further obstacles sooner
<vcunat> (we could try a full-scale Hydra rebuild if it looks good, for example)
<vcunat> You never know for stuff that's not used by any mainstream distro.
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<sphalerit> Yeah I'll probably just try it once exams are less of an acute issue :p
<vcunat> :-)
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<LnL> wait..., some cross stuff is cached now?
<LnL> neat!
<LnL> I started a build expecting to have it finish in the morning, but it's already done :D
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