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<copumpkin> if I run builtins.fetchurl with a sha256
<copumpkin> is it going to try to substitute it at evaluation time?
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<copumpkin> doesn't seem to :/
<copumpkin> well that's a real pain
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<srhb> I just read the Hackage downtime article and it mentions Rackspace terminating FOSS donations. Is this a general thing, and if so does it affect us (Hydra?) as well?
<domenkozar> srhb: I think it says "in case of"
<domenkozar> This is important so we can have an accurate inventory of the services we use, in preparation for the eventual termination of Rackspace’s donations of infrastructure to FLOSS projects
<srhb> domenkozar: Okay, I'm reading that like "they've warned it's going to happen" - I hope you're right. :)
<domenkozar> srhb: I think we have a few machines as slaves
<srhb> That's not too scary then.
<srhb> OK, thanks :)
<domenkozar> wat
<sphalerite> nice…
<sphalerite> srhb: hackage downtime article?
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<gchristensen> domenkozar, srhb: rax IS terminating their FOSS contributions
<srhb> :(
<shlevy> :(
<domenkozar> I guess it's the typical 2-3 yearly cycle
<domenkozar> when new mangement sets new policies
<gchristensen> we've had them a long time, and it has been like ~1yr since they said they were going to shut them down last december :P
<domenkozar> correction: new ineffective policies
<gchristensen> :D
<gchristensen> my suspicion is they don't want to be the ones to shut down our boxes, and I'm pretty sure we won't shut them down early ...
<domenkozar> new ineffective, not thought-through policies
<domenkozar> gchristensen: did they give us a date when they will go offline?
<gchristensen> last December
<gchristensen> iirc :)
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<domenkozar> maybe we'll get an invoice next december
* domenkozar googles if rax was bought by oracle
<domenkozar> nope, we're good :)
<gchristensen> :D
<domenkozar> trivia: owner of rax bought painting "the scream" for $220m
<gchristensen> lol
<gchristensen> one of the founders is why I didn't go to college
<domenkozar> gchristensen: which one?
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<gchristensen> Pat Condon
<gchristensen> * not _why_ exactly, but part of why :)
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<copumpkin> shlevy: you around? I'm seeing lots of errors in 2.0.1 about "claims to be content-addressed but isn't" and I'm wondering if you have any hunches about what might cause it. Everything was fine in 2.0
<copumpkin> haven't figured out a simple repro yet
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<bgamari> is there any way to determine the ordering which extraConf options are merged in?
<bgamari> s/determine/influence
<bgamari> this is with respect to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/39611
<samueldr> mkOrder?
<bgamari> where the cups services.printing.extraConf overrides LogLevel
<bgamari> samueldr, hmm
<samueldr> (that's a guess though, not sure if it applies to the string types)
<samueldr> well, lines in that case
<LnL> pretty sure it applies to all types that can be merged
<bgamari> I'm not sure the right way to deal with this issue
<samueldr> great, that was what I was thinking, but couldn't find actual proof in the types source file
<pierron> bgamari: it is.
<bgamari> would there be opposition too just making LogLevel an option of its ownw?
<bgamari> pierron, what is it?
<pierron> mkOrder is a way to ensure that you have some ordering between the definition, before it gets merged.
<bgamari> right
<bgamari> I didn't know about this
<bgamari> that being said, it does seem a bit fragile
<pierron> it is part of the module system.
<LnL> I'd say it makes sense to have separate options for things that depend on ordering
<bgamari> yes, I see that
<bgamari> LnL, alright
<pierron> if you want something less fragile, look at the activationScript mechanism, and you will get back to mkOrder ;)
<LnL> since it's not clear what the 'default' ordering will be
<bgamari> LnL, right
<samueldr> I had a small question, about the 18.03 channel advance: build 73334587 has a blank space for chromium, does it mean that chromium isn't cached for those updating?
* bgamari spent quite a while trying to work out why his changes weren't taking effect before I looked at the cupsd.conf
<LnL> but for special cases mkAfter/mkBefore can be used
<srhb> samueldr: No, it's cached.
<srhb> samueldr: The test was removed, so it wasn't _guaranteed_ that it was cached though
<srhb> That change was reverted.
<srhb> samueldr: (It would be clearer if nixpkgs.chromium was a direct constituent of nixos.tested instead of transitively through nixos.tests.chromium)
<samueldr> (I'm not doubting, only trying to make sure I understand) chromium has the last build timed out 3d ago [ https://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixos/release-18.03/nixpkgs.chromium.x86_64-linux ], wouldn't that mean that something changed with the previous build? then if it's cached what did build it?
<srhb> samueldr: I believe you're conflating nixos.test.chromium with nixpkgs.chromium
<samueldr> maybe!
<srhb> samueldr: All the retries and aborts also makes it really hard to get a proper view of it.
<srhb> samueldr: Sigh!
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<samueldr> so, if I understand correctly, even though the build step #2 in build 73202439 "timed out", it still built it?
<srhb> samueldr: To be honest I'm no longer sure how it got there, but you can verify that the path is indeed there with nix-store --realise /nix/store/h1pbpcwjmzqzr13r5ng3m4cdx3wf9q0i-chromium-66.0.3359.117,
<srhb> samueldr: Because I'm reading it like you are.
<samueldr> the log that "timed out", if it helps, looks like the previous good build; it finishes with the same lines
<srhb> I... Hydra must be confused. :P
<samueldr> though, d'oh, realising the store path is a good way to verify thanks!
<srhb> We did put it through quite a bunch of confusing exercises, and hopefully it picks up the new timeout next time an evaluation triggers. Unfortunately the change to meta.timeout doesn't trigger evaluation on itself.
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<bgamari> What is the protocol for requesting backport of a version bump to a nixos release?
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<samueldr> minor revision or major revision? as for minor, I have been told to either ask for a cherry-pick or create a MR with the cherry pick; cherry pick protocol explained here https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#idm140737315816544
<bgamari> minor
<bgamari> cool
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<thoughtpolice> bgamari: There's an odd amount of actual commits from cups-filters 1.20 to 1.20.2 strangely, since a few bumps were done and whatnot and some maintainer lists changed, etc.
<thoughtpolice> bgamari: Done
<bgamari> thoughtpolice, thanks!
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<ekleog> oh nvm I stupidly read the first line instead of the last
* ekleog forgot to git add the patch -_-
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<gchristensen> anyone know the Nix codebase and want to help me grok something? :)
<LnL> depends what part
<gchristensen> ok LnL here goes
<LnL> yeah, not that part :p
<gchristensen> ^.^
<gchristensen> I'll open up an issue
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<LnL> not sure how it's implemented, it's possible inherit gets translated pretty early in the process so it might not be possible to distinguish between inherit foo; and foo = foo;
<ekleog> whew this sounds like it'd bump memory consumption by quite a lot, like word + {line, col, path} per variable assignment
<gchristensen> probably so :')
<ekleog> likely no big slowdown, though?
<ekleog> depends on whether you'd want a = b + c to have two parents b and c or not, though :°
<gchristensen> that would be a new thing
<gchristensen> I wouldn't mind if this was a run-time switch, or even a patch on top of nix :P
<gchristensen> but I think being able to ask (and answer) "where the heck did this come from?" is a useful thing
<ekleog> hmm actually nix isn't garbage-collected, so it'd likely be something like 28 bytes per variable assignment… that's python-level :D
<gchristensen> nix is GC'd... it has boehm
<ekleog> oh it is? so 24 bytes (never looked inside the source code, thought it was “vanilla” c++)
<srhb> gchristensen: I wonder if some of the new annotation work on hnix could help there.
* srhb is super hyped for that
<gchristensen> what is the annotation work?
<LnL> yeah, maybe it would need to be a new builtin but something that tries to find the position of a value recursively until it finds a nontrivial expression should be possible
<ekleog> oh I hear annotation and hnix in the same sentences… do you know if comments are coming to the AST annotations? :D
<srhb> gchristensen: It was only described transitively in a praise for recursion schemes http://newartisans.com/2018/04/win-for-recursion-schemes/
<srhb> But it's pretty damn amazing.
<gchristensen> huh
<gchristensen> well anyway, this provenance thing isn't a blocker for anyone with too much willingness to use the bash toolkit
<srhb> ekleog: I was about to link you the issue that you already commented on, so... :-P
<ekleog> oh ok ^^
* gchristensen throws away his "docblock"-extracting shell script in the garbage before it looks too promising