gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-dev to: NixOS Development (#nixos for questions) | https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/trunk-combined https://channels.nix.gsc.io/graph.html | 18.03 release managers: fpletz and vcunat
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<Profpatsch> Is there a way to output a flamegraph of nix evaluation?
<Profpatsch> that’d be really helpful in finding out where the evaluation overhead comes from.
<Profpatsch> Huh, the containers-imperative test derivation has no builder?
<Profpatsch> But a builderCommand apparently?
<Profpatsch> So is builder not required anymore?
<Profpatsch> *buildCommand
<Profpatsch> buildCommand is used in 218 places but apparently not documented anywhere?
<Profpatsch> Okay, it looks like release.nix removes builder somehow.
<Profpatsch> what is going on.
<Profpatsch> what is going on.
<sphalerite> Profpatsch: I think buildCommand is implemented by stdenv.mkDerivation, and simply replaces all the phases
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<clever> Profpatsch: there is a count-calls thing in nix, that reports how many times each nix function is called
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<tilpner> Hi! Should cd-dvd/iso-image.nix perhaps use (a renamed version of) mkVMOverride?
<tilpner> That would using it the same way as virtualisation/qemu-vm.nix, by just adding it to imports
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<Profpatsch> sphalerite: But how could something without a builder work? It’s one of three required arguments.
<Profpatsch> (import ./nixos/release-small.nix {}).nixos.tests.containers-imperative.x64_86-linux for example
<sphalerite> Profpatsch: it being provided by stdenv.mkDerivation
<sphalerite> I don't actually know though
<sphalerite> if this is a set being passed directly to the derivation builtin idk
<Profpatsch> The final derivation has no builder as far as I can see.
<Profpatsch> nix-repl> (import ./nixos/release-small.nix {}).nixos.tests.containers-imperative.x86_64-linux.builder
<Profpatsch> error: attribute 'builder' missing, at (string):1:1
<Profpatsch> nix-repl> builtins.attrNames (import ./nixos/release-small.nix {}).nixos.tests.containers-imperative.x86_64-linux
<Profpatsch> [ "drvPath" "meta" "name" "out" "outPath" "outputName" "outputs" "system" "type" ]
<Profpatsch> These tests take an uncanny amount of time to evaluate btw.
<Profpatsch> Around 5–10 seconds
<Profpatsch> Only evaluating the test file itself takes maybe 0.5 seconds
<Profpatsch> But the one in release.nix is brutal.
<vcunat> well, the test builds
<vcunat> the fact that builder isn't in the attrset doesn't mean it isn't in the one passed to the derivation primitive
<vcunat> You can see the real parameters in the *.drv file.
<vcunat> ("real" as in "really passed to derivation(...)")
<Profpatsch> vcunat: This thing *is* a derivation, though.
<vcunat> and builder is in there
<vcunat> Yes, it is.
<Profpatsch> nix-instantiate --eval -E '(import ./nixos/release-small.nix {}).nixos.tests.containers-imperative.x86_64-linux.type'
<Profpatsch> "derivation"
<vcunat> derivation on nix level don't necessarily reflect the attributes passed to the derviation function
<vcunat> after applying the function you can even modify the attrset in whatever way you want
<vcunat> (we do this e.g. for passthru and meta)
<Profpatsch> Huh, isn’t that nix level already?
<Profpatsch> meta is special-cased in nix, isn’t it?
<Profpatsch> As well as passthru
<vcunat> No, that's done in nixpkgs.
<vcunat> There's almost nothing on nix level, really.
<LnL> doesn't drvAttrs have the original set?
<vcunat> (and that's good, IMHO)
<Profpatsch> Huh, then I need to read make-derivation more closely. On skimming I thought there was no special casing there.
<vcunat> lib.extendDerivation adds passthru
<Profpatsch> vcunat: Last time I checked there was a call to `derivation` in make-derivation.nix
<Profpatsch> It seems to be gone?
<vcunat> We did quite some changes.
<Profpatsch> Oh, there it is, on the last lin.e
<vcunat> Related to allowing to evaluate lost of stuff even for broken packages.
<vcunat> stdenv is really complex beast nowadays
<Profpatsch> Ah, now I see.
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<Profpatsch> Where is type = "derivation" added then?
<Profpatsch> And I guess nix-repl simply stops at attribute sets that have that field?
<Profpatsch> Or hm, that has to be a builtin nix behaviour, since nix-instantiate works in the same way.
<Profpatsch> Ah, it comes from `commonArgs = drv // …
<vcunat> type = "derivation" is added by the derivation() primitive itself, IIRC
<vcunat> (i.e. on the nix level)
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<vcunat> fpletz: [#NixOS-aarch64] FYI it seems probable that 18.03 announcement will come later for aarch64, as I don't want to delay x86_64-linux significantly longer than necessary. I hope that today we solve the remaining x86_64 blocker by systemd "downgrade", and we might be good. Well, except that channel-bumping seems stuck for the last few days in general, so we'll probably have to wait for that as well.\
<Profpatsch> Huh, this is brutal
<Profpatsch> calls to 2598 functions:
<Profpatsch> 1201677 anonymous function at ESC[1m/home/philip/nixpkgs/lib/modules.nixESC[0m:202:30
<Profpatsch> 700987 anonymous function at ESC[1m/home/philip/nixpkgs/lib/modules.nixESC[0m:208:30
<Profpatsch> 428668 'hasPrefix' at ESC[1m/home/philip/nixpkgs/lib/strings.nixESC[0m:148:21
<Profpatsch> 217765 anonymous function at ESC[1m/home/philip/nixpkgs/lib/modules.nixESC[0m:217:22
<Profpatsch> 211202 'splitByAndCompare' at ESC[1m/home/philip/nixpkgs/lib/trivial.nixESC[0m:115:35
<Profpatsch> That’s the containers-imperative test, which times at around 8 seconds.
<Profpatsch> 30%–50% of calls are two definitions in the submodule merging logic, decls (1201677 calls) and defns (700987 calls).
<Profpatsch> To be fair, without timings it’s hard to say whether those take up a lot of time (but everything else is lib/trivial or lib/lists)
<Dezgeg> yes, there should be a lot of low-hanging fruit
<Profpatsch> compareLists is also called 100k times, and it’s only used in exactly one place.
<Profpatsch> Then again I wonder why this test has to evaluate the manual.
<Dezgeg> manual is enabled by default in NixOS configurations
<tilpner> What is the non-obsolete alternative to the "options" argument of mkOption?
<tilpner> I want to add an option into users.users.<name>.*
<LnL> I'm not sure if you can do that for submodules
<LnL> hmm, interesting
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<shlevy> niksnut: Any thoughts on https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs/pull/28 (Nix release process)?
<Profpatsch> Dezgeg: Nope, shouldn’t build the manual: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/lib/build-vms.nix#L31
<Profpatsch> Feels like a bug.
<Profpatsch> Or maybe it’s that certain test.
<Profpatsch> yeah, it calls evalConfig
<Profpatsch> sorry
<Profpatsch> traceValFn (c: c.config.services.nixosManual.enable)
<Profpatsch> traceValFn, traceValSeqFn, traceValSeqNFn
<Profpatsch> Should I push those?
<Profpatsch> traceValFn (x: toString x.a) { a = 1; b = 2; }
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<gchristensen> https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/2033 vcunat could I get your eyes on this issue both as part of your role on the core team, and also dpoint person on the 18.03 release?
<vcunat> Yes, I agree with sh.levy on this.
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<gchristensen> OK with a backport to 18.03?
<vcunat> yes, if we do that fast (written on the issue)
<gchristensen> Ok, great, thanks!
<aminechikhaoui> shlevy: the manual doesn't seem to go through all settings in src/libstore/globals.hh so I'm hesitant to add anything for the disk cache ttl thingy
<aminechikhaoui> ah nope
<aminechikhaoui> I see doc/manual/command-ref/conf-file.xml now
<copumpkin> I feel like 95% of the time I use filterSource, I want it to pass a path relative to the base path I ask it for
<copumpkin> I guess that's probably worth wrapping in lib
<copumpkin> relative in string terms, that is
<copumpkin> I don't actually want it to be a path type because my filter predicate shouldn't be copying stuff into the store
* copumpkin stops talking to himself :)
<shlevy> copumpkin: We have that in our own infrar
<shlevy> Our "filter" is relative to the base of the project
<copumpkin> any chance you'd push your version to lib/ in nixpkgs? :)
<copumpkin> I can't be the only person outside your company who wants it
<shlevy> copumpkin: We have a task to open source it... It's a pretty significant divergence from how paths are "normally" handled
<shlevy> But I can see about just excising the filter bits
<copumpkin> oh
<shlevy> We use nix-adt to represent different kinds of sources
<shlevy> One of which is a "filtered" version of another source
<copumpkin> so not just a precompose with relativize
<shlevy> And the filter for that is relative, not absolute
<copumpkin> also, is there a .gitignore parser -> filterSource floating around in nixpkgs?
<shlevy> :scream:
<shlevy> I tried writing one with import-from-derivation once but it exposed a bug in filterSource that I never got around to fixing
<shlevy> Wonder if it works now
<vcunat> .nixignore :-)
<copumpkin> :)
<copumpkin> or perhaps a builtins.fetchgit + filterSource
<copumpkin> :P
<Dezgeg> IMHO we should have a flag for builtins.fetchGit to ignore .gitignore'd files
<copumpkin> oh, it doesn't?
<Dezgeg> not sure
<shlevy> I think it should for local repos
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<copumpkin> hmm, did filterSource start/stop using "source" as the name of the store path at some point?
<copumpkin> I have one nix implementation producing a path called [basename] and another called "source"
<copumpkin> oh perhaps someone cloned my repo into a different path, hmm
<copumpkin> nah, it seems to be called "source" regardless
<copumpkin> never mind, PEBKAC :)
<copumpkin> very annoying that it uses the basename of the folder though
<copumpkin> I guess that's why we added path
<copumpkin> argh, is builtins.path not in any released version?
<copumpkin> oh I'm behind
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<copumpkin> shlevy: is there a good way to simulate builtins.path on Nix before it?
<copumpkin> I can't make a regular derivation on top of it because it'll have a different hash
<copumpkin> but I want a stable name regardless of the basename
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<vcunat> niksnut: the -small channels don't get bumps anymore, for no apparent reason (maybe big ones as well, but nixpkgs-18.03-darwin did get it today)
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<gchristensen> vcunat: will a user's nixpkgs override the explicitly defined nixpkgs in the NIX_PATH?
<vcunat> no, the command-line -I parameters are prepended to the NIX_PATH list
<vcunat> eh, "yes", tat is
<vcunat> gchristensen: I hope you get my meaning :-)
<gchristensen> yeah
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<gchristensen> vcunat: lgty / ready to merge & backport?
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<niksnut> vcunat: sorry about that, it's fixed now
<thoughtpolice> Mmmm, Is there any good reason the PostgreSQL module does not override the 'postgresql' attribute of the extraPlugins you specify? As it is now, if I want Postgres 10, I have to manually map an override to set `postgres = postgres100;` for each extraPlugin in the NixOS module, since they default to Postgres 9.4 otherwise -- anyone have insight here?
<thoughtpolice> e.g. you end up needing something like https://gist.github.com/thoughtpolice/64130af0cce9b137d0522a3d63af05f1
<thoughtpolice> Err, 9.6 I meant :)
<gchristensen> look out everyone, I'm writing ... C++
<MichaelRaskin> Yeah, here you can create a data race and not even notice it!
<MichaelRaskin> (Although I guess it is Nix, and Nix evaluator is not dangerously multithreaded as far as I remember)
<thoughtpolice> Also come to think of it, it's a bit weird that the postgresql plugins are just sort of 'free floating' in the namespace. :| I'm surprised there's no 'postgres10Plugins.postgis', for example.
<thoughtpolice> That would help with having to prefix pg_ everywhere or having names like 'postgis' (which aren't otherwise relevant outside PostgreSQL) just hanging out...
<vcunat> niksnut: great, many bumps at once now!
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<vcunat> gchristensen: it's really fast. It would seem best if some other member looked at it. I'm not releasing today anyway :-)
<gchristensen> sounds good :)
<gchristensen> everyone, please review my change here on adding user channels to the NIX PATH by default : https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/38351
<gchristensen> error: a 'aarch64-linux' with the system features 'magic-pixie-dust', 'kvm' is required to build '/nix/store/h1wz42yalaayy9zhshq3vqz00358drml-hello-2.10.drv', but I am a 'x86_64-linux'
<gchristensen> error: a 'aarch64-linux' with the system feature 'magic-pixie-dust' is required to build '/nix/store/2r9r8m2pf8j0kjwfxk02gx5siyl4m9ks-hello-2.10.drv', but I am a 'x86_64-linux'
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<shlevy> \o/
<LnL> that's great! this is even confusing for people that know about it
<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: i am trying installed
<Sonarpulse> *installer
<Sonarpulse> weird af err where I swear ~root/.nix-profile/bin eventually pointed to the bin directory of nix itself
<Sonarpulse> not a symlink tree
<Sonarpulse> unfortunately no time to repo :(
<Sonarpulse> need to get coworker up and running again
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<gchristensen> that is standard, Sonarpulse
<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: oh.. ok
<Sonarpulse> no nix-channel then?
<gchristensen> if there is only 1 thing in the env, it doesn't make a tree, just passes along the one thin
<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: ah ok
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<gchristensen> it should have worked, though. did it not?
<Sonarpulse> then is nix-channel not part of nix? nix perl stuff instead for example?
<gchristensen> no, nix-channel should have been there
<Sonarpulse> huh....
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<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: `.....-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 249696 Dec 31 1969 nix-channel ` ok nevermind
<Sonarpulse> I swear the shell didn't find it on path
<Sonarpulse> but i dunno
<Sonarpulse> sorry this is all useless scary noise for you....
<gchristensen> no worries :)
<gchristensen> Sonarpulse: is it working now?
<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: root is
<Sonarpulse> going back to user
<Sonarpulse> will report
<gchristensen> ok
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<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: ok so the user issues were just zsh profile things
<Sonarpulse> out of scope
<Sonarpulse> but while the daemon seems to be running (at least the socket is there, no noise in the journal)
<Sonarpulse> regular user cannot connect
<Sonarpulse> btw I did enable sandboxing
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<dtz> nix-channel is native now
<dtz> should be :)
<Sonarpulse> dtz: yeah i dunno what was going on
<Sonarpulse> have it now
<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: ah it seems to be .socket vs .service
<dtz> interesting
<gchristensen> Sonarpulse: huh?
<gchristensen> it should automatically start the service when the socket is used for the first time. did you not see that?