gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-dev to: NixOS Development (#nixos for questions) | https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/trunk-combined https://channels.nix.gsc.io/graph.html | 18.03 release managers: fpletz and vcunat
<zybell_> Not what we don't know lets us fail, but what we falsely believe to know.
<dtz> ^_^
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<tilpner> The GH issue template makes it really hard to search for issues with /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/ :/
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<primeos[m]> I don't really like the idea of removing existing packages (in general), but would be completely fine with it if someone thinks that's the appropriate thing to do.
<tilpner> What about broken ones that nobody volunteered to fix in a few years?
<Mic92> or which are outdated/obsolete
<tilpner> No, outdated ones can still be useful
<Mic92> outdated if they are replaced by upstream by different component
<tilpner> Only if that new component is completely compatible with all downstream users
<Mic92> of course
<Mic92> but sometimes you don't find maintainers for both
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<vcunat> marking as broken seems to solve at least most of the reasons to remove them
<vcunat> But I agree that keeping a meta.broken package for years seems pointless.
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<gchristensen> vcunat: let's merge and not backport
<gchristensen> no need to rush it
<vcunat> yes, 18.03 is released already, basically
<gchristensen> great!
<vcunat> I'm mainly waiting for the manual on nixos.org to pickup yesterday's significant changes.
<ikwildrpepper> vcunat: according to logs it updated 9 minutes ago
<makefu> is 18.03 released?
<gchristensen> has nixos.org been updated to point the manual and thingss to 18.03?
<ikwildrpepper> hm, maybe not
<gchristensen> oh the repo has!
<vcunat> ikwildrpepper: yes, but to an older version than I want :-)
<ikwildrpepper> then yes
<vcunat> it's 18.03
<ikwildrpepper> vcunat: hm, older than what exactly?
<ikwildrpepper> (it should update every 20m)
<gchristensen> perhaps the channel is not completely updated?
<vcunat> it's "awaiting" a channel bump
<vcunat> (all conditions are met AFAIK)
<vcunat> soon after that I hope that web will update as well
<ikwildrpepper> ah, understood :)
<ikwildrpepper> thnx
<vcunat> The current channel is just one commit behind significant release notes edits, and it wouldn't be good to encourage reading the link before the target is ready.
<gchristensen> ikwildrpepper: any chance you can "encourage" the website to update, then? :)
<ikwildrpepper> gchristensen: the website update is easy to do, but the channel bump takes a bit I think
<vcunat> The channel bumped now.
<ikwildrpepper> triggered update of website
<gchristensen> "The latest stable release series is 18.03 and the latest release in that series is 18.03.131768.a74969256b0" <- it isn't "pre" as of just a moment ago!
<vcunat> Confirmed it looks OK \o/
<ikwildrpepper> just finished 10s ago
<gchristensen> way to go vcunat, fpletz, everyone
<vcunat> With Impala and at once, I'm really looking forward to some meltdown this week.
<ikwildrpepper> what's the next codename actually? :o
<tilpner> There was some talk about Jellyfish
<ikwildrpepper> ah, right
<gchristensen> vcunat: everything is going to break on you? :)
<gchristensen> "NixOS Impala cannot reach under any circumstances"
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<tilpner> What does Impala have to do with
<vcunat> ikwildrpepper: yes, unstable/master is 18.09 Jellyfish now
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<ikwildrpepper> vcunat: works for me :)
<vcunat> tilpner: just another thing that might blow due to my mistakes.
<vcunat> (and started recently)
<tilpner> So you work at Cloudflare?
<vcunat> Nope, but my day job is on knot-resolver which they run it on.
<vcunat> (The first main dev was lost to CloudFlare years ago.)
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<pierron> check-meta seems to be broken by the fact that you cannot extend the set of platform that a derivation is working on …
<tilpner> Ah, I see :)
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<vcunat> Hmm, bad for check-meta, but it sounds fixable, at least in theory.
<pierron> check-meta seems to be checked before the overrideDerivation, instead of being evaluated after.
<vcunat> Yes, that's what I meant.
<vcunat> Will you open an issue if you can't see a solution immediately?
<pierron> I should …
<pierron> The question is not about finding a solution, the question, is how fast can I get back to a working system … unfortunately :/
<gchristensen> what about the other two override methods
<vcunat> pierron: config.checkMeta = false; ?
<pierron> vcunat: I found another work-around … rr = super.rr.override { stdenv = self.stdenv // { mkDerivation = args: ...; }; };
<gchristensen> oh my
<pierron> same as overrideDerivation, without the first evaluation of mkDerivation
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<clever> pierron: overrideAttrs does the same thing
<clever> oh, but that cant work if meta.broken wont let you eval it
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<pierron> clever: this is a platforms list which does not contain the platform for which I want to compile.
<clever> ah, yeah, a stdenv override is the only easy way to force that
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<clever> gchristensen: i think PR https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/37288 is ready for merging
<gchristensen> what is pixz vs xz?
<gchristensen> oh I see
<clever> multi-core compression
<clever> already confirmed with --repeat that its still deterministic
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<gchristensen> is there a way to tell Nix it is okay to try a remote builder again, after a few tries of it not workking?
<LnL> kill the daemon? :p
<gchristensen> I've done that ... it doesn't even try any of my remotes
<gchristensen> (nor does it say my `bogus://` remote is invalid?)
<gchristensen> (which it sometimes does with -vvvv)
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<Profpatsch> gchristensen: Do we have a way to invoke the lib tests with ofborg?
<Profpatsch> lib/tests/release.nix
<Profpatsch> ^ this adds some more module testst
<Profpatsch> -t
<Profpatsch> gchristensen: Also, are you okay with my replies to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/38368 ?
<Profpatsch> Those are different PRs, even though it doesn’t look like it. :)
<Profpatsch> 36638 and 38368
<Profpatsch> pierron: If you could take a look at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/38368 as well, it does a bunch of stuff to debug.nix
<Profpatsch> Maybe I deprecated a function you use regularly or something, of course we can always un-deprecate stuff even after merge.
<pierron> Profpatsch: is that urgent?
<pierron> Profpatsch: I am trying to avoid Nix dev on working hours.
<Profpatsch> pierron: Ah, nope.
<Profpatsch> You don’t have to look at it at all, it’s not that important.
<pierron> Profpatsch: just mention @nbp and it will appear in my todo-list.
<Profpatsch> I imagine as codeowner there’s a lot of mentions. :)
<pierron> github does not generate anything special in emails for code reviews :(
<gchristensen> Yeah, are you able to actually look at all the things you're mentioned on?
<pierron> gchristensen: I have an email filter.
<gchristensen> I have several, too... Mostly I try not to look at my email these days :(
<pierron> and 14296 unread emails from github …
<Profpatsch> I exclusively use github notification on-site, but I’m not subscribed to a lot of threads, so it’s mostly a dozen things per day.
<Profpatsch> infinisil: Concerning the coercedTo check/merge, I just now read the complete code and you pay the price of coerceFunc twice.
<Profpatsch> Once in check and once in merge
<infinisil> Profpatsch: Yeah
<infinisil> Makes more sense to remove the one in merge
<Profpatsch> Even though it’s not an often-used function, we should keep the type system slim.
<Profpatsch> Well, you can remove the assert but not the second use of coerceFunc
<infinisil> I honestly think coercedTo should be used much more, it's really useful
<infinisil> Ah right
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<Profpatsch> Except if you can pipe through the converted value somehow.
<Profpatsch> infinisil: The use-case I can see for it is to move the special-casing logic from the config implementation to the option declaration.
<infinisil> Yeah
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<Profpatsch> But only for options that don’t change their meaning based on other options.
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<Profpatsch> e.g. “this different conversion needs to be used if froz is set to blarg”
<Profpatsch> It’s possible to state that in the config impl, though I’d say it’s a very big design smell.
<infinisil> I use coercedTo often when I want some more convenient type in simpler cases
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<infinisil> E.g. I just started writing a module that would allow you to set ports for services like `servicePorts.ipfs = 8080`, but also `servicePorts.ipfs = [ 8080 1010 ]`
<infinisil> But then also `[ { address = ""; port = 8080; } ]`
<infinisil> Not sure if that's a good thing on second thought though :P
<Profpatsch> Hm, feels hard to handle.
<infinisil> It will then check such that no two services use the same port/address
<Profpatsch> Ah, the holy grail of the module system.
<infinisil> I got the checking part implemented already, but damn that was hard to write
<Profpatsch> I know a few people who fell into despair trying to implement something like that.
<Profpatsch> I’d like to see the code, actually.
<infinisil> The variable names could be improved, and it needs docs what each one does, but it does work
<Profpatsch> infinisil: though one has to be really careful how to handle coercedTo
<infinisil> Yeah that was actually my problem, it doesn't work with coercedTo
<Profpatsch> It really is a union with some custom handling logic tied to it.
<Profpatsch> And the nesting matters very much.
<infinisil> That's why the type of it is currently just `types.attrsOf (listOf bindType)`
<Profpatsch> tbh I’m not convinced coercedTo is a good idea after all.
<Profpatsch> It feels very arbitrary in a sense.
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<Profpatsch> Handy certainly, but only within bounds.
<infinisil> Hmm.. I'll have to explore it a bit more I guess
<Profpatsch> Especially that you have to apply coerceFunc twice is a smell imho.
<infinisil> And btw this ports thing also works well with addr = "any" declarations, as you might have guessd
<Profpatsch> If you manage to convince it to only call coerceFunc once, I’m sold.
<infinisil> Profpatsch: I'll think about it, maybe something could be done with a payload
<Profpatsch> coercedTo also doesn’t work with submodules, if I interpret the first assert correctly.
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<Profpatsch> infinisil: I like the solution with assertions. attrsOf (listOf port) does not do what you want I think.
<Profpatsch> attrsOf scalar errors out on clash.
<Profpatsch> options.foo = lib.mkOption {type = lib.types.attrsOf (lib.types.listOf lib.types.str);}
<Profpatsch> options.foo = lib.mkOption {type = lib.types.attrsOf (lib.types.listOf lib.types.str);}
<Profpatsch> foo = {foo = ["baz"];};
<Profpatsch> Other module: foo = {foo = ["bar"];};
<Profpatsch> nix-repl> :p profpatsch.katara.eval.config.foo
<Profpatsch> { foo = [ "baz" "bar" ]; }
<Profpatsch> But attrsOf (listOf str) merges the lists
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<infinisil> What's the problem with that? I think that's what I want
<Profpatsch> Ah, ok.
<infinisil> The attrs names represent services, which can bind to multiple ports
<Profpatsch> I haven’t thought through the business logic of port assignment. :)
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<Profpatsch> I think we should work on separating the merging logic from the type checking though.
<Profpatsch> They are quite orthogonal, really.
<infinisil> Hmm..
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<infinisil> You mean with coercedTo?
<Profpatsch> I suspect both will have more straight forward & faster implementations if separated.
<Profpatsch> coercedTo … hm.
<Profpatsch> I haven’t thought about the merging logic much, but I suspect there would be a `merge` combinator of some sorts.
<Profpatsch> And `coercedTo a c b` would just be a specialization (use-case) of the more generic `merge`
<Profpatsch> And merge strategies could be combined and modified with higher-order combinators.
<Profpatsch> But this is medium- to far-future. :)
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<infinisil> Haha, you sure do like functional programming
<infinisil> I too
<infinisil> All right, I added lots of comments with what every step does in my ports thing: https://github.com/Infinisil/nixpkgs/blob/ports/nixos/modules/config/ports.nix#L38-L127
<infinisil> Still not sure if it's worth putting this into nixpkgs though. It just annoyed me that I've tried to debug an error for hours, only to realize that 2 services tried to use the same port.
<infinisil> But it would also be cool if ports could be assigned automatically (if you don't need a specific one), I don't like coming up with random ports to use for my services.
<Profpatsch> infinisil: You should ping aszlig_, he can probably tell you about possible drawbacks.
<infinisil> I'll do that when I open a PR
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<infinisil> Also I'm a bit afraid of increased evaluation times
<infinisil> Although usually you only have a couple ports used (from config files), so that might not be a problem
<gchristensen> clever: what init did you use for your notos?
<LnL> isn't that runit?
<zybell_> runit
<zybell_> says the doc
<gchristensen> awesome :D thanks!
<zybell_> README.md
<Profpatsch> gchristensen: I have a complete type signature for complete derivations now (not just for meta fields). What are your thoughts on test-driving that as an ofborg check? Even if it is still out-of-repo?
<gchristensen> I don't think ofborg is in the business of out-of-tree checks
<gchristensen> wow, cool!
<Profpatsch> mkDerivationT even recurses down into the dependencies and type-checks those, if that is wanted.
<Profpatsch> But that’s experimental at best.
<Profpatsch> It’s also kind of a formalization of the nix manual descriptions.
<Profpatsch> By out-of-tree I mean types-simple.nix and the signature files, not the derivations themselves.
<Profpatsch> But checkType and derivationT would not be from e.g. lib until it’s ready to move into nixpkgs.
<Profpatsch> But it could already be used as a linter and sanity-check by ofborg.
<Profpatsch> I’d volunteer to be notified whenever such a check fails, so I can improve the logic.
<Profpatsch> And chime in when it happens.
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<Sonarpulse> is there any ETA for a hackage merge?
<Sonarpulse> sorry stable merge
<Sonarpulse> sorry *staging* merge
* Sonarpulse is tired
<FRidh> I'm looking at merging master into staging again but yet another merge conflict. We should indeed merge the other way.
<zybell_> Possibly not *the* other way: merging what has *gone into* master (the PRs)instead.
<FRidh> so glad that people always need to enforce their own style preferences in every update
<coconnor> speaking of which...
<coconnor> is there a style guide for nix code?
<coconnor> I see guidelines on PR in the manuals. Which are nice
<coconnor> but I didn't see anything specific to code style
<coconnor> admittely, didn't check the old/new wiki
<LnL> there's a small section in the nixpkgs manual, but that's it AFAIK
<coconnor> oh I must have missed that.. checking
<coconnor> that's definitely enough for my purposes
<zybell_> indent Commits: before merging create a commit by checking out the source (into a temporary branch if needed), run indent with the config of the target branch automatically, commit,then merge.
<ekleog> would it make sense to add a travis-ci script that enforces some indent style?
<coconnor> I'm a fan of automation around style verification ;)
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<ekleog> this way all new PRs would have to abide by the rules set
<ekleog> (that said I'm not sure there exists an indent verifier for a syntax like nix's)
<coconnor> neither. I was just about to ask...
<zybell_> With indent commits you even can have painlessly different styles in different banches.
<coconnor> even bigger fan of pre commit git hooks that auto-correct style ;)
<Mic92> zybell_: coconnor some very basic rules: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/.editorconfig
<Mic92> we don't have fully functional auto indentation tools, I think.
<zybell_> I think nix is close enough to C that indent can be shanghaied.
<Mic92> it might get confused by code embedded in strings
<ekleog> I guess this could be a nice usage of the hnix parser: parse as an AST and then re-dump the AST with the set formatting rules
<LnL> yeah, you definitely need something that understands the multiline strings
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<ekleog> that said then you have to indent *inside* multiline strings, and then it becomes really hard
<ekleog> but maybe even indenting outside would already be a net win
<gchristensen> it also requires painting the biggest bike shed
<dtz> clang-format support or die trying
<dtz> xD
<Mic92> just led the nix core decides this
<ekleog> wasn't clang-format made only for C, like indent?
<Mic92> I am pretty sure it is
<Profpatsch> gchristensen: What amount of work would auto-maintainer-ping to ofborg be?
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<dtz> or maybe not. :P. But a)C++, which is zomg harder
<dtz> and b)C-esque's, from website: "C/C++/Java/JavaScript/Objective-C/Protobuf code"
<gchristensen> the hard part, Profpatsch, is identifying which drvs' meta fields should be considered for the pingg
<Mic92> gchristensen: same as the ones used for build?
<Mic92> maybe adding a rate limit would be useful though
<gchristensen> on a PR updating bash, there is no easy way to identify that bash is the one we should pluck maintainers from
<gchristensen> for builds I don't mind building extra stuff, but for pings I don't want to generate extra mail for people
<FRidh> gchristensen: what would happen in that specific case of bash?
<LnL> gchristensen: match <package>.meta.position with files in the diff?
<gchristensen> that could be interestingg
<ekleog> dtz: issue is nix is quite non-C-esque-at-all, imo: the functional-style function calls will likely be enough to break it (though it'd be worth trying, I guess)
<Profpatsch> gchristensen: I have to admit, I haven’t looked at the script that finds out the changed attributes yet3
<LnL> gchristensen: wouldn't catch all cases, but I don't think you'd have any false positives
<Profpatsch> It sounds like that can’t find out which leaf derivations changed?
<dtz> yeah it's not an easy fit sorry was mostly just being a clang-fan and chiming in O:)
<gchristensen> we don't want the leafs, but the roots
<Profpatsch> yes, you are right.
<LnL> yeah, but the roots are not necceceraly the full set
<gchristensen> oh man
<LnL> :D
<Profpatsch> LnL: 80/20 is enough for now I think.
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<Profpatsch> Or we do sth like mention-bot again?
<Mic92> is should be dummy save though.
<Profpatsch> With a blacklist and a whitelist that devs can change?
<Mic92> sometimes people changes branches
<Mic92> and a lot of unrelated changed are added
<LnL> not saying it's a bad idea, it's just very hard to determine the correct list
<Profpatsch> gchristensen: Where’s the code that ofborg uses to find out which attrs it needs to rebuild on eval?
<Profpatsch> Or does it just reeval everything?
<Profpatsch> And also rebuild everything?
<gchristensen> it evals everything before merging and evals everything after merging, and compares the two sets
<gchristensen> it is basically thee same as /projects/nixpkgs/maintainers/scripts/rebuild-amount.sh
<Profpatsch> Can we go from drv files to attributes somehow?
<Profpatsch> Or we only need to go to derivations actually, to find out the maintainers.
<Profpatsch> Then we could use e.g. https://hackage.haskell.org/package/nix-diff
<vcunat> I think it does already extract the list of newly rebuilt attribute names.
<vcunat> If not, it shouldn't be difficult. Just add -P to the nix-env invocation and then pass the names around.
<Profpatsch> vcunat: You mean for finding out the attribute for a drv file?
* LnL checks /etc/os-release to see if anything actually happened
<Profpatsch> LnL: Oooh, that’s cool.
<vcunat> Profpatsch: well, yes, keeping the attribute paths along with derivation paths when working with the rebuild list
<Profpatsch> vcunat: That’s going through the name-field?
<vcunat> Profpatsch: it is done actually now - see https://gist.github.com/GrahamcOfBorg
<vcunat> (I've forgotten so much since writing rebuild-amount.sh)
<zybell_> read https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormatStyleOptions.html and found out it can do indent inside of (multiline)strings.
<zybell_> does not seem to have a way to indent python((multiline)strings) although it seems to be written in python.
<simpson> zybell_: There's a Python stdlib function: https://docs.python.org/2/library/textwrap.html#textwrap.dedent
<dtz> (it's definitely not written in python, but it does have a python binding which is what vim integration uses, for example)
<dtz> but clang-format is a C++ binary
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<dtz> (FYI O:))
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<zybell_> The idea was to overload python multiline string recognition, which is nearer to nix than c multiline string, with a patch if it were available. It isn't.:(
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<infinisil> Profpatsch: This might also be interesting to you: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/38356
<infinisil> A bit at least, because it has to do with types :)
<Profpatsch> infinisil: Doesn’t that crash if the values are null?
<infinisil> Profpatsch: See the linked code in my last comment
<Profpatsch> Why add null then?
<infinisil> null is meant for when you want it to not be set
<Profpatsch> {} is the same, right?
<Profpatsch> Which is the default already
<Profpatsch> Ah, oh, this is systemd.
<infinisil> Profpatsch: Without nullOr, things like { FOO = null; } would not be allowed
<infinisil> And that's needed to allow overriding attributes such that they're not set
<Profpatsch> Oh huh, I wonder what the toJSON does
<Profpatsch> The input is always a string if I see this right.
<infinisil> Oh, good point
<Profpatsch> Meh, I’m not sure I want to know. Probably something to do with escaping.
<infinisil> Huh
<infinisil> Yeah that might be it
<LnL> hrm, I can't evaluate nixos/release.nix :/
<LnL> error: cannot import '/nix/store/kkch022f7zbi77av4vfb159278lcg9iv-nixpkgs', since path '/nix/store/kkch022f7zbi77av4vfb159278lcg9iv-nixpkgs' is not valid
<dtz> get it validated by the receptionist on your way out
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<LnL> it's the filterSource stuff
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<Sonarpulse> fpletz: you around?
<Sonarpulse> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/37337 is getting bigger
<Sonarpulse> it's basically a back port of a bunch of lib changes I've since made on master
<Sonarpulse> (the mix of cherry-picks and original commits is quite intentional)
<Sonarpulse> in general I've not really pushed too hard on making cross perfect for 18.03
<Sonarpulse> it was in pretty good shape and any further changes are not very invasive such as this (big diff, no hashes)
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<Sonarpulse> so we could also backport post-release on demand
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<Mic92> Sonarpulse: I am suprised, you fixed ceph in particular. Do you fix specific software or do you try to build as much as possible?
<Sonarpulse> Mic92: that was random
<Sonarpulse> it broke
<Sonarpulse> like one regression somewhere
<Sonarpulse> in a PR
<Mic92> Sonarpulse: what targets do work on mainly on?
<Sonarpulse> Mic92: ehhh not even mainly that
<Sonarpulse> that was probably just an x86_64-linux bug
<Sonarpulse> sometimes I have PRs that should change no hashes
<Sonarpulse> so then i need to pre-change some things
<Sonarpulse> for work for cross, I focus on phone apps
<Sonarpulse> really I'm more interested in the infra than the specific platforms
<Sonarpulse> if every platform had a point person and none of them were me, I'd be very happy
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<dtz> haha
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