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<dtz> o/
<gchristensen> \o
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<dtz> Also I'm like 95% sure I chased down gc things before haha-- and IIRC discussion was that gc-or-no shouldn't leak out of the evaluator, which makes sense.
<dtz> Still would be nice to fix this/related :3.
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<pstn> Whoever gets teamviewer 13 working on nixos will have my eternal gratitude. Trying it right now but they seemed to have switched frameworks now and so many things changed...
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<fadenb> pstn: You might want to try the TeamViewer community for help.
<fadenb> the Linux version core devs are actively monitoring it
<fadenb> If you have a specific issue I can forward it as I still have some contacts even if I no longer work at TV
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<NinjaTrappeur> Is there any kind of CI running the nix test suite?
<NinjaTrappeur> LnL, thanks. I have some trouble understanding this page. Where can I find the derivations used to produce those test cases? Is this somewhere in the nix git repository?
<LnL> yeah, look at the configuration tab
<LnL> nix-build '<nix/release.nix>' -I nix=... -I nixpkgs=...
<NinjaTrappeur> oh yes, right, thanks
<LnL> or just build release.nix if you have a checkout
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<Mic92> LnL: this will be handy in future to track down rust build failures: https://github.com/Mic92/cntr/commit/244d08dc4a099c3c283e2de88170eab8c2080a66#commitcomment-28720920
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<LnL> neat!
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<Dezgeg> what's our guarantee for stable APIs for packages outside nixpkgs? surely it cannot be just that 8 year old APIs get renamed like this: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/37401
<drakonis> plugins plugins plugins
<drakonis> ah hold on, i'm conflating nix with nixpkgs right now
<drakonis> are there any stats for off tree repositories?
<drakonis> can isArm be aliased to isAarch32?
<drakonis> actually, i don't think there's anything using the isArm api other than nixpkgs itself
<Dezgeg> I use it
<drakonis> ah i see
<drakonis> well then
<drakonis> don't mind me
<drakonis> to be honest, there wasn't aarch64 until 2011
<drakonis> the first chip using it was in 2012
<samueldr> ls
<samueldr> wrong computer
<drakonis> i'd say to update it in order to keep the naming scheme consistent and unambiguous
<Sonarpulse> drakonis: please vote then
<Sonarpulse> Dezgeg: I'll add deprecated back-compat
<Dezgeg> it's perfectly unambiguous that isArm refers to GNU triplets of the form armv*l-foo-linux-gnu
<drakonis> ^
<drakonis> i suppose
<drakonis> there's multiple variants though
<drakonis> what will you do when arm64 is the default and no arm32 devices are still in usage?
<Sonarpulse> Dezgeg: and indeed I call it ARM when contributing to gnu-config http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/config-patches/2018-04/msg00007.html
<drakonis> whenever that day comes
<Sonarpulse> but nixpkgs doesn't have to be bound to convention like gnu-config triples
<Dezgeg> aarch64 is still name aarch64-foo-linux-gnu
<Sonarpulse> and aarch32 is a convention
<Sonarpulse> cortex*- is also accepted btw
<Dezgeg> why nixpkgs cannot use the same convention as GNU?
<Sonarpulse> I've seen thumb*- from the rust people too
<Sonarpulse> Dezgeg: because it's a bad convention that confuses people
<Sonarpulse> hell, I'll add aarch32 to gnu-config if you like
<Dezgeg> there is no need to retroactively rename things that have been called 'arm' for 20 years
<Sonarpulse> Dezgeg: look I think we're just gonna disagree on this one
<Sonarpulse> you value back compat
<Sonarpulse> I value it a lot less
<Sonarpulse> I like things making sense without knowing the history
<Sonarpulse> you don't require knowing the history to make it make sense
<drakonis> this brings [ to mind
<Sonarpulse> it's different perspectives
<Dezgeg> do we rename i686 as well then?
<Sonarpulse> if x86-* was being used
<Sonarpulse> I'd say yes
<drakonis> linux uses i686
<Sonarpulse> but i686 is not ambiguous for exactly that
<Dezgeg> linux also uses armv7l et al
<Sonarpulse> we still use legit configs in our config
<Sonarpulse> but I am making gnu-config deal with the LLVM-style 4 ones better
<Sonarpulse> rewrote some bash nobody had touched since rms in 1996!
<drakonis> yes thank goodness for people rewriting things
<drakonis> speaking of llvm, is there a build flag for setting llvm as the default compiler?
<drakonis> as far as i know, llvm can already build nearly all of debian's archive without errors
<Sonarpulse> drakonis: see the clangStdenv
<Sonarpulse> I want this to be better
<Sonarpulse> but everything takes time
<drakonis> time is money
<Sonarpulse> drakonis: but also time now, more money later :D
<Sonarpulse> it's something to fine-tune
<Sonarpulse> Dezgeg: if we had a bunch of i?86, I would do an isx86_32
<drakonis> heh
<Dezgeg> that sounds somewhat easily confusable with x32, the 32-bit pointer variant of x86_64
<drakonis> to be honest, this naming convention is all kinds of confusing
<MichaelRaskin> x32 is just beyond the good and evil
<MichaelRaskin> (as a name)
<Dezgeg> yes
<drakonis> x86-64 is the name amd gave to the extended ISA
<drakonis> this is weird and confusing
<drakonis> it was amd64 then x86-64
<Sonarpulse> well IA-32
<Sonarpulse> if we really want to be pendantic
<drakonis> pedantic
<drakonis> zing
<Sonarpulse> otoh it does work with CamelCase better :D
<Sonarpulse> isIA-32 IA-64
<Sonarpulse> isIA-32 isIA-64
<Sonarpulse> hmm
<Sonarpulse> :D
<MichaelRaskin> Wait
<MichaelRaskin> IA64 ≠ amd64
<Sonarpulse> yes
<MichaelRaskin> IA64 = Itanium
<Dezgeg> that's itanium
<drakonis> yes, itanium
<drakonis> RIP itanium
<drakonis> it never stood a chance
<Dezgeg> but regardless, I still see that 'gratuitous mass renames considered harmful' is the view that has been taken before in nixpkgs (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/ec8d41f08c95cff79ccb28132146226f4f75c6fe) so I don't see why this discussion has to be continued again and again
<Sonarpulse> "Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures"
<Sonarpulse> is what the manual does
<Sonarpulse> Dezgeg: that very change ended up being relented on by niksnut
<Sonarpulse> and NIX_CC/.../dynamic-linker was kept around for back-compat
<Sonarpulse> $NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker
<drakonis> release management with a sliced up tree and let nixpkgs be free to do crazy crazy things
<Dezgeg> exacly, the point was that this pointless $NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker -> $NIX_BINUTILS/nix-support/dynamic-linker mass rename was rejected
<Sonarpulse> Dezgeg: $NIX_BINUTILS/nix-support/dynamic-linker was kept
<Dezgeg> there is no single instance in nixpkgs referring to that
<drakonis> i assume those renames are one of those "what if we want to swap stdenv components?" situations
<drakonis> replace gcc and gnu binutils with llvm and llvm binutils
<Sonarpulse> drakonis: the idea was that for a bunch of things in cross we need a binutils wrapper
<drakonis> ah i see
<Sonarpulse> especially so that when building C compilers
<Sonarpulse> we don't need to hand-roll everything the wrapper would do
<Sonarpulse> Dezgeg: so back to the big picture
<Sonarpulse> on the MUSL pr
<Sonarpulse> eelco was worried about lots of conditionals and other stuff
<Dezgeg> where?
<Sonarpulse> rfc
<Sonarpulse> not pr
<Sonarpulse> sorry
<Sonarpulse> well with all the work that we did, we can now compile in far more ways without crazy conditional soup
<Sonarpulse> the work that went into changing core components like cc-wrapper
<Sonarpulse> *directly* led to the obviation of such hacks
<Sonarpulse> that niksnut was worried about accumulating
<Dezgeg> I don't know what you mean
<Sonarpulse> for example creating bintools-wrapper
<Sonarpulse> meant that gcc build could be simplified a lot
<Dezgeg> if a package needs a patch to compile with musl how do you avoid those 'if musl then patch' things?
<Sonarpulse> often times it wasn't that the package needed it
<Sonarpulse> but like the way were doing things was insufficiently generic
<Sonarpulse> the duplication between cc-wrapper and gcc
<dtz> I like using an attr (stdenv.cc.bintools.dynamicLinker) better than echo $(cat $NIX_CC/asdf) just because it's cleaner
<Sonarpulse> and the former getting more attention
<Sonarpulse> meant that the gcc code was stale
<Sonarpulse> then the gcc code shrunk
<Sonarpulse> mingw was made to keep on working
<Sonarpulse> and corect me if I'm wrong, dtz, but gcc didn't need too many hacks for musl?
<Sonarpulse> (there's still more crap to remove from GCC btw)
<Dezgeg> I still don't get what you mean
<drakonis> he's talking about keeping it clean
<Sonarpulse> Dezgeg: granted isArm <-> isAarch32
<Sonarpulse> is *not* a complexity reducer
<Sonarpulse> so it's not like $NIX_BINUTILS
<Sonarpulse> in terms of there's an actual change beyond renaming
<dtz> errr not really? most have been upstreamed. Mostly needed to extend our NixOS-specific hacks to cover musl too
<Sonarpulse> (two wrappers not one)
<Sonarpulse> dtz: well i mean had you done musl like 3 years ago in nixpkgs, it might have been a lot nastier :)
<dtz> but re:patches and whatnot it's my experience that generally they're fixes we want anyway, and honestly I've been pleasantly surprised to find patches I have in my tree from year or two ago are often no longer needed
<Sonarpulse> ^ hehe exactly
<dtz> as compilers, and glibc/gcc, and musl proponents probably... all clean things up
<dtz> O:)
<Sonarpulse> Dezgeg: isArm <-> isAarch32 I still think is good for regular people, say who hadn't used ARM before
<Sonarpulse> don't know what gnu-config is
<Sonarpulse> never saw the llvm triple parser C++
<dtz> but the truth is we're still seeing how things would work to some extent, which is a big part I think of why that RFC stalled :)
<dtz> well and because that's our RFC process :D :D
<Sonarpulse> ^ :D
<Dezgeg> if they haven't used ARM before why do they need to know about it then?
<Sonarpulse> because they are trying it out for the first time
<dtz> Sonarpulse: yes. Yes it would, and was AFAICT.
<Sonarpulse> I'm trying to reduce the deluge of gotchas one has to wade through
<Dezgeg> and then they will find out that their arm box produces 'armv7l' in uname -a
<dtz> renaming an attribute ... honestly I just like it because I've gotten it wrong sometimes
<Dezgeg> and that their cross compiler is named arm-none-eabi-gcc
<Sonarpulse> Aarch32 is to me a clear win because it's not ambiguous vs plan arm
<dtz> but maybe that's just my bad :P. I don't know what best answer is.
<Sonarpulse> dtz: I've hit it too
<Sonarpulse> dtz: I've just committed to gnu-config, so maybe we can accept aarch32v7 too
<dtz> so I imagine we can easily manage to change it all in one go in-tree
<Sonarpulse> indeed
<Sonarpulse> that is what the PR did
<dtz> maybe a bit of sync across branches, and --hmm minor pain backkporting occasionally
<dtz> the biggest reason not to is how badly it'd break out-of-tree or forks, I'd think?
<Dezgeg> how do you know gnu-config will accept this aarch32v7?
<dtz> I have no idea what everyone calls them and try not to have too many opinions on what they should be called
<Dezgeg> it's easy, everyone calls them arm 8)
<dtz> just that we all try to use same names-- not because they're right but so we can argue about things that matter not the name of the things that matter :D
<Dezgeg> i.e. literally %ifarch %{arm} in rpm
<Sonarpulse> Dezgeg: I don't know that
<dtz> haha
<Sonarpulse> Dezgeg: I don't mine armv7 as much
<dtz> yeah someone (probably on that issue/PR) mentioned that ARM made an announcement clarifying what was and wasn't arm
<Sonarpulse> because the v7 is a hint we're talking about a moment in time
<Sonarpulse> not "arm the ongoing concept"
<Sonarpulse> I don't really like raw "arm-"
<Sonarpulse> eventually there will probably be aarch64v9
<Dezgeg> but that's what other distros call it
<Sonarpulse> or something like that
<dtz> and i'm like yeah okay and treat that the same as I do when some company rebrands the local stadium to McDonalds-Is-Great Stadium
<dtz> lol
<dtz> :P
<Sonarpulse> Dezgeg: note the trailing dash, arm- as a concrete config as opposed to a predicate
<Dezgeg> the name 'arm' isn't going away from target triplets or what 'uname -r' returns
<Sonarpulse> we can give no one reason to ever use arm-* in nixpkgs
<Dezgeg> arm-none-eabi-gcc is literally what an usual cross compiler is called
<Sonarpulse> and then you need to pass -march flags
<Sonarpulse> which sucks in nixpkgs today
<Dezgeg> that is literally what people call these things
<dtz> lol every arm project I've worked on (well, years ago) basically had a set of -march and such flags for each supported platform xD xD
<Sonarpulse> the whole point of -target in llvm was to get rid of the -march soup
<Sonarpulse> using an ambiguous config defeats the point
<Sonarpulse> I need to get back to work, I don't think I'm very swayable at this point so let's just all vote everything
<Sonarpulse> if people side with dezgeg I'll gladly drop it
<dtz> lol or patch llvm to conform
<dtz> :P :P
<Sonarpulse> dtz: with aarch32?
<Sonarpulse> yeah I like patching upstream
<Sonarpulse> gnu-config is a lot more exotic than llvm haha
<dtz> isMadeByARM
<dtz> lol
<Sonarpulse> hahaha
<dtz> well they might reject, ARM employees will shut it down :P
<dtz> mayb
<dtz> *maybe
<dtz> we really need to patch clang to just understand our damn OS
<dtz> lol
<dtz> because it tries so hard to find proof it's any of a number of other things
<dtz> lol
<dtz> bah
<dtz> I'd do it if I had a clear idea of what the heck we wanted it to do
<Sonarpulse> dtz: nixos?
<Sonarpulse> hmm?
<MichaelRaskin> is _designed_ by ARM, though
<dtz> we kinda want our compilers to be useless by themselves, unless they're wrapped
<MichaelRaskin> (And even that is only up to the first approximation)
<dtz> yeah, nixos
<dtz> is_licensed_by_ARM
<dtz> ARM_would_be_mad_if_you_called_this_ARM
<dtz> o_O
<Sonarpulse> :D
<dtz> Sonarpulse: is this related to, or do we have any thoughts/plans for, starting to always set build/host/target?
<dtz> or at least two of fthem
<Sonarpulse> dtz: oh you mean like --build --host --target?
<dtz> ...why can't the world just conform to our ideals already
<dtz> plskthx
<Sonarpulse> haha
<Sonarpulse> I haven't thought about that in a while
<Sonarpulse> well sphalerite
<Sonarpulse> had the idea to use env vars
<Sonarpulse> so non gnu configure wouldn't be screwed uo
<Sonarpulse> only build and host would be set, fwiw
<Sonarpulse> target is opt in so we don't rebuild the world
<Sonarpulse> (/ --target is a legacy concept just for shitty compilers)
<Dezgeg> does setting both build + host trigger this 'cannot run test program while cross compiler' thing or is it something else?
<Dezgeg> or do they need to be set to different values?
<drakonis> minimizing gotchas you said earlier, does it include minimizing the libgl gotchas?
<Dezgeg> that still remains
<Sonarpulse> Dezgeg: that is another fear of mine i forgot about
<Sonarpulse> great point
<Dezgeg> maybe setting just --build avoids that?
<Sonarpulse> Dezgeg: if they are the same?
<Sonarpulse> yeah maybe
<Sonarpulse> (or I think we'd want to do just --host_
<MichaelRaskin> Sonarpulse: target is not for shitty compilers, it is for compilers from the era when building a compiler for all targets was a meaningful storage problem.
<shlevy> checkPhase should always be a separate drv on the runtime system
* shlevy ducks
<shlevy> I'm going to go further and say that multi-target is *still* worse than single-target in many cases
<shlevy> We shouldn't settle for either, though, we should have generic core packages and composable target-specific bits on top
<Sonarpulse> MichaelRaskin: I'm guessing that was just the case because the compilers came with all the librarires
<MichaelRaskin> Even without libraries compilers are large
<Sonarpulse> if they came with no libraries I doubt the raw binary size would have been so prohibitive an issue
<Sonarpulse> MichaelRaskin: gnu bfd was multi-target for a long time
<shlevy> Sonarpulse: llvm on modern hardware is stupidly slow to compile multi-target...
<MichaelRaskin> First you make decisions on a 20 MiB HDD system, then you kind carry them with your for 20 years
<Sonarpulse> fair enough
<Sonarpulse> stupid in 2018 compilers :D
<Sonarpulse> --target*s* is not so bad
<Sonarpulse> --targets='' only make portable llvm bitocde!
<Dezgeg> isn't the llvm bitcode quite unportable?
<Sonarpulse> Dezgeg: depends how it is produced I think, I assume over time they generate more target-specific bitcode
<Sonarpulse> without anyone caring one way or another
<Dezgeg> well, you need to resolve say, sizeof(void*) in the C frontend itself
<Dezgeg> so I doubt it will ever happen
<Sonarpulse> I mean i was being a bit tongue in cheek
<Sonarpulse> --targets='' maybe for a non-C compile :)
<Sonarpulse> --targets='' maybe for a non-C compiler :)
<Sonarpulse> or it doesn't allow sizeof(void*) for parametric portability
<shlevy> Sadly there's no native pointer type in llvm
<shlevy> Only specific bit widths
<dtz> as someone who literally works on "let's create an OS where everything is in LLVM IR"... no it's not portable at all. Or at least you're going to have a bad time if you ever assume it is :)
* dtz points to PNACL, they did the best they could
<dtz> lo
<dtz> oh
<dtz> you said unportable
<dtz> LOL
<dtz> :D
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<drakonis> there was a mozilla guy that had a brother that worked on llvm ir that said llvm ir isn't a panaea for portability
<drakonis> are you that guy?
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<Sonarpulse> bgamari: I tried again
<Sonarpulse> on latest master
<Sonarpulse> err damn
<Sonarpulse> ok that was my branch
<Sonarpulse> let me go build master again
<bgamari> yep
* bgamari wishes that `nix build` supported -K and -k
<clever> i often find myself re-running the build under nix-build, because i need the last 20 lines of output, not the last 10
<bgamari> yeah
<bgamari> there are still quite a few papercuts
<clever> haskell errors are fairly verbose, and the start is more important
<dtz> drakonis: I am not! but I probably know at least one of them! although don't know a set of brothers offhand....
<drakonis> i remember some blog post talking about it
* bgamari just opened https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/2105 for this issue
<dtz> but it's .. a common thing to need to say
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<Sonarpulse> bgamari: clever: hopefully this gets fixed
<Sonarpulse> and if not
<Sonarpulse> on its own
<Sonarpulse> hnix goads nix into finishing it's own roadmap
<drakonis> well i can't find it anymore
<drakonis> hnix?
<drakonis> nix in haskell?
<drakonis> :o
<drakonis> so, what can i do with that?
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<drakonis> all the same things except better :o?
<ekleog> well, I've mostly used it for the parser, I don't really know whether it can do other things
<ekleog> but basically having a library that parses nix is really useful sometimes
<drakonis> its by the guy that maintains emacs even
<drakonis> when's lisp nix though
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<drakonis> if you answer with guix, its not the same
<drakonis> hm, guix is written entirely in scheme
<drakonis> now, here i wonder a thing, can hnix replace nix?
<drakonis> become the canonical implementation
<Sonarpulse> bgamari: ok cool
<Sonarpulse> drakonis: of course it can technically
<Sonarpulse> that is a social question
<bgamari> we'll see whether there's any bikeshedding
<MichaelRaskin> Something requiring Haskell? Hello bootstrap.
<drakonis> hmm
<drakonis> i see
<clever> haskell does have an option where it can compile to c i think
<bgamari> not really
<Sonarpulse> bgamari: fingers crossed
<bgamari> it's not particularly supported
<bgamari> we recommend unregisterised builds only for bringing up new platforms
<drakonis> apparently it is very supported now
<Sonarpulse> bgamari: so i did build on upstream/master
<Sonarpulse> and it did fail
<Sonarpulse> no repl
<Sonarpulse> no dirty working tree
<Sonarpulse> I'm finally sure this time :)
<drakonis> what was that about ghc having a llvm backend?
<bgamari> drakonis, it has one :)_
<bgamari> Sonarpulse, huh
<bgamari> Sonarpulse, I'll admit I'm flummoxed
<Sonarpulse> bgamari: maybe I'll just make my PR off your branch then :D
<bgamari> Sonarpulse, nit build -f . git` in my nixpkgs working tree, now rebased to include the latest master, works fine
<Sonarpulse> bgamari: rebased?
<Sonarpulse> your PR was merged
<bgamari> right
<Sonarpulse> did I view it too slowly?
<bgamari> I'm working on my cross-fixes
<Sonarpulse> *merge it too quickly
<Sonarpulse> ok
<bgamari> Sonarpulse, what error are you seeing?
<Sonarpulse> bgamari: less let me get you this
<Sonarpulse> bgamari: make: *** No rule to make target 'cmd-list.made', needed by 'doc.dep'. Stop.
<dtz> warrgarbl git fixes in master and staging conflict haha d'oh
<bgamari> hmm
<bgamari> I just don't understand; that indeed looks like a real issue but I don't see how I'm not seeing it
<bgamari> I just checked out origin/master and it still passes
* bgamari tries on his nixos machine
<Dezgeg> parallel build issues?
<bgamari> mmm
<dtz> I get the error as well, FWIW
* bgamari tries a parallel build
<dtz> did borg not catch this?
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<bgamari> ahh
<bgamari> now I see it
* bgamari tries again with cores=1
<bgamari> huh
<bgamari> so it's apparently reproducible on my nixos laptop, but not my debian build machine
<bgamari> even with cores=1
<Dezgeg> different filesystem then?
<bgamari> both ext4
<Dezgeg> maybe tmpfs on /tmp on other but not the other?
<bgamari> oh, of course
<dtz> i think that's what the PCRE2 thing is about but for the life of me I don't rem why
<dtz> lol
<dtz> oh?
<dtz> nvm I think I'm just remembering this problem when going through your stack of fixes ^_^
<bgamari> well, it's probably something like that
<Sonarpulse> thank you all
<Sonarpulse> I'm just reading this again
<Sonarpulse> so some tmpfs thing breaks a very delicate build system?
<bgamari> since reproducibly builds on debian
<bgamari> but not on nixos
<dtz> hmm well
<dtz> maybe not including PERL_PATH in last bit is a problem
<dtz> if, you know, it was set earlier
* dtz tries
<dtz> why is it not parallel QQ
<dtz> probably all the make invocations w/o the parallel flags, dunno
<bgamari> ahh
<bgamari> I wonder if configure is somehow finding the system perl under debian
<Dezgeg> it does have a: PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl
<Dezgeg> but if that was the problem I'd expect the error message be different
<dtz> yeah restoring the PERL_PATH in that invocation fixes it
<Dezgeg> except it discards stderr, sight
<dtz> still not sure everything is good, but
<bgamari> ahh
<bgamari> and in fact the only reason that was eliminated was an incorrect merge resolution
<bgamari> whoops
<bgamari> s/was/the PERL_PATH was/
<dtz> haha okay
<dtz> fixitfixitfixitfixit
<bgamari> patch coming
<dtz> oh yay maybe fixing that will make merging master into staging not conflict too? :D
* dtz hopes
* dtz dares to dream
<bgamari> still building though
<Sonarpulse> bgamari: this will break cross though
<Sonarpulse> can you make it conditional?
<Sonarpulse> or is perl actually needed then?
<bgamari> will it?
<bgamari> oh
<Sonarpulse> yeah because that is runtime perl
<bgamari> that should be buildPackages
<bgamari> good catch
* bgamari should test this on cross
<Sonarpulse> +1
<dtz> +1
<dtz> (LGTM)
* bgamari has a cross build running
<dtz> aww doesn't fix merge w/staging
<dtz> could you take a look at what that's about? otherwise it'll be someone else's problem when they try to merge and have no idea re:git/these changes
<dtz> lol
<dtz> we can try to draft author of the other changes instead
<bgamari> dtz, here
<bgamari> sure rather
<bgamari> right after this build
<dtz> yay tyvm
<bgamari> dtz, should I merge master into staging or the other way around?
<dtz> well I think merging master into staging should always be "okay"
<dtz> where's that RFC when you need it
<dtz> if that RFC gets accepted can we get a github tool or browser plugin with buttons enforcing/encouraging how we do things? :P
<MichaelRaskin> You want to submit patches for ofborg with support for some more commands?
<dtz> ! didn't even think of that haha
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<MichaelRaskin> … or is pre-conditioning on something happening with RFC the way you express negation nowadays?
<dtz> bgamari: fwiw, cross failed for me but in TermReadKey -- this is what I got re:aarch64 https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/39453/commits/b26ae506a94026d044124d3620a4fe1cdfd568ad
<dtz> MichaelRaskin: !!!! no!
<dtz> MichaelRaskin: I'm sorry :(. I love that RFC, and the effort put into it. For the same reasons I'd like "bumpers" to ensure I do the right thing:
<LnL> I merged master -> staging a couple of hours ago
<bgamari> dtz, indeed you need to revert shlevy's perl-cross patch
<dtz> proper process is important and requires careful thinking / big picture reflectiton that each of us (at least me :P) might not keep in mind at all times despite our intentions
<bgamari> dtz, perl currently doesn't cross-compile
<dtz> anyway certainly not my way of being negative :(
<bgamari> which is part of the motivation for the earlier patches
<bgamari> (git patches, that is)
<dtz> o___O
<dtz> who broke it?! whaattt
<Sonarpulse> what's this RFC?
<Sonarpulse> what's with git?
<bgamari> well, shea's change is in principle an improvement
<dtz> i stop building master for a few weeks or so and QQ
<dtz> okay
<Sonarpulse> can we merge that PR cause at least master works now?
<dtz> haha
<bgamari> since previously perl would only cross-compile with some binfmt-misc support
<bgamari> now it truly cross-compiles
<dtz> oh, yes! sorry.
<dtz> i mean it only makes master better (unbroken)
<dtz> o____O
<bgamari> unfortunately, some perl packages are essentially impossible to truly cross compile
<dtz> what that's not true, I had it cross-compiling (with perl-cross) a while ago
<bgamari> Sonarpulse, I think so
<dtz> oh you mean the packages
<dtz> yeah taht was .. oh
<bgamari> right
<dtz> right, that's what you mean re:shlevy's patch
* dtz remembers
<dtz> xD xD
<dtz> ooooh okay
<dtz> :D
<dtz> :3
* bgamari recently rediscovered all of this as well
<bgamari> dtz: (if stdenv.hostPlatform.isMusl then "NO_SYS_POLL_H=1 NO_GETTEXT=YesPlease" else "")
<bgamari> bah
* bgamari doesn't know why his clipboard seems to be so unpredictable with firefox
<dtz> haha
<ekleog> … when do we get to write pkg.description in markdown? looks like there's already doc/languages-frameworks/haskell.section.md :(
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<bgamari> dtz, alright, I've pushed my merge to my fork's staging branch
<bgamari> I'll admit I'm not entirely certain about the all-packages resolution
<bgamari> but the git resolution should be fine
<ekleog> can someone have a look at this usual please-don't-put-passwords-in-the-nix-store PR? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/39455 (and potentially backport to 18.03, as it's a security fix)
<ekleog> (the huge diff is caused in large part by the removal of this useless mkMerge)
<ekleog> (well, “huge”… -26+24, so it's not that huge, but compared with the actual value-added changes it's big)