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<shlevy> Ugh. nix-daemon is not linked to libnixexpr, naturally, so it fails when loading a plugin that needs libnixexpr symbols :'(
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<Sonarpulse> shlevy: hey but I'm glad we layer nix expression language on top of drv stuff :P
<shlevy> :P
<shlevy> The problem is there's no good way to set your Nix config to only load the plugins for eval-using things :|
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<shlevy> Bah. I'll just link the plugins to the libs
<Sonarpulse> shlevy: eval plugins
<Sonarpulse> for import for derivation?
<Sonarpulse> or rather why does the daemon care?
<shlevy> Sonarpulse: The daemon doesn't
<shlevy> <shlevy> The problem is there's no good way to set your Nix config to only
<shlevy> load the plugins for eval-using things :|
<shlevy> The problem is the plugins expect libnixexpr symbols
<Sonarpulse> shlevy: ohh i see
<shlevy> So I'm just going to link them
<shlevy> realistically we're only ever going to build the plugins against the same version of nix we're using
<Sonarpulse> in principle libnixexpr and daemon are completely separate
<shlevy> Yep
<Sonarpulse> or rather the expr and non expr parts
<Sonarpulse> the daemon knows nothing about exprs
<shlevy> I know :)
<Sonarpulse> only the untrusted user stuff knows about eval
<Sonarpulse> well then I say it not for you but for posterity :)
<shlevy> It's not just nix-daemon, it's also nix-store, which has untrusted user stuff
<shlevy> otherwise I could just put it in the user-level config
<Sonarpulse> shlevy: where/how does nix-daemon call nix-store?
<shlevy> ?
<shlevy> No
<shlevy> It doesn't call nix-store
<Sonarpulse> ok whew
<shlevy> I'm saying theoretically we could just put the plugin config in the user-level nix.conf
<shlevy> But if the user calls nix-store, they'll hit the same problem
<Sonarpulse> nix-store without the daemon?
<shlevy> Doesn't matter :)
<Sonarpulse> oh just the surface level linking problem
<Sonarpulse> gotcha
<shlevy> Yeah
<Sonarpulse> I remember your per-project nix config
<Sonarpulse> expr layer and store layer config
<Sonarpulse> and per user config
<shlevy> Yeah :)
<Sonarpulse> might go over better
<Sonarpulse> ?
<shlevy> We already do have per-user at least
<Sonarpulse> oh really?
* Sonarpulse knows probably like 10% of what nix 2.0 offer
<Sonarpulse> *offers
<shlevy> XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nix/nix.conf is spliced in to NIX_CONF_DIR/nix.conf
<Sonarpulse> ooo nice
<Sonarpulse> does nix-store need to read the per-user one?
<Sonarpulse> to collapse my two axes?
<shlevy> Yeah, it can contain settings like verbosity
<shlevy> And if you e.g. have some company binary cache in your trusted-substituters one user might want it unconditionally in substituters
<Sonarpulse> shlevy: hmm ok
<Sonarpulse> then maybe just like eval subsection
<Sonarpulse> that probably is just needed in user one
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<Sonarpulse> shlevy: I dunno if you saw my post in bgamari's hashing PR for nix
<Sonarpulse> but the question there is legitimate
<Sonarpulse> let me go retrieve
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<zybell_> shlevy:how about a fork()ing plugin? The daemon loads a proxy.so;proxy.so fork()s a child after setup RPCs;child loads libnix,plugin.so ... whatever.
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<Dezgeg> hm, it's a bit annoying this goes over the maximum output limit: https://hydra.nixos.org/build/72643840
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<xCuri0> How can I port NixOS to a new architecture (arm64ilp32) ?
<Dezgeg> is there a way of getting .drv file from hydra?
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<Mic92> xCuri0: you probably need to start with the boostrap toolchain
<aminechikhaoui> Dezgeg: probably impossible without ssh access
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<__Sander__> hurraay
* __Sander__ finally got nix working on cygwin again
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<xCuri0> Mic92, is there a wiki page on this ?
<Mic92> xCuri0: I don't think so. maybe you could ask people, who did this in the past or read the code in pkgs/stdenv/linux/bootstrap-tools
<xCuri0> how do i bootstrap then ?
<xCuri0> has anyone else done ilp32 port ?
<Dezgeg> I don't think so
<Dezgeg> aarch64 and risc-v are the latest ones in the last few years
<Mic92> Maybe starting with cross-compiling is easier these days rather a full boostrap?
<Dezgeg> it was always the best way really
<shlevy> Yeah, cross-compiling is the best way if it's possible
<shlevy> we have a make-bootstrap-cross or whatever it's called
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<xCuri0> any wiki article or something about how to do it ?
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<xCuri0> hi
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<xCuri0> Mic92, regarding trying to sandbox stuff using apparmor I added user-environment folders to the list of allowed folders but it still gives the library error
<xCuri0> i also successfully sandboxed bastet (which is a very simple game)
<page> __Sander__: what was failing?
<__Sander__> page: many things
<__Sander__> nix 2.0 does not compile
<__Sander__> I cherry picked a patch from the master branch to make it work
<__Sander__> also, you need permissions to create NTFS symlinks
<__Sander__> in windows 10, they can be created by enabling "developer mode"
<__Sander__> nixpkgs master and 18.03 are still broken
<viric> __Sander__: hm I think I used nix 2.0 in cygwin, having solved the threadlocal thing
<page> good to know, thanks
<viric> I don't remember permission things
<__Sander__> because the stdenv-native environment does not propagate the mandatory bintools parameter
<__Sander__> 17.09 works
<__Sander__> oh yeah
<__Sander__> and this "rebase script"
<__Sander__> it starts with an offset of 0x20000000
<__Sander__> but
<__Sander__> that is not allowed
<__Sander__> it should be bigger than 0x2000000
<viric> you mean cygwin64, isn't it?
<__Sander__> so I changed it to 0x2000001
<__Sander__> viric: yes cygwin64
<viric> I thought it worked for me. Maybe I did not test it enough.
<__Sander__> I'm still investigating how to fix stdenv-native
<viric> I still use the latest 1.11
<__Sander__> but there are a bunch of assertion rules and stuff
<__Sander__> that also need to be changed/fixed
<__Sander__> actually I manually obtained the diff
<__Sander__> and applied that to the unpacked nix-2.0 source tarball
<__Sander__> viric: another thing you should keep in mind is to install the libsodium-dev package
<__Sander__> it is not a mandatory dependency of nix, but without it it is pretty useless
<gchristensen> it should probably be a mandatory dependency
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<__Sander__> gchristensen: yes
<viric> __Sander__: it libsodium is only for the hydr acache.
<viric> __Sander__: libsodium is only for the hydra cache, to check signatures. "Only" maybe a lot though. We don't use the hydra cache for our nix uses in cygwin64 though.
<viric> __Sander__: I'm happy to hear that you are working on it :) I have no idea about the ntfs thing you said.
<__Sander__> viric: yes also good to hear that other's are taking interest
<__Sander__> anyway
<__Sander__> for me personally, I don't care that much about cygwin/windows support
<__Sander__> but it would still be great if we can universally use Nix for common OSes
<__Sander__> it's great for build support
<__Sander__> and for disnix as well
<__Sander__> that you can show, hey: pick the best OS for running a service
<__Sander__> for example, put some security-constained stuff on an OpenBSD server, other stuff on Linux
<__Sander__> pick windows if you have to hehe
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<Sonarpulse> Dezgeg: are you there?
<Sonarpulse> I should just tell you how all the *System and *Platform works
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<coconnor> question - I have a change that fixes a bug. Should I create an issue for that bug and pull against that? Or just pull without the issue first?
<samueldr> AFAIK no need to open an issue before making a PR
<coconnor> I haven't yet, but I know some projects like having bug fixes 1:1 with issues
<samueldr> nothing specifies the issue number has to be lower than the PR number :^)
<coconnor> I'll just open a PR only
<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: have the link to your installer again?
<Sonarpulse> / is there a PR?
<gchristensen> There is a PR and it is merged but not released
<gchristensen> You can build ./release.nix -A binaryTarball.x86_64-linux and extract the terball and ./install
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<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: oh great
<Sonarpulse> has this changed significantly from the RC1 btw
<Sonarpulse> I'm mid install again
<gchristensen> No don't think so
<Sonarpulse> cool
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<gchristensen> despite all the cases I tested, including a few selinux distros, the new installer fails at the final steps on fedora27 :(
<Dezgeg> what's different there?
<gchristensen> I'm guessing a tighter policy, but I don't know. I've never debugged selinux, so am cutting my teeth on it now
<gchristensen> 10 minutes in and all joy has been sucked from my life
<MichaelRaskin> Ah, SELinux
<simpson> setenforce to victory?
<simpson> Do you *want* SELinux?
<MichaelRaskin> I would guess he wants SELinux support for people who are forced by administrative policy to use SELinux
<gchristensen> yeah, this isn't about me
<simpson> Oh, I see.
<gchristensen> first advice from #fedora: maybe just disable it? ... bad look :P
<simpson> This is a non-trivial part of why I stopped running Fedora. It's tough. :c
<MichaelRaskin> SBCL.org SBCL binaries don't even start on RHEL
<Dezgeg> what's the error?
<gchristensen> sudo systemctl link /nix/var/nix/profiles/default/lib/systemd/system/nix-daemon.service -> "Failed to link unit: Access denied" and that is all I have
<Dezgeg> selinux denials go in dmesg
<MichaelRaskin> I don't remember. Just asked to allow EPEL.
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: ix.io/17CY
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<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: is this inode number one of the entries in the path to nix-daemon.service ?
<gchristensen> I actually don't know
<gchristensen> I'll use `find` to find out
<gchristensen> ah, that inode is /nix/var/nix/profiles/default
<MichaelRaskin> Argh. This is a thing with constantly changing inode
<Dezgeg> that means systemd isn't allowed to read SELinux-unlabeled files
<gchristensen> ... my bare-bones install has a semodule loaded for mediawiki ...
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: this sounds like a rabbit hole I'm not going to be able to solve
<Dezgeg> so I presume you need to actually install them to /usr
<ekleog> hmm, is a command run in a $machine->succeed("foo") run in a different environment from the one of the same command run in the tty of the machine after a ./result/bin/nixos-test-driver and a local root login?
<Dezgeg> I didn't do anything selinux-related here and IIRC I tested fedora: https://github.com/dezgeg/nix-fpm-multiuser
<gchristensen> installing to /usr seems like a non-option
<MichaelRaskin> Can you wrap the entire thing in a script that will also set SELinux labels?
<ekleog> oh nvm just had to somehow wait ~1min for something to happen
<gchristensen> might should revert the multi-user for linux installer
<gchristensen> or, a different option, a --single-user flag to skip being punted to the multi-user option
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<zybell_> gchristensen:SElinux has a warning mode where it logs all errors, but doesn't give EACCESS. I believe there existed a script to convert the warnings into settings.
<gchristensen> audit2allow?
<zybell_> could be,did never run fedora myself, was talked about in LUG
<gchristensen> cool
<gchristensen> I looked at that, it seemed to be a slightly safer feeling setenforce 0, with how generic its sugestions were :?
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<zybell_> the idea is of course to look at the allow script, to see if it doesn't allow too much.
<zybell_> before running it
<zybell_> and edit,edit,edith;-)
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<Profpatsch> nix-repl> builtins.isFunction (import /tmp/tmp.exsUeQktWW/script-input.nix)
<Profpatsch> false
<Profpatsch> nix-repl> import /tmp/tmp.exsUeQktWW/script-input.nix
<Profpatsch> «primop-app»
<Profpatsch> nix-repl> builtins.typeOf (import /tmp/tmp.exsUeQktWW/script-input.nix)
<Profpatsch> "lambda"
<Profpatsch> m(((
<Profpatsch> cat /tmp/tmp.exsUeQktWW/script-input.nix: map (v: v + 1)
<simpson> Hmmm.
<Profpatsch> clever: Bug or no bug?
<Profpatsch> I say bug.
<Profpatsch> Should be transparent inside nix
<Profpatsch> *nix expressions
<clever> yeah, id say isFunction has to be fixed
<Profpatsch> I’ll open an issue.
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<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: thank you again for diving into it
<Sonarpulse> IMO no need to revert definitely
<Sonarpulse> if we get as far as such a thing, we know we passed the old nix files checks
<Sonarpulse> so safe to restore backups *and* env remove partially installed stuff
<Sonarpulse> *even remove partially installed
<Sonarpulse> you could prompt for the 'rm -r'ing
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