gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-dev to: NixOS Development (#nixos for questions) | https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/trunk-combined https://channels.nix.gsc.io/graph.html | 18.03 release managers: fpletz and vcunat
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<Mic92> fpletz: atm lxc is the best solution to get unprivileged systemd rolling: https://brauner.github.io/2018/02/28/lxc-includes-cgroup-pam-module.html
<Mic92> I also added machined support in the past, which was not to hard. then even systemctl/machinectl just works
<Mic92> maybe I should rebase my stuff to use that instead.
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<domenkozar> anyone else have problems with getting chromium to detect mic/speakers for hangouts in 18.03?
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<domenkozar> works after reboot :)
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<shlevy> Hey all, would appreciate some feedback, not on the specific issue discussed in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/37401 (though if you have something new please say it) but on the more general issue of how to resolve an issue when consensus is unreachable and there is no obvious owner
<Dezgeg> isn't the default action that status quo remains?
<MichaelRaskin> I sometimes feel that the default action is that a change is made that is equally weird from both points of view…
<shlevy> That encourages people to act first and ask questions later, and allows a single persistent dissent to stop all progress
<shlevy> I mean, it's a consistent fallback, but I think we can do better.
<shlevy> (I'd also like to try setting aside our specific technical opinions in this specific case, if possible)
<ekleog> (just as an aside: that's the same issue RFCs currently have, and https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs/pull/18 apparently failed to solve it due to this very same issue; I'd think the solution would be “just put a clear owner to everything,” but…)
<shlevy> ekleog: That seems like a plausible solution, yeah.
<shlevy> I also think something like the Nix core team, but nixpkgs is big enough that it would only be appropriate as a last resort if there were a nixpkgs version
<Dezgeg> what does "obvious owner" mean in this context btw?
<MichaelRaskin> Assigning a clear owner to everything has a sub-require,emt, of course.
<shlevy> Dezgeg: Someone who can unilaterally make a call on their own judgment
<shlevy> e.g. peti for haskell packages
<shlevy> (or potentially some team)
<MichaelRaskin> That you need to make sure that every owner has enough time to at least tangentially care about everything they are the owner of
<Dezgeg> quite conventient that I've been mostly the one responsible for ARM architecture support for the last few years after viric x)
<shlevy> MichaelRaskin: Or that they have enough time when deadlock is reached
<domenkozar> I think what would help in such discussion is a summary "so far" also with some comparison to other distros and pros/cons
<shlevy> Dezgeg: I feel like you're coming to this discussion trying to promote your specific end goal. I would realy like to separate that out, as this is a more general problem than this one ticket
<Dezgeg> my specific end goal here is to a) not break existing out-of-tree code that uses `isArm` b) match the exact naming that other distros use
<shlevy> OK. Let's treat this PR as dead. How do we resolve the general problem of lack of consensus without a clear decisionmaker involved in the relevant discussion?
<ekleog> (if you reach consensus, please tell it on rfc18, I'll update it and hopefully it can land some day so that this decision isn't lost)
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<ekleog> (also, I think rfc18 could be a good starting for the discussion)
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<infinisil> rycee: ^^ I can do a PR to update HM using this, will make it much nicer :D
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<gchristensen> hmm not sure lib should be so easy to extend, since it sort of obscures what is in lib. maybe not a problem, though
<gchristensen> *moved that comment to the PR*
<infinisil> Maybe was a bit fast with the merge after just a single day I have to say..
<gchristensen> its probably fine, but not a choice I would make
<MichaelRaskin> It is a nice example of how random approximately everything in Nixpkgs happens.
<simpson> Hm, I feel like generate.sh is grabbing some Node packages twice. Is this normal?
<infinisil> (It's much easier to discuss here but I'm trying to keep the conversation in the PR)
<simpson> Yep, I'm watching the packages as they're grabbed and some packages are definitely being grabbed twice. This isn't very fun over a phone tether.
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<aszlig> fpletz or vcunat: can you please take a quick look at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/38548 and give me an okay or not and i'll push that to staging/staging-18.03
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<aszlig> infinisil: i do intend to pick this up again very soon[TM] as this is also needed by the nixops hetzner target which currently uses the 0.x version of nixpart (and that one is more like a giant monkey-patch of blivet, so it's more "falling apart" than working)
<infinisil> Nice
<aszlig> infinisil: also, see https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21403 for the integration branch
<aszlig> copumpkin already put a lot of "social pressure" on me with his "watching" comment, so i need to finish that very soon :-D
<aszlig> blivet finally should have upstream test cases that actually work, so it might be less painful the next time i'll try to get it working
<domenkozar> crap, enabled large_dir ext4 feature on hydra machine, rebooted
<domenkozar> clearly grub2 won't boot now since it doesn't know about it
<domenkozar> :facepalm:
<clever> domenkozar: local or remote?
<domenkozar> hetzner
<domenkozar> now you can't revert large_dir
<Dezgeg> time to learn the debugfs command x)
<domenkozar> Dezgeg: I know about it, but not sure how it can help?
<clever> hmmm, if you just forcibly remove debugfs, then fsck will "repair" any large directories
<domenkozar> I think only way out is to get grub2 to know about large_dir :/
<Dezgeg> I'm sure it will let you disable it (which obviously can be unsafe)
<clever> forcibly remove large_dir i mean
<domenkozar> yeah that won't work since /nix/store is large_dir enabled
<clever> ah, that could be a mess
<shlevy> domenkozar: or a separate /boot :)
<MichaelRaskin> Can you shrink the ext4 to add a boot partition?
<domenkozar> tune2fs -O ^large_Dir
<domenkozar> won't work
<domenkozar> yeah separate boot will have to do
* domenkozar whispers good old pratices from gentoo times
<clever> if you can access the boot menu, you can use the above rescue_boot to get an entire nixos inside the /boot
<clever> its about 300mb
<domenkozar> I just need to create another partition, populate it with boot stuff and then change grub
<domenkozar> clever: but that will be handy since rescue on hetzner has kernel 4.9 that won't allow me to mount root anymore, lol
<domenkozar> 2c: don't have hydra machines with 10M entries in nix store, it's pain :)
<clever> you can also use the kexec toollls ihave in another repo, to switch to a nixos kernel from the hetzner rescue
<MichaelRaskin> domenkozar, well, you could just build the boot stuff locally and copy it over
<domenkozar> MichaelRaskin: oh an install grub over?
<domenkozar> right
<domenkozar> will try that tomorrow, thanks
<MichaelRaskin> I think GRUB is pretty permissive w.r.t. installing from wrong place
<domenkozar> clever: any docs for kexec?
<clever> that will forcibly run nixos in ram, on almost any server
<aszlig> domenkozar: ah...
<aszlig> kernel 4.9
<aszlig> that way you have a qemu-vm inside rescue and can mount the partition(s)
<samueldr> hi! selfish request, I don't know who manages nixos.community, or if there is another nix/nixos domain that wants to help, but I'd love to get an url for the logs without my nickname in it :) (and if I ever needed to stop managing it the URL would still be nixos-managed)
<shlevy> zimbatm: Is ^ you?
<aszlig> kexec should work as well
<zimbatm> samueldr: what logs?
<aszlig> domenkozar: that qemu-vm is a bit quick and dirty, because i had to help someone using btrfs with zstd encryption, which doesn't work with 4.9
<zimbatm> shlevy: this one belongs to mayflower
<samueldr> zimbatm: https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/ , which is now linked in the topic for #nixos, since botbot.me isn't feeling well
<samueldr> (it's selfish since it's mostly to reduce false-positive highlights)
<zimbatm> I've got builtwithnix.org and nixpkg.com
<zimbatm> happy to pay for another domain
<zimbatm> ... and nixcon2018.org
<samueldr> (this isn't a money thing, using a known domain for recognition may be best imho)
<zimbatm> how are would it be to get irc-logs.nixos.org ?
<zimbatm> we already have a bunch of random hardware attached to the domain
<shlevy> zimbatm: I assume niksnut or ikwildrpepper might know
<samueldr> oh, and I'm not asking for hosting, a CNAME is plenty good, I have the hardware to spare :)
<shlevy> I like the idea of having a *.community.nixos.org that is a bit of a free-for-all and a path for eventual promotion to *.nixos.org if things are adopted/prove their use/etc.
<zimbatm> samueldr: don't you control nixos.wiki ?
<MichaelRaskin> In that case, everything in top-level nixos.org namespace should have a same-name alias in community
<MichaelRaskin> Because otherwise promotion would mean breaking links
<samueldr> zimbatm: I wish, that's fadenb's
<shlevy> MichaelRaskin: Sure :)
<samueldr> well, I don't really wish :)
<MichaelRaskin> And we know how good the Nix* is at getting consensus about breaking changes
<zimbatm> is faben hard to reach?
<zimbatm> otherwise there is grahamc 's nix.ci
<zimbatm> I think that's all the inventory I know
<samueldr> I don't think fadenb's particularly hard to reach, only the silent type
<zimbatm> it would be cool to pool the resources in the nix-community org
<zimbatm> if we can have some sort of trust it means that we can share maintenance burden for the wiki and irc logs, ...
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<abrxs> hi all, please forgive me for asking what must be a hideously basic question... I am trying to create a systemd service. I am trying to pass a conffile generated with pkgs.writeText as an argument to the daemon at start up. in order to do this, I am trying to copy the conf file to /var/lib/ in preStart, like this: prestart = ''mkdir -p -m 0755 -p /var/lib/servicename; cp ${confFile}
<abrxs> /var/lib/servicename/conf.yml''. but I keep getting permission denied. as far as I can tell, this is the exact same procedure being used by countless pkgs out there already, so i'm wondering what i'm doing wrong?
<infinisil> abrxs: Why not #nixos?
<abrxs> s/prestart/preStart/
<abrxs> whoops!
<abrxs> sorry about that. i'm in there as well.. just pastd to the wrong one
<abrxs> thanks
<infinisil> :)
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