(sorry, I really don't do well with listening)
:/ read a bunch, couldn't get an image built.
that's the summary.
they correctly identified the NixOS logo as a snowflake :D
drat. maybe once the blocker in mobile-nixos is closed I will try to demo it to them or something
ah, the incidental gatekeeping of "it's not ready so I'm not yet making it trivially easy to run"
dev_mohe has quit [Quit: dev_mohe]
which isn't great btw
viewer submitted a question, asking if (i think the hosts) have tried it
thanks for noticing, evils :)
they mention they doubt "amethfish or ziglo" are available for nixos, and you'd have to be a nix wizard to package everything you'd want on your phone
also make the fairly sensible suggestion of trying out nixos elsewhere first
are you alright? something stuck in the throat? what's an amethfish or a ziglo? ;)
no idea!
amethfish I assume angelfish?
i think one of the hosts is german
and yeah, Mobile NixOS has seen *so much* less development than other non-android linux distros :)
we have angelfish :D
especially development towards the end-user bits
we didn't until recently
it's kind of frustrating that the important part I worked on are totally hidden from view :)
gonna post something on their discord channel
they only are obvious if you know about NixOS and the need for generations
evils: "something" like what?
"yes, it's a snowflake", "we have angelfish, i don't know what 'ziglo' is", and point them to this channel if they're interested in it
it's a lambdaflake!
but `nix` is latin for 'snow'
niks is dutch fro nothing!
daar weet ik niks van...
I don't care if there's no van
(I don't know dutch)
ah, dan weet je er ook niks van :P
(the nix - niks joke somehow never gets old...)
is there any evidence that mobile-nixos runs on the pinephone? (i seem to recall seeing a video)
not really obviously
all of it would be on the mobile nixos website linked as a big picture
ah no, found the video, is on the asus-z00t