<gchristensen> nice
<makefu> > [ toString 1 ]
<{^_^}> [ <PRIMOP> 1 ]
<sphalerite> gchristensen: well you don't get an error from that until you use it in a context where the list isn't supposed to contain a function and a value
<makefu> yeah exactly that, it will just explode at some later phase
<samueldr> cannot coerce building material to an operating system, at (...)
<gchristensen> ah right
<makefu> often times it is something about got function but set was expected
<sphalerite> gchristensen: you're missing the best bit from the infinite recursion message, "at unknown position"
<gchristensen> oh man that is true
<gchristensen> where Nix is just telling you to sod off
<makefu> comparable to the boot process' "Bailing out, you are on your own. Good Luck."
<sphalerite> nice
<sphalerite> what's that from?
<samueldr> nixos?
<makefu> every stage2 essentially, not sure what exactly the message creates
<makefu> maybe just archlinux, not sure
<sphalerite> ah ok
<sphalerite> next time I implement something that has to deal with user input, I won't go to any effort to make descriptive error messages, just say "you did something wrong" for all invalid inputs.
<samueldr> you're too good, you could just return "error"
<gchristensen> you have stiff competition, though, openssl is pretty good at having useless errors
<andi-> gcc is also a great example... something runs out of disk space.. nonsense error message
<sphalerite> oh yeah, error messages describing the wrong thing are even better than nondescriptive error messages
<makefu> "at unknown position"
<andi-> even better would be a random error string for the same error..
<makefu> this is pretty much the pinnacle of error messages
<sphalerite> makefu: yes that was the trigger for the discussion of how to make the worst error messages :p
<sphalerite> andi-: no because at that point it's too obviously satire
<makefu> yeah, and it seems there are a lot of bad ideas but the reality tops all
<andi-> sphalerite: provide half error messages?
<sphalerite> Ooooooooh
<sphalerite> A free-to-play compiler with error messages as a DLC
<sphalerite> I think it's time for me to go to bed.
<makefu> good idea
<makefu> i think we can take every bad idea and just add `at unknown position` just to mock users and developers alike
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<alex_giusi_tiri> hi :-)
<makefu> hey!
<alex_giusi_tiri> I just managed to install nixos on raspberry pi 3b! yay!
<alex_giusi_tiri> i am just somewhat concerned about the cpu temperature
<samueldr> is it worse than on other distros? I don't think it would
<alex_giusi_tiri> i have `stress -c 4` running with `watch -n 1 cat /sys/class/thermal/_thermal_zone0/temp` at 69294
<alex_giusi_tiri> i tried setting 'arm_freq=600' in config.txt but the difference that i noticed was just how quickly it reached such temperature
<alex_giusi_tiri> i just saw that it touched 70 and a bit
<alex_giusi_tiri> i haven't found a way to check the current cpu freq or governor
<samueldr> I'm not really familiar with other distros on raspberry pi, but nixos has one major difference: it uses the mainline kernel by default instead of relying on the raspberry pi foundation's fork
<alex_giusi_tiri> as i found that some info online was pointing out; i couldn't find those mentioned system virtual files, as in debian
<alex_giusi_tiri> that is something that i like
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<makefu> samueldr: i think i remember seeing a PR which changes the default kernel for raspi, no?
<alex_giusi_tiri> i guess that explains it
<samueldr> not the default?
<samueldr> though, makefu, the linux_rpi package can now be used on aarch64
<makefu> yeah!
<alex_giusi_tiri> but shouldn't the config.txt settings take effect?
<samueldr> I'm not sure :/ I don't have a deep knowledge of the raspberry pi
<alex_giusi_tiri> i had gentoo installed prior
<samueldr> I know some settings do work, like avoid_warnings
<alex_giusi_tiri> and i kind of felt it responded slower on 600mhz than on 1200
<samueldr> I don't know whether some might be overriden later either by u-boot or linux
<alex_giusi_tiri> hmm., ok
<samueldr> though, I don't know if slowing the CPU really helps with temps :/
<alex_giusi_tiri> on my laptop it does
<samueldr> it may as well heat up depending why and how it heats up, and you said it took more time
<alex_giusi_tiri> yeah...
<samueldr> though your laptop probably has active cooling, and good thermals (e.g. heat pipes)
<samueldr> are your chips bare or have you added heatsinks?
<alex_giusi_tiri> with
<samueldr> hm
<alex_giusi_tiri> but when running gentoo, it wasn't warm at all
<alex_giusi_tiri> at 600
<alex_giusi_tiri> at 1200, yes
<alex_giusi_tiri> but now, even with 600 it is still warm, when running stress
<alex_giusi_tiri> ...if i recall correctly
<samueldr> I'd guess gentoo wasn't using u-boot, right?
<alex_giusi_tiri> no
<samueldr> maybe there's something to look at there: does u-boot somehow affect this?
<alex_giusi_tiri> i guess it's possible
<samueldr> a complete unknown to me :/
<alex_giusi_tiri> btw, should config.txt be placed in the fat psrtition, or in the rootfs ext4 one? i disabled the fat boot partition, following the instructions
<samueldr> fat
<samueldr> u-boot is still there, and the raspberry pi still uses that partition to boot from
<samueldr> AFAIK, the onboard firmware only deals with FAT
<samueldr> (but luckily, the partition can be anywhere, not forced to be the first)
<alex_giusi_tiri> i now have it placed in both, just in case, although it seems it still doesn't seem to work
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<alex_giusi_tiri> ok thanks. i wasn't sure about that. i was only speculating
<samueldr> no worries, it was a good question
<alex_giusi_tiri> i was considering the possibility of the ext4 partition might have become the 'primary' and that the fat one was not used anymore
<alex_giusi_tiri> so then, is the boot flag used by uboot, only?
<samueldr> exactly
<alex_giusi_tiri> oh
<samueldr> u-boot uses it to know on which partition to look for its distro agnostic configs
<alex_giusi_tiri> thank you
<samueldr> while I don't know specifics about the usage of the raspberry pi, I think I have the whole boot process cornered ;)
<samueldr> mine boots from UEFI even! (no u-boot in sight, Tianocore loads grub, grub loads nixos as you would on x86_64)
<alex_giusi_tiri> that's cool
<samueldr> and before you ask: no real advantage AFAIK, I use it to test and dogfood the UEFI on AArch64 code in nixos
<alex_giusi_tiri> but what i like about pis is that you can't brick the device, because there is no bios/efi nir any integrated chip holding alike fw that gets exposed to, eg, malware, or even user mistakes; as far as i understood
<samueldr> though it kinda hurts to rely on SD cards :/
<samueldr> oh, one thing booting using UEFI allows is that the sd card in my rpi3b only has the uefi firmware, it loads from a USB hard disk
<alex_giusi_tiri> i prefer it that way; i would say that i's mire modular like that
<samueldr> one can also boot from USB by blowing some fuses as a setting on the raspberry pi
<samueldr> SD cards are not so reliable (but that's possibly overstated and less than expected), but often slow... frigidly slow :(
<makefu> samueldr: i can confirm raspis eating sdcards like corn flakes
<alex_giusi_tiri> i once searched for "overheating sd card" just by curiosity, and i was surprised to find many people experiencing cards catching on fire and/or exploding, with casualties - burns etc
<alex_giusi_tiri> shocking
<alex_giusi_tiri> do you mean they overuse/misuse/abuse then until they fail?
<samueldr> I don't have hard evidence, but it's a commonly touted thing about raspberry pi and SD cards, that you'll eventually have issues with it
<samueldr> I guess it's when you're actually using the damn thing :D
<alex_giusi_tiri> i don't know, but i think pis could boot directly from a fat partituon on an external usb drive, without any sd card present
<samueldr> yes and no, it can, but it may fail on some disks
<samueldr> and generally will on "hard drive" types, so you're kinda left with flash storage
<samueldr> (which may or may not be an issue)
<alex_giusi_tiri> unfortunately, `the leading cause of obesity is eating food`
<samueldr> and you have to "burn some fuses", which disables some GPIO pins :/
<samueldr> I can attest that it works, though
<makefu> burning fuses ... geez
<samueldr> I don't really understand why
<samueldr> >> We haven’t enabled this boot mode by default, because we first wanted to check that it worked as expected. The boot modes are enabled in One-Time Programmable (OTP) memory, so you have to enable the boot mode on your Pi 3 first. This is done using a config.txt parameter.
<samueldr> well designed :/
<makefu> "The Raspberry Pi 3+ is able to boot from USB without any changes"
<makefu> sounds nice
<samueldr> oh, good
<samueldr> (last time I read that page I think the 3+ wasn't a thing)
<samueldr> though yeah, having Tianocore on the µSD allows using spnning rust external hard drives which are too slow otherwise
<alex_giusi_tiri> does uboot necessarily need a bootable flag to be set?
<alex_giusi_tiri> i a thinking about things like booting from gpt/raid
<samueldr> it does not *require* it, though here it ensures it won't see its old files
<samueldr> (and here it's not *u-boot* using it, but the generic distro configuration concept)
<alex_giusi_tiri> what do you mean it not seeing its old files? :-?
<samueldr> oh, it looks for either /extlinux/extlinux.conf or /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf, and I think the instructions don't say to remove them from the FAT partition