samueldr: I figured out troubles with serial console, and actually got 4.18 nixos image to boot on bananapi m64
still no hdmi output
samrose: what were the troubles?
and yeah, both 4.18 and 4.19 fail at hdmi here on the Pine A64-LTS too
I wasn't aware of the correct speed to set on the serial console
115200 :)
right indeed
uboot is displaying output on hdmi
other than "wait for 4.20 hoping they fix it" I don't really know for the bananapi :/
A colleague figured if I can find the correct place to setenv with booatargs in uboot build, I might get the terminal console in hdmi, which is all I need
or alternatively, find a downstream-based kernel for it
which boot args do you want to add?
you can modify the extlinux/extlinux.conf (IIRC) file in the NIXOS_BOOT partition
samueldr: you think that line likely should live inthe extlinux/extlinux.conf file of NIXOS_BOOT?
orivej has joined #nixos-aarch64
(I wasn't sure myself)
I'd bet a 50% chance it works, and only with increasing odds if that image uses a mainline linux kernel, which I would doubt
but yeah
those are kernel command line options
you can add those to `APPEND`
repeating them shouldn't cause issues
in this case, I'd be trying those args on the sd-aarch64 img /kernel (not the ubuntu image you see in the link)
We were examining the ubuntu image to try and figure out how they achieved hdmi
pi@bpi-iot-ros-ai:~$ uname -a
Linux bpi-iot-ros-ai 3.4.39-BPI-M3-Kernel #4 SMP PREEMPT Thu Nov 17 08:10:07 UTC 2016 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
(found randomly online)
if it's a 3.4 kernel, on that ubuntu image, results may vary wildly
you are right I believe, they are not using a mainline kernel directly, but have just grabbed the source for the kernel, crammed it into their repo and build the image
the company that manufactures bananapi and builds these ubuntu images doesn't even submit their drivers back up to kernel.org
(as is usual with allwinner boards :()
ah ok, I wasn't aware. I am (obviously :) ) a newbie to all of this
more often than not, it's what happens
likely wouldn't have made it this far if not for the nix tool chain to build all this stuff saving lots of time
at least the boards are similar enough that when contributors contribute changes for one, often few changes are needed for mainlining another board
though I'd recommend you manually edit your existing sd card's files instead of going through a long compilation to find out the right params :)