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<samueldr> Dezgeg: using qemu, and the current sd-image armv7l, I had "substituter ... does not have a valid signature for path ..." with your cache :/
<Dezgeg> huh
<Dezgeg> which path?
<samueldr> all of them
<samueldr> but
<samueldr> here's one /nix/store/zslq0bw8xnzqq03sx4frya64gj3n736v-libssh2-1.8.0-dev
<samueldr> though I was able to realise them on my x86_64 machine
<samueldr> my x86_64 machine with clever's setup for qemu-user
<samueldr> (I was then able to nix copy them)
<Dezgeg> you sure the public key is configured properly?
<samueldr> that was using the nixos-rebuild command from the wiki
<samueldr> first rebuild
<samueldr> I copied it multiple times, and then compared to the one on my x86_64 machine :/
<Dezgeg> right, then I suppose you need to pass --substituters --trusted-public-keys manually
<Dezgeg> for the first build ever I mean
<samueldr> here's the current command fwiw `nixos-rebuild switch --fast --option binary-caches --option binary-cache-public-keys
<Dezgeg> I wonder if the old option names stopped working in Nix 2.0?
<samueldr> I'll try again soon, easy to spin-up a qemu instance
<Dezgeg> I guess other option is that nixos-rebuild doesn't pass those args properly anymore
<samueldr> well, making a mistake in the name of an option did seem to cause an error
<samueldr> tried require-sigs false, but used require-sig false instead and it errored on me
<samueldr> (yes, I'm that confident no bad actor targets me)
<Dezgeg> if you just do: sudo nix-store -r /nix/store/zslq0bw8xnzqq03sx4frya64gj3n736v-libssh2-1.8.0-dev --substituters --trusted-public-keys
<Dezgeg> does it work?
<samueldr> on a machine without your key configured I presume?
<Dezgeg> in the problematic QEMU machine
<samueldr> (that one will have to wait a bit more)
<Dezgeg> I mean, is the problem with all nix commands or just nixos-rebuild
<samueldr> it's now booting
<samueldr> it does work
<Dezgeg> I guess then some nix subprocess in nixos-rebuild doesn't get the flags
<samueldr> I wanted to say "it won't be long", but it will, I'm re-trying on that fresh one with what's on the wiki, to verify
<samueldr> with the command in the wiki, warning: substituter '' does not have a valid signature for path '/nix/store/87qzwa7lr8waq467wiwa28wi39a3wz08-htop-2.1.0'
<samueldr> so at least this is confirmed
<samueldr> (and fwiw, my test consists of using the default configuration.nix and only adding htop to it)
<samueldr> the image is at nixos-18.09.git.56fb68dcef4
<Dezgeg> I guess you can see with 'ps aux' which nix command is running
<samueldr> tips for doing that with qemu hogging the serial console?
<samueldr> backgrounded it
<samueldr> root 1607 123 0.9 37492 19856 ttyAMA0 Rl 01:51 0:03 nix-build <nixpkgs/nixos> --no-out-link -A system --show-trace --option binary-caches --option binary-cache-public-keys
<Dezgeg> huh
<samueldr> though, does it seem weird a commit dated 24 Mar
<samueldr> okay, so it looks like my mirroring only touched the installer images instead of re-syncing them :/ lftp's man page was lacking in that matter
<samueldr> (though I must specify that the image still is legit, only an older image than the most current one)
<samueldr> let's see with the true latest image
<samueldr> hm, looks like there's no issue with the current image
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<duncan^> samueldr: andi-: RE mobile phone userspace applications: Plasma Mobile should be possible to port to NixOS for mobile apps e.g. dialer.
<samueldr> oh definitely
<duncan^> (forgive me if I am replying to conversation somewhat late)
<samueldr> n/p
<samueldr> anything on postmarketOS I consider known :)
<duncan^> >:)
<samueldr> what I didn't know until yesterday was how halium progressed
<samueldr> last time I had looked at halium, there wasn't much documentation available
<samueldr> the middle list, with the services
<samueldr> that's probably the most important bit
<duncan^> hybris
<duncan^> dark magic
<samueldr> well, hybris was a given
<samueldr> what wasn't was integrating things like RIL
<samueldr> and other "speciality" hardware
<samueldr> if the middleware software is standardized already, more power for us
<samueldr> and possibly more power for them if/when we upstream :)
<samueldr> (I say if not that I wouldn't want to upstream, but everything already works and no work is done!)
<andi-> I am a bit concerned regarding my ideas with the librem.. So far they have their clones of projects that they work with.. I hope they get changes upstreamed properly..
<duncan^> there is a trust issue with that thing, I do not have confidence in that company given their previous antics
<duncan^> and they do not even have a prototype despite specifying dates... and prices
<duncan^> also
<duncan^> this bs
<duncan^> just... wth
<duncan^> Satisfying meaningless requirements does not make your device more free
<samueldr> what's meaningless, RYF?
<duncan^> well, the memory training blob is already apparently executed on a secondary processor, so the article is nonsense, it's just that now it's not uploaded by u-boot
<duncan^> so they've got round the RYF's strange requirement but they've not actually freed any blobs
<samueldr> eh, at least they're trying and I would prefer someone one time reaches 90% free than nobody even ever tries
<samueldr> it may pave the way to others
<samueldr> (though in that case, [don't remember what the crowd funding said] I may be a bit upset if they said 100% free)
<samueldr> though, checking boxes for the sake of checking boxes is... upsetting
<duncan^> it's not the point though, they're expending effort on moving a blob so they can satisfy the requirement
<duncan^> they haven't made their 90% free board 95% free
<duncan^> they are more interested in PR than making a product is the impression I get, sadly
<samueldr> I would much prefer RYF had a way to partially accept things, when things are documented
<samueldr> especially if they are things that can be done later
<samueldr> and my earlier remarks about "at least they're trying" is a really broad statement
<duncan^> the OpenMoko people were making no-frills free hardware smartphones a decade ago.. they were very precient
<duncan^> prescient*
<duncan^> I still have my Neo Freerunner and it is good
<samueldr> were making, thing is new hardware is necessary, I'm not talking only updating specs, but just producing more to support new things
<samueldr> and there's a part of it where it's enthusiast hardware at enthusiast prices :/ that one is harder to fix without PR and sometimes making compromises
<duncan^> Yeah, I have been hunting for the upgraded OpenMoko board, the GTA04 (OMAP3-based upgrade, based on beagleboard), but it was produced in so little quantity that it's proving impossilbe... and I got my OpenMoko for £8.
<samueldr> great price
<samueldr> also, a personal thing, but it seems that in north america, and especially in the past, open hardware often wasn't available
<samueldr> and this is compounded with being canadian
<samueldr> three of the four telcos in my province don't operate on 2G
<samueldr> and the bands on 3G for open~ish hardware often weren't the right ones
<samueldr> though, not only open hardware, but things like the nokia n900
<samueldr> the jolla even
<duncan^> Wow, no 2G
<duncan^> My mobile phone is just a crap GSM phone that lasts months
<samueldr> even the fourth one is closing their 2G network by 2020, and it's been multiple years since they stopped activating 2G sims
<duncan^> that's insane, I suspect GSM will be around for years though
<duncan^> at least in Europe and much of the poor world
<duncan^> I hear Singapore shut down its GSM service already though
<samueldr> I may be wrong, but I was under the impression that GSM was 2G and there were other names for mostly-the-same-thing-but-3G
<duncan^> and there are now feature phones with 4G (they actually run tortured Android derivatives)
<samueldr> IIRC, the situation for 2G in the USA is pretty much the same
<duncan^> 2.5G is the thing that is not quite 3G but is close to it, apparently
<duncan^> and it works with it
<samueldr> scroll down to the links table, looks like GSM is squarely in 2G, but I wonder if there are voice in 2G transitional
<samueldr> at a glance looks like 2.5G really is GSM + more data, so closing down 2G would affect them
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