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<gchristensen> working on a depeloy
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<samueldr> I wonder if for the default arm[67]/aarch64 "installer" images it would be a good idea to *somehow* make it possible to start sshd when there is an added file to the /boot/ partition (an SSH public key that would be used for root)
<samueldr> or start it always in the default installer setup, and make the user modify the ext4 partition
<gchristensen> why?
<samueldr> it seems a common use case lately to want to setup their first SBC using the network
<gchristensen> and: how would they get it there?
<samueldr> (I'm assuming, as with yesterday, they don't have serial hardware, and somehow don't have screen+usb keyboard available)
<gchristensen> there == to the boot
<samueldr> ah, right after `dd`in the card
<samueldr> I'm talking a manual step between dd and first boot
<gchristensen> samueldr: unrelated, any reason the doc reformats haven't merged?
<samueldr> unless I'm woefully wrong, it's not yet possible to cross-build an image for arm, right?
<gchristensen> don't know :)
<samueldr> gchristensen: I would bet we're the only two souls that looked at the PR
<gchristensen> *shrug*
<samueldr> I'll make a moderate amount of noise right now
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<Dezgeg> you could just start sshd on default on those I think, and then the user only needs to place /root/.ssh/authorized_keys on the partition
<samueldr> yeah, that's what I realized when describing my initial idea
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