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<duncan^> samueldr: You can use mainline on nexus 7 btw
<duncan^> and you'll get 3D acceleration
<samueldr> :) neat
<duncan^> I wouldn't bother with the Android kernel
<samueldr> well, I would, if only to ensure more compatibility
<samueldr> duncan^: yes, I know :)
<duncan^> samueldr: see some of those have mainline in the works
<samueldr> more android OEM kernels means more crappy code tested, and maybe more quirks known and handled
<samueldr> BUT, mainline is preferred
* duncan^ is working on mainline for Nook Simple Touch >:)
<Dezgeg> huh, what gpu is in the nexus 7?
<samueldr> adreno iirc
<samueldr> I'm thinking more pragmatically where porting to mainline is a hard thing for some/most users :)
<samueldr> especially if your device is a unique snowflake with weird and awfully written device drivers
<duncan^> Dark libhybris magic works there :P
<duncan^> Vile hybris, but useful hybris
<samueldr> though, as I mentioned, I'll need to re-setup an armv7l environment before doing the nexys 7 port
<duncan^> I like to use mer's mic tool with great success, for building images for mobile devices
<duncan^> s/like to use/have been using/
<duncan^> It's quite flexible
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<andi-> samueldr: it might be a bit far away (maybe not?) what are your thoughts on userspace appliations on the mobile nixos? What about such things as a simple phone dialer? Any success there yet?
<samueldr> that's "out of scope"
<samueldr> but it's a good thing
<samueldr> they should be added to nixos :)
<samueldr> the mobile-nixos project may at first add them to its overlay
<samueldr> but the goal is really to manage the boot + device drivers and quirks
<samueldr> I also don't really know what's possible and available
<andi-> The mobile approach currently looks to me like it could be seen as "any" embedded device..
<samueldr> yes
<samueldr> I may look into chromeos devices with depthcharge
<andi-> Especially the bits (that you just wrote) about crappy kernel support.. That would be really neat ;-)
<samueldr> I want it to work as a quirks repository for downstream OEM kernels
<andi-> often I would like to run $things and then figure that the hardware is not supported with current software stacks
<samueldr> I have an MTK device where the company didn't release sources, I will look if it's possible to even manage a pre-compiled kernel
<samueldr> I know I haven't called for help yet, but it's really still in its infancy
<andi-> I think the kernel stuff will become funny when we reach the point where that extra large paths patch for the kernel has to be merged. IIRC we apply that to all kernel builds right now. haven't really looked inside of it.
<samueldr> you mean for a pre-compiled kernel?
<andi-> yes
<samueldr> hmmm oh well :)
<samueldr> where's that patch?
* andi- looks it up already
<andi-> I guess it isn't specific to the generated binary
<andi-> was just something that came to my mind when I tought about precompiled kernels
<samueldr> uh, isn't that a build-time thing?
<andi-> I guess it is a non-issue for us
<samueldr> and uh, most pre-compiled android kernels won't have any modules :)
<andi-> since that step will have to be "emulated" anyway
<samueldr> :') in fact
<andi-> s/emulated/reimplemented/
<samueldr> how deep have you looked at my current implementation?
<samueldr> any comments, questions?
<samueldr> that may be my biggest nix project yet
<andi-> I started 3min ago? ;-)
<andi-> I've read the mails/posts about it and thats about it
<flokli> samueldr: just read the discourse article as well. might be very well the gemini port will profit from that as well :-)
<samueldr> actually, please do!
<flokli> kexec sounds very useful indeed
<samueldr> flokli: anything wrong or any questions, I would love to have another target being implemented
<samueldr> especially since I finally did the configuration thing
<flokli> well, I have to read up on that. really like the idea of fastbooting into a minimal system, especially useful for initial device support, testing out devicetree etc.
<samueldr> well, fastbooting is AFAIUI 100% the same thing as flashing it, so it's even more useful
<flokli> yes
<samueldr> and the tertiary bootloader approach is something I had in mind for a good while
<samueldr> even before I started using nixos
<flokli> unfortunately, that gemini thing uses a custom mediatek bootloader protocol, exposed via some binary application linked to a old qt version :-/
<samueldr> oh!
<samueldr> are you in #postmarketos-lowlevel ?
<samueldr> they have a dev working on it not only for the gemini
<flokli> just joined
<flokli> that sounds indeed very helpful :-)
<samueldr> AFAIK they have no public logs though
<flokli> well, maybe they'll write about it sooner or later, or I'll just ask :-)
<samueldr> I think they managed to get the most intertia towards actual progress for normal-linux on those kind of devices
<samueldr> and while it's not as nice as using nix, their tooling worked fine
<flokli> lk source got published for the gemini
<samueldr> oh, that's good
<flokli> yes. but seems like there's no way to 'sideload' something to be booted, so for flashing, that mediatek scary binary blob needs to be used