<gchristensen> Dezgeg: some interesting logs in here, but not sure they're related https://gist.github.com/grahamc/5345f32a9b830efb9c4f7ee8e6c9b79e
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<samueldr> evening ends on a high note, kernel builds
<elvishjerricco> samueldr: android kernel?
<bkchr[m]> elvishjerricco: I think you will need libhybris, because you don't want to build everything with bionic and some part of your application will always need something that is build against bionic
<bkchr[m]> elvishjerricco: you are planing to deploy your apks with nix on your phone? Any rom or do you wan to build your own rom?
<gchristensen> I can't seem to remember how we got the grub UI to work on aarchh64
<gchristensen> on this the t2a anyway
<samueldr> yes, the specific lineageos fork of the specific manufacturer fork for the device family of my cellphone
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: ^ do you remember what it took for the grub UI to show up?
<gchristensen> https://gist.github.com/grahamc/52084b274d7e427e884e735920294281 is what I found on an ubuntu install
<gchristensen> also might need to figure out how to solve this:
<gchristensen> Welcome to GRUB! error: file `/boot/grub/arm64-efi/efi_uga.mod' not found.
<Dezgeg> maybe it was one of the insmods for graphics that had to be commented out
<Dezgeg> or this font loading stuff... either of those
<gchristensen> hmm yeah
<gchristensen> ok I'll delete the font and the background files so it doesn't try to load them
<gchristensen> and then try deleting other things
<gchristensen> woo!
<gchristensen> turns out you can't set boot.grub.font to null despite its type saying you can
<gchristensen> just a small patch later and I think I sorted it ...
<gchristensen> thanks Dezgeg!
<gchristensen> I'm not sure I can get this patch backported though :/
<elvishjerricco> bkchr[m]: I'm starting to look for a new phone (currently have an iPhone), and thought it'd be fun to see if it's not totally crazy to port NixOS to android :P APKs would be installed by acquiring them manually (from the play store I guess, if that's possible) and installing them via NixOS.
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<sphalerite> elvishjerricco: personally I'm planning on getting a librem 5 https://puri.sm/shop/librem-5/ and seeing if I can get nixos working on that
<elvishjerricco> sphalerite: Does the AOSP have privacy / tracking problems? I had thought that was mostly the gapps, which I may be able to avoid installing.
<sphalerite> I haven't looked into it that closely. One thing I know it does is ping a google-owned connection test thing every time the network connectivity changes
<sphalerite> the main reasons I want a librem 5 are that it's GNU/Linux and will run most of the software that my laptop runs too, and that it won't need any proprietary drivers or firmware
<sphalerite> I'm currently on a oneplus one running lineageOS, but the librem 5 would be so much cooler :p
<samueldr> while you would be in the armv7l domain again, my efforts should work for your device sphalerite
<samueldr> I'm piggy backing off the efforts from postmarketos, and oneplus-bacon (oneplus one) is in there
<sphalerite> neat
<sphalerite> I didn't know about postmarketos at all, this is nice!
<samueldr> I ported and validated my device could work with a non-android before starting
<sphalerite> oh but no wifi support
<samueldr> your device?
<sphalerite> yeah
<samueldr> it may be the porter stopped before even trying
<samueldr> the reason is "blob needed"
<sphalerite> yeah, not surprised
<samueldr> same for my device
<samueldr> and 99% sure it's the same solution, even though mine is aarch64
<samueldr> it seems qualcomm-based device have the same solution for wifi across arches
<samueldr> postmarketos would benefit greatly from nix, it was painful to work with APKBUILDs (works like archlinux PKGBUILDs) when used to nix
<sphalerite> I don't think I've worked with any package manager other than nix that wasn't painful since discovering nix :p
<sphalerite> I also have a https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/Google_Nexus_4_(lg-mako) which I was hoping to use as a nix build slave for my chromebook
<sphalerite> (can't use it as a normal phone anymore because the screen is rather broken)
<samueldr> I had one
<samueldr> I miss it
<samueldr> it seems to have an issue where it goes into thermal runoff?
<sphalerite> aw
<samueldr> one night it almost burned me
<samueldr> and never turned on again
<samueldr> changed battery as it had bulged greatly
<samueldr> the area with the CPU gets quite hot quite quickly
<samueldr> and doesn't want to turn on without unplugging the battery first
<sphalerite> thanks for pointing me to postmarketos
<sphalerite> I might just try getting it running on my nexus
<sphalerite> Have you by any chance managed to get the postmarketos build system running on nixos? Or am I better off just setting up a debian chroot/VM?
<samueldr> debian VM, chroot may not work
<samueldr> (though I was going with LXC first)
<samueldr> their build system makes use of chroots and qemu-user
<samueldr> it will want to manipulate binfmt
<sphalerite> aww
<sphalerite> alright, I'll give it a shot. Thanks!
<samueldr> while not nix, their build system is entirely CI-driven, so there's no mystery meat like many "here's a stock debian on an android device"
<sphalerite> that's good
<samueldr> for the record, I used qemu managed with virt-manager on nixos to build a debian vm for postmarketos
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<sphalerite> I have a debian VM already
<sphalerite> qemu-kvm -nographic -drive format=raw,file=/dev/zvol/tank/vm/crosbuild -m 4G -smp 4 -net nic -net tap,id=net,ifname=qemu,script=no,downscript=no
<sphalerite> :p
<sphalerite> (previously used for trying to build chromeos, as the name suggests)
<sphalerite> hm. Now the question is, how do I get the image from the VM, which is running on a remote server, onto my phone >.>
<samueldr> hah
<samueldr> I was using a local VM, with usb redirection
<samueldr> though, postmarketos has the export command in their tool
<samueldr> it exports files that can be flashed with fastboot
<samueldr> and I remember also seeing it can export to TWRP flashable zip files
<sphalerite> ah, that will do nicely
<sphalerite> blargh now how do I install the zip from the recovery shell
<sphalerite> (since I can't use the touch UI for screen reasons)
<samueldr> I would check into using fastboot instead
<samueldr> but
<samueldr> IIRC you can control some of those interfaces using only volume and power for ok
<samueldr> though I tink TWRP doesn't
<samueldr> (cwm did work without touch iirc) https://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/ClockworkMod_Recovery
<sphalerite> well touch input isn't the problem, seeing what I'm touching is
<sphalerite> same for controlling it with the buttons
<sphalerite> but I just saw that I can use `twrp install` to install a zip from the command line
<samueldr> oh, neat
<samueldr> fastboot is entirely host-controlled
<sphalerite> yeah, I didn't know what commands to use though
<sphalerite> particularly for the rootfs
<sphalerite> I tried fastboot flash system lg-mako.img, and it reported success, but it didn't actually boot after that
<samueldr> oh, right
<samueldr> you also need the kernel
<sphalerite> oh yeah I did fastboot flash boot boot.img-lg-mako as well
<samueldr> oh
<sphalerite> installing the zip now… looks promising so far
<sphalerite> well it's not visibly booting :/
<sphalerite> just showing Google on the screen
<sphalerite> well, sort of
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<makefu> what is the current state of cross-compiling? i saw there is already a very brief subsection in the manual for cross-compiling,however i cannot find the armv6l-linux which seems to be in used on the raspi1 i want to cross-compile for
<samueldr> the platform is example.raspberrypi IIRC https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/lib/systems/platforms.nix#L167
<samueldr> though I don't remember exactly how it works
<samueldr> ah, no, example.raspberryPi
<samueldr> on the CLI I used `nix-build --arg crossSystem '(import ./lib).systems.examples.raspberryPi' -A hello`
<samueldr> seemd to work
<samueldr> didn't really know where to look for more information on how to progress
<samueldr> building SD images may not or may be working
<makefu> i have a nixos-config of the host i want to build. it should be working with some evalConfig magic?
<samueldr> (I don't know)
<Dezgeg> you should probably elvishjerricco who was doing that just a couple of days ago
<elvishjerricco> makefu: Are you wanting to cross compile the whole NixOS system or just one package?
<samueldr> I would assume a whole nixos system since they talked about nixos-config
<samueldr> (and anyway I'm interested to hear about that)
<elvishjerricco> samueldr: Btw, did you have to use the ndk toolchain to build the android kernel? Or can you use any ole cross toolchain?
<samueldr> native aarch64
<samueldr> the one building all the other stuff on native nixos aarch64
<elvishjerricco> Do you know if there's anything special about the ndk toolchain other than the flags passed to clang? Or is it just a clang wrapper?
<samueldr> I don't know
<samueldr> I have used it as an end-user in a past life for building stuff for android
<samueldr> but didn't take a peek under the hood
<elvishjerricco> Well if the normal toolchain is fine, I probably won't bother until a problem presents itself
<elvishjerricco> The NDK doesn't exactly have a convenient build system :P