<Dezgeg> yes it should
<samueldr> looking to cross-compile my asus z00t kernel gcc 6 cross won't build, (new warnings treated as errors I think)
<samueldr> any tips so I could fix or someone I should bother
<samueldr> I expect my kernel isn't the only gcc6 thing in nixpkgs
<samueldr> (for the record, I tried that on top of elvishjerricco's work where the mainline kernel build fine)
<elvishjerricco> samueldr: Sorry, mainline kernel built fine for what?
<Dezgeg> use gcc 5
<elvishjerricco> And sorry, no tips for gcc6 unfortunately
<Dezgeg> or even older
<samueldr> elvishjerricco: basically, what you shared the other day works fine :)
<elvishjerricco> Ah, on what hardware?
<samueldr> not on hardware, just exactly what you shared
<elvishjerricco> Got it
<elvishjerricco> Yea I didn't realize the 3 b plus was so new when I got it, so now I have to work around it's lack of support :P
<samueldr> (though if cross-compiling works for my kernel, this'll make development easier)
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<samueldr> oh
<samueldr> I just booted an initramfs heavily inspired by not-os on my zenfone
<samueldr> which's only purpose is to vibrate and flash the leds, (proving it works)
<samueldr> WIP, but progress is here https://github.com/samueldr/mobile-nixos
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<clever> samueldr: neat
<clever> samueldr: i wasnt aware you could boot something with fastboot like that
<clever> though i havent experimented with the bootloader much, i tend to have too much data on the device to want to risk it
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<andi-> samueldr: nice! Reminds me of starting to experiment with whatever is needed to run nixos on the librem5 when it finally arrives in January.
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<samueldr> hah, the postmarketos logo being green, and using only black and gray, RGB vs. BGR framebuffer devices is irrelevant for their splash screen
<gchristensen> lol
<samueldr> *swear words* why's it so hard to get an ssh server to login as root without auth
<samueldr> I just want a shell on this initrd :/
<samueldr> (networking works using usb gadget)
<gchristensen> openssh tries really really hard to not :P
<samueldr> dropbear here!
<samueldr> I'm sure it would be harder on openssh
<samueldr> though right now the issue is I'm blind
<gchristensen> my first response "I didn't know that"
<samueldr> or I'm dumb
<samueldr> I might have been trying to login to my host machine
<gchristensen> :D
<samueldr> (not literally blind, I don't have serial for that consumer device)
<gchristensen> (i'm assuming you can speak, too)
<samueldr> yes :)
<makefu> samueldr: dropbear stores the authorized host file at /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys afair
<samueldr> makefu: that was my last resort
<samueldr> though
<samueldr> I *was* logging-in to my host machine
<samueldr> instead of the device
* samueldr begins dismantling the pile of hacks
<samueldr> now I'd really like a different aarch64 android device supported by postmarketOS to validate that my work is portable across devices
<samueldr> using `nc` from busybox I was able to see why it failed
<samueldr> started it like this: dropbear -RFE 2>&1
<samueldr> [304] Aug 22 01:40:18 Login attempt for nonexistent user from
<samueldr> nonexistent user being root
<samueldr> ah, I wasn't clear, using `nc` to create a reverse shell