<samueldr> took some time to dig a bit through framebuffer stuff... I finally got a framebuffer in the expected order for the panel
<samueldr> (though it needed coaxing through a kernel patch)
<samueldr> now let's see what this breaks in the future :D
<samueldr> if anyone here as experience with (embedded?) framebuffer development, I made two kernel patches to fix my RGB/BGR issue, one per devices
<samueldr> I would love it if anyone'd take a look, it's also possible I'm doing something wrong
<samueldr> (ah, the commits are listed on the latest update in the thread, forgot to say why I linked)
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<andi-> Anyone played/thought about these yet? https://shop.kobol.io/collections/all
<gchristensen> cute
<samueldr> hm, armv7
<samueldr> though, looks like a neat thing, especially if you want it for its SATA support
<andi-> yeah.. I think that is it's primary use-case :)
<andi-> the home-storage that also runs the light blub controller and IRC client or something...
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<manj-gnome> hi all, is this a version of nixos based on archlinux 64 bit?
manj-gnome is now known as jessechaos
<samueldr> no, this is nixos
<jessechaos> just 64-bit specific questions/information?
<samueldr> about nixos on ARM
<samueldr> maybe the confusion comes from AArch64?
<samueldr> ARMv8-A // It adds an optional 64-bit architecture [...] named "AArch64", and the associated new "A64" instruction set.
<jessechaos> yeah that's my bad - have never seen the abbreviation for ARMv8-A
<samueldr> ARM being ARM they have myriads way to name the same thing :)
<samueldr> or about the same, sometimes with minor distinctions :)
<jessechaos> so this could conceivably run on something like a raspi or a cellular device?
<jessechaos> and yeah, the wiki article for ARM arch names is kinda bad
<samueldr> it already is usable on a couple AArch64 devices
<samueldr> AArch64 support is from upstream nixos, so it's not a different project
<jessechaos> sweet - i had just opened up the wiki in another tab but hadn't actually looked at it yet
<samueldr> armv7/armv6 is user-contributed
<jessechaos> that's incredible - i have been considering picking up a raspi and wasn't sure what os i
<jessechaos> i'd run on it
<jessechaos> pretty sure nixos takes the cake though. thanks for all your help @samueldr I'll go ask my questions in the more relevant channels!
<samueldr> no worries, for any deep digs with nixos through arm/aarch64 you can also ask here
<jessechaos> nah i just have some basic questions about desktops and other essentially superfluous stuff atm. thanks again though, i'm sure i'll be back
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<timokau[m]> ^w:q^dexit
<samueldr> linux sucks, you can't reliably tell alt+f4 jokes :)
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