
<neonfuz> I can't load that page for something
<clever> something in my tab-completion completed all symlinks


<pxc> catern: I don't have strong feelings about Google Groups. Why does it matter? Does it mean you're forced to use a web browser or something?
<mog> i tend to use nix-env -i to try something or use something once
<slabity> Unless my recent rebuild did something, I now have autocompletion for packages in nix-env if I run compinit
<rauno> gchristensen: nope, it said pxe 6.x.x something verion
<Infinisil> xd1le: You mean something like `command --file ${pkgs.writeText "file" "content of file"}`
<yorick> there should be something haddock-ish for nix
<kragniz> maybe I could get some stickers or something to give out
<mog> i dont mind setting something up or sharing the artwork
<goibhniu> pstn: maybe mog would be interested in setting up something similar for europe
<Mic92> stranger__: I remember there was something added to nix, but I am not sure, if it in nix unstable
<ejoy> I need to put a script under /etc/network/if-up.d/ to do something as soon as VPN is connected. How to do this in nixos given /etc/network does not even exist?
<dylanjust[m]> Weird error. Has anyone hit something like that before?
<goibhniu> something like: `dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest="org.freedesktop.login1" /org/freedesktop/login1 org.freedesktop.login1.Manager.Suspend boolean:true`
<kuznero> Basically something without fetchgit, but copying a local file in...
<kuznero> clever: trying to do something like this: `nix-shell -p stdenv.cc --run 'patchelf --interpreter ... --set-rpath ${stdenv.gcc.gcc}/lib64:${stdenv.gcc.gcc}/lib db2cli` But I guess I cannot use `${stdenv...}` in this context... How do I go about it?
<joepie91> not sure where the difference is, maybe the different drivers give the GPU different address ranges to write to or something?
<clever> then if any of them are accessed, the type held inside the Value changes from Thunk to something else
<joepie91> so this may be something that people already do
<joepie91> Infinisil: I vaguely recall something about the idea behind the Rust design being "we don't want anything in it that hasn't been around for at least a decade", although I'm probably not paraphrasing this accurately
<Ralith> joepie91: the specific application of affine types is not something I've seen before
<joepie91> as something that generally Just Works and keeps you from shooting yourself in the foot for the most part
<joepie91> I may be missing something there but it just feels off
<joepie91> that doesn't sound like something that should require 33 gigs of RAM...
<dash> Infinisi1: I knew something fishy was going on in there, but I didn't know it was this bad.
<Infinisil> something like `self: super: { caddy-all-plugins = super.callPackage path/to/that/file {}; }
<mpcsh> Infinisil: hmm, I'd rather have something a little more elegant, something that will allow me to easily add more packages this way if needed
<mpcsh> something like that


<gchristensen> I wish there was a little sound or something, but we need this feature in some fashion
<DiThi> running this dones something: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/nix/store/q662f37n0gl5k90kia85v5z5d0765x4l-system-path/lib/ mono GitExtensions.exe
<copumpkin> I have a folder with default.nix in it, and default.nix does something like ${./local-symlink} in a string. That same folder has local-symlink which points to /symlink/target
<copumpkin> Sander: if I have a few individual node/js packages that I'd like to build with Nix in a repo (i.e., source adjacent to nix files) and I want to build them and then depend on them in something else, what are my options there?
<bkchr> makefu: Yeah, something does not work. Mine is hanging in parse.nix
<srhb> It's funny that plasma appears to be blocked on something related to emojis. 2017 indeed.
<guillaum1> }`. Did i miss something simpler?
<tilpner> Yes, I read something about that, but I didn't want multiple files there
<clever> something in that library references clang
<clever> so, it is a dependency of something i nix-env -i'd


<clever> and nix-env -e firefox to imperatively remove something
<clever> the major difference from the old buildEnv, is that these remain as seperate entities within nix-env, and you can just nix-env -iA nixos.firefox to upgrade something imperatively
<Infinisil> Hmm, then something like nix-env -iA nixos.firefox-nightly-bin
<zennist> something like that i guess
<srhb> zennist: Usually you don't install python packages directly, but use something like python.withPackages
<neonfuz1> I was just wondering if they conflict or something
<joepie91> tilpner: I more mean it in the sense that "you have to intentionally carry around resources that you no longer need to produce something that can be considered a resource leak"
<joepie91> tilpner: unsure how that relates to what you said, have something more specific / with more context?
<gchristensen> maurer: they're able to dramatically and effectively target power consumption and memory usage, something that benefits mobile and laptop users alike
<srhb> Whenever I claim to fix something there's prooobably a hitch :-P
<lejonet> clever: so my guess is that there is no directory merging being done, and the ncurses terminfo just takes precedence or something, knocking the rxvt-unicode ones off, unless forced back in
<clever> something similar happened here about 2 weeks ago, on a bigger scale
<lejonet> clever: by having it in environment.systemPackages, any other way seems to fail (nix-env doesn't believe its a valid derivation, rxvt_unicode.terminfo that is, do I need to prefix it or something?)
<lejonet> clever: unless your package makes something not a symlink in /run/current-system anymore... :P
<lejonet> Where are the terminfo "packages" defined? I can't find rxvt_unicode.terminfo in nixpkgs repo and I'm suspecting it is doing something stupid and wanna try and correct that :P
<vagrant-> clever: so that will tell me why something is considered "alive"?
<clever> vagrant-: nix-store -q --roots goes up, to the GC roots that holds something in the store
<disasm> gchristensen: so is there some way I can contribute in some way if I can make it? Doesn't need to be a full talk slot, Could be something as simple as a Q&A on new contributions or maybe talk about documentation efforts.
<srhb> Something fishy is going on after switching to zfs, I always seem to be out of RAM, it doesn't show as just cached in free and no application appears to be using it; is this normal?
<clever> it needs something like postInstall, that will use makeWrapper to modify $out/bin/emacs
<vagrant-> maybe there's something in the `lib` which can do a more general "derivation equality" that would catch this case?
<disasm> romildo: if it's something needed for all efl it could be propogated in pkgs/desktops/enlightenment/efl.nix
<clever> romildo: i remember something about pkg-config silently dropping things, if the dependencies listed in the .pc file cant be found
<yorick> simpson: to be fair, we're still packaging 0.4.8 or something terrible that nobody should use and they had to come yell at us to add a warning to it
<gchristensen> could be, but the bug still exists. <command> in the nix pills means something different from <span class="command"> in the rest of the website
<disasm> gchristensen: is the $ in the title here on purpose or something getting parsed wrong (or a typo)? https://nixos.org/nixos/nix-pills/developing-with-nix-shell.html
<gchristensen> as of this morning, the nix pills series has been moved to https://nixos.org/nixos/nix-pills/ -- thank you ixxie, disasm, Ankhers, sphalerite for helping port them, and obviously Lethalman for writing so much great content. if you've ever wished something was edited or updated in the nix pill series, open an issue or send a PR: github.com/nixos/nix-pills
<romildo> danbst1, gchristensen, yet in this string, I want to add the character \ at the end of the text searched and added by sed. Something like
<__monty__> Ok, thanks. Why doesn't the nix manual mention this? Seems like something worth mentioning.
<clever> yeah, cygwin does something special to manage them within its FS's
<neonfuz1> I think one time it said it failed something
<hodapp> neonfuz1: one way is something like http://lpaste.net/7497109927656161280 in your /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<WhittlesJr> advanced alien technology. Damn this distro is cool. Well, I'll go see what I can do. Not sure this is something I'd want to pull-request but if I can get it to work for me, I'll be happy c: Thank you all!


<srhb> So I'm thinking if something is in EFI or loader, it'll get nuked.
<neonfuz1> well, if something else was in /boot/efi/nixos maybe
<neonfuz1> am I supposed to manually make this directory, or set something somewhere to make it be made?\
<sphalerite> I'd want something nixops-like so I can just push config onto it from my laptop
<sphalerite> I want to one day look to see if I can implement something like that because it would be super awesome
<sphalerite> I think you could use its --json option and filter using jq or something
<srhb> michaelpj__: I'm not, that's the only thing I can think of and I think it's probable. :-P Ensure you've nothing left using pgrep -u ME as root or something like that
<nwuensche> srhb: My Printer got the command to clean itself! That's usually a good sign. Now wait until 5 minutes and look if it prints something after the cleaning:D
<srhb> Or something to that effect, at least.
<nwuensche> I just chmod 0777'd the file, and I've got something! I create a gist.
<disasm> nwuensche: I'd start with probly something like `echo test|lpr -P <printer name>`
<bennofs> nwuensche: oh, i just found something more: cupsctl --debug-logging
<srhb> Funky output, I hope it means something to cups. :-P
<srhb> At least if it's built with something like nix-build -E 'with (import <nixpkgs> {}); callPackage_i686 ./printer2.nix {}'
<fpletz> mbrgm: maybe we can do something with CapabilityBoundingSet
<aminechikhaoui> mog: I don't think it should start by defualt after boot unless you specify "multi-user.target" in wantedBy or something
<srhb> nwuensche: The first one waits indefinitely for stdin to produce something (and get closed)
<nwuensche> srhb: So I echo "asdas" | tcsh /nix/store/y50i6a733vc4q96irjzhx7idp2vcsaav-mfcj47dd0dw-cupswrapper-3.0.0-1/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperMFC5440CN, and now it says: /usr/local/Brother//lpd/rastertobrij2: No such file or directory. Progress! Thanks. Why does this work when I pipe something
<srhb> nwuensche: Or something like that, i don't know exactly what it expects on stdin :)
<srhb> nwuensche: cat something to it
<gchristensen> my kingdom for a docfn which tied a `.doc` to the lambda or something
<nwuensche> clever: Have I done something wrong and this should be part of cups?
<srhb> nwuensche: Assuming you're modifying installPhase or something, $cups is an environment variable and ${cups} is a nix substitution.
<disasm> xd1le: change the hash to something else, that'll cause it to fail, download, hash will mismatch, and give you the correct new hash to use.
<xd1le> Hi all, I've run into a bit of a situation. Basically, running `pkg-config --cflags libevdev` in buildPhase works, it points to /nix/store/...-libevdev... . But running it in preBuild makes it point to /var/empty instead (which is empty). So it this expected (and if so how do I remedy this), or am I possibly doing something wrong?
<nwuensche> srhb: Or a better question, what is the correct way to fetch something on my HDD? I used fetchurl with a local url
<srhb> nwuensche: So for instance if you wanted to replace /usr/bin/cups with the path to /nix/store/.../bin/cups you would do something like substituteInPlace --replace /usr/bin/cups "${cups}/bin/cups"
<Rajigo> srhb: well, yes I need it though I know there is a package for that... My purpose is really to learn how everything works (and changing attributes is really something I need). I am going to try with wrapCC
<srhb> nwuensche: You can use any tool you're comfortable with, for instance substituteInPlace or sed or something like that
<srhb> Rajigo: Otherwise you probably wanty something like wrapCC (gcc7.cc.override { langFortran = true };)
<mbrock> disasm: although I dunno why atom would depend on any systemd components? maybe something about udev or something
<nwuensche> Should I Gist the lpdwrapper/filter? Maybe I have forgotten to change something inside there
<srhb> Where i686_glibc is something like...
<srhb> Something like patchelf --set-interpreter ${i686_glibc}/lib/ld-linux.so.2 $out/usr/bin/brprintconfij2
<clever> nextloop: something configured in bridge mode could do the same job and firewall, though the example i linked may not work as well there
<__monty__> Would something as simple as setting max jobs to 0 locally work around this?
<freeman42x> Is there any icu-dev or libicu-dev or something on NixOS? Since just installing icu is only giving lib folder without any include folder. http://i.imgur.com/z7ypaL8.png
<edef> I wonder if there's an ACPI setting for that or something
<clever> joehh: every package gets its own directory, so the files can never clash, and it will never read something from another package
<schoppenhauer> what's a good filesystem for the nix store, when having a rotational disk? I have ext4 and it is often very slow. seems to me like something that is more optimized for many small files could be better?
<dylanjust[m]> Is there native s3 support on nix-push? Is that a planned feature? Or would I export then "aws s3 sync" or something?
<Nobabs27> clever: how would I do something this on Nix? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/LightDM#LightDM_displaying_in_wrong_monitor
<dylanjust[m]> I wish to build something from source on a CI server in my office. I wish to then run this software on a machine in AWS. The machine in AWS will not have access to my source repositories. I wish to point it to a channel, or ship binaries and source to it - however I need to do it.


<freeman42x> in Ubuntu I recall I needed to use something like that for GUI programs
<clever> try something simple like: sudo -u neo 'id'
<freeman42x> you need something like gsu or kdesu
<cbarrett> no one can help me w/ nixops? any suggestions about where to look? Maybe I missed something in the manual
<mguex> then it's something else, are you running this from within kde?
<freeman42x> the idea was to change KDE with something else so that the kdesu issues is solved right?
<viaken[m]> freeman42x: If you just want something to use while you "settle in", maybe try IceWM, fvwm, or openbox. I'm in love with tiling WMs, though. Was using Xmonad before trying Nix and I'm on i3 now, too.
<freeman42x> one issue I am having with plasma, something triggered it cause it did not happen from the start is that CPU stays constantly high around 40% after login
<tilpner> If you enabled plasma5, kdesu should already be installed for you. Do you have something like services.xserver.displayManager.plasma5.enable = true; in your config?
<tilpner> I remember something like that, but I think it was in the old wiki
<viaken> So, if I make a derivation outside of nixpkgs that has dependencies, under `{ stdenv }:` I could add something like `dep1 = ~/projects/nixpkgs/foo/bar/dep1;`?
<kini> According to the man page, `nix-env -q` by itself is supposed to list the installed store paths, but it lists nothing. Surely something is installed...?
<kini> well, I tried nixos-rebuild switch and got a lot of FATALs and collisions, but something seemed to happen -- "the following new units were started: systemd-vconsole-setup.service, zfs.target"
<srhb> It's not as bad as Chromium or something :-P
<hodapp> how can I set something that has spaces in cmakeFlags?
<hodapp> the problem I just ran into on one fork is that it could "build" just fine with CMake, and then it just has runtime errors that also make no sense, so even if I fix the Nixpkgs build of caffe it might just build something broken in subtle ways
<freeman42x> Fare, I am still doing something wrong: http://i.imgur.com/T13dbzz.png
<hodapp> just wish I could find something about this build that wasn't just cargo-culting
<hodapp> ...huh, is there even a way to override something on all transitive dependencies in Nix?
<jluttine> is there some convention where to put website mutable content (e.g., user uploads, sqlite file, ...)? /var/www/domain.com/, /var/lib/domain.com/ or something else?
<sphalerite> Fendor: e.g. I have the same hardware as gchristensen here. The proprietary nvidia driver works just fine for him, while for me starting the X server with it enabled crashes the kernel or something
<deltasquared> my only worry is something like xdg-open bypassing any "startup script" I make to automate the process
<deltasquared> unless splitting it somehow affects the build purity or something
<sphalerite> Rubas: something lke import <nixos-unstable> { config.allowUnfree = true; }
<kuznero> Hi All! It seems I have problem connecting with any IRC client except irssi and webchat.freenode.net :) Is there anything required in terms of SSL certificates or something similar? I'd like to use something like hexchat or communi, but not luck....
<sphalerite> eqyiel: it's something to do with it wanting the build results from the remote builder to be cryptographically signed
<schef> question about diferent versions of the app..the bitwig-studio github page says that it is version number 2.1.3 but i have installed 1.3.x..is there something i have to declare explicit?
<canndrew> i might just file an issue about this, if it's not just something trivial I'm missing.
<v0|d> something like (setq 'load-path (cons 'my-melpa-path (remove "..path-to-site-lisp" load-path)))?
<joepie91> if something else did it, it's probably a bug
<joepie91> meaning that if you have a python2, it's there because either you or something else added it to systemPackages
<joepie91> slabity: there's no "global environment" on NixOS, so if something is merely a dependency of something else, it shouldn't show up in your virtual user env
<construct> By the way, what's "eurosign:e" for? Should I change that to something else and then uncomment services.xserver.xkbOptions?
<simpson> There is not a default Python. Odds are that something else in systemPackages uses Python 2.
<kini> is there something I need to install in the live environment?
<Fare> maybe it's because I need a special flag to enable something with an unfree license?


<joepie91> once something is no longer in your config, it will no longer be accessible in / affecting your environment either
<joepie91> construct: I wouldn't worry too much about whether Phonon is installed or not; if something ends up requiring it and you don't have it, you can always add it later
<construct> Or would it not allowed me to remove it if it is a dependency for something else?
<construct> I want to make sure removing phonon was okay, or if it'll break something else.
<joepie91> ie. the ability to accidentally something in the store :)
<joepie91> that is not something you arbitrarily wave away as "that's in the past", especially as you're still doing it.
<joepie91> Hero: more seriously; if you come in with a complaint that criticizes something without explaining why it is a problem or investigating whether there's a reason for it working how it does, you shouldn't be surprised if you get back a miffed reply :)
<cocreature> simpson: no worries, thanks for pointing me to it. now I have something to be exited about :)
<Infinisil> The hash would need to be based on something other than the contents
<catern> to add something to the store, you need to hash it
<Infinisil> how about something like `mkDerivation { name = "sources"; src = ./path/to/sources; }`
<Infinisil> Something like `update.nix` which you call when the files change, which then imports the stuff into the store
<Infinisil> Ah, catern was the one that had something similar I think, you here catern ?
<Infinisil> joepie91: Why not just use fetchFromGitHub or something like that?
<Infinisil> Isn't it automatically converted to a string for display or something like that?
<Infinisil> nwuensche: Ah, I could share my ohMyZsh setup, it's a bit involved admittedly and something like that should be upstream
<xd1le> but I can't use emacs keybindings, my fingers got used to vim, or I just prefer it, or find it more comfortable or something
* Infinisil is currently looking for something similar to gist/ix.io but selfhosted
<sauyon> something along those lines


<manveru> hodapp: i use something like `nix-shell --indirect --add-root .nix-shell.drv`, as long as the .drv file stays there it won't be GCd
<hodapp> dash: if it's something I need to interact with at the shell, I'm not sure how I'd be able to do that via nix-build
<Wizek> is anyone working on making stack lts resolver version-sets of haskell packages available through nix? e.g. something this could be nice: `nix-shell -p "haskell.packages.stack.lts-7.19.ghcWithPackages (p: with p; [(haskell.lib.dontCheck compose-ltr) uncertain lens diagrams])" --run ghci`
<simpson> jasom: Practically, I'd just add mesa and see if that makes it happy. There are other EGL providers, but I don't know if we support many of them in nixpkgs. Maybe there's something specific if you need Darwin support?
<jasom> what do I add to buildinputs for a package that will link with libegl.so? It looks like that's handled differently from other libraries; do I just add mesa to buildInputs or do something else?
<LnL> oh wow, I thought there was atleast something in there about NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE and such
<Ankhers> I think node version reserve odd numbers for test builds or something, don't they?
<dash> fridh: it's possible, you use something like pex/cx_freeze/py2exe to bundle everything together
<sphalerite> betaboon: re <CODE>, I think it's just something that hasn't been evaluated
<bitonic> i think there's something deeply messed up
<ij> Can you cache things if you're building something with nix-build? I'm building haskell+docker on top and the haskell part's always recompiling.
<adisbladis> I'm doing something similar for ipython, dont want my profile polluted with python deps
<joehh> how do I do something similar but for a regular user?
<adelbertc> what are the tradeoffs between using packageOverrides to do overrides for a project vs. using something like `fix'` and `extend`. one thing i've noticed is `forceSystem` doesn't seem to like `fix'` and `extend`, but on the other hand `packageOverrides` uses `config` when importing `nixpkgs` which means config you have in `~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix` won't get picked up
<boomshroom> clever: A lot more. 2 executables, a shared library, something in /var/spool, and a bunch of stuff in /usr/local/Brother/


<taktoa> it's not really something you want sticking around on the filesystem
<copumpkin> I just have trouble justifying bringing in a "blazingly fast" serialzation format for something we'll be sending a few messages a second over tops
<lucasOfBesaid> The qemu derivation doesn't even bother to build qemu-bridge-helper. Should I modify its default.nix to include something like that?
<LnL> lucasOfBesaid: probably something like security.wrappers.qemu-bridge-helper.source = "${pkgs.qemu}/bin/qemu-bridge-helper"; in this case
<LnL> well I think instead of nox-review, having something just evaluate nixpkgs it probably more useful
<LnL> I think something changed related to that recently
<LnL> copumpkin: that's just on a local machine right, no distributed builds or something
<joepie91> but something was presumably doing `mkdir -p $HOME` or such
<copumpkin> niksnut: did something change with NIX_REMOTE=local?root=... handling recently?
<Dezgeg> yeah it feels like this canonicalisePathMetaData() is getting called for something else as well than the build result
<Dezgeg> is something accidentally following symlinks?
<peterhoeg> canndrew: aren't you always running patchelf as part of building something?
<Ankhers> I built something really quick that just shells out to nix-instantiate --eval -E cmd
<rycee[m]> Quick question about the Firefox builds on 17.03. They seem to indicate a failed dependency (https://hydra.nixos.org/build/58542719) but from what I see the dependency was actually built OK (https://hydra.nixos.org/build/58530814) but something happened with SSH?
<Avaq> Hello. Can somebody help me understand how to use nix-shell? I must be doing something wrong:
<Profpatsch> Nothing will happen if something bold is italic or the other way around.
<clever> in my first week of using nixos, i had done "mount /nix/store -o remount,rw" to modify something
<ryantm> gchristensen: I don't have a good setup that keeps me always connected to IRC, but I can make something.


<ixxie> gchristensen: is there a small task I could start with? I can start trying to do something even now
<simpson> construct_: Oh! That's because building packages is something that is done for the community by a community service, not by individual maintainers. NixOS isn't like some distros where maintainers upload individual package files.
<sphalerite> Judson: maybe it needs the compiler present at build time or something. Maybe (but this is all just a guess) adding go to its buildInputs will make it work, magically.
<bennofs> Judson: oh, a quick google said it wasn't so great... weird, I think i read something about special go support
<gchristensen> there isn't a way for us to build something in secret and have you benefit from it, nix forces that transparency
<sphalerite> something like that
<adelbertc> i assume i need to do like '<nixpkgs>'.haskellPackages or something
<clever> dhess: maybe something is checking if $CPP == cpp, and then assuming it must not be clang, so its safe to use clang-incompatible args
<hodapp> I do it because I'm actually trying to make something work, not make it perfect
<hodapp> it never *looks* like I'm going to have to spend 8 hours debugging a broken environment for something that "should" be working, and I don't do it because LOOOOOOOL OVERANALYSIS BECAUSE I'M JUST A DERPY ENGINEER
<dhess> looks like stdlib (or std-something) is not being included
<dhess> Did something recently change with clang on macOS? I updated nixpkgs-unstable and suddenly wakelan won't compile. I don't think wakelan has changed in months.
<catern> (which is something which you can otherwise nicely avoid)
<__Sander__> I discovered that if you skip 'entry' events something will go terribly wrong
<catern> (or not a FUSE filesystem, something, anything, but people proposed a FUSE filesystem which unpacks NARs on the fly)
<adisbladis> catern: There was also something on some ML
<adisbladis> catern: What would be the significant advantage over trying to download something from the cache?
<catern> but that's something you can add straightforwardly - you could have the underlying network filesystem handle it
<hodapp> they lazily copy into the local filesystem when you try to access something?
<catern> and when you install something into the store from a substitute, it is then available instantly, because you can lazily copy the network files into the local filesystem
<Infinisil> I'll just try setting videoDrivers to something like Vesa or modesetting
<NickHu> Had to set it to native or !Windows 2012 or something
<NickHu> This issue sounds like something I experienced before with the acpi_backlight kernel parameter
<Infinisil> someone in a forum mentioned that removing xf86-video-intel solved his problem (which I have too), how do I do that with NixOS? I only know it has something to do with video drivers or so


<viaken> So what's the benefit of Nix over something like Ansible?
<hodapp> but if I override that to gcc 4.9, then it cannot link at the end because all dependencies it's trying to link with were built with newer GCC (or something)
<ixxie> Infinisil: well, then if you ever make something you want to show ^^
<clever> Infinisil: something in the kernel is already doing exactly that, and -9's pulseaudio if the watchdog hangs for even a split second
<clever> ixxie: oh, that das_watchdog option, ive run into something very similiar, that was extremely anoying
<hodapp> and when it's deep learning stuff, it usually requires all of the GPU garbage that's powered by proprietary garbage that is really difficult to make work right in something like Docker (which is ordinarily what I'd use when the build is this much of a mess)
<michaelpj> I was thinking something like a `doc` module, and then modules could register themselves with that and some kind of lookup name, which would then generate the help files
<michaelpj> e.g. I was just looking into using the znc module, and it would be nice to have a little something that tells you what are the minimum set of options you need, and what you'd need to do to connect to it, etc
<michaelpj> is there any way to specify documentation for a whole module in NixOS? It would be nice to be able to do something like `man services.ngnix` and get a list of the options in the module, an overview of how to use it and any limitations, etc.
<Infinisil> Maybe there's something more interesting there
<nwuensche> Which file does setxkbmap change? I could look up the config looks there and learn something from it. I mean: setxkbmap eu -option caps:escape does what I want..
<clever> something creates a self-signed example.com cert to fill the gap
<tilpner> mpickering - Something like sed -i 's@previous_name@${dependency}/bin/dependency@' script perhaps?
<gr8> could also be combined with something like Firejail for security maybe
<Fare> Actually, it looks like it might have been an out-of-memory on the X server or something
<needshelp> if something is available in the nixpkgs github repo but doesn't show up under nix-env -qa i would be missing a channel?
<Infinisil> Something like `pkgs = hp: with hp; [ base fuzzy whatever ]`, then use `ghcWithPackages (hp: (pkgs hp) ++ with hp; [ other packages ])`
<rnhmjoj[m]> about the randomized thing i don't know. it's probably something the test library is doing because it's not in the source
<catern> I guess it makes just as much sense to have a new plugin or something
<catern> but surely there is something cleverer one can do


<anelson_> is something failing to build?
<alexteves_> also need to bundle the database or something
<anelson_> ok now I'm running into something else... I built a version of nix that has a different storeDir, stateDir and confDir. However, when I'm running it on nixos, it's still trying to use nix-daemon (I just want it to run as my user)
<dtzWill> hopefully Nix/NixOS grows to get their kind of reproducibility soon, I think it's something everyone's interested in
<joepie91> Infinisil: anyhow, Genode also applies this concept to resource accounting; a particularly interesting example from the presentation was that of one program 'paying' some of its resource allocation to another program, when asking it to do something on its behalf
<joepie91> tilpner: simpson: speculation: I would imagine that 'virtualization' in the context of Genode refers to the fact that because parent processes can modify a capability request to ask for something else, it's possible for them to transparently provide virtualized resources to the child process instead of the real resources that were asked for, without the child process being aware of this
<thoughtpolice> I admit, I don't fully 'get' Qubes security model. It is supposed to use AppVMs or whatever to isolate applications, but isolation isn't really what I want. If someone sends me an exploit for Thunderbird's Gecko engine -- who cares if it can or cannot read my ~/.ssh or something? It already has my mail spool. And presumably that AppVM will happily open a socket to send my spool to a server somewhere. The game was over.
<thoughtpolice> (I'm hoping one day something like Capsicum (true capability security) will come to Linux, but they've been working on it for years now and I have less and less hope on that front.)
<anelson_> hi guys, I'm on CentOS, I compiled a version of nix with storeDir = /tmp/nix/store, and when I use it to build e.g. `pkgs.bash` I'm seeing something really weird when I `ldd` the bash binary
<clever> if lens was a dep of something
<srhb> I understand that if something pulls in, say, lens from ghc821, it gets cached
<frankpf> when I change services.sshd.ports to something other than 22, sshd stops working
<catern> or something like that
<srhb> Infinisil: I think something weird happens with it combined with the systemd user session or whatever
<clever> sphalerite: something of note, nixos-install --chroot doesnt work on nixos-unstable right now
<srhb> I've done something similar with systemd one-shots too, works quite well. :)
<srhb> Infinisil: I meant, in Haskell I could just import some libraries that allowed me to evaluate a String as Haskell code itself. If Nix could work as a library like that, it would be really easy to do something like this :)
<Ankhers> But it should be as simple as getting an IRC connection, connecting to different channels, and then listen for messages that start with a certain character, like `> 4 + 4` or something simple.
<Infinisil> michalrus: Well that does seem like something that could give you problems, there's systemd targets and stuff made for these filesystems
<Infinisil> bennofs1: Ohh, I'm actually doing that for something
<hodapp> it doesn't come up much with me, and I do still have the option of just running it in a container or *not* packing something up neatly as a proper Nix build
<adisbladis> Iirc it needs about 15G or something like that
<hodapp> he probably started another group or something
<Infinisil> Oh and something else: jdk6 doesn't exist in nix..
<Infinisil> If something happened again, I'd use LnL's nix docker image, best of both worlds (portability + nix)
<layus> waern, that's a nifty hack. I was looking for something that extracts the context, but your solution should work.
<Myrl-saki> Should you do something like `optional ... ... ? []` instead?
<Lisanna> clever: ah, I was afraid it might be something like that
<Myrl-saki> clever: Am I missing something? http://ix.io/z7G
<donbright> how do you hack on something that is read only?
<Myrl-saki> clever: So. `nix-build '(import ./. {})' -A buildInputs` or something?


<catern> cbarrett: there should have been a messaging saying to add something to your shell profile, was there such a message?
<Infinisil> clever: Yeah, I have something similar (+ a bit more to reset it, so you can test it easily)
<Mlkmt> it's weird... maybe it's something gummiboot does?
<gnuhurd> if I build something using nix-build, and I have a result directory, if I delete it will it delete the store path as well?
<catern> so I need something more customizable than path literals
<catern> is there a way to reimplement the functionality of Nix path literals, on path strings? specifically I want to hash and copy something into the store at evaluation time
<ambro718> my laptop/tablet suspends fine but the only way to wake it up is to press something on the keyboard, except if I detach and reattach the keyboard then nothing will wake it up
<bennofs> perhaps something later in your init sequence overrides $PATH?
<Infinisil> felipedvorak: Ah, well NIX_PATH is something different, unrelated
<ambro718> also cursor moves to finger position when touchign touchscreen... something doesn't understand the touchscreen is a touchscreen?
<Myrl-saki> I just realized something. With stackage2nix, stack shouldn't be that useful, right?
<rcschm> is this nix specific or something to with with ghc dependencies? i tried bringing in hspec but that doesn't seem to solve anything.
<clever> i think its something that has to be compiled into the ld.so


<sphalerite> gchristensen: cool, is there a checklist of stuff that's already in progress or something? I'm on my phone now and about to depart for dreamland, but I'll take a look tomorrow
<bennofs> (or something that is needed for the display to appear "up" to systemd udev settle)
<sphalerite> Nobabs27: I think there's something called xf4settingsd or similar, installing it and possibly running it might help
<sphalerite> ambro718: I thought as much. You'll probably want to set some xrandrHeads option or something like that, not sure about the details though, sorru
<sphalerite> can you put the full output on gist.github.com or something, or send a screenshot?
<Infinisil> You should have all the dependencies referenced by your package that needs them, not something else
<sphalerite> ylwghst: maybe the logs have something useful