
<ToxicFrog> hodapp: temporarily replace the build step with something that just copies the files from a known-good reference build?
<hodapp> I figure I should at least get something in the docs about how RStudio can't see packages installed in https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#r-packages, even if it's not really NixOS's job to solve that
<hodapp> I have tried, without any success, to explain to such people why pesky notions like "abstraction" actually mean something.
<copumpkin> either way, if it's defaulting to impure auto-detection, then we're going to get something that might not work on all machines if it gets built on a newer Hydra builder
<avn> well, grub-mkrescue create something which help me boot from flash
<ronny> ok, something on nixos is broken
<ronny> dis something change?
<__Sander__> so maybe a specific package or something broke
<__Sander__> I believe the IED guy did something with this
<hodapp> so I guess I could have the R package generate some startup R code or something - but not for "normal" R to run, just for things like the RStudio package to grab at startup, if so configured
<unlmtd[m]> something like this https://bentley.link/secureboot/
<tsurai> hi, am I missing something or is there currently no way to edit the rspamd config from the main configuration.nix file?
<Benrob0329[m]> So that something that is malicious doesn't infect things by getting into an unprotected application
<hodapp> I guess the proper thing would be to add a note to the docs that if you run RStudio, it will only pick up all of the custom R packages you added if you run via <X> or something
<ToxicFrog> (but so did every other android IRC client I used, so maybe I'm missing something)
<ToxicFrog> tilpner: hah! I'm already using something similar for accessing slack.


<Unode> I'd be happy with something online next to the package search that already exists.
<Unode> well considering command-not-found uses a database created upstream, I guess we'd need something equivalent with the list of all packages.
<Unode> perhaps something I could poke on Hydra?
<Unode> there's command-not-found to find which package provides a given command, is there something else to find out what packages provide a given file? a header (.h) file in this case.
<nh2_> clever: I'm suspecting that I'm just running too old software or something
<ambro718> In buildPythonPackage how do I pass --something=$out to the build.py script?
<hodapp> I wonder if RStudio's wrapper is overwriting this or something
<GiGa|laptop> but I notice that after I've "nix-channel --update" I still only see the old versions after a "nix-env -qa". Am I doing something wrong?
<sphalerite> it uses KDE and Qt, and running something like that as root is a Bad Idea.
<goibhniu> There's a question on using nix for python and go development on reddit, without any really useful comments ... in case anyone has something to add: https://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/5q7239/python_and_nix/
<roconnor> did you really delete a file, or did you garbage-collect something?
<roconnor> nix-store --repair may do something.
<puffnfresh> I'm trying to cross compile something and there's a derivation which has "stdenv.isLinux"
<k0001> gchristensen: is there something written somewhere about the vulnerability roundup process? I mean, how do the vulnerabilities come to be in that list?


<sphalerite> joepie91: it could be something other than a library, missing data files or similar
<sphalerite> I think the name should be something like texlive-combined
<sphalerite> Wasn't there something called nix-part or something that's in development?
<LnL> something about that sounds familiar :)
<ToxicFrog> Like, say in configuration.nix I want something like "services.autossh.sessions.tunnel.extraArguments = '-R ${autossh_tunnel_port}:localhost:1234'"
<domenkozar> tilpner: you could achieve something similar with libvirtd, but it's currently not as easy
<gchristensen> k0001: right now we use something else which calls nix
<k0001> gchristensen: do you use Hydra for CI, or do you use something else that just calls Nix ?
<pi3r> I guess I am going to try another git ref of nixpkgs. Maybe something went wrong with this package at this specific commit
<digitalmentat> it was a monster merge so it's definitely possible I got something wrong
<tikhon> How do I override ghcjs packages in my config.nix? Is there something like haskellPackageOverrides for haskell.packages.ghcjs?
<fresheyeball> last time I saw something like this I blew away /nix and it went away
<dtzWill> hey so it appears I can do something like 'nix-env -i /nix/store/hash-name-goes-here' to 'install' a known output into my profile, which is very useful right now :). Is there a way to use nix-shell with a path like that?
<xeviox> do I have to do something special to install a font?
<handre> blah.tar.xz`, am I missing something?
<endformationage> maurer: I encountered the same recently. The problem is generally that one should not install something like binutils into the user env, but into a development env used by nix-shell.
<benrob0329> binarin thats a bit beyond me, is there an article or something i could read on it?
<Rotaerk> for instance, instead of the configurations being something like: super: self: { somepkg = disableHardening super.somepkg ["fortify"]; otherpkg = super.somepkg.override { inherit (pkgs) blah; }; }
<shachaf> Maybe I can disable this with something like build-use-chroot = false? I don't see where to set that option.


<shanemikel> is there something like a "nix shell hook".. that is, a way after the shell environment has loaded, that I can say, now go ahead and source my ~/.nixbashrc ?
<Unode> usually when I have something others can't reproduce it's harder to get by (such is the case with the fonts).
<corngood> swflint: I think you'll need to turn on synaptics. Could you do that, restart x, and post your xorg log? There should be something in there about synaptics devices
<propumpkin> bundler lock seems to do something promising
<niksnut> pxc: you could try something like: nix-store -r /nix/store/qdkzm17csr24snk247a1s0c47ikq5sl6-nix-1.11.6
<ixxie> has anybody ever considered extendix Nix to the init system? Something for NixOS like DMD is for Guix?
<corngood> Sorry if I missed something earlier, but are you just doing initial install? Can you show the tty where that's happening?
<t42> Benrob0329[m]: Because I'm early into the configuration and didn't get around to setting up my own user yet. Yes, I should do that. I switched to linuxPackages_4_8 because with 4.4 there was something about Skylake integrated graphics support lacking. This is an Optimus laptop, but I have not installed any nvidia drivers yet
<LnL> I think clever called it notos or something like that
<pierron_> haha, ln -s 'https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable' nixos-unstable I wonder if this is something we can abuse.
<rly> It's just something people would use who are either desktop users or developers.
<MoreTea> it's not "computing" anything; it's just something that you'd commit to nixpkgs, and then gets on your machine when you do a `nix-channel --update`
<gchristensen> ok so the other thing is we can start with something not very good and make it better, we have the technology :) but we need to start somewhere
<pierron_> joepie91: exactly because you have to modify something.
<MoreTea> gchristensen, that would be the nice way. The other one would be to do something like `allowUnfree`; abort unless `yesIWantToUseUnsupportedRelease = "16.09";`
<gchristensen> we'll likely want to patch something like this in to even really really old releases
<pierron_> gchristensen: unless you want something which pulls a simple text file from nixos.org which contains the latest version number.
<gchristensen> garbas: someone tells me they _just now_ realize 16.09 was out. perhaps we should put some sort of notice in old versions of nixpkgs or an update nagger or something
<hodapp> how might I run a command as part of setting a container up? I am not really sure from reading whether or not, say, postStartScript is something I should be editing


<makefu> hi, i wanted to use pypi2nix for packaging grr-incident-client but it somehow fails with ImportError: No module named six.moves ... anyone has seen something like this before? Output is https://paste.krebsco.de/CzTrzd9P
<slyfox> zahary: i think you need something similar to 'accelio = callPackage ../development/libraries/accelio { stdenv = overrideCC stdenv gcc5; };'
<jophish> Is this something which can be bumped to the failing package itself, why didn't the tests break?
<fpletz> gchristensen: did I do something wrong? :3
<rly> joepie91: I.e., something which actually works, not just something someone made at some point.
<rly> joepie91: I basically need something which has an uptime of 99.99% and doesn't run things twice, etc.
<Profpatsch> And people will go to him if something doesn’t work.
<garbas> ikwildrpepper: or something that would automatically post to twitter from RSS
<lassulus> I will try something with initrd.extraUtilsCommands
<clever> lassulus: "simplest" safe option i can think of on the spot, is to put the rootfs keyfile on /boot/, and then using something similar to my iscsi stuff, mount /boot before /, read the keyfile out, then umount /boot
<jophish> MoreTea: something to start with, thanks a lot!
<jophish> MoreTea: changing mkDerivation or something so that the license ends up in the derivation?
<LnL> shanemikel: you can do something like this to make sure everything is cleaned up https://gist.github.com/vcunat/b2eb3e8e8a916f1656ba4d1c7e5e4e32#file-rebuild-amount-sh-L26-L29
<moet> just wondering if there's some recommended way to start tracking that down, or reporting it upstream or something..


<LnL> I guess we could just restart failed builds once a day or something if the queue is empty anyway
<gchristensen> you've done something similar??
<globin> yeah I had heard you did something similar to us %)
<aristid> there is a commit in nixpkgs around that time (september-november) about fixing something with tarsnap
<Myrl-saki> Oh wait, does fetchFromUrl (or something?) just create(and return a reference to) a directory on /nix
<bennofs> LnL: there's ways to use hello *without* it appearing in the drv though, like comparing its store path to a fixed string and doing something different dependending on the results
<the-kenny> bennofs: I'm not using that. I *suspect* it might have something to do with the font rendering, as I switched fonts a while back (and nothing else)
<joepie91> like, generally speaking, when something isn't already packaged, that means it's not your standard autotools-based package, and so you're going to need to understand the more obscure bits to be able to package it
<gchristensen> joepie91: perhaps opening an issue when you're having trouble with something and saying "I'm trying to document X but need help understanding Y and Z" would be a good way to solicit that information? I'm not sure, I definitely understand your pain
<GiGa|Laptop> globin said to perform a cherry-pick but I'm struggling a bit with the syntax. He said "git cherry-pick COMMIT_WITH_UPDATE". I'm assuming I replace "COMMIT_WITH_UDPATE" with something else
<jophish> hmm, I must have done something wrong then
<bennofs> do I need to do something special to get hydra to start building?
<gchristensen> or something like that
<the-kenny> gchristensen: Something like `builtins.getEnv "PWD"` but maybe a bit cleaner :)
<acarrico> It is funny how something so clean semantically can sometimes degenerate into a maze of config files and env vars for novices like me.
<acarrico> Ok, cool. Just making sure I'm not missing something. Thanks sheenobu :).


<MichaelRaskin> Or something like that
<Ankhers> timedatectl list-timezones apparently lists only UTC. Am I supposed to do something to install another timezone?
<Unode> is there any way I cant perform changes to the store such as moving a file temporarily out of the way to test something?
<LnL> gchristensen: I was thinking that it's probably possible to add an option to nixos that does something similar to apply custom patches on top of the nixpkgs input
<pareidolia> Is there something I'm doing wrong?
<sternenseemann> Unode: you need something like this in your configuration.nix fonts.fonts = with pkgs; [ corefonts dejavu_fonts … ];
<clever> justanotheruser: something elsewhere in your system is referencing cudann7
<clever> justanotheruser: something else that will both help testing, and save you trouble down the road, is to install it as a packageOverride in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
<eacameron> clever: What's that an option to? I thought maybe there was a way in the derivation to tell it to prefer local builds or something.
<ToxicFrog> Thinking on it more, I think the behaviour I'm after is something like
<ToxicFrog> What I'm getting here is that nixops is fundamentally not the right tool for what I want to do and I should be using ansible on top of nix or something.
<deepfire> clever, from what 'ag' tells me, it is something that is at very least /used/ as a shell variable
<justan0theruser> error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at undefined position
<deepfire> I was just hoping for something.. more helpful : -)
<deepfire> there's a bunch of stages the generic builder performs, and sometimes it's rather hard to deduce exactly where something's gone awry


<LnL> alltho I would expect nix-channel --list to show something if it's not empty
<LnL> is there something other then channels_root in your ~/.nix-defexpr?
<MichaelRaskin> Sometimes I want something to be built just on my notebook — and I would prefer all the nice features I have listed except for builder choice
<MichaelRaskin> I should also try to write some kind of a scheduler for all that. Something that ensures that I don't end up with my slightly-less-powerful notebook builds the last dependency that just happens to be Chromium
<manveru> LnL: nix archive record or something?
<DavidEGrayson> gchristensen: OK, done :) It's pretty cool that when I pop in to mention something in here, people are sometimes interesting in it :)
<xwvvvvwx> or it's something I don't think I'll use again
<xwvvvvwx> or if I just want to try something out
<gchristensen> shlevy: I'm not sure, actually, would be interesting to graph -- I wonder if something already does that. we've done a really impressive job staying between 280 and 300
<irth> I guess I need something like arch wiki
<irth> is there a wiki or something that allows you to figure out what can you put in config? i mean the "services.whatever.enabled" lines
<LnL> I was looking for something similar that worked for nested attribute sets recently, but I implemented it myself
<Unode> yeah the title of github. I can look for something else later today once I'm back on the nixos machine.
<Unode> I'm not sure I understand what you mean by something I can link
<Ralith> link me to something that renders horribly for you
<Ralith> Unode: if some website is calling for or providing some super-specific missing-or-buggy font I guess that might do it; is it something you can link?
<jophish_> how can I escape: ${something}?. using \${something} doesn't seem to work
<jophish_> perhaps there's something more interesting going on|
<GiGa> Anyone know if BDDBS (think that's its name, borland DB) support for the latest version is now in Python3? I wrote an updated gramps.nix but it fails due to Python three blocking that feature (it failed a test or something)?
<rly> bennofs: I see that it's an elaborate hack, not something I want to see in our code base.
<msd> Or should I list this as something like an MIT license, which this appears to fulfil?
<rly> bennofs: I do understand the difficulty of in general getting changes into upstream. It's often much more work than is needed for having something in just a single organisation.
<Yaniel> or can the nixpkgs expression do something like fetchFromGithub + callPackage
<Unode> or the login manager is something else than what nix uses.
<LnL> did you change something or did it resolve on it's own
<justan0theruser> is there an example of something else doing this?
<MoreTea> The manual is awesome as a reference manual, but I prefer to learn about something new by getting a general understanding by following some guides, before diving deep into reference manuals.
<goibhniu> you're welcome ... what a confusing error message! :D ... I think it tries to evaluate everything in nixpkgs if you don't specify something in particular


<GiGa|Laptop> when I start steam it runs "lspci" which never finishes. Something very strange is happening
<GiGa|Laptop> I think this entire OS build is a bit weird, something must have gone wrong
<simpson> pareidolia: So, I guess that there must be something broken, 'cause I get: error: anonymous function at /nix/store/wr6ykxik44g72y5pid0p9074bb8q3k2l-nixos-17.03pre98008.59dbcef/nixos/pkgs/development/beam-modules/hex-packages.nix:1550:9 called without required argument ‘redix_0_3_6’, at /nix/store/wr6ykxik44g72y5pid0p9074bb8q3k2l-nixos-17.03pre98008.59dbcef/nixos/lib/customisation.nix:56:12
<musicmatze> or am I getting something wrong here?
<schoppenhauer> but apparently I missunderstund something
<contrapumpkin> I ran into some annoyances when I wanted to parametrize the amazonImage with something like "extra store paths"
<niksnut> well, if NixOps had AMIs as a resource type, I would do something like:
<contrapumpkin> or something like that
<Fare> Is there a known issue with nixpkgs unstable? I get a weird error trying to nixos-rebuild switch: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /root/nixpkgs-channels/lib/trivial.nix
<globin> and right, trusted users is something different
<vith> unrelated; i can't get any results for gitit at https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html despite https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/services/misc/gitit.nix existing. is there something wrong?
<eqyiel[m]> I always end up monitoring the closure upload with nethogs or something
<LnL> I want something like nix-store -qR <drv> | tar czf build.tar.gz -T -
<ikwildrpepper> ocharles_: something interesting? :)
<moet> i guess something doesn't specify a version range, so i get the latest one..
<seanparsons> Does my memory deceive me or is there something that prevents automake from being installed globally?
<srhb> moet: Strange, I'm on the same commit. Something else must be going on with your haskell packages.
<Fare> updating my nixpkgs, I get a weird error trying to nixos-rebuild switch: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /root/nixpkgs-channels/lib/trivial.nix
<dtz> maybe system docker on ubuntu runs things differently somehow? But don't know enough about docker/ubuntu to suggest anything, hopefully it's just something like my dockerTools from 16.09 has a bugfix that yours doesn't ^.^
<dtz> jsiva: I haven't played with the docker-gen stuff, but can you share your expression or something that demonstrates the problem? (presumably you're doing something like the 'nginx' example only with mongodb?)
<Nadrieril> In NixOS you need something like programs.zsh.enable = true for zsh to be usable as a shell
<grantwu> Yeah, if it gets garbage collected or something
<grantwu> How do I set my login shell to something installed via Nix?


<GiGa|Laptop> this was a fresh build yesterday so I wonder if something didn't download
<copumpkin> so yes, I'd do something like nix-shell -p readelf
<endformationage> I guess I'm attempting to install binutils-2.27 when something else I installed already depended on binutils-2.27-dev.
<ixxie> okay, minor annoyance, but something a bit more real - say I want a custom build of nixos for architecture x, and there are 23 other users who want it; is there a way we can save ourselves a bunch of collective buildtime?
<pie__> or at the least you need a second independent build to check if it matches and if they are inconsistent, somethings fucky
<Unode> ronny: you are actually in the right channel but talking about something else ;)
<contrapumpkin> LnL: there's a bit of risk around something called platformexpert/libsystem_platform but we can probably hack something up if we end up needing
<contrapumpkin> LnL: the linux background image will probably be clever's notOS and I haven't really touched that much in a couple of weeks. the NixOS image building stuff is something I need for work and thus have been doing with higher priority :)
<contrapumpkin> I'm sure we can work something out
<LnL> when I create a tarball of tmux and unpack it on another system it doesn't want to run because because it doesn't know how to handle $TERM or something
<gchristensen> err ... something
<goibhniu> e3d3: IMO you can mostly treat it like you're configuring your system in something that looks like JSON
<gchristensen> niksnut: https://github.com/grahamc/hydra-prs/blob/master/network.nix the whole project is open source, if you'd like to take a look at how we did it. Packet has been very generous, allocating 30 build nodes (I think we have about 225 cores?) I really _would_ like hydra.nixos.org to do this, but I figured if something works it is much easier for you / ikwildrpepper to spend time merging upstream instead of
<LnL> that sounds fine by me, we just wanted to get something working
<dram_nixos> I think it's very strange, because something like that isn't really required on my Fedora box :?
<dram_nixos> Ok that's background information. Has anyone got any luck getting something like chrome-sandbox to work in an FHS?
<hodapp> so, scheme-basic has 'pkgs', but R does not? or something?
<Rotaerk> you'll need to do something like: let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; in /* code referencing pkgs */


<kier> sheenobu: thanks, I ended up doing something like that
<eacameron> gchristensen: Yah I definitely will. I'll change the manual to point to this option and say something like "Before setting mutableUsers = false" be very sure you understand the implications: <link>
<eacameron> Could also encrypt with a gpg ident or something that only root has
<roconnor> yeas, it seems like clever is onto something.
<eacameron> what kinds of updates does nixos 16.09 get compared to nixpkgs? For example, would something like "git" or "keybase" get updated in 16.09?
<dtz> "vim -d" works lol, as would creating aliases or something but just curious O:)
<dtz> speaking of 'vim_configurable'-- AFAICT this produces a single binary (say, "vim"), but not suited for replacing the entire set of aliases that usually exist -- the one I run into the most often being "vimdiff". Am I doing something wrong or does anyone have this working differently?
<aklt> Hmm, there is something. I can see from the man page that it is not quite clear to me
<rmrfroot> pikajude: i think the article was something about using nix for haskell development, can't remember who the author was, though...
<pikajude> rmrfroot: i remember reading something
<contrapumpkin> :) the configuration parameter defaults to reading the nix path, but you can pass in something explicitly
<k0001> Something like `nix-store --query --references --include-outputs` gives the right info, perhaps?
<k0001> How do I get a tarball for a derivation's closure? Something that I can copy around without using `nix-copy-closure`.
<gchristensen> (or if not via statsd, something that could ultimately emit this info)
<jophish_> chpatrick: you can do something like: -p 'haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (p: with p; [acme-now])'
<steveeJ> globin: switching to 4.4 doesn't help, this means that the kernel is upset with something in the userspace that has changed since. the latest change to the xf86-video-intel driver was in september though
<alphor> no prob. does the derivation always refer to the absolute path of something in the store?
<simpson> Avaq: Something like `services.mongodb.package = pkgs.callPackage ./mongo-patched/default.nix {};
<shanemikel> I usually write little entry script trampolines for my weird environment setups for other tools.. right now I'm trying to setup Emacs to use nix-shell for haskell-mode. Does the --run option to nix-shell expect the whole command to be the immediate next argument? I usually would use "$@" in a shell script for something like this, but if it expects a single argument I guess I'm SOL...


<Nadrieril> well I needed something like that for my setup because I use bridging and static IPs. not sure how I could have been simpler, but I am open to ideas :)
<manveru> i'll see if there's something in the stdlib
<nekroze> manveru: from something already running?
<gchristensen> contrapumpkin, jack[m]: they were on matrix or something like it. I unbanned them and it hasn't been an issue since :)
<Nadrieril> cheshircat: off the top of my head, something like "builtins.listToAttrs (map (n: lib.nameValuePair "service-bot${n}" { <the config for the nth machine> }) (lib.range 1 5)" would give ou something like what you want
<Dezgeg> how are the end products used? is it used for the final thing with a user supplied config or something used for installing / bootstrapping;5u
<Minoru> simpson: just for one right now, but this might be expanded to something like 5 (which is roughly the number I had on Gentoo). Does that make a difference?
<moio`> hi! How do you guys declare the existence of other dotfiles inside your nix config? I mean, say you'd have a .xmonad or something and you want to sort of stick your nix config to that particular xmonad configuration.
<simpson> cheshircat: I did something a little more direct: https://bpaste.net/show/0d0008b72558
<cheshircat> I want something with nixops
<simpson> Do you want something standalone or with nixops?
<niksnut> LnL: you may be able to set store_uri in hydra.conf to something like local?root=/prefix, but I haven't tested that


<pikajude> nor do I know of a way to make it do something
<maurer> If only a few, you could do something like
<gchristensen> and with the example of "getting something to work on linux and tried a dozen different things, and then eventually you get it to work?" every time you follow a forum thread you're implicitly changing the state of your system, and the person who wrote the thread or how-to has some implicit state _they_ have, and if your starting state isn't the same, the ending state won't be the same, that is why you could
<gchristensen> have you ever tried getting something to work on linux and tried a dozen different things, and then eventually you get it to work? or conversely: edit your xorg config and then break it, and can't remember exactly what you changed to undo it?
<manveru> something like overlayfs
<pie_> it would be cool if there was a very light version of nix for embedded devices or something
<sphalerite> or something else in there
<sphalerite> srhb: in fact, I do something like that for my X session https://github.com/lheckemann/dotfiles/blob/master/default.nix
<srhb> Yes, this is true. That's a good idea. Do you know of any package that does something similar so I can rip it off? :-)
<srhb> has anyone done something similar?
<srhb> I do something like...
<LnL> or right, deepClone is something different


<aklt> abbradar: abbradarL I think I found out that I have something that is interfering in my environment
<aklt> Hmm, apparently I have something strange in my environment. I tried running a different shell and in that ./configure was able to find ncurses, but pkg-config still cannot
<aklt> gchristensen, abbradar: I just tried your suggestions, but pkg-config still cannot find ncurses... I wonder if I am doing something wrong
<abbradar> but if you want to e.g. change something, add dependencies etc. it may be more convenient to use stand-alone shell.nix like this one
<abbradar> the difference is that you use something that we already have in nixpkgs instead of writing it by hand
<aklt> Nice to learn something new!
<srhb> Unless something changed recently. :)
<aklt> I am trying to install something vis from source, but I cannot find ncurses with pkg-config, halp!
<sphalerite> Is there a way to export a closure as a tar archive or something, so that I can copy it to a machine that has no nix at all?
<ixxie> hmmm.... if something is nonfree, I cannot bundle it as a distribution as binary; but can I include it, for example, in a nixos configuration file, and distribute *that*?


<cheshircat> Is the nixops manual out of date, or is there a problem with nixos-unstable, or am I missing something?
<simpson> I guess? It's not something that's ever worked for me.
<vagrant-> hmm, that's a bit of a shame. Well, I suppose I can copy/paste something
<vagrant-> if the nixos one works, is there some easy way to build it (or just build the canned httpd.conf) without copy/pasting code? I'm not sure if the nixpkgs top-level package set exposes any of those objects, or if I can perhaps get it from something in the nixos directory?
<abbradar> Sonarpulse: I concluded my messed up understanding from the thought that _something_ still needs to differ between nativeBuildInputs and buildInputs
<abbradar> gchristensen: nope, for declarative ones I think I've rm -rf'ed something
<k0001> When I press the arrow up, I get something like "^[[A" echoed to the console. Similar for other keys such as "delete".
<abbradar> Hope by then something gets merged :D
<Sonarpulse> I think we'd get something in good shape quite quickly
<Dezgeg> but maybe something minimal with only kernel, busybox, nix and the like where you can build the rest locally would be feasible
<glines> something like ${myderivation} ---> /nix/store/149f29...
<glines> I'm doing something completely stupid
<mckeankylej> what is the name of the nix function that writes a script to the nix store? Its like writeScriptBin or something
<Sonarpulse> all the verification techniques each have something to simultanously contribute! :)
<LnL> I just realised that you could use nix to verify if your new version breaks something
* shlevy mumbles something about dependent types
<offlinehacker[m]> glines: this thing is not really helpful, I was asking if we serve somewhere older docs, good luck copying something from tty8
<qknight> ltspool, a binary, uses libunbound.so which i can see in NIX_LDFLAGS but the rpath to the library is not added at all so later the binary won't work since the library can't be found. now i wonder how NIX_LDFLAGS works in the first place since i've added buildPhase = '' ... something'' so maybe it is not used at all?!
<guillaum1> Hi today. There is something which stills bug me. How can I ensure reproducible build when my nix files does not specify any version number?
<gchristensen> good luck :) it sounds like either you've gotten to be pretty good with nix, doing overrides but have missed something simple, or fsharp is doing something wacko :)
<gchristensen> it sounds like maybe running fsharp wrote a config file or something which persisted what mono it is calling?
<gchristensen> niksnut: hrm... are you running that based on 16.09 or based on unstable or something else? running that on unstable has provided run-time errors about bzip2, and running that on stable has provided assorted compile-time errors
<dtz> guessing, haven't tried that exactly but I thought something like that was true... O:)
<niksnut> unlmtd[m]: do you have a use case where the Nix license prevents you from doing something?
<kuznero> Or perhaps this is more generic problem when one package is made aware of one version of another package, but after upgrade the second package had changed its position... something like that maybe?
<LnL> ixxie: you can put a config.nix file next to configuration.nix and symlink it to all the users or something
<eacameron> gchristensen: Hmm...but wouldn't *something* change? The derivation now has a new URL.
<eacameron> clever: I'm not doing something right: http://lpaste.net/351158
<clever> that wasnt something i manualy entered


<k0001> LnL: what error are you getting? Something about `POST` whatnot/
<pie_> ok tried xsane...scanner tried to to something but made not-nice noises and didnt...
<gchristensen> LnL: but good to know you're interested in being a beta tester for something
<ixxie> clever: daaaamn..... somewhat related: I was trying to build a NixOS vm today to make a minimal reproduction of a bug I found and after 20m I stopped it; I wonder if I did something wrong there.
<goibhniu> dram_phone: you can check if all the programs you care about are already packaged ... just in case there's something you require which isn't packaged yet
<pi3r> I mean it is possible to have a sort of permanent activation ? Something that would avoid me to append all scripts with "/usr/bin/env bash -l"
<srhb> kyod: Usually you'd do something with nix-shell, but how to do it depends on the project type exactly.
<srhb> nanobapt: Did you format that using background entropy or something? :-P
<srhb> nanobapt: Doesn't it have something like vimrcConfig.customRC = ... ?
<hlavaty> the thing i need to change is not an mkOption, so that would not work, unless i am missing something
<hlavaty> hi, is there a way to override a module, something like there is a way to override package?
<clever> contrapumpkin: something ive been interested in, another way of solving the same problem, usermode linux, have you heard of it?
<clever> nekroze: the mysql module has something similar, if /var/lib/mysql does not exist during pre-start, it creates /tmp/mysq_init, and then in post-start (the server is now up), it runs some one-time stuff to configure everything
<pxc> or if you want to revert to a previous generation where a symlink didn't exist before, so you want to remove the symlink... but there's a plot twist: it's been replaced with a symlink the user created manually. now removing it does something weird
<clever> sheenobu: but bringing in setup-etc.pl has also brought in perl, and thats something like 10 or 15mb, and the entire distro builds down to 47mb
<MichaelRaskin> FrozenCow: re: impressed: I run Nix-on-Nix-based-something on notebook, but wanted to upgrade a pure-NixOS USB drive. So I built (without installing) a minimum NixOS on my notebook, mounted the USB drive and ran nixos-install
<pxc> I think doing something similar with /nix/var/nix/profiles/homes/<user>/<link-to-profile-of-home> would make sense for nix-home


<pxc> clever: hahaha that's a capable machine. I thought maybe you threw it on the Linksys WRT1900AC or something like that, since I know you have some other NixOS+ARM systems
<pxc> sheenobu: just ran across your nix-home project. Thanks for putting something together! I hope your project will be an important piece (along with buildEnv and a user-mode layer for services/NixOS modules) of a more complete Nix experience on non-NixOS :-)
<FrozenCow> it seems that something from nix is still running as the stable version somehow
<Ptival> clever: I was trying to get something more recent than unstable, but not necessarily master, are those cached ever?
<evangeline> hi, /dev/kvm is missing on my nixos system and I'm not sure why, since I've installed the necessary packages. I suspect it may have something to do with making it optional: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/24cb65efc3c34e24fc653779a4d42cf4f31c6737 ; any ideas how to force the device to be created?
<kier> is configurePhase doing something i'm not aware of in this case?
<sphalerite> is there a nix builtin function for testing whether a value is an element of a list? Or would one use something like any (y: y == x)?
<exi> just something to tell me the hash of a src for some build
<gchristensen> maybe a path _could_ end in a / but you can't make a path like: ./foo/ it'll expect something after the /
<LnL> I fixed something similar a few week ago where a darwin package used the same sha as a completely different src
<gchristensen> but if somehow we could add something to the hash calculation to trigger a change
<exi> yeah... i remember at least one case where upstream release .tar hashes changed because the maintainers "just included something that does not warrant a version bum"
<exi> maybe i'll just set something up on my server to ping me and have a one-button to pull request process to keep it up to date
<exi> i would be even more in favor of just dropping beta and nightly alltogether in favor of just using something like rustBetaBin and rustNightlyBin


<ericbmerritt_> nix the language would be something to build a nixops like thing in
<kuznero> Maybe something to do with setting up udisks2 service? Or marking current user with uid=1000? Or adding extraGroups [ ... disk ... ] ? Please advice
<Zeedox> Maybe I'm missing something completely obvious, but why does ´nix-env -q´ invoke less instead of printing to stdout? I'm guessing it's some env var of mine.
<dtz> apparently the definitions thing is neat for cross-platform since it can do "-Dcrap=bull" or "/D" (or something)? but yeah