
<pie__> clever, ugh sorry for making you do my homework again, i had to / have to go do something
<dtzWill> hmm, I'm probably forgetting something silly but.. is there a way to access a derivation's: 1)build dep closure and/or 2)runtime dep closure, from a Nix expression?
<pie__> for some reason timestampt arent showing up for me on botbot.me and i cant navigate to something i need :/ its very frustrating...
<pie__> nix-env -e glxinfo and nix-env -viA nixos.pkgs.glxinfo fixed that error so was i on an old package or something?
<canndrew> how to i solve this issue?.. I'm trying to build something which uses cmake and I'm getting:
<Unode> or it this something that can only be done on a per-package/derivation basis?
<LnL> if it was part of a profile or a dependency of something you'll break things
<xificurC> I have emacs and source code pro fonts installed via nix but emacs cannot find the fonts. Is there some additional setup needed to update the font cache or something?


<boomshroom> Sounds like the binary is looking for /usr/lib/ld-x64_64.so.2 or something similar.
<makefu> boomshroom: ah no, that was for something else ...
<symphorien> I have services.xserver.enabled = false; but something is pulling some xlibs as dependencies when I nixos-rebuild. is there a simple way to know what pulls it without building those libs ?
<kuznero> Am I missing something or I can just drop using stack for my haskell projects completely?
<LnL> you can also do something like nix-env -i $(nix-build --no-out-link ...)
<zimbatm> got something right now but I will take a closer look tomorrow night
<LnL> cmacrae: also checkout this if you're looking for something slightly simpler https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/25955
<asymmetric> do i need to do something with generations?
<pierron> steveeJ: but moving the bash completion is something that we might still do.
<LnL> yeah, I do something like that and sync it to an s3 bucket
<LnL> you can do something similar to nix-channel with nix-env nix-prefetch-url
<sphalerite> I wonder how well something like stdenv.mkDerivation { name = pulseaudio.name; buildCommand = "cp -r ${pulseaudio} $out; find $out -type f -exec sed -i s^${pulseaudio}^$out^g {} + ; # further changes"; } would work
<LnL> sophiag: you can do something like this until the channel updates https://gist.github.com/LnL7/7027a16168d4554aec166c8dd21ccccd
<clever> Nobabs27: nixos-install will only ask for the root password, you have to either run passwd to set all others, or set something like .initialPassword or.initialHashedPassword
<clever> for any normal linux system, you can do something like init=/bin/bash
<mellowmaroon> is that because it uses the multiple build users, or something else?


<dtz> dunno there are numerous aggressive asserts in there, probably ensuring the wrong thing isn't happening in a darwin stdenv or something, or defensively marking it as "here be dragons" :)
<thblt> Am I doing something wrong, or does LightDM ignore ~/.xsessionrc ?
<ToxicFrog> ...so, having done that, how do I then install it? Because something like this:
<clever> but once upstream changs things, generate-lockfile will make something differnt, and fetch just fails


<mellowmaroon> Infinisil: I think Haskell can do something like that as well
<mellowmaroon> I think IDE's like IntelliJ either try to figure something out with syntax errors or just choke
<Infinisil> Maybe later, doing something else now
<Infinisil> And then something like environment.variables.RUST_SRC_PATH = rustsrc.out
<LnL> rhon: you can do something like this to get a single package from another channel https://gist.github.com/LnL7/7027a16168d4554aec166c8dd21ccccd
<simpson> evangeline: ISTR that there's something specific for hypervisors but don't know the details. Grep for other Xen users in nixpkgs, I guess?
<symphorien> or you can add something similar to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/release-17.03/nixos/modules/services/printing/cupsd.nix#L78 in services.printing.extraConf to add the path to pdftops
<srhb> Am I missing something? Are symlinked files in src simply not copied over?
<tywkeene> i recall seeing something similar but with an ubuntu image
<tywkeene> thanks for your help again, everytime i come in here i learn something new and get my problem fixed quickly
<iMatejC> dash: I am not saying that python stuff is not doing something special, but the similar thing is working for mkDerivation, I should know, I have hacked a bunch of packages that way :P
<angeldude> Something different: how do I install flash for my browser (vivaldi)? Can I just install the version in the repository and have it just work, or is it more involved?


<Infinisil> Ummm, why does `groups` return something different than `groups $USER` ?? I just added myself to another group in the config and rebuilt, but I can't do the stuff of this group, do I need a reboot?
<sophiag> wait, so if i do use prefetch-url do i have to do something else after it downloads before rebuilding? it's trying to download again...
<sophiag> symphorien: i don't understand your question (might have missed something since NetworkManager turned off in the rebuild)
<player1_> Infinisil, yeah i tried using that, but every which way i passed arguments to it i got errors from dirname about '--set not being an option' or something
<sophiag> hmm, i tried adding (google-chrome true true) and i get an error immediately on rebuild "attempt to call something which is not a function but a set"
<player1_> the issue tracker for terra mentions something about it being overidable by INCLUDE_PATH environment variable, so I might just make a wrapper when i figure out how
<ekleog> zimbatm: (FCP standing for Final Comment Period or something like this)
<clever> but yeah, you still need something to dynamicaly generate the list
<sphalerite> Using an ISO image was pretty successful in that respect, but it would be nice to have something where the data won't be lost on every reboot
<goibhniu> if you find something useful on archive.org, it would be great if you can add it to the official documentation or the nixos-users wiki
<ben> (assuming all the libs happen to be in your profile or something)
<ben> maybe something like an fhs chroot user env...
<guillaum2> ben: well, I don't really know too, but when gcc is linking, it "knows" where the library are using its library path, so I thought something similar may be possible.
<ben> I don't expect there is a better way, and I don't know how it'd figure out which paths you want, but I might be missing something
<guillaum2> ben: I'm looking for something such as 'patchelf --auto mylib.so' instead of 'patchelf --set-rpath path1:path2:path3:path4:path5:path6'.
<player1_> is there a way to ignore the binary cache? there's a nixexpr for something I want to build in the official tree, but I would like to rebuild it to veryify that it actually will... rebuild
<sphalerite> probably worth a shot. There might also be something relevant in the journal
<tanonym> Occurs for me when something isn't plugged in either. When I first booted up the system there was nothing plugged in.
<sphalerite> tanonym: I had an issue like that with my old laptop — it would occur exclusively if something was plugged into the headphone jack during boot
<nixy> Unless I am missing something here
<guillaum2> Is there a way to build something with source file present in the same directory as the '.nix' file. i.e. instead of specifing an url / git in src, how can I specify a local path AND build in that directory ?
<LnL> sounds like you're trying to modify something in the store
<heath> do you have something for scaling up and down?
<xj9[m]> patchelf or something?


<johnramsden> clever: It did, but that didn't fix anything. Is there an easy way to diff configurations. My old generations still work, so it's obviously something related to the Nix store.
<heath> trying to think of something equivalent
<clever> ekleog: this does something similiar for that: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/release.nix#L106
<ekleog> (otherwise, would you be bothered if I wrote something up using what you just told me, once I get it working and tested?)
<ekleog> hmm, nixos-infect points to nixos-assimilate as a replacement... :/ (I'm pretty sure I remember some tool where you touched /etc/NIXOS_{CLEAN or something like this} and it'd move all your files from / to /old-root, allowing to slowly move over from one system to the next, but as that's for a clean install other systems also would work :))
<bennofs> srhb: btw, you can something like this to merge the old overrides function with a new one: https://github.com/bennofs/dotfiles/blob/master/.themplate/haskell-nix/default.nix#L21-L25
<Infinisil> clever: Swift 1 and 2 used this model, from 0 to 200 or something, but as you can see they abandonned it
<Infinisil> MichaelRaskin: That's hard to believe, you mean systemd does something you don't want because it isn't properly configured or it actually has relevant bugs?
<MichaelRaskin> I don't remember why I initially pushed for something like that, I think it was something about two incompatible sets of modules for the same hardware
<clever> bennofs: i thought i saw something in pam, to auto-create any missing directories when you start a session
<clever> sphalerite: and /proc/<pid>/fdinfo/ shows the seek position within every file, so you could monitor how far along something is in reading a file, without the overhead of strace or pv
<UrsidaeJohn> I had to do something similar so that sudo wouldn't nuke $PYTHONPATH
<UrsidaeJohn> I'm actually trying to do something more complicated
<UrsidaeJohn> I've hit one of those issues which seems so basic that I'm sure I must be doing something wrong. When I install a package with nix (ex: `nix-env --install vim`), I can't use it as root or via sudo. So, what am I supposed to do if I need to use elevated permissions?
<xificurC> is there a blog post or guide or something that explains writing nix expressions better than the manual?
<xificurC> ok now that I built, I can `nix-env -i -f.` or something?
<luigy> I remember using at some point something like going from a local path give to the import statement to something that referenced the nixpkgs... so instead of ./there.nix -> <nixpgks>/path/to/there.nix
<LnL> yeah -D or something?
<LnL> xificurC: something like this should work https://gist.github.com/LnL7/a603c1212238c6d77c697c3315b6c957
<clever> trikl: either somebody did something impure and installed libcurl globally, or they didnt test things well enough when making the latest update
<clever> trikl: something in the build process has to embed the result of $(which curl) into the output
<clever> dash: for example, if the editor knows that something is an attrset, can it select the entire attrset and cut/paste without ever causing a syntax error?
<LnL> alltho you probably just want to use something like nox or nix-index for searching
<luigy> I tried something like this but no good (darwin.apple_sdk.override (drv: { sdk = my_sdk })).frameworks.WebKit
<Mateon1> Am I misunderstanding something?: nix-shell -p python27Full -p python27Packages.numpy; python -c 'import numpy' # fails with ImportError
<viric> but they think that something less flexible and "more popular" will be better
<viric> ikwildrpepper: how would you program in Hydra something like the upload somewhere after a build? Using a nix expression for the upload?
<viric> ikwildrpepper: right. We want something focused in distribution of fixed binaries
<ikwildrpepper> I guess we could make something in hydra that would add that by overriding the derivation
<viric> ikwildrpepper: niksnut: have you dealt ever with an 'artifactory' or thing like that? Or hydra providing unique versioning? We need, basically, a version (major.minor.build or so) that will uniquely mean some binaries, and that potentially uploaded to an "artifactory server" or something like that
<viric> Once we build something, we need to have unique output binaries


<copumpkin> ikwildrpepper, niksnut: the number of macs seems to have gone back down :( did something happen?
<kuznero> something like that, yes. Basically such that next time me or somebody else can say nix-env -i myproject.env and get myproject bits + dev environment.
<guillaum2> do you have an example of a nix file able to build something on the current directory? I'm struggling at that. I want to include a default.nix inside my git project to be able to build the project based on the current status of the repository.
<digitalmentat> so, something that looks like this
<Infinisil> How can I use something like let x = fetchFromGitHub { ... } in an import?
<Infinisil> Can I import your systemd-digitalocean build with a fetchFromGitHub or something?
<edef> clever: like, you can keep a filesystem UUID or something
<clever> it queries something over http at a 169.x.y.z ip, to find the right address
<clever> Infinisil: something else that could be done, let me find it
<stallion> i.e. is it possible to do something like `foo = customPackage ./pkgs/foo { fetchgit = myfetchgit };` ?
<stallion> is there a way to substitute an overridden version of something like fetchgit for another?
<LnL> yes, something like this should work
<LnL> both curl and git break for me if I set NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE to something differnet
<orbekk> tomjaguarpaw: currently you have to do something like this: pkgs/servers/dns/knot-resolver/default.nix
<betaboon> is something like a combination of mkIf and mkAfter ?
<sudoreboot[m]> gchristensen: I just made an issue about it (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/26060). Certain dependencies are already packaged but not sure how much is not. On the surface it looks like there are some nice helper functions for deploying dotnet stuff.. but I always regret it when I say something seems straight forward
<bkchr> can I also write something like that?
<gchristensen> that probably isn't something I'm going to do, unfortunately
<sphalerite> What would be the best way to get a disk image of a NixOS installation with a given configuration? I want something I can dd to a USB stick and boot off like a live system, but with persistence
<betaboon> TimePath: the paranthesis option runs into "attempt to call something which is not a function but a path"
<stranger__> ikwildrpepper: thanks. no interest to add something similar to mainstream nixos?


<tanonym> Something went haywire in my last rebuild.
<tanonym> Something went haywire in my last rebuild.
<pie__> is mixing stable/unstable packages for like python packages bad or something?
<digitalmentat> does anyone else have any better suggestions? am I not thinking of something obvioius?
<digitalmentat> 2. I modify the NIX_PATH and do something mungy like <pkgname> where I need it
<bigs> so it looks like beyond overlays, which are something to investigate, you have to manually merge these objects?
<bigs> something like `defaultConfig = (import <nixpkgs>{}).config; config = { import defaultConfig; other stuff; };`
<bigs> i wonder if i can do something like `userConfig = import <nixpkgs> { config };`
<bennofs> something like that should work
<bennofs> tomjaguarpaw: so if you do something like `foo = "bla $out"` in your nix expression, it won't be substituted if `foo` is not getting interpreted by a shell
<dash> but I assume that something that popular woulda been noticed
<bigs> makes sense. was just thinking perhaps if something wound up in a corrupt state, tho i suppose the hashing is supposed to mediate this
<cement> apparently I borked something
<bigs> i'm wondering if i'm somehow trapped in a strange nix environment if that statement even parses into something reasonable?
<pie_> just a random idea, when there are nixos people at conferences, they could try having a "nixos project donation box" (idk if anyones ever done something like this before or if its generally a terrible idea) and people vote on what to spend it on and when the spending goal for the most voted project is reached then that gets done
<cement> you know a good time to learn nix? when clever's asleep and you need something proprietary installed so that you can do your job
<Infinisil> Oh hey gchristensen, I just tried something like your script here: https://github.com/grahamc/packet-provision-nixos-ipxe/blob/master/install-tools/bin/type2.sh, and clever's kexec thing: https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/tree/master/kexec (regarding the getting zfs on the main disk)
<mikrobX> so far, thank you guys and ill be back if something goes horribly horribly wrong :)
<mikrobX> okay, so i suppose the way to go is to heavily partition the disk so that i don't 'shit the bed' if something goes wrong, right?
<tanonym> However NixOS is much easier to fix when something borks than openSUSE. I can get rid of GNOME3 or KDE5 much easier if something breaks than in SUSE :)
<clever> tanonym: ive also worked on something similiar, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIdPKzYTN-w
<tanonym> should my user be part of something like networkmanager or connman as well for this to work better?
<lassulus> try adding something like this in your wpa_supplicant.conf file
<disasm> billy_: I'm not sure how far you've gone down this route... but I have something similar with arch/nixos using systemd-boot and btrfs subvolumes that's working nicely :)
<Ethin> I mean, that sounds almost like something you'd do on Debian or Ubuntu. But on NixOS?
<disasm> seems something ghc related broke my test on travis... other than pushing another commit is there any way to force a
<disasm> Ethin: I don't see 7 yet, but seems something ghc related broke my test on travis... other than pushing another commit is there any way to force a recheck
<Ethin> I could use gcc6, too, although GCC7 does remove libjava and gcj because it was no longer being maintained and hasn't been maintained since... what, 2012 or something?


<mellowmaroon> I see something about mkOption, but I have no idea if it's related...
<mellowmaroon> How can I add something conditionally to a nixpkg installPhase?
<gchristensen> this seems to not be a package manager that a packager could use, but something you might output from a makefile
<Infinisil> Soooooo it's your fault? Or am I missing something?
<Infinisil> Umm I think I messed something up, it crashed, damnit
<Infinisil> I think I'm doing something wrong with the /boot partition, not sure
<disasm> drakonis: yeah, I'm working on something similar, might help https://gist.github.com/35f8e50a35045d67d1b684b5dec31e63
<gchristensen> does vim look in /etc or something?
<gchristensen> seequ_: but maybe I can help you with something?
<bennofs> isn't there a stdenvStatic or something?
<steveeJ> simukis: try something like this: nix-env -i -E '({ ... } @ args : with import <nixpkgs>{}; runCommand "symlink-python" {} "mkdir -p $out/bin; ln -s ${python}/bin/python $out/bin/py")'
<vaibhavsagar> I wouldn't expect fetchFromGitHub to be returning something that can have a path appended to it
<sphalerite> vaibhavsagar: you still need to have something adding the relevant compiler flags
<ertes-w> sphalerite: thanks… is there something i can do?
<LnL> aha! I was thinking it had to be something like that
<LnL> you don't even need to explicitly add it to environment.systemPackages unless it has a client or something an interactive user would want in their profile
<Nobabs27> i guess il go with chromium unless you know of something more interesting?
<lukec1> speaking of Hydra and queuing up builds, is there something special I need to do to get it to build things which require kvm.
<Nobabs27> ok do I need to -iA every time I instlal something or?
<mellowmaroon> Zer000: Sure thing :) to use it in a nix file, I think it's something like 'pkgs.lib.filterAttrs' or something lik that
<Nobabs27> nix-env something


<mellowmaroon> not X as in X11, X as a substitute for virtualbox modules or something like that haha
<mellowmaroon> gchristensen: It looks like kernel modules or something like that
<clever> network manager is something that has to be enabled, not installed
<Nobabs27> yeah ima do that - first time installing something on nixos ;P
<mellowmaroon> for me, the installation process was so short that I just redid the steps when I needed to change something for installation
<mellowmaroon> Found something to disable root login for ssh at least...
<Nobabs27> brb gonna try something
<MichaelRaskin> In my case my main problem is that I need working Nvidia card for the VGA output. Could Lenovo please get sold to Asus or something…
<Zer000> It's trivial - I'm just converting a .toml file to a .json file, using the included parseTOML.nix library (originally from https://github.com/mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla/blob/master/lib/parseTOML.nix) - and as you might guess I was originally trying to build something with rust-nightly
<joko> thblt: I am doing something similar with sddm, at least sddm looks for ~/.xsession
<thblt> With Debian, I'm able to do that with LightDM, it's called "Default X Session" or something similar.
<niksnut> shlevy: I suspect it has something to do with qemu, 9pfs and the switch from /tmp to /build for $TMPDIR
<LnL> probably not, unless there's something specific you care about
<LnL> default.nix is usually something you can build so it is a drv or a function that returns a drv
<jav> or maybe alternatively do something with 'environment.etc'? ... but if I undertand correctly, than the file might end up either at /etc/profile.d/vte.sh or ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/vte.sh, depending on how the user installs the package, correct?
<jav> autojump package, that it installs an extra script autojump-share, which outputs the correct location, so that one can do something like this: source $(autojump-share)/autojump.bash .. would that be the recommended approach to extend the vte package in a similar way?
<threshold> to read on something other than a briht screen
<matthewbauer> if anyone is looking for something to do, it would be awesoe if you could proofread my manual prs: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/25952 , https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/25954
<drakonis> i think i got something?
<drakonis> something for quick pasting rather
<Myrl-sak1> (Say, something like bash -c)
<disasm> hacking on nixos... what's the preferred way to test things out? I read http://matrix.ai/2017/03/13/intro-to-nix-channels-and-reproducible-nixos-environment/ and setup /nix/nixpkgs, but then every time I want to test something, I switch to master, create a branch, make some changes, switch back to nixos-17.03, cherry pick the change in my feature branch, test it, switch back to my feature branch, fix change,
<mellowmaroon> Is there any way I can speed up the boot time with NixOS? I usually have to wait about 15s for something systemd-related
<ben> or find whatever env var controls hat .config is looked at and add .nix-profile/etc/ or something to that
<ben> i might be misremembering but i did something to make that work and i dont nixos-rebuild out of a git checkout :P
<gchristensen> alphor: let me experiment with something


<alphor> I imagine loads of you here are doing something like this to enable workflow #2
<clever> johnramsden: butif you do something like environment.interactiveShellInit = "cp -vi ${file1} ~/.config/foo/bar/file1.conf";
<johnramsden> What's the proper way to just call a function if you don't want to assign it to something. For example I just want to write text to a file and I don't care if it's assigned to something. Here's my example: https://github.com/johnramsden/NixOS/blob/eece9dc2ba71296c6097803b81dfa8839dca596e/users/john/environment.nix I want to map over my list "configurations , and write text to every path. I keep getting the following error:
<ixxie> well the goal is a robust solution in which one could follow a number of repos, so I don't wanna do something fragile like that (I am inferring fragility from your tone here)
<ixxie> thanks gchristensen, what is the difference between this approach an something like --show-trace
<ixxie> any clues as to why something like https://pastebin.com/xm4J7DK3 would throw a "cannot coerce function to string" error?
<ixxie> maybe I need to list a dependency in the Nix expression or something
<trikl> It has maybe something to do with the position of the menu entries? I'll try adding a dummy first entry and making the second the default
<nh2> I definitely had moments where I had to spend 6 hours to get some very basic stuff done (like, how can I make a mkDerivation that just contains a single file), that afterwards turned out super trivial. That kind of obstacle is not something you want 50 people to have at the same time without somebody available to immediately fast-forward their knowledge.
<Infinisil> Same as before, something about /boot not being found, wait I'll try to make a screencap (I have to use the stupid online console which clears output like immediately)


<Infinisil> ohh, that sounds like something i should do
<Infinisil> I wish I could cast my terminal or something
<Infinisil> I can see the error, it can't find files in /boot or something
<henrycrutcher> gotcha -- is overrideAttrs the right way to turn doCheck off, or should I use something else
<henrycrutcher> gdb python still had no debug info, meaning I had missed something
<Infinisil> Something like new = pkgs.<name>.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { impureEnvVars.HITHERE = "hi"; }); I assume
<catern> okay. sorry, if you could handhold me a little - how do I use overrideAttrs on something?
<clever> 1, you can use .overrideAttrs on something, 2, it only works on fixed-output derivations
<Infinisil> You can create a shared.nix file with imports set to something like [ ./glusterfs.nix ./webserver.nix ], this merges both attribute sets
<Infinisil> Ahh, I think you can do something like { haskell = callPackage ./haskell.nix (with haskellPackages; { ... };) }
<Infinisil> adelbertc: Something like let haskell = with import haskellPackages {}; in { callPackage ./haskell.nix { }; };
<LnL> I almost never put something in there so I totally forgot about it
<LnL> oh! nvm I had something in config.nix
<Infinisil> clever: Ohh then you may be able to help me with something, I'll bring it up later
<Infinisil> Do I just run something like in the .travis.yml?
<clever> it can often help to read the nix expressions behind something to learn how it works
<dhess> I would prefer cross-compiling, of course, but it's still not really compatible with TemplateHaskell. Though there was something on /r/haskell a few days ago about progress in that area, some uncommitted patches I think.
<Infinisil> When package A requires B and C1 while B requires C2 or something like that
<tomjaguarpaw> Oh right, is it saying that it downloaded something but doesn't know the file format?
<Infinisil> I just thought of something crazy (or maybe not?), but how about providing packages of other package managers? I feel like nix could be that powerful, what do you think?
<dash> exarkun: I guess either something didn't get fixed,or you have something not in nixpkgs referring to requests2
<thblt> Infinisil: though I'll have to leave in something like two hours, so it depends on when is *your* evening.
<sphalerite> disasm: if garbage collection didn't get rid of it, there's still something referring to it
<disasm> is it possible to manually remove something from the nix store? I tried garbage collection, but it's not going away.
<guillaum2> gchristensen: you are right. Well, writing on a "system" path is not something I like to do. I'll definitly have a look at nix-bundle
<SovereignBleak> Do I just need to point boot.kernelPackages to linux-ck's binaries? Or is this something that needs to be packaged (as I currently think)?
<Mic92> raignarok: It actually does something very similar compared to adding a dummy paths. But that is the official way and we ensure that the added field will never be interpreted by nixos. So I would not consider this as a hack.
<raignarok> Mic92: yes, you might be able to do something less hacky than adding a dummy path
<goibhniu1> something like doctests in python?
<Infinisil> I'm dreaming of something like this (and much more), maybe one has to develop this idea a bit further though
<trikl> Something rather strange is happening. The default grub entry doesn't load the kernel (no output is produced at all, it hangs with only the background image). If I select all confs and then the latest kernel though, it boots correctly. Both entries are exactly the same…
<LnL> we should probably add that snippet to the description of the virtualbox host option or something


<disasm> clever: I know how I'd do that with something with a buildCommand but stuck at how I'd do that using antBuild. This is my package file: https://github.com/disassembler/nixpkgs/blob/passopolis-server/pkgs/servers/passopolis/default.nix
<Infinisil> Yeah I'd do something similar
<clever> let me try something on this end
<eacameron> sphalerite: So I already have a derivation that I could use and add buildInputs to it. How do I extend the derivation I already have? I'm used to using drv.extend or drv.override or something.
<gchristensen> I use something very similar to make many mysql daemons on one host
<ixxie> If I am packaging software that relies on Nix in the first place, does it make any sense to use something like Autotools?
<LnL> well, for most of the issues he's talking about there's something in that expression
<plll> clever: So there isn't a way to force compilation instead of having something from the cache?


<kiloreux> And we thought that we will be using something like "imagemagick-version input ...."
<kloix> Is there something I can use to fetch a particular revision of a CVS repo?
<philipp[m]> s there a way to specify the i686 in a nix statement? I'd like to do something like "export LD_PRELOAD=${pkgs.mumble_overlay}/lib/libmumble.so.1" but I need the i686 package.
<gaqzi> (just because I wanted to go back to something I knew was absolutely working, I tried going back to older revisions but it didn't work either) =/
<tsmeets> Dezgeg: Probably needs something extra to support f2fs.
<LnL> qknight_: not sure then, maybe there's something useful in the hydra-evaluator logs
<gchristensen> this is awkward ... if you delete something out from under nixops it can't handle it
<LnL> do you see something in the evaluation errors tab?
<LnL> yeah I think you'd have to proxy it through nginx or something
<LnL> yeah same, you didn't setup a request counter or something?
<nixy> tilpner: You would do something like `x: y: z: { ... }: z + y + x` to get a partially appliedish version of that
<clever> LnL: you reminded me that stage-1 and some other nearby scripts use something like this
<clever> johnramsden: something else that i see a lot of people overlook is like 215
<clever> johnramsden: the type is set to loaOf, list of attribute something something
<adelbertc> clever: ah yeah, i need to do something like that soon


<maurer> (the extension would be something to deal with the interaction of local caps and the kernel)
<taktoa> honestly I would prefer an OS in which JSON (or something like it) is the standard communication protocol, rather than plain text
<clever> maurer: or if you can mmap something and use dma
<dash> sphalerite: a lot of nix feels like dirty hacks because it's trying to make something good out of something bad
<sphalerite> Is there something similar to system.activationScripts but for rebuilds? Since all rebuilds affect state (profile generations) I figure it's not "wrong" to add other stateful code to that?
<kiloreux> Now the binary thing is something that naming could handle (As you have already explained, Thanks). I am more confused about the syntax into this.
<simpson> Something something Smalltalk.
<taktoa> like I'm imagining something like the `customize-group` menu widgets
<Infinisi1> Yeah something like that, or design a simple protocol that languages can implement (aka providing AST en/decoding), along with a simple implementation for a custom language
<danbst> Infinisi1: but I use atom with nix plugin, and something like 50% it can autocomplete
<MichaelRaskin> I think GH even has upvotes or something
<lvernschrock> Does anyone know what it means when I'm trying to build a package and get something like this: "/nix/store/wsz11sx18n85if6gp50m870rypgavwpd-bash-4.4-p12/bin/bash: ../pixmaps/icon-theme-installer: /usr/bin/env: bad interpreter: No such file or directory" during the build phase?
<taktoa> nah I think I just saw it from wikipedia or c2 wiki or something like that
<simpson> POLA, the Principle of Least Authority, just states that you shouldn't give a person/program/etc. access/ability to do something unless they need it.
<clever> gotools sounds like something i wouldnt even install, only ever use under nix-shell
<bennofs> Something is broken when the fastest way to compile some project is to completely wipe all IDE files and re-configure it with a plain source import from scratch... it would be awesome if IDEs just used something like nix for managing dependencies of projects (and not this "go to project settings and set absolute path to your lib o.o")
<arcetera> it might honestly be a smarter idea to use something else, i just don't know what
<arcetera> this looks Ludicrously Complicated(tm) for something as complicated as CCS
<bachp> Hi, I'm trying to add something to the nixos manual, but I'm strugling with docbook. Is there any editor or tool people are using that helps with editing docbook xml?
<clever> kiloreux: builtins.fetchurl will let you impurely fetch something, it returns a path to the file it fetched
<shosti`> clever: oh actually that fixed it 😄 (tried earlier and something else went wrong, but works now). Thanks!
<goibhniu> ToxicFrog: you can use nix-env with --dry-run if it hasn't been installed yet, otherwise something like: readlink -f `which mypkg`
<pie_> looks like hibernating makes my window manager crash or die or something :/
<cmacrae> So, I have a question regarding Nix: I'm planning to expose a custom systemd service. I need to be able to run multiple instances of this service and keep a count, then use the count value as part of the service configuration. Something like: `services.myService.count = 5;` which would spawn 5 systemd units, each named using their index in the count, and using their index in the count as a value for something (I want to provide the port
<lukego> danbst: Originally I was following the instructions at http://nixer.ghost.io/nixos-in-the-cloud/ but this turned out to be problematic for some reason. I don't quite remember why. Could have been related to persistence between logins or something...
<MichaelRaskin> <html> <head><title>500 Internal Server Error</title></head> <body> <h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1> <p>Something's broken in this server and needs to be fixed.</p> </body> </html>
<clever> wpa_supplicant does something with pcsclite, which has a python #!
<clever> i think something is wrongly holding a reference to gcc at runtime though
<clever> let me check something else
<simukis_> maybe zfs import is asynchronous or something?
<mellowmaroon> Oh, is that something I need to install separately through Nix? Ah I see


<dhess`> probably something wrong in the installPhase script
<dhess`> clever: what is the nix-build invocation I need? Something like nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).pkgs.stdenv.linux.make-bootstrap-tools-cross.armv7l' ?
<ambro718> in nix how to check if string starts with something?
<LnL> for the stdenv you'd go through something like this cross stdenv -> native stdenv -> bootstrap tar
<LnL> ^ the bootstrap tools do something similar, I assume that's how the arm stdenv was bootstrapped
<dhess`> LnL: is there an existing derivation which does something like that? Using a cross-compiled version of something to bootstrap another platform?
<dhess`> I'd like to do something about https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/19926 as it's impeding my progress on ARM platforms (currently there is no GHC available for either one).
<clever> ambro718: if its something cmake based, you can change the unpackPhase = "sourceRoot=$src";, and it might work
<MichaelRaskin> Then you want src = something;
<ambro718> avn: ${something}/build.sh where something refers to extracted sources
<kiloreux> It seems like i can't mention something like imagemagick-6.9.7-6 since it's complaining with the following error unexpected INT, expecting ID or OR_KW or DOLLAR_CURLY
<Infinisil> I really wanna test something, excuse me if I output garbage again (it worked on #test)