
<LnL> yeah, you could do something like this nixpkgs.overlays = [ (import ./foo.nix) (import ./bar.nix) ];
<simendsjo> I'm wondering if there might be something wrong with my desktop nixos setup. It doesn't seem to upgrade, while my laptop upgrades all time time. How can I find out how far behind I am and what might be wrong?
<Ankhers> If I am packaging a specific version of something for nixpkgs, should I be using 1.4.nix or 1_4.nix for version 1.4?
<wmertens[m]> Shouldn't I be able to set something and nixos-rebuild boot?
<nixy> hyper_ch: Sorry, got lost in something else. You wouldn't have the completion under /share in your .nix-profile if you have it installed system wide.
<goibhniu> kiloreux: have you set LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or something like that?


<Infinisil> tilpner: That does indeed look like something i should put in my configuration.nix
<sphalerite> grahamc: well given that the EC is what makes the fans respond to temperature changes I think it's very sensible to spin the fans up all the way while it's happening in case something does go wrong, the EC is broken, and the hardware is at genuine risk of ovoerheating
<MichaelRaskin> something in libexpr/primops.cc something in libstore/derivations.cc
<turion> Or if we had a forum or something just discuss it once
<nh2> mellowmaroon: if the `haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages` way, without any stack involved, gives you the zlib error, then something is wrong
<LnL> something like nix-shell -p haskellPackages.hakyll does work if you just want to use the binary
<sphalerite> gchristensen: so since the hardware replacement didn't help I've been asked to send a video of the issue occurring in the firmware interface (because they don't support linux as they've said many a time), which they'll forward onto the product engineering team or something. Maybe one day this issue will be resolved :D
<Infinisil> jluttine: I think you need something like this: https://pastebin.com/NkTwKD2d
<dash> catern: anyway, yeah, if there was something i thought was better than nix i'd be in its irc channel instead of this one ;-)
<calvertvl> ok, I found something in nixpkgs that breaks nix-env -qa --show-json (which breaks the nox search functionality)


<sphalerite> right, so you could pass it like that on to something else and the separation would be maintained
<mellowmaroon> Infinisil: I remember seeing something like a scheme shell
<Infinisil> I'd rather use Haskell or something for scripts
<sphalerite> function is something that transforms one thing into another
<pikajude> is there a nixy way to do something like docker-compose where you build and run a handful of VMs all at the same time
<Ankhers> gleber_: Oh okay. I will take a look at the changes. I am not sure I will be able to say how useful something like this would be though.
<vanschelven> I don't see the demo user there though... am I missing something?
<MichaelRaskin> Seems that gnuplot has something for that
<MichaelRaskin> I think if I open tumblr without JS it does show at least something
<nixy> Is there any way to tell how many people on Nix use certain packages? Something like Debian's popularity contest?
<nixy> ebzzry: What do you mean by that? Changing them using something like `usermod` or in configuration.nix
<disasm> catern: another option would be a wrapper script that installs the default nix, and then does something similar to what sphalerite does with his dotfiles repo: clone your customizations to /nix-base-setup run nix-env -f /nix-base-setup -ir (see: https://github.com/lheckemann/dotfiles)
<clever> ben: ive also been working on something related lately: https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/tree/master/container-generator


<Judson> Does that need to be an absolute path, or relative to something else?
<clever> jake_: with an empty /dev, something (probably systemd-udev) auto-made everything
<jake_> clever: yeah i have something like that working now. it works for nixpkgs
<cstrahan> clever: so to use what you have right now, I presume you'd run ./boot, but I don't see where /init is started. are you supposed to run exec /init from the shell that was spawned from ./boot? or am I missing something? just curious if I can learn something new :)
<LnL> let me know if there's something I can do to help
<goibhniu> magnetophon: https://github.com/jackaudio/jack2 at the end ... although it's not clear to me if that belongs as part of the comment for 1.9.11 ... or if it has something to do with jackdmp
<sphalerite> huh. Is it set immutable or something?
<avn> something likewise, yes. Just want to {re,ab}use existing tools ;)
<ktosiek> or you can use something like nix-build -o /opt/app/vX && ln -f /opt/app/vX /opt/app/current
<LnL> gchristensen: did something change recently
<gchristensen> I wonder if the refactoring broke something by mistake
<bennofs> ah, i remember something more now. I believe there was some incompat between systemd 232's resolved and the glibc dns nsswitch module
<sphalerite> lambdamu_: ah right. The old packageOverrides still works I think, so you should be able to import <nixpkgs> { config.packageOverrides = super: {...} } or something along those lines Ithink
<lambdamu_> Is there something like extend for the top-level package set? If not, could we wrap it with makeExtensible, or does that not work for some reason?
<ison111> Does anyone know what might be causing my wired network connection to be going slow? It almost seems like a DNS issue or something because it takes a long time to initialize a connection to a website, but once it connects it goes fast. Nothing physical has changed on my network since I installed NixOS.
<clever> yeah, something like that


<jsgrant> Relatively new ultrabook, so I assumed something in upstream kernel just wasn't supported (remember having various little issues last release on Fedora (24) (namely servies and not kernel)) -- but have no idea.
<mellowmaroon> With something like IDEA, I wouldn't be too surprised if it's just something hard-coded that shouldn't be
<mellowmaroon> do I need something before mkDerivation? That's what nix-shell's telling me
<mellowmaroon> is there something I need to refresh it? or do I only use `allowUnfree = true`, instead of `nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree...`
<clever> if you try to build something unfree, it will tell you: nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A google-chrome
<mellowmaroon> I thought so, I was curious bc I tried something with nix-shell last week and was surprised that it was downloading a lot
<clever> catern: so your putting the stdenv into the buildInputs of something that already uses stdenv
<catern> or maybe do something special to get PKG_CONFIG_PATH set up?
<catern> is there something obviously wrong with what I'md oing?
<LnL> but puffnfresh made something cool with hyperkit
<Dezgeg> it's starting to sound like reimplementing lxc (or something else)
<Dezgeg> hmm, when I tried lxc with the host networking it worked just fine, so probably something else is borked then
<clever> yeah, -r definitely did something good
<sphalerite> spinus: if you want to run a command using nix-build, you can do something like pkgs.runCommand "name" { buildInputs = [...]; } ''some shell script which puts a file or directory in $out goes here''
<sphalerite> siddharthist: I have no issues downloading stuff from the cache. Probably a regional cloudfront issue or something
<LnL> or is that not needed for channels from root or something
<stanibanani> I noticed something strange. I have added the "linuxPackages.rtl8812au" package to my stystem packages, built, switched, but the corresponing kernel module doesn't appear in its kernel-modules folder
<clever> pbogdan: -I nixpkgs=something
<guillaum1> Something I'm unsure of. I'm using nixos, I have the nixos-17.03 channel activated. However I can see some "<nixpkgs>" or "<nixos>" derivation. Where does the "<nixpkgs>" ones comes from?
<clever> ah, that was in step 1, maybe something got messed up then
<clever> MagneticDuck: and also, if you just manualy copy something into the store, db.sqlite wont say its valid, and nix will just delete it
<disasm> clever: exactly... I never let my nix-env get more than 5 or 6 packages in it at a time. If it's specific to a project, those packages go in a nix-shell. If it's something I want all the time, it eventually makes it into configuration.nix.
<myguidingstar> fyi, I thought I need something like programs.ssh.enable because of the case I've had with fish shell
<teodorlu> something that may not is easy. Is there something I'm missing?
<teodorlu> To me, the choice between basing your product on something that may fail and
<Unode> not sure how to get the .drv though. Let me see if I can get one to fail and then I have something to show.
<LnL> Unode: and with 1.12 you can do something like this NIX_REMOTE="local?state=/home/alice/nix/var&real=/home/alice/nix/store"
<Unode> this socat part is something I see as benefiting from some work as it's quite non-standard and brittle but I also understand that most people simply copy /nix to different machines instead of sharing it (e.g via NFS).
<LnL> you can also do something with NIX_REMOTE I think but that's only for 1.12
<tilpner> This runCommand would generate something based on that input derivation, and I want to make sure it doesn't collide with anything, so a name like rustRegistry-8ll9div7y2azpm3hsfs59lz57pyqx9y6 would be unique (the input is a rustRegistry src)
<tilpner> Is there a way to get the hash of something that's been fetched into the store, without passing that hash around?
<slabity> oh-my-zsh expects themes to be installed in $OH_MY_ZSH/themes or something like that then
<slabity> Ehh, I think it'll work if I just do something disgusting like "../../../../${powerlevel9k}/powerlevel9k"
<slabity> Ralith: That gives me "attempt to call something which is not a function but a set"
<ison111> slabity: I'm not sure about referring to your own packages, but it's usually something like ${pkgs.PACKAGE_NAME}
<iqubic> How is Nix any better than something like Aptitude?
<Nobabs27> clever: Ctrl+E or something? not sure
<clever> something went wrong when running switch_root, and it just spit out its help text
<Nobabs27> clever: is that where it out puts to the terminal or something?


<clever> something with root got ahold of them!
<Mic92> eacameron: are you trying to automatically rebuild something?
<eacameron> clever: Ok so it works but it's hacky and still way more work than it should be: ```while true; do inotifywait -qr -e modify -e create -e delete .; echo Something!; sleep 1; done```
<eacameron> I just want something like xargs, but it watches some files and then runs a command instead.
<tilpner> Mic92 - Sorry, I kind of went away earlier... What's the plan now to get any registry version? Does this need further consideration, or can I just try and PR something?
<disasm> eacameron: it's possible your being trottled by your isp because of the amount you've uploaded in a short period of time. You might potentially be down at like 256 kbps or something.
<ibrahims> hello, `nix-env -i pkgname` can't find the pkgname set in `packageOverrides` in `~/.nixpkgs/config.nix`. it used to work. am i missing something?
<S0rin> An other question I come from gentoo and used a lot of personnal overlay to fix, upgrade, test things is it possible to do something similar in nix ?
<joehh> something else?
<nixy> Something like `user@example.com x86_64-linux /Users/user/.ssh/id_rsa 1 1`
<nixy> So looking at the documentation I was able to create something like that in my home directory that the NIX_REMOTE_SYSTEMS variable points to
<LnL> YellowOnion: use stdenv_32bit.mkDerivation with something like patchelf --set-interpreter "$(cat $NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker)" $out/bin/foo
<calvertvl> is there a good example package I can look at for an application with optional X11 support ? preferably something that on nixos would use the state of services.xserver.enable
<clever> it should be something like: nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable nixos ; nix-channel --update
<sophiag> would i just add something like "version = ... ;" after line 71?
<ToxicFrog> The latter is used via something like:


<MichaelRaskin> (then you never update your second checkout, or update it very carefully, or something)
<Sonarpulse> I suppose that is hope for doing something right some of the time :/
<Sonarpulse> or something which we will hack out of, but encounter many times again
<catern> maybe I can just delete chrome-sandbox? but I hope there is something better :)
<sphalerite> maybe the journal has something interesting to say, I don't know
<tshaffe1> One of the URLs for Vim seems to be 404ing. Should I open an issue or pull request or something?
<digitalmentat> qknight, something like `nix-build --expr '(import <nixpkgs/nixos> { system = builtins.currentSystem; configuration = { imports = [ /etc/nixos/configuration.nix ]; }; }).system'`
<gchristensen> nixos has nixos-unstable for what you're talking about, and stable releases for people who want to use something more stable


<loook> clever: This is almost certainly because it's the result of something DO has done.
<Svarog> how would i query something like a mac address from nix? or would i have to do it through a shell script and somehow call it from nix?
<sphalerite> just add somewhere something that lets you build config.system.build.toplevel instead
<sphalerite> I think if you build config.system.build.toplevel or something along those lines (I probably got the order wrong)
<Svarog> when nixos-rebuild says something like these paths will be fetched: fontconfig-etc, mirrors-list, fc-cache, etc, where exactly are those things defined? they don't appear in the package list
<dhess`> Is it set chattr +i or something?
<dhess`> LnL: this is Dezgeg's aarch64 install image, so it's possible it's something wrong there.
<LnL> and nothing else is mounted for /mnt/nix or something?
<dmj`> I’m currently doing something like


<sphalerite> Baughn: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/26392 ? Or something else?
<catern> does anyone know something like https://github.com/ryanmjacobs/c which is packaged?
<Ankhers> https://gist.github.com/ankhers/1bea2a79cf352212e6325d14f78ab8f6 -- Would someone be able to tell me if I did something wrong, or if it is an issue with nixpkgs?
<nixy> gchristensen: I figured it was something like that, but it isn't clear to me which user it uses. I assume it uses root logins, so I have to enable those?
<ToxicFrog> Yeah, he did -- QBASIC at first (and sh/bash, although I didn't understand that as something that could be used for programming until much later), then pascal, TCL, Java, and C in that order, IIRC
<ToxicFrog> You could try running steam inside `strace -f -e trace=file,process` or something
<aanderse> said something along the lines of "couldn't remotely launch the game. go actually launch the game on the pc you want, then try streaming it"
<catern> ekleog: also one can probably generate some argument based around, like, HTTP CDNs or something, for why an all-HTTP based install should be supported :)
<ekleog> there must be a cleaner way, then, but it's something that works when you only have one case to run, by hand
<dhess> I know that Hydra has some stuff, though it looks like that target hasn't been updated since May something


<spinus> looks like qt wrapper has different phases, I can't even override buildPhase (maybe I'm doing something wrong)
<dhess> Dezgeg: is that something you'd be interested in?
<gchristensen> I'm _sure_ the try2 and auto URL fragments meant something, but I wouldn't hazsard a guess as to _what_ :(
<dhess> gchristensen: hmm, so just briefly, does this cross-build from x86-64 to an aarch64 iPXE installer image? Or do I need an aarch64 running, like, Debian or something, to bootstrap it?
<dhess> so at this point I think I'd rather move my embedded development to aarch64, deploying to rpi3's and building on something like these packet.net servers
<dhess> gchristensen: Does something like nixos-infect work?
<Infinisil> Argh, I'm really frustrated, I just can't get my second display to work properly with xrandr, it's always misaligned or something
<Infinisil> It may have something to do with login vs non-login shell, but I don't know how it should be solved with nixos
<deba5e12> it's been suggested here, before, that i open a nix shell before building, with something like "nix-shell -p capstone", but this doesn't seem to have any effect on the issue, since capstone (or whatever other library i'm trying to link against) is already installed in my profile.


<drakonis> at this rate its best to write a book or something ;v
<drakonis> something is wrong
<pbogdan> I'm likely missing something very obvious - why would I not be seeing utillinux when querying available packages?
<simpson> bones: Hmmm. It could mean that something changed in the tmux tarball. Suspicious! But it could also just mean that the derivation's out of date and picking up a not-found page or something like that. You could try updating your channels with $(nix-channel --update) and then trying again.
<Ankhers> gleber_: I will keep trying to play around with it to see if I can figure something out.
<clever> what about when you use something like nixos-rebuild --fast?
<bachp> clever: This seems to work at least it is fetching something
<romildo> gchristensen, nixy, yes, I am on a clone of master, where I have changed something I submitted a PR. Someone asked me to run nos-review on the PR. I am not used to doing this. So I think I need some help here.
<nixy> Can you paste a full error log into a pastebin or something?
<pie_> or rather, i know something they dont know


<ison111> nvidia-settings say the "nvidia x driver" isn't loaded and tells me to run "nvidia-xconfig". I'm assuming I have something misconfigured? I have nvidia listed in my videoDrivers in configuration.nix
<LnL> yeah, don't know who exactly has the permissions to create something that
<clever> ison111: and something isnt compatible, so that will have to be debugged
<ison111> Besides setting "hardware.opengl.driSupport32Bit = true;" is there any additional packages or configurations I need to be able to run 32 bit applications? I'm trying to run something which isn't working
<LnL> gchristensen: I think having a @darwin-maintainers or something might help for people to ask for tastig
<Sonarpulse> but also very motivated to do something
<Sonarpulse> passing travis doesn't mean you change is good, but failing travis does mean that you, or something previously merged, was bad
<ToxicFrog> I think I need to stop using nixos-unstable. I've been unable to nixos-rebuild on the laptop for something like a week now. :/
<aloiscochard> currently building a c++ library that can optionaly support "Async", if I do set the flag off it compiles fine, but if I enable it I get "fatal error: async_queue.hpp: No such file or directory", am I missing some dependencies or something?
<gleber_> ah, one more case of build process depending in later stage on something it has built in an earlier stage :/
<MichaelRaskin> Or how would you expect to tell Nix that it is now OK to GC something?
<drakonis_> i do wish nixos had something that let it compete with qubes
<samueldr> though, I had the suspicion something like that would exist since other distributions (archlinux) have an additionnal package to install (iirc)


<jefdaj> it's probably something simple related to CXXFLAGS or LDFLAGS right? i'm just not good with C stuff
<clever> i knew i was forgetting something
<clever> it has to be something like /dev/sda or vda during the install
<gleber_> clever: sounds like something which can be made automatic :)
<sphalerite> Well I suppose that's the issue solved in this specific case, but what about the general case? Does packageOverrides not work anymore or was I just doing something wrong?
<joko> I wanted something easier (I hope), my jobs.nix file generates machines.deadpool.system and machines.munch.system, and Hydra evaluates them... Any easy way to just output these names?
<aloiscochard> I'm trying a build a package (arrayfire) that requiere OpenGL, I tried to add `xorg_sys_opengl` in buildInputs but I keep getting error saying it's not found... while it did works for other lib (like freeimage). Is there something specific to get OpenGL include?
<clever> tanonym: i started something similiar that would allow full config of nixos
<tanonym> Yeah, I was just thinking something like they can search for software from something that looks like a browser and have it tweak the configuration.nix or nix.config filie as appropriate (a simple version of what YaST does)
<aloiscochard> clever: I'm trying to find something about that, but I don't see anything special. It's a cmake build I'm trying to understand. Could that be gcc got called with some flags that make it fail or something?
<aloiscochard> hey all, I'm trying to build/package the following library: https://github.com/arrayfire/arrayfire unfortunatly I'm failing at the very begin of the build with a "cannot find crt1.o: No such file or director", I feel like I am missing something fundamental, is there an existing package I could use as example? thanks!
<tanonym> It looks like something from openSUSE, Ubuntu or Fedora :D
<goibhniu> Foresight (with conary) was something along the same lines too ... I think it's dead now
<clever> makefu: i think this might have something to do with it
<boomshroom> On something like my laptop, the idea of only storing 1 of shared packages is appealing as it's a little strapped for storage space.
<boomshroom> clever: I'm using sddm, so I have a display manager and a window manager. I don't see how not supporting backgrounds on i3 is a big deal. It's not like the same kind of people who would install something simple like gnome or kde.
<boomshroom> Feh seems to be automatically included with the xserver (or at least i3) but doesn't depend on imagemagick despite needing it for svg backgrounds. How should I go about adding an optional dependency to something installed automatically?
<bhipple> requireFile will have required that someone did something like nix-prefetch-url manually?
<clever> and if you try to install something you already have, it will be updated to the version you referenced


<kojiro> there's something in there specific to debugging pinentry
<kojiro> Sovereign_Bleak: you may be on to something here
<kojiro> What did they call it? Phobos or something? It's been a long time since I played with Dlang
<boomshroom> D looks nice, but the gcc backend seems to be neglected. Though I recently heard something about upstreaming it.
<Sonarpulse> but it does work something like that
<Sonarpulse> doing os dev or something?
<dash> like rotating all text by 0.1deg or something
<thblt> sphalerite: It may be something else. I can assign icons to items, and they persist accross Dolphin launches. It seems unable to find some kind of default set.
<sphalerite> thblt: KDE is actually installed systemwide for me (I use it for my games user), so I'd guess it's more likely that it's missing some D-Bus service that provides them or something like that
<kojiro> Could someone please test something for me? echo your $PATH as a normal user, then echo your $PATH inside a nix-shell and see if the bash path from /etc/nix/nix.conf build-sandbox-paths is in either of those?
<makefu> if you get something running be sure to add the info to https://github.com/nixos-users/wiki/wiki
<evangeline> goibhniu: http://dpaste.com/2J6VEVB : instead of using a hardcoded e1000e (I guess this was a workaround a while back when the network driver wasn't working or something), but I noticed that e1000e is in the nixpkgs: how can I reference it directly without using the e1000e variable?
<goibhniu> hi evangeline, is the e1000 module something special?
<joehh> hi all, is it a bad idea to use nixos as a samba ad controller? I need to migrate an old debian samba 3 domain controller (approx 20 users) to something more modern
<puffnfresh> yurrriq: hey yeah I'll send you something, 2 things:
<yurrriq> I'm off to bed, but please mention me here or on GitHub (same username) when you have something for me to try out, puffnfresh. :)
<puffnfresh> do we have a way of printing a .drv as JSON or something?


<kiloreux> or do i need to do something else?
<kuznero> pbogdan: but there is ghcWithPackages or something similar that should let you have both ghc and some packages
<gleber_> I get a build error when I do "nix-build -A erlangR16 /path/to/custom/nixpkgs" and I try to reproduce a build problem with "nix-shell --pure -A erlangR16 /path/to/custom/nixpkgs; source $stdenv/setup; genericBuild". But it looks like that it does something different and the error does not happen :/
<xificurC> if I installed something with `nix-env -iA attribute.path` how can I wipe it from the nix store completely? I want to force the build process
<dihuteno> clever: is there an example of how to override something similar?
<FRidh> LnL: no, I don't know of such cases but I recall considering doing something like that before.
<gleber_> fixup phase is after build, right? I want something like that before building
<nekroze> I am using `services.kubernetes` with two machines, one a master, the other a node. If I run the kuberentes dashboard on the node machine and try to access the ui from the api it fails to get access to that port, but it works if I run the master as a node and shut down the node only machine. There seems to be something wrong with the inter node routing. Has anyone else experienced this kind of thing?


<dhess`> here's something odd: I built a custom kernel for this and deployed it with NixOps. The deployment finished fine with no errors, but I noticed that some DTB files were missing from /boot. That's when I noticed that /boot was full
<deba5e12> i could compile one myself, or something, but wanted to see if there was an easy way of doing this first (maybe something analogous to a USE flag, for nix-env? I dunno. bit new here.)
<deba5e12> typically this is done by copying a static qemu build into the chrootable directory, and then running "chroot . qemu-mips-static bin/busybox" or something like that
<deba5e12> i'm just looking for something that I can use for chrooting into the filesystem of, say, a mips router
<mellowmaroon> phI||Ip: If you're constantly saving and want to recompile, you could also look at setting up something with the program `inotify`
<bennofs[m]> jophish: can you write on the issue what FS you are using? perhaps ocharles was using something else
<gchristensen> gosh I guess that isn't something we'd want to add to the manual :P
<pie_> jophish, "wiki is bad mkay?" or something :P
<gchristensen> like blue brain or something
<Svarog> i had a look at making a custom iso, though right now that seems like it'll take a while to properly set up and i need to get something going today even if it means having to do a complete install and have the installer download stuff, but i'm really trying to avoid that
<fnljk> May possibly have available installing other OS' and/or having this .iso appear as a cd-rom on the VPS, if that'd make whatever any easier.... ..unless this is something..defunct, that won't work anyway and wasn't meant for me..:/ ... but wanna try!
<fnljk> as if it simply won't boot at all.. hm. Not sure if I'm missing something. Was mostly just to play around with something new possibly,maybe test some router/fw I wouldn't easily have gotten to test otherwise,and may have more reasonn to look more into l8rs too then, but..
<fnljk> mdash: only n00bs neeeda know every corner in and out before they dare venture out and play around.. i think main/only issue is maintain motivation long enough to get across something s/he'd also be learning that.. will get there eventually,surely.. ^_- (ts what i like tellin myself anyway, as a bit of a nab myself ,heh heh )
<nix_n00b> also, something explaining how to reproduce your system via virtualbox would be nice. I'd tried running it earlier but ran into difficulty. In general, I think NixOS could benefit from some mass appeal easy stuff
<mellowmaroon> alphor: Fan controls, I've never dealt with, so I wouldn't really be able to help. But if you remember doing something with it on another Linux system, that might help you narrow down what to look for


<tanonym> Hm, something went wrong with the networking now. Enlightenment does not enable connman, and something is screwy when I try to get wpa_supplicant to enable. I´ve added ctrl_interface = DIR = /run/wpa_supplicant GROUP = wheel to /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
<dhess`> well, there was something about the rpi kernel's version not working with the rpi defconfig, but that was it.
<jophish> shlevy: importantly the evaluator would continue evaluating and adding other builds for other expressions while it's waiting for something in the dag to be built to proceed with that expression
<jophish> It might be because I don't have qemu installed or something
<jophish> How simple would it be to move a nixops managed machine off virtualbox and onto something else, preserving state
<clever> elehack: you can maybe do something with grub-reboot, but you would need to experiment on a box with a monitor
<Ankhers> LnL: Thanks. That is useful to have in the metadata. I'm not sure erlang has something for that.
<clever> jophish: something else that can lead to alot of confusion, is if you happen to have 2 dhcp servers on the network
<jophish> seems as though the router clone wasn't 100% faithful or something
<olejorgenb> btw, anyone know if there's a working matlab expression? (last time I checked I found something but couldn't get it to work)
<gchristensen> adamt: something like this: http://dpaste.com/0JFRBYS
<joachifm> gchristensen: imo, that level of support is something you'd normally pay somebody for :)
<nix_n00b> yeah I think Nixy was mentioning using something like buildEnv
<nix_n00b> nixy: Now this, to me, sounds like something that would get smoothed out as popular packages are repackaged for NixOS, right?
<nixy> nix_n00b: Yeah, but its still something that tricks people up and requires you to change your workflow
<kojiro> something has to be setuid here - my mouse is root:root /dev/bus/usb/001/018 and that device works fine as non-root
<kojiro> I'm trying to figure out which /dev node corresponds to which usb device. Can I map something in the output of dmesg to a /dev/bus/usb/** somehow?
<nix_n00b> And example would my precious vim configuration, is something like that, adn all my other configs, reproducible?
<calvertvl> that's what would make sense, but apparently the "intelligence" is caused by the program being wrapped by optirun or something
<pseudo-sue> could there be something i'm missing in the config?
<calvertvl> hmm...then that probably means that something in the boot sequence isn't auto-loading it the way it should
<c74d> i3: my Xresources looks something like this: <https://dpaste.de/tW6R>


<makefu> pseudo-sue: hardware config is always a pain, esp. with graphics cards. if you have something which works it would be great if you could add it to the nixos-hardware repo
<pseudo-sue> thanks! thinkpads have a lot of continuity from one to the next. hopefully something here works
<sophiag> yeah i figured it was something like that
<copumpkin> if you want to merge in the config at /root/.nixpkgs/config.nix, you'll need to do something like `{ ... } // import /root/.nixpkgs/config.nix`
<sophiag> i figured i needed to do something like self.pkgs: rec {...}
<sophiag> i'm trying to specify the default version of java (i have both oracle and openjdk installed and want oracle) based on something i pulled off the old wiki via the wayback machine. not sure how to get the syntax right since i'm also using that for my haskell packages
<sophiag> copumpkin: do you hae a minute to advise on my syntax here? it seems something very simple i'm getting wrong: https://gist.github.com/Sophia-Gold/7e58892585c22ace2fd1f0e46f01710f
<tanonym> Hm, it seems like there is no difference in the preview for faba-icon faba-mono in the Application look preview in Enlightenment 21.7. When I apply the mono theme, I was expecting a monochrome look but as far as I can tell it looks like the regular faba icon set. Am I missing--or misunderstanding--something?
<pseudo-sue> is there a simple way of making .so files available to be linked against during runtime or compile-time, in nix -- particularly when using languages other than C? I've been hitting a wall with this, when trying to compile something in lisp, and it's really become a sticking point that's preventing me from using nixos as a dev platform.
<joehh> is there something I'm missing
<LnL> gchristensen: yeah, I was expecting a special hydra job that builds it and a simple s3 sync that uploads the latest build or something
<gchristensen> joehh: starting dropbox should put a little UI icon in your dock or something
<ertes-w> not failures on the thing that was merged, but on something unrelated
<ertes-w> dash: well, *if* something is merged into 17.03, i get it rather quickly, while merging something into master could take forever to make it into the channel, when build failures happen
<nixy> I have bounced off Learn You A Haskell more than once so wanted to try something different thist ime
<drakonis> although apparently some folks from siemens are doing something similar to jails
<sophiag> drakonis: i found it here, but i'm clearly doing something a bit wrong since it still defaults to openjdk if i have it installed
<Nobabs27> sounds like something they would do
<clever> something i heard years ago, is that nobody liked MSN, but everybody liked skype, because of the history with how good it was
<spinus> I'm installing some dev outputs, for example openssl.dev, but it's not linked to ~/.nix-profile/include, is it a bug with the package or I'm missing something?


<LnL> dhess: if you have a network share or something that you can serve over http you can use nix-push to create a binary cache
<paatrick> hi all, I'm a new user having some problems. I'm trying to install ghc-vis (nixos.haskellPackages.ghc-vis). It's failing because of a dependency version problem (transformers library needs to be <5). I tried to install it through an older version in nixos.haskell.packages.ghc763.ghc-vis, and something else crapped out while building ghc + dependencies...
<Ankhers> Would it maybe be useful to include a README.md inside the pkgs/development/beam-modules directory with how to do these kinds of things. And don't just limit it to beam-modules, but for anything else that may benefit from something like that?
<domenkozar> or something :)
<domenkozar> since something broke a while ago
<joehh> and assumed I would need to do something later on as well
<srhb> Oh, yes, I remember seeing something about that.
<Rodenbach> Is this basically the core idea? Nix is doing something like that, but obviously not using git but some specialized mechanism. So that the Nix servers do not require an 800 exabyte disk on which every single fully cloned repository gets stored, but instead where one can easily deliver specific binaries of a specific version?
<srhb> When I try something like sudo qemu-kvm -netdev bridge,br=virbr0,id=test1 -- I get "bridge helper failed"


<tanonym> Hm, either something is screwing up on reboot, or my computer's hardware is failing. No sound again. I've checked alsamixer and made sure none of the devices are muted; tried disabling hardware.pusleaudio and just using sound.enable, but that doesn't seem to help. Alsamixer does recognize pulseaudio for the device and give levels, but still no sound either from headphones or speaker. Same thing even after
<dhess> I must be doing something wrong in my .ssh/config or something because my copies are sooooooo sloooooooow
<clever> i sometimes do something like HOME=/tmp/foobar; mkdir -p $HOME
<jabranham> Hi, I'm trying out Nix OS and am running into what I'm sure is a dumb mistake but I can't figure it out. I'm trying to install both Emacs and git. I have this in my configuration.nix file: "systemPackages = [ pkgs.emacs, pkgs.git ];" but I get an error. I can omit the git part and it works just fine. Am I doing something obviously wrong?
<Ankhers> Guest74954: Does conda support transactions? Or is it similar to puppet / chef where if something fails, you entire system is mucked?
<ixxie> I'll write something up
<drakonis> so i can randomly write a importer for something like a c repository and toss it into a folder and it will be available
<drakonis> something about guile being more elegant than nix's DSL
<Ankhers> Does anyone know of a blog post / repository / something that can show an example of how to use nix with Elixir?
<Mic92> disasm: for instance nixops allows to put secrets into /run/keys or something like that.
<disasm> Mic92: so, for credentials... Should we have it output something like you need to set trust in postgresql config because user/pass is not supported at this time? I really don't like the idea of passing a password as a param on the command line.
<qknight_> am i missing something or is a relative path just something not implemented yet?
<LnL> that's something recent
<TweyII> Hi everyone! I'm trying to set up printing. I've installed cups and some drivers, set up my printer in the cups Web interface, but when I try to print something I get an error in journalctl saying pdftops can't be found
<ixxie> so this is likely just something weird with systemd
<Drakonis> unless you broke something inside the efi partition
<ixxie> and I figured the dongle may have triggered its own boot sequence or something to do with partition table
<avn> do we have something (flag/option) to perform fsck on boot?
<niksnut> once upon a time, you could do nix-build pkgs/stdenv/linux -A stdenvStage2 or something like that
<xificurC> something as simple as `curl -s` does work
<Infinisil> Doing something like this: { stdenv_32bit, ... }: stdenv_32bit.mkDerivation { buildInputs = with stdenv_32bit.pkgs; [ cmake ]; ... }


<Infinisil> I think it's more of a question of whether it's worth for the people knowledgable enough to invest that much time into something that may be used very sparsely
<pie__> clever, does that like, prompt you for a path or something?
<pie__> because ive had something like that before
<pie__> well it seems to use a skinned dialog or something so at least that works
<pie__> clever, oddly enough none of the other libs complained, im on 64bit, so something else must have required this as 32
<drakonis> does it update too often or something/
<jsgrant> Trying to install Servo via https://github.com/mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla & seem to (after installing the overlay & rustChannels.nightly as-per the readme) -- something seems to be not finding the attribute 'buildRustPackages'. Any ideas?