
<boomshroom> For something ubiquitous in web browsers, I'm surprised it's so hard to find the functionality in a command line tool.
<joepie91> well yeah - if something GUI-y is installed but does not appear in the menu, then it's going to be a bug either way :P
<sphalerite> with {a = doSomeStuffWith a;} doesn't work, apparently the pattern binding has higher priortiy or something
<Infinisil> Yeah, but it's really hard to find something there
<srhb> Infinisil: I use weechat, it's pageup. I just forget and then regurgitate something someone else has already said :P
<spluko> srhb: depends what you mean by decent. It goes through each module of the project to see if there is anything to install. The first one which has something fails when it tries to create /usr/lib. I think I can patch the file to use $out, but I need to figure out how to escape $.
<pietranera> Hello, does anyone know how I can expose a lua package to my shell? Is there something similar to python.withPackages?
<srhb> spluko: make install is typically not what you want (it usually tries to install globally.) Instead you want the usual "make build" and then your installPhase should copy the resulting files (that should be in a build or dist directory or something like that) to the store, using $out
<Infinisil> It's not that and you need to call qmake too in the install phase, but something like that should work
<Infinisil> Have you tried setting QT_PREFIX and QT_INSTALL_PREFIX? as in something like `export QT_PREFIX=$out` in the install phase
<spluko> Infinisil: I thought that might be the way, but haven't figured out the relationship between an expression for a derivation and what to do in a shell. I've looked for a tutorial on the steps to go through to add new software to nix - build it in a shell, build a local package, build it as part of nixpkgs or something. Haven't found anything.
<Infinisil> spluko: I don't know anything about qmake, but usually you can do something like `make install PREFIX=$out` or `make install DESTDIR=$out`. The Makefiles usually let you set this, best have a look at it to see how it works
<Infinisil> spluko: There are a few ways to solve this, how does the package install it? With make install? Or something else?
<Infinisil> srhb: Is that something other than a nix expression failing to evaluate?
<hyper_ch> Infinisil: you make it sound like that's something bad - https://xkcd.com/303/
<Filystyn> hyper_ch maybe you should upgrade to unstable but let me see something..
<sphalerite> Even better than using nix-shell :) if you have libudev in buildInputs that's like having libudev-dev installed on other distros. You may need to add pkgconfig or something for the build scripts to be able to find it though
<tilpner> Try with something that's also a png and of the same resolution (away)
<tilpner> swflint - But nix-prefetch-git should default to that, and prints "fetchSubmodules": true in both cases, so something definitely is broken here
<clever> src = fetchgit { url = "something"; rev = "something"; sha256 = "something"; };
<clever> src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "foo"; repo = "bar"; sha256 = "baz"; rev = "something"; };
<swflint> Clever: my apologies (and I'm probably just missing something), but that expression you listed isn't working.
<clever> fresheyeball: do you really want to install something, or just test that it builds and runs?
<clever> pie_: so if you do everything with nix-store, then nix will never delete something in-use
<clever> tilpner: something like this
<noobly_> Ok, I'll look into a minimal and if that fails I'll try something else
<noobly_> haha ok, I'll keep it running with my fingers crossed. So should I be working from dr racket source code or something?
<luigy> probably easier to extend cabal2nix to give me something for this use case
<luigy> hmm how would I go in order to get an environment in which the haskell dependencies of more than a single package get included? instead of haskellPackages.servant.env I would have something like (combineHaskellDeps [haskellPackages.servant, haskellPackages.servant-server]).env


<hodapp> if I do run this in a separate NixOS container, it's not even clear to me how to get the virtualhosts setup right... would I just put nginx on a separate port or something?
<hodapp> there's probably a Dockerfile someplace I can just run instead and pass it through a proxy or something
<hodapp> ugh... hold on... I think adding extraConfig for phpfpm.pools.main mucked with something or overwrote the existing configuration or something
<LnL> must be something with the perl module
<boomshroom> LnL: It actually downloaded something that time. 7743/8748 KiB before trying to unpack.
<hodapp> ugh, I really wish nginx could articulate something to me other than 404
<sphalerite> well then there's a fastcgi server or something running, no?
<sphalerite> hodapp: virtualHosts.myBlog.locations.tt-rss.proxyPass = http://localhost:12345/; or something
<Infinisil> hodapp: Something like this? https://gist.github.com/72cad94146e7b9f3c489aa8745288e3f
<LnL> I think theres something on the github wiki
<Infinisil> Gravious: I think you want something like nix-store -qR (think)
<Infinisil> An example use case for something shared is when I change the port for ssh
<LnL> something like that
<LnL> isn't there something to run everything in a chroot?
<jtojnar> tilpner: I do use defaultChannel, I was hoping for something that would set up more than one
<ndrei> sphalerite: actually there is, but I'm still getting an error, so something else must be up but it will be though debugging the installer since part of the script is a binary blob
<jophish> I'm trying to build something which requires it
<LnL> is it possible to run something in a chroot during a build?
<joehh> for my case now, I think I'm mainly interested in 2 - being able to install draftsight (or something else - dropbox...) from a particular branch/commit of nixpkgs
<hodapp> hah... long holiday weekend or something? I have seen 3 of my PRs closed in the last few days :P
<gchristensen> anyone have any favorite recorded talks about functional programming? I'm wanting to watch one while I do something else
<juhe> no problem, I've learned something new
<LnL> you could do something like this there environment.systemPackages = [ (import /path/to/expression {}) ];
<Maxdamantus> Sounds like something else is running xmodmap/setxkbmap/something
<adisbladis> LinArcX: I'm on kde myself and see no reason to try something else for the time being
<dash> Something like that anyhow.
<Maxdamantus> Probably have to add something like `CFLAGS=-I$HOME/opt/include LDFLAGS=-L$HOME/opt/lib`
<boomshroom> While searching on my phone before I got home today, I found something called Proot which might do something. I'm wondering if anyone here is familiar with it or if I just just put up with the source builds.
<Maxdamantus> (note that I didn't use infinality, since that always seemed to end up doing less hinting (presumably that's why it's been replaced with something associated with "hintslight"))
<Maxdamantus> Every few months when I get around to building something with nix, something in freetype seems to change and I need to change some configuration within the nix expression to make it do proper hinting.
<unlmtd> but you can 'cd' into it and use 'nix-env -f . {something}' for one-off use
<Infinisil> Also something even fancier: gist <(echo hello) | xclip -selection clipboard


<Infinisil> clever: Well that's something
<Infinisil> ipfs, which should be as general as possible, could really use something like that
<Infinisil> Maybe not exacly this, but something along those lines
<Infinisil> That could work, but what against a logical grouping? Something like /<channel>/<commit>/?
<Infinisil> Or am I misunderstanding something
<clever> simpson: for example, if my hydra downloads something from cache.nixos.org, and then my hydra re-serves it, the nixos signature is lost
<Infinisil> It's actually what makes nix so good, instead of ad-hoc fixing something for yourself, all users can benefit from it
<Temp4598349088> hmm. what do you end up doing a lot that you wouldn't have to do elsewhere? like writing systemd startup scripts or something?
<Temp49873267> in that case it doesn't seem good.. e.g. if it upgrades emacs and that breaks something...
<Infinisil> I need to know something, is grub that white-on-black text without a border, just the last few lines visible? IS that how grub looks or have I always been using something else?
<Temp49873267> yeah bootloaders and stuff were never something I was interested in... that's one part I always wanted to "just work" and was most frustrated with when it didn't
<Temp49873267> pick the second to the last system... with grub or something?
<Temp49873267> but if that botches something..?
<srhb> Temp49873267: You can probably get away with something like /usr/bin/env bash then
<Temp49873267> yeah it does... so many symlinks and copies I probably did something wrong. maybe my .xinitrc wasn't executable
<Temp49873267> hmm.. no go. do I need to do something other than services.xserver.displayManager.lightdm.enable = true?
<adisbladis> Temp49873267: Not xinit but you could use something like sddm with .xsession no?
<Infinisil> Having to read source all the time to figure something out is annoying
<joepie91> beyond the first query you get a bit annoyed at writing out repetitive SQL queries, so you want something to build composable queries - and you add Knex
<joepie91> avn: that is not something you consider upfront, no.
<joepie91> LinArcX: something to do with things going outdated, but there's an unofficial one at https://github.com/nixos-users/wiki/wiki
<hodapp> but every API has broken at once. or something.
<hodapp> huh, so it's doing a lot of stuff ad-hoc that something like Nix could already handle
<hodapp> joepie91: The thing I was wondering about was something along the lines of, "How could I use Nix to pin the versions of all dependencies to something specific" but pretty much the only use-case I had for that was so that I could get a really awful build/install to work properly
<hodapp> joepie91: I have a vague feeling you are talking about something that is exactly what I was pondering the other day
<MoreTea> having an `npm install` that potentially does something different every time --and generating a different output SHA-- will break directly.
<joepie91> when you're not locking, that means that occasionally something will break.
<jophish> iirc there was something about requiredFeatures being ignored for some builds
<dtzWill> @everyone: there was some stat about Nixpkgs (I think) being in the top repositories by activity or pull requests or something, but I'm having trouble tracking that down... anyone have a link/reference?
<glines> flox: are you behind a proxy or something+
<glines> I suspect something got linked in there that depends on gcc's c++ library: :s
<icetan> sorry, I think I'm drunk or got worms or something :|
<ZoomZoomZoom> gchristensen, I still have some problems, not strictly Nix-related. Now something eats a part of my command. :) Dunno, Systemd or sh. I have the following string inside a service: "/backup/serv::srv-$(date +%F-%R) \". When launched, %R substitutes for nothing, %H (if used) gets substituted for the host name. This is not what Date should do.
<ZoomZoomZoom> Can I use something like ${pkgs.bash -c "date"} instead of launching the whole long set of commands as an argument to a sh or bash?
<DavidEGrayson> Yeah, it's OK to run gcc on the command line if you're just writing hello world. If you want to write something and package it up for other people to use, the whole point of Nix to put all invocations of GCC and other build tools in a Nix expression and accompanying shell script.
<Infinisil> But there's something you really need to use instead
* hodapp mutters something about bower
<noobly_> Infinisil: Ok, that must be something we include in the command line?
<spinus> noobly_: probably something like "cc50.nix"
<noobly_> In debian, all I needed was the header and I would include something in the gcc call like -lsc50
<Infinisil> noobly_: During the derivations buildPhase and such, you have the environment variable $out available, that's where you need to put something for it to be a valid build
<spinus> usually you have something like default.nix in your project, which builds it, and inside that you can define all dependencies


<tilpner> noobly_ - Put something like (pkgs.callPackage (import path/to/racket.nix)) into your systemPackages
<Decoy_> Hello folks! Recently converted to NixOS - hoping to get some advice! It seems that whenever I try to open / save a file with Chrome / chromium, the browser crashes. Not sure if this is a KDE thing or something else - has anyone else had this issue, and is there a way around it?
<clever> bennofs: strange, i'm seeing that here too, but i remember it doing something diff before
<bernas> this has never happened to me though... I suspect that it's either something wrong with my nixos or the cache servers
<catern> ehhhhh... it seems like something I would do :)
<Infinisil> I mean Travis is nice, but holy hell can't we come up with something more efficient??
<Turion> Wohoo, first time I help someone something with nixos :D
<raunov> something similar like ${lib.getLib
<tilpner> Something like $ chroot /mnt; passwd root could work
<ertes-w> if a python package doesn't exist in nixpkgs, is writing an expression my only option? is there something like haskellPackages for python?
<adisbladis> Or something like that which will be persistent
<tsmeets> Something like 'runCommand' but instead of a derivation path return a string?
<sphalerite> Infinisil: do you live at night or something? O.o
<clever> i would do something like nix-shell --run "something" and then have the something do everything, it can be impure
<Infinisil> clever: Ohhh, I'm running it from a script.. opened files or something
<dmr> maybe host doesn't have /nix/store/badc0deddeadbeef/rxvt.terminfo or something
<dmr> hey folks, i just learned about nixos & am trying it out with vagrant. none of the regular emacs-style terminal line editing stuff seems to work. even 'backspace' seems to be bound to 'move cursor forward' or 'space' or something. is this some kind of difft configuration that lots of nixos people like, or a sign that something else is broken?
<Infinisil> Fare: Usually you'd create a branch called fix-<foo>-<bar> or something on your fork and use that for the PR
<clever> something like zfs allow
<Infinisil> clever: You mean zfs list or something without having access to /dev/zfs?
<Infinisil> mellowmaroon: I'd think something like this should work: https://gist.github.com/b3eefa8f673ffe23ba211a09866b6417


<anelson> is wine64 unstable or something?
<Infinisil> GetalMear: What is self? Don't you want something like with pythonPackages? or with pkgs.pythonPackages?
<Infinisil> GetalMear: Yeah I'd have done something similar to Mic92, another example: https://gist.github.com/4294f4cf9fac7218ba1d33700a7be8e2
<ixxie> LnL: if you mean something like import "${stream}/nix" {}? because I tried that
<ixxie> LnL: if you mean something like import "$
<srhb> Thank you both, I've learned something new. :)
<srhb> In the category of interesting things I haven't seen before: If you forget you did sudo login in an xterm to test something out and try to show a movie with vlc, you 1) get dropped to a console 2) vlc has some sort of ascii renderer running in the xterm
<GetalMear> sphalerite: Interesting. I'll give that a try. You learn something new every day...
<Infinisil> ixxie: And because it needs to be a path you need to use builtins.fetchurl/fetchTarball if you want to something from outside
<Infinisil> Somethings not right
<roconnor_> or something else.
<LnL> caching problems is usually something with ipv6
<goibhniu> hi jabranham, the unstable channel is fine to use day-to-day (I've been using it many years), if something breaks you can always roll back to an earlier generation anyway
<clever> and the timing was just right, that it always dropped key events when i finished reading and tried to do something
<Mic92> pxc: mhm. I cannot find something. But if their would be something, it would be in nixpkgs/doc/languages-frameworks/ruby.xml
<adisbladis> How can I put something in the binary cache manually?


<LnL> you can do something similar for a git server so people can only push and not run random commands
<sphalerite> Infinisil: no, for the same reason that you're trying to work something like that out rather than just writing documentation
<Infinisil> Or maybe something
<gchristensen> well like glossaries are cool and having good "Example n.n"s and the accessibility features that come with being able to determine something is a screen output vs. something you type vs. ...
<safinaskar> disasm: they paid me compensation for this, something about $50
<Infinisil> safinaskar: The package itself must be usable without nixos, and nixos is the thing that provides the whole configuration business. You can additionally to your package add a nixos module where you can write a file to the nix store from a nix expression (the config), this file would then be in the directory the package expects or something like that
<safinaskar> does your distro have something like https://wiki.debian.org/UpstreamGuide ?
<manveru> something about this system is just wrong...
<Infinisil> Yeah, something like if (condition) then <the thing> else throw "message"
<Infinisil> Have any of you seen something like this before? A hot jumbled mess of numbers when nix downloads: https://gist.github.com/c51b238cc1458441c40e212ebdfc446d
<GlennS> I'm trying to use Nix to package a Maven project. I've found mvn2nix, and used it to generate a project-info.json. I've also found build-maven.nix https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/build-support/build-maven.nix, but it's not clear how I actually get access to this function. Do I need to import it, or is there some sort of attribute path leading to it, or something else?
<srhb> Is there something like pythonWithPackages (like ghcWithPackages)?
<manveru> drv = stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "foo"; A = "hi"; }; drv.overrideAttrs { B = "there"; } >> error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set,
<pxc> Infinisil: I think it just came to me! So fish uses python in exactly two files (except for completions). Those files can go in a separate output, an the rest in something which for the purposes of the discussion I'll call fish-core
<pxc> Infinisil: I think it's close to what I want. I've been using something similar in some other fish experiments. Idk why it wasn't my first thought to use it here
<pxc> Infinisil: I like that one, I was thinking maybe something along those lines. Does one of the other paths need to be python?
<pxc> Infinisil: yeah. I know that some kind of wrapper script trick will do it. I can think of one right now: give fish a fake python binary which reads an environment variable like __fish_python_runtime to find python and wraps it, then make fishWithPython a wrapper script that sets that variable or something
<Infinisil> pxc: Yeah, but when something is already existant in the store it gets it from there, for example the fish source code won't be downloaded twice
<pxc> becuase the naive approach is to have something like: modify pkgs/shells/fish/default.nix so that it can be built with or without python, then add an attribute like fish.tiny and another like fish.interactive in pkgs/top-level.nix and have them just be made with passing different arguments to callPackage
<pxc> and maybe I can do something about the dependency on coreutils if fish doesn't use all of it?
<pxc> clever: maybe we can switch fish to old nroff or something? let's see what roffery we've got in nixpkgs lol
<pxc> clever: I thought nativeBuildInputs didn't get put there. but something in groff maybe referneces it?
<rodarmor> Can anyone recommend a good graphical file browser to use on NixOS? I like Gnome Nautilus, but I'm not running Gnome as my desktop environment, so something lighter and more standalone would be great. If it has a dotfile for configuration, that would be extra awesome.
<qmake> the overlay is best in this case, but if you ever have that you want to use something from unstable whilst on stable, you could also do something like this: you can do something like this: unstable = import <nixpkgs-unstable> {}; (e.g. in you nixpkgs packageOverrides) where nixpkgs-unstable is defined in your NIX_PATH, or just by directly supplying a path to it
<Sonarpulse> without making it have the same hash as something else


<Infinisil> I think gflags needs to be compiled with glog support or something
<qmake> Arch Linux has a package for it: qt5-x11extras, but I cannot find something similar on nixpkgs, only a reference to a patch for virtualbox
<clever> ij: the top-level value of every nixos module (including configuration.nix) will return either { options = {}; config = {}; } or just { something };
<clever> iso9660 filesystems start with a special header at something like 64kb into the disk image
<Sonarpulse> anyone know what it means if hydra takes hours to eval something?
<ryantrinkle> so i think there might be an issue with the plugin or something
<henrycrutcher_> I'm sure Im missing a library or something
<manveru> well, i have a fulltime job already, but wouldn't mind doing something involving nixops by the side
<qknight> manveru: but it is probably something like LXC/nspawn
<ikwildrpepper> qknight: well, build something that is not in the binary cache then
<FRidh> jsierles: yes. I suppose it is something for the user to decide, just as generating random numbers without setting a seed
<ikwildrpepper> qknight: build something like: (import <nixpkgs> { system = "x86_64-linux"; }).hello ?
<jsierles> FRidh: yes, we define 'reproducible' loosely here. the idea is once your build is setup, we'll use that until you change something. but we also verison your whole environment, including snapshots of process state.
<MoreTea> It's used by something like buildMavenPackage
<fpletz[m]> qknight: that would be very improbable and I would expect another error message like a "segmentation fault" or something odd
<qknight> fpletz[m]: it works for some systems but not for others. i wonder if perl-packages.nix updates broke something
<makefu> tommyangelo[m]: in nixOS, writing systemd services is extremely straight forward, all you need is something like this https://paste.krebsco.de/eVJzynUK/+inline
<maurer> Probably your best starting point for replacing the generated units with something else would be gentoo's OpenRC


<gchristensen> Mic92: figured something out!
<Infinisil> It seems like something I want to enable
<c74d> gchristensen: do you think "can be set only once" means something other than "… such as by a module wishing to export a value without letting anyone else set it"?
<nh2> ekleog_: wait wait there might be something in here I don't understand about NixOS modules yet. You're sayin gthat in my `config = { ... stuff with services.*... etc ... }` I can simply _assign_ config.myoption?
<nh2> DIzFer[m]: no, because that was just a simple example to explain what I'm looking for. My real-world use case is more complicated, where the computation of the value I want to make read-only is derived from 5 other options and something very internal to the module, that I want to be defined in 1 place only so that people can't make mistakes when its computation is replicated into multiple files that use it (e.g. a consensus service where the readon
<ekleog_> I seem to remember something like `private = true`
<FRidh> bennofs: they could, but what if I now introduce a new tool, say something like cython. Should setuptools then also be updated to know about it?
<FRidh> bennofs: if you just import from numpy, then you can. But if you compile against something in numpy, then you need to specify that in your setup.py (and soon your pyproject.toml)
<sphalerite> There's probably something in the i18n modules to do exactly that too
<hyper_ch> hmmm, is this windows source code leak actually something good?
<instantepiphany> Hey, what's the best way to check nixos cache server status? I am trying to install nixos on my desktop and it keeps failing to download `.nar` files. I think it might be my isp doing something strange, trying to troubleshoot.
<lambdafan> Hi Gang. Is this the latest instructions to install nixos on linode, or does anyone know of something more updated? https://gist.github.com/nocoolnametom/a359624afce4278f16e2760fe65468cc


<Infinisil> Maybe I messed something up with git, lets see
<Infinisil> pie__: I mean nixpkgs needs to be reproducible, that means fixed hashes, which means nix people need to manually update packages to make sure they still work. Or something like that
<butchery> sphalerite: good to hear, I'm just compiling now with something similar, theres an issue on alacritty abouty LD_LIBRARY_PATH too, does it run alright?
<NickHu> Perhaps something to do with intel graphics and a hardware incompatability
<NickHu> Steam does some sort of magic chroot thing - is it possible to open a terminal or something like that inside of it to run things manually?
<gchristensen> I'm not sure why i3 would be more or less compatible with something, what do you use?
<NickHu> Does anyone know if there's a way to launch steam in a separate Xserver, like with xinit steam -- :1 or something/
<aanderse_> you running like apparmor or selinux or something?
<sphalerite> aanderse_: when I try to debug something I get this warning http://ix.io/xY2
<sphalerite> or something along those lines
<Svarog> i wonder if that might have something to do with it seeing how gnome3 uses wayland
<Svarog> sounds like something that could come in handy
<gchristensen> jbo: when you start mate-terminal does the output of the terminal process output something about a memory backend?
<Svarog> i've been trying to do something similar actually, i didn't even realize you could use nixos-install from a running system
<clever> rcschm: something it wanted to install wasnt compiled
<clever> rcschm: its probably compiling something
<clever> rcschm: ah, mlton is chewing up a ton of cpu doing something
<clever> slabity: oh right, missed something when switching it around
<Infinisil> arkad: Rust has something much different from other programming languages, that alone makes it worth learning I think
<arkad> I just wonder if its something I should spend time learning. I mainly build websites and run servers.
<Infinisil> atemerev: Something like


<Infinisil> nix-env -q something something probably
<Infinisil> justanotheruser: How are you intending to use this in the command line? I bet you're trying to do something this was not intended for
<LnL> simendsjo: use something like this http://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#miscellaneous-topics
<Infinisil> Oh and regarding proofing something happened *after* a point: Assuming "happened" means "we knew the data that produced hash x", this is impossible, because we can't look into the future, it wouldn't make any sense
<Infinisil> gchristensen: This gives a guarantee that something happened before a certain time I think
<gchristensen> blockchain is built on lots of people agreeing something happened
<Infinisil> Is it possible to proof that something happened *after* a certain point in time?
<Infinisil> One thing I find really cool is how blockchains can do a proof that something happened *before* some date, I'm trying to find other similar things
<Infinisil> A kinda unrelated question: Is is somehow possible to mathematically have encrypt something and guarantee it can't be decrypted before some date?
<chrishill> Is it something like firefox-51?
<disasm> then you should be able to run something like nix-shell -I nixpgs=/path/to/nixpkgs -p pythonPackages.dcos-cli
<disasm> simendsjo: I think you can do something like this: ghc-syb-utils = overrideCabal super.ghc-syb-utils (drv: { doCheck = false; });
<LnL> a segfault and something with frameworks is usually that in my experience :)
<LnL> might be something related to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/12346
<acowley> E.g., given another customized mkDerivation (something that manipulates arguments and calls stdenv.mkDerivation), how to compose the two?
<acowley> I think things are supposed to work automatically now, but I must have left something out of the derivation for this thing that used to work
<Fuuzetsu> simendsjo: which issues are these? can you link? why is ghc-syb-utils blocking your system, is it a dependency for something you're using?
<simendsjo> I haven't been able to upgrade NixOS for a while as ghc-syb-utils haven't been able to build. I found a github issue for this that said that it had been fixed and would be available in a matter of days. It has now taken some days longer, and it looks like nixpkgs doesn't build properly (if I interpret Hydra correctly). Is there something I can do to work around this and upgrade my system despite this problem? Unfortunately, I don't know
<disasm> yeah, that seems like a bug. It could potentially be caused by something in your config you didn't have before, but malloc() memory corruption means something isn't being allocated correctly causing corruption in memory, or you have bad RAM, one of the two.
<disasm> I probly have about a half hour or so left on some of these jobs running on my laptop before I can reboot into osx and try something.
<Infinisil> Well ok, but I'd like something else to replace that eventually
<r444> so you point the /etc/nixos/configuration.nix to your repo or something?
<gchristensen> so I have something like this: https://gist.github.com/grahamc/b96d4e2b0461a2e590af514725a8a8be and if the directoryStructureIsSane it exposes the development shell, and if it isn't sane it exposes a `diagnosticEscapeHatchShell` which provides instructions on how to fix it
<Infinisil> Why would it matter that you cloned something in a specific place?
<Infinisil> The comment by atemerev resonates with me: Nix' syntax isn't very nice, I'd prefer something more Haskell like
<qknight> ikwildrpepper: paul and me are just trying to deploy something there and we are currently reverse engineering the https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/blob/985886cff4ac09c9cb635e31b45f0cc0dbd84e0a/nixops/backends/digital_ocean.py#L107 stuff


<Infinisil> clever: Haha, I thought about something like this
<slabity_> And then I can do something like `mozillaOverlay = pkgs.callPackage mozillaPkgs {};` since it has a default.nix in that repo, right?
<jbaum98> clever: hmm and if i make an entry with id=libs, then it does something
<jbaum98> pikajude: right, but i want the current derivation. is there something like this or self?
<sphalerite> dweller: I don't see if someone answered how to see the amount of space the current system generation takes up: I'd do something like nix-store -qR /run/current-system | xargs du -chd0 | sort -h | tail. Bit of a mouthful but it should get you your answer
<maurer> I need to disassemble something other than my native architecture
<disasm> justan0theruser: I'm not sure if there's a style guide or not. If it works though, can always open up a PR and someone will comment if something doesn't meet the standards.
<mudri> Does nix-shell set the prompt, or is that something in my shell configuration?
<ambro718> What do I need to do in configuration.nix to create a symlink in bin directory to something of my chosing?
<pie_> my system was working great, i didnt make any system level changes, but now since like two days ago it hangs on resume pretty often, why? magic sysrq "e" results in the display manager getting killed or something and then systemctl start display-manager doesnt work (it just doesnt do anything)
<dtzWill> oh wait no I just managed something hmm
<dtzWill> makefu: I'm not sure if it's common or not, lol, but something I've run into a few times so I happen to know it O:)
<dtzWill> haha yep! but occasionally I've wanted a plugin or something and it was across the gap of a big refactor or rewrite and was a bit more painful as a result :)
<LnL> yeah I think something like eval "${!configurePhase:-configurePhase}" will do what you expect
<nixy> goibhniu: Yeah something like that is exactly what I want to add
<goibhniu> if you're using something else, you might need to check the phases that are run
<ebzzry> I want to achieve something like: nix-shell --pure --command "sbcl --eval ..."
<ebzzry> I want to pass command line flags to SBCL using nix-shell. How can I do that? it would look something like: nix-shell --pure --command "sbcl --eval '(...)'"


<Infinisil> Argh, why does `configurePhase` in nix-shell do something different than nix-build
<disasm> Infinisil: something like autocmd VimLeave *.nix :Gcommit (untested)
<Infinisil> So like a templating engine thing? So the nix file would have some place with ##FILE##, then use `sed` or something to replace that part with the read file
<Infinisil> simpson: Or just asymmetry encryption, using gpg or something
<simpson> Compare and contrast: Tahoe-LAFS operators only know that somebody has uploaded something of an approximate size; they cannot tell what the thing is.
<Sonarpulse> haskell's llvm-general is quite something too I IIRC?
<andromeda-galaxy> I'm trying to develop something with GHC head, and would like to try building some dependencies - but they all fail because of incorrect base version bounds. Is there an easy way to jailbreak all packages inside of pkgs.haskell.packages.ghcHEAD? I'm also likely to try to use an overlay to add my own haskell.packages.ghcDev using a locally built and patched-by-me ghc, is there a good way to do
<clever> disasm: any time something low-level like glibc or gcc gets changed, nixpkgs will mass-rebuild as a side-effect, and then things like lxc might get noticed
<clever> yeah, it may need something like kvm to even be able to talk to virtio channels
<pietranera> I think I am close to get something workable, even with nix-shell -p etc. etc.
<pietranera> I am probably doing something wrong.
<FRidh> pie_: Would it make sense to have one? A version of a source typically refers to only exactly that state of the source. But with something that is build...?
<pie_> why isnt there a proper version attribute or something?
<copumpkin> something like "stats+http://my.binary.cache/"
<clever> raunov: something else you might be able to use is this: https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/tree/master/kexec
<justanotheruser> Do I need something in propagatedNativeBuildInputs?
<justanotheruser> maybe theres something I need to flag in mkPython, sec
<equalunique> catern: I took a quick cursory view and noticed your mention of Unikernels. I have something relevant...
<boomshroom> Something that I've thought about is building an executable file entirely within Nix without dropping to bash or a compiler and just using functions like builtins.toFile.
<catern> I plan to do something similar for Bazel


<Sonarpulse> boomshroom: perhaps this has something to do with llvm being used as a JIT?
<hodapp> FRidh: can't I do this in postPatch or something?
<srhb> Perhaps you wrote something else. :)
<disasm> domenkozar: maybe it would help to expound a bit... I'm trying to implement something similar to nixpkgs/nixos/tests/kubernetes.nix to a cluster launched from nixops.
<disasm> is there something similar to pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; to access nodes attr at the global level in nixops?
<Ankhers> nix-env -qap -A haskellPackages if you want to search something that isn't top level.
<turion> Well, I imagine at least something like typing attr1.attr2.bla._ and then asking the editor what might go in her
<gchristensen> hmm no I couldn't make it work, but I think Dezgeg is on to something
<domenkozar> something like git submodule would maybe do with relative path
<domenkozar> did anyone get nix-shell shebang to read NIX_PATH from a file or something that can be centralized?
<clever> gchristensen: i would expect the kernel to include some guard pages, something that acts as a limit and will always page-fault/segv
<avn> It can be something like /nix/var/nix/profiles/customsoftware? (not in per-user?)
<nh2> srhb: I modified glusterfs recently, if you find something is broken there, please ping me
<gchristensen> is it possible to make nix-shell use something other than `<nixpkgs>` for `-p` ?


<Sonarpulse> something like that
<pie_> somethings fucky
<LnL> otherwise it's probably something related to the build itself so you'd have to monitor/debug that
<Ankhers> gleber_: Not at all. It isn't a big priority. Just thought it was something that should be done because R19 has been out for a while.