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<nixoswikibot> [[Workgroup:Router]] * Makefu * (-44) update link to nixwrt
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<nixoswikibot> [[Phpfpm]] N * Makefu * (+1636) Created page with "php-fpm is a fastcgi interface for php. == Configuration for nginx== This configuration will set up phpfpm for serving php files from <code>/var/www/</code>. put i..."
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<nixoswikibot> [[Phpfpm]] * Makefu * (-63) 
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<Mic92> we need a NUR
<Mic92> looks like a funny url
<Mic92> Something like a pastebin with accounts.
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<makefu> like aur? yes that would be nice
<makefu> we currently have a list of other peoples config and overlays
<makefu> maybe we could fetch these different overlays and index the provided packages
<makefu> that might be a fun project
<samueldr> a nixos-users "conventional" way to make overlays?
<samueldr> (with easy-to-digest documentation on how to use for new users)
<makefu> for example, this is how i currently build my overlay:
<makefu> there is a good presentation about overlays from the last nixos convention
<makefu> essentially it is:
<makefu> self: super:
<makefu> { lol = callPackage ./lol.nix }
<tv> doesn't look too bad, does it?
<makefu> s/call/self.&/
<Reaktor|krebs> makefu meant: { lol = self.callPackage ./lol.nix }
<samueldr> the documentation part, for me (months ago) was that I didn't have enough knowledge of nix to know *how* to use them
<samueldr> I knew how to make them, but not where they should be placed
<makefu> nobody knows when to use self and when to use super ...
<samueldr> makefu: that too, better documented, will help
<tv> makefu: of course, if you hit infinite recursion, you take super ;)
<makefu> that is easy :D
<Mic92> makefu: there is upstream documentation for overlays now.
<makefu> yep, tv just linked to it
<makefu> and the docs are quite good
<Mic92> but we need a way to register names for discoverability.
<Mic92> the source can be somewhere else
<Mic92> and a cli to add and remove overlays with one command
<Mic92> and also to update them
<Mic92> something like ppa
<samueldr> so e.g. I have a linux-cherrytrail overlay, knowing it's a "NUR", it can be referred to with a globally unique name
<samueldr> that's interesting
<makefu> i like the idea
<makefu> in stockholm alone we have 4 overlays
<makefu> in my overlay i have 42 packages
<Mic92> NUR itself could be a meta-repo or channel, where people can register there overlays
<makefu> good idea
<makefu> simply an overlay of overlays
<makefu> but you have to be aware of the security implications :D
<Mic92> like always
<makefu> an overlay could override callPackage for example
<tv> super.callPackage
<Mic92> The user must agree to use a specific overlay
<Mic92> otherwise it is not pulled at all
<Mic92> fetchgit make the thing interesting
<makefu> maybe we could provide a way to show which packages are contained and which are overridden
<Mic92> diffing should be easy
<Mic92> just show, what packages are added.
<Mic92> over master
<Mic92> the only problem is, if you multiple malicious overlays
<Mic92> you have
<Mic92> we already have for this experiment
<Mic92> unlike overlays can also lock on nixpkgs commits
<Mic92> *unlike Ubuntu's ppas overlays can also lock on nixpkgs commits
<Mic92> We can move broken packages there.
<makefu> good idea
<Mic92> locked on the last working state.
<Mic92> this is going to better then AUR.
<makefu> maybe we could also provide meta information like a link to their hydra and binary cache
<makefu> or contact
<Mic92> yes, we should have contact information or a notification channel
<Mic92> something public would be good
<Mic92> to make it transparent
<Mic92> Do we need a way to transfer unmaintained repos maybe?
<makefu> not yet
<Mic92> binary cache cannot be limited to an overlay though.
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<Mic92> jtojnar: how does triton work?
<jtojnar> just like nixpkgs
<jtojnar> only their repo structure is saner
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<Mic92> we have the opportunity to make it right this time
<Mic92> We should have dependencies between overlays.
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<Mic92> Because that's the point of them
<jtojnar> I was imagining just a single attribute set with bot controlled merges
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<jtojnar> but I guess we can go crazy with this
<Mic92> then we have conflicts again
<Mic92> let's say somebody does not like pulseaudio
<Mic92> and that guy builds an overlay to disable it everywhere.
<makefu> yep
<Mic92> NUR would check the evaluation of each overlay and only update them, if they do.
<makefu> maybe we could have a warning if it overrides upstream packages
<samueldr> then what if I want to use this guy's overlay?
<samueldr> (though this case is a bit out of scope of such overlays, probably)
<samueldr> or e.g., use patched upstream software, e.g. gnome and qt with menubars active
<samueldr> (maybe I'm forgetting something obvious here)
<samueldr> I'm thinking along the lines of getting a "managed" overlay for ubuntu-patched software, including the libraries
<Mic92> not sure yet about ui
<Mic92> *ux
<jtojnar> would wiki be a good place for comparison of nix 2.0 commands?
<jtojnar> e.g. nix-build -A foo → nix build -f . foo
<Mic92> jtojnar: yes
<Mic92> jtojnar: make a new page and link it there:
<Mic92> or make a new cheatsheet and we move the old one to legacy
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<nixoswikibot> [[Alternative Package Sets]] * Makefu * (+206) 
<nixoswikibot> [[Overlay]] N * Makefu * (+47) Redirected page to [[Alternative Package Sets#Overlays]]
<nixoswikibot> [[Applications]] * Makefu * (+31) 
<makefu> these redirects are just for me, i never can find the overlay and module article
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<samueldr> that's alright, redirecting in those ways is extra helpful
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