makefu changed the topic of #nixos-wiki to: Welcome to the *unofficial* nixos wiki | | chat logs:
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<samueldr> I have pushed on the older wiki github a commit removing all the content of the existing previous pages, but instead linking to the new equivalent pages on the new wiki
<samueldr> and updated the readme to better reflect the situation (e.g.: #nixos-wiki instead of #krebs)
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS on ZFS]] !M * Sjau * (+5) /* Encrypted Dataset Format Change */
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS on ZFS]] ! * Sjau * (+1472) 
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS on ZFS]] ! * Sjau * (+85) 
<makefu> samueldr: wow what a great effort! thanks for this
<makefu> i will also move the github wiki bot to this channel
<makefu> ok done, just in case :)
<makefu> fadenb: btw could you share the wiki configuration so we can reproduce local changes and configuration?
<fadenb> makefu: i started with preparing a regular dump (code+db) but I have to strip out credentials/PII
<fadenb> currently not very flexible due to new customer which blocks me most of the time
<fadenb> (and IBM networks do not even allow me to ssh out so anything in between is hard :P )
<makefu> for this i have a 3g-modem in my laptop :D but its great to hear you are still on it :)
<fadenb> Such luxury, I am lucky if I have edge connectivity in this building :P
<makefu> :D
orivej has joined #nixos-wiki
<nixoswikibot> [[Nginx]] ! * Srid * (+81) /* Sample setups */ The email attribute is needed for trusted certs in browser
<nixoswikibot> [[User:Srid]] !N * Srid * (+23) Created page with ""
<fadenb> is srid on irc? I do not understand the nerd for email in the nginx article
<fadenb> works fine for me without it
<samueldr> srid was on irc the other day
<samueldr> in fact looks like he is on #nixos, both on irc and matrix
<makefu> fadenb: i thought exactly the same thing
<makefu> instead of minimal example maybe add a note that this can be done as an extra
<nixoswikibot> [[Nginx]] M * Fadenb * (+161) Mark security.acme.certs as optional in the example
<makefu> ah nice, you did this already :D i was getting a merge confict cause of this :)
<fadenb> ^^
<fadenb> Feel free to change it
<fadenb> infinisil: makefu : There is a plugin to fix the search autocompletion case sensitivity. I will look into it right now
<fadenb> hmm, TitleKey does not work as I expected
<fadenb> ah, actually it does. Need more sleep
<fadenb> please test it, not sure that I covered all edge cases
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hyper_ch has joined #nixos-wiki
<hyper_ch> howdy
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<nixoswikibot> [[Bluetooth]] ! * Qfjp * (+343) /* Using Bluetooth headsets with PulseAudio */
<samueldr> hmm, I'll have to test that setting to see what it does, but I had no trouble *using* a2dp with bluetooth headsets
zarel has joined #nixos-wiki
<infinisil> fadenb: nice, it works!
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