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<nixoswikibot> [[Samba]] ! * Lukeadams * (+576) add time machine / sambaMaster info
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<makefu> fadenb: do we have recent access stats? i have the feeling that the wiki gets more and more traction :)
<fadenb> makefu: I'll post google search stats later. as there is no tracking it is the only indicator currently available
<makefu> we could parse access logs, no?
<nixoswikibot> [[Samba]] * Makefu * (+23) move Apple time machine to subsection
<nixoswikibot> [[Samba]] * Makefu * (+2) remove broken links
<nixoswikibot> [[Samba]] * Makefu * (+48) split into client and server
<fadenb> makefu: I do not save access logs besides a 2 hour log window
<fadenb> there is no need for that data to operate the wiki so not saving it
<fadenb> (principle of data minimisation)
* fadenb uploaded an image: Screenshot_20180227-083051.png (188KB) -
<makefu> 2 hours should be enough to give us a general idea. maybe we could perform anonymized stats based on these windows
<makefu> the graph is how long? 28 days?
<fadenb> yes
<fadenb> I still need to check the new data privacy laws that will become effective in May
<fadenb> Probably need to add a cookie warning
<makefu> according to it mostly relates to the right of access and right to be forgotten
<makefu> consent for data processing must be given and terms of contitions can not be 200 pages legalese, however no word about cookies
<fadenb> What I understand from the Lawyers I talked to until now is that there is a real risk of cease and desist orders.
<fadenb> Whether one actually needs to do all those stuff is questionable but who wants to risk legal fees to find out :P
<fadenb> Unfortunately cease-and-desist orders can be issued even when there is no grounds for them. One needs to get to court to find out
<makefu> sucks ...
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