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<makefu> samueldr: regarding bootloader, looks good. i am pretty sure this will help a lot of people :)
<makefu> oh oh ... 504 Gateway Time-out
<nixoswikibot> [[Virtualization in NixOS]] * Makefu * (+186) 
<makefu> fadenb: something seems to be very very very slow on the host
<nixoswikibot> [[Talk:Virtualization in NixOS]] N * Makefu * (+205) Created page with "A good entry for "Virtualization on NixOS" would be --~~~~"
<fadenb> makefu: I'll look at it in a moment. but feels normal from my phone (with slowish eduroam at FOSDEM)
<fadenb> ah, cached pages are fast rest is not
<makefu> yep something like this
<fadenb> at first glance all things seem normal (cpu, mem, ...)
<fadenb> Will give php/memcache/.. a restart
<fadenb> cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: (see
<fadenb> that is why login is slow/broken
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<fadenb> makefu: can you check now? My connectivity is to bad to judge speed right now :p
<fadenb> dns issue is fixed, both configured resolvers are unreachable from vultr right now. Switched to for now but will look into that more deeply when I am back home
<makefu> okay thanks
<makefu> the issue occurred when i tried to edit a page
<nixoswikibot> [[Sandbox]] M * Fadenb * (+14) 
<nixoswikibot> [[Sandbox]] M * Fadenb * (+0) 
<makefu> mh looks good now it seems :)
<nixoswikibot> [[Sandbox]] M * Fadenb * (+13) 
<fadenb> So it was DNS (it is always DNS ;) )
<makefu> CURSE YOU DNS!
<fadenb> I will put monitoring of wiki interactions on my todo list. Perhaps some automated edit
<makefu> thanks for looking into it so quickly
<fadenb> lol, someone is trying to bruteforce "teamspek3" ssh account. fail2ban is working fine but IP changes rapidly
<makefu> and there is not even any evidence that teamspeak is running on the host ...
<makefu> talk about opportunistic
<fadenb> I also like the typo. it is spek not speak :P
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<Mic92> rather then fail2ban I just disable password authentication.
<fadenb> I do both. Mostly fail2ban to keep log spam to a minimum
<makefu> i have 2fa for fallback for specific users
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<Profpatsch> ohai
<Profpatsch> Mic92: Do you already have a “working groups” section?
<Profpatsch> If not, where should I put it?
<Profpatsch> Or maybe interest group. We are starting one for people interested in building (docker/OCI) containers from nixpkgs.
<Profpatsch> cc makefu lassulus ^
<Mic92> Profpatsch: you mean working groups for nix in general?
<Mic92> could be added or linked here:
<Mic92> Profpatsch: I already did the OCI part before - however I am aiming for a different directions, since I miss the nixos part in those containers.
<Mic92> b
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<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Quirks]] !M * Fstamour * (+0) typo
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