<nixoswikibot> [[Special:Log/newusers]] create * MiltonTilly487 * New user account
<nixoswikibot> [[User:MiltonTilly487]] !N https://nixos.wiki/index.php?oldid=1248&rcid=1242 * MiltonTilly487 * (+198) Created page with "My name is Milton (40 years old) and my hobbies are Table football and Badminton.<br><br>My weblog ... [https://www.Bestusedcellphones.com/blog/get-verizon-pre-owned-phones/ u..."
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<nixoswikibot> [[Special:Log/block]] block * Fadenb * blocked [[User:MiltonTilly487]] with an expiration time of 6 months (account creation disabled, cannot edit own talk page): Spamming links to external sites
<nixoswikibot> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * Fadenb * deleted "[[User:MiltonTilly487]]": Spam: content was: "My name is Milton (40 years old) and my hobbies are Table football and Badminton.<br><br>My weblog ... [https://w...", and the only contributor was "[[Special:Contributions/MiltonTilly487|MiltonTilly487]]" ([[User talk:MiltonTilly487|talk]])
<fadenb> 2nd spam post.
<fadenb> Seems like they solve Google captcha. If this becomes a regular issue I will add a custom question to be answered to the registration
<fadenb> Any ideas? Should be something some nix beginners can answer easily
<makefu> fadenb: weird enough though that that the spam bots do not directly start spamming the forum. probably because the bots assume that solving a single captcha at the beginning is enough
<makefu> fadenb: the question for archlinux is also quite arcane (i do not really remember but i had to google it)
<ixxie> fadenb: describe 3 properties of the Nix language (pure/purity, functional, lazy/laziness)
<ixxie> fadenb: but maybe thats too arcane already
<fadenb> Yeah, someone that is "just a user" might not know about any of that
<ixxie> its not so bad if they can get the answer from just one of our articles
<ixxie> ideally from the first paragraph of an article
<fadenb> For example I have some devs that only do minor modifications to existing nix files to generate images. Someone on that level will never be able to answer that. I would love to keep the wiki usable for someone on that level
<ixxie> fadenb: keep in mind, you don't sign up for a wiki unless you are planning to contribute to it, and that means the user had *some* exposure already
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<hl> it doesn't really matter how trivial the question is to get, just that it's novel and not something a bot will be programmed to handle
<hl> no arithmetic questions, fairly sure some bots handle those now
<hl> i've had good luck with my "translate this word into finnish" question, but anything random and novel should work; you don't even need to have a repertoire of multiple questions it chooses one from, just one will do
<makefu> translate "nothing" into dutch: 'niks'
<makefu> it would match the history of nix: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ#What_is_the_origin_of_the_name_Nix
<hl> That sounds perfect.
<makefu> mhh google translate is not convinced
<ixxie> hl: are you Finnish?
<hl> ixxie (IRC): no, actually, British. I just picked a random language ;)
<makefu> maybe the other way round (finnish into english) niks -> nothing
<ixxie> It is surprisingly difficult to come up with relevant trivial questions
<hl> I think there's no need for relevance.
<ixxie> How about
<ixxie> "The NixOS logo looks like a flake of:"
<ixxie> btw hl are you available for the NixOS wiki hachathon on Saturday the 25th of November?
<hl> Sure.
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<Mic92> fadenb: we once tricked bots on a photo blog, by hiding the url form input with css and silently discard comments with the url set.
<Mic92> fadenb: you can just patch the signup form like that by adding an additional input parameter for the actual email address and discard signups that still used the old paramater
<Mic92> *parameter
<Mic92> nobody will write a bot just for our wiki.
<nixoswikibot> [[PulseAudio]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1249&oldid=1154&rcid=1245 * Gleber * (+55) /* Enabling PulseAudio */ Use nixos configuration.nix to add user to audio group instead of `usermod` command