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<fadenb> samueldr: will implement changes you proposed in the 2 new issues after breakfast :)
<nixoswikibot> [[MediaWiki:Tweeki-navbar-right]] N https://nixos.wiki/index.php?oldid=1006&rcid=1003 * Fadenb * (+34) https://github.com/nixos-users/wiki/issues/11
<nixoswikibot> [[MediaWiki:Tweeki-navbar-left]] https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1007&oldid=940&rcid=1004 * Fadenb * (-103) remove login link hack, no longer required due to https://github.com/nixos-users/wiki/issues/11
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<ixxie> samueldr: are you here?
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS on ZFS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1009&oldid=936&rcid=1006 * Mic92 * (+1199) initrd unlock
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS on ZFS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1010&oldid=1009&rcid=1007 * Mic92 * (+28)
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<ixxie> samueldr: ping?
<ixxie> Reaktor|krebs0: tell samueldr have a look at my take on the logos and tell me what you thing: https://github.com/ixxie/nixlogos
<Reaktor|krebs0> Consider it noted.
<fadenb> Btw seems like nix.wiki is already taken
<ixxie> oh yes
<ixxie> and ew
<ixxie> I can change that anyway
<ixxie> it seems nix.wiki is owned by this photographer: https://www.ravis.org/index.php
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<samueldr> timezones suck
<samueldr> thanks fadenb
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<zarel> Hello!
<zarel> I noticed in the linux-mips wiki that NixOS is listed because we support the fuloong mini pc
<makefu> do we support mips? i never knew :D
<zarel> problem is that they still have the reference to the old wiki to a page called "Multiplatform NixOS#Fuloong_Mini-PC"
<makefu> we can fix this, it is a wiki no?
<zarel> yeah I didn't know either! :) this is where I found it https://www.linux-mips.org/wiki/Distributions#NixOS
<zarel> I think it needs to sign-up. problem is that we don't have that page or any reference to this board in the new wiki
<zarel> I didn't check in the wayback machine but it looks like it was removed before the wiki content has been migrated
<samueldr> I really need to setup another mediawiki instance to importe the whold wiki dump
<samueldr> (to check page histories)
<makefu> zarel: worst case is that we remove the reference. because afair there is currently no support for mips
<samueldr> I wonder how much of the mips port still works
<samueldr> the instructions, at a glance, seems identical from the 2012 snapshot
<makefu> yes, but for example platforms.sheevaplug is not in the current upstream platforms
<makefu> well there is lib.platforms.mips i guess
<zarel> there is still a derivation for the installer
<zarel> the tarball download link points to a personal server of viric, maybe we should ask him directly?
<makefu> great idea
<makefu> if this still works i suggest we create a page "nixos on mips"
<samueldr> last update, as per the wiki dump, was in april 2013
<makefu> as long as none of the information is actually tested i'd rather not copy-paste this in the new wiki
<samueldr> I too, wouldn't add anything untested to the wiki
<zarel> makefu, samueldr: I agree that it is outdated information. I assume that none of us has a Fuloong to test, too
<samueldr> nothing close to mipsy to test
<samueldr> well, a PS2, but I'm pretty sure there's no easy way to get nixos working on it...
<samueldr> pretty sure there's nothing in the mainline kernel for it, from the ps2 linux era
<zarel> oh I wish to replace openwrt with nixos on my router :) clearly mips based one
<zarel> I'm going to drop an email to viric about the fuloong, at least to know if he's still using it
<zarel> is it ok for you?
<makefu> zarel: yes sure, go ahead :)
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<ixxie> yo
<makefu> hey ho
<ixxie> sup makefu?
<makefu> i wanted to test out the wifi on the raspi3
<ixxie> I'm trying to tweak the Nix Ecosystem logos
<makefu> not sure if the logo needs tilting, changing the fonts and colors is pretty nice
<ixxie> yeah gchristiansen was of the same opinion
<makefu> i think most functional developers like symmetry
<ixxie> yeah well part of the idea was to appeal to OTHER people than functional developers xD
<ixxie> makefu: I'm not sure if this works but check out this conversation we had at #nixos yesterday https://botbot.me/freenode/nixos/2017-10-07/?msg=92035987&page=20
<samueldr> looks good
<ixxie> (you may need to scroll up to see the highlighted line)
<ixxie> makefu: gchristiansen also complained about the tilt
<samueldr> the font looks great with those words, hard to read for text body
<ixxie> samueldr: is it okay for the logo though right?
<samueldr> yes
<ixxie> what do you think about the tilt?
<samueldr> no opinion really
<ixxie> it looks like it will tick off many people xD
<ixxie> im already working on a version without it
<samueldr> though, when used as an icon, pretty sure we'll have to straighten it out
<samueldr> you should add to the png some bounding boxes with the snowflake
<samueldr> one for 16×16 for favicons, then some common sizes up from there
<samueldr> ideally, tweaked versions of the logo would be used at excessively small resolutions
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS on ARM]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1011&oldid=1001&rcid=1008 * Makefu * (+691) /* Raspberry Pi 3 */
<ixxie> what do you guys think about renaming the nixos.wiki to nix.wiki?
<ixxie> I donno if it makes sense really but it has some advantages
<samueldr> biggest issue is getting the domain name
<ixxie> its owned by a photographer it seems
<ixxie> although maybe thats a front or something
<ixxie> at this point I just wanna know if its ever desirable
<samueldr> generally, short domain names, with possibly generic uses, are bought to be resold at a higher markup later on
<ixxie> possible
<ixxie> likely
<makefu> i am fine with nixos.wiki as it matches the upstream domain nixos.org
<ixxie> yeah that is my biggest gripe with changing it
<samueldr> in some way, owning both would be better, with proper redirection
<makefu> samueldr: also owning other tlds would help the project. i highly recommend not trying out other tlds for 'nixos'
<ixxie> I am just trying to figure out how to make the typography for the NixOS Wiki logo look good
<samueldr> oh, sure, squatters ahoy is certain
<samueldr> oh, not even squatting
<samueldr> hmmm
<samueldr> or squatting, but not that kind
<makefu> yes "not that kind"
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS on ARM]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1012&oldid=1011&rcid=1009 * Makefu * (+37) /* Raspberry Pi 3 */
<ixxie> alright
<ixxie> samueldr: check out the latest version
<ixxie> in particular how the NixOS Wiki logo is
<ixxie> I made two versions now; with a tilt and without
<ixxie> I made a vote thread https://github.com/ixxie/nixlogos/issues/1
<ixxie> samueldr: have you considered using a single pair of brackets?
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<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS on ARM]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1013&oldid=1012&rcid=1010 * Samueldr * (+13) add class="table"