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<joepie91> samueldr: +1 on your remarks concerning common configurations :)
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<ixxie> yo
<makefu> hey ho
<ixxie> whatsup makefu?
<makefu> just sayin hi :)
<ixxie> hl: could you remove disnix from the diagram? It has been decided that at least for the purposes of the Wiki we consider it too experimental to be covered
<nixoswikibot> [[Special:Log/upload]] overwrite * HLandau * uploaded a new version of "[[File:Nixos-stack2.png]]": Remove Disnix
<hl> done
<hl> here's the ODG if anyone wants it:
<ixxie> cheers
<ixxie> hl: you updated the file so it should be updated in the article right?
<ixxie> stupid chrome caching
<samueldr> (the wiki is heavily cached too)
<samueldr> to force a page refresh in the wiki, edit and save without making a change
<samueldr> there is possibly a special url to use too, but it's less convenient
<ixxie> samueldr: I tried that
<ixxie> no such luck
<samueldr> almost looks like a bug
<samueldr> the thumbnail is right though, in the file page
<fadenb> samueldr: there is a special request parameter to purge wiki cache for a page...
<fadenb> In addition to MediaWiki caching php opcode caching is active (I believe 60m until it is refreshed) as code rarely changes
<fadenb> Not sure if I still have nginx pagespeed module active
<fadenb> moar caching layers ;)
<ixxie> fadenb: is there really so much traffic that caching is necessary? Because it seems to me that at least for the coming year, it would be quite handy to turn off caching if its not causing a lot of costs / issues
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<fadenb> ixxie: most caching does not affect you anyway. MediaWiki cache only if you are logged out, php opcode only if code changes (affects only me)