<makefu> Reaktor|krebs: tell ixxie when do we start tomorrow?
<Reaktor|krebs> Consider it noted.
zraexy has quit [(Ping timeout: 255 seconds)]
zraexy has joined joined #nixos-wiki
ixxie has joined joined #nixos-wiki
<Reaktor|krebs> ixxie: when do we start tomorrow? -- makefu!~makefu@v22017114592354873.luckysrv.de, Sat Nov 25 01:06:15 CET 2017
<ixxie> makefu: I have no idea
<ixxie> now!
<ixxie> I figured on a saturday no one would wanna start in the morning
<ixxie> Mic92, samueldr, fadenb, hl,
<ixxie> you in?
<hl> Hi.
<Mic92> hi
<ixxie> So who wants to help out in today's hackathon ^^
<hl> Sure.
<ixxie> Since nobody really added anything to the agenda except https://github.com/nixos-users/wiki/issues/12 - I suggest we pick articles from that list
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1261&oldid=984&rcid=1258 * Ixxie * (+27) Moved `common errors` to a new debugging section under usage.
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1262&oldid=1261&rcid=1259 * Ixxie * (+0) Moved configuration before debugging.
<ixxie> hl - have you used Nix extensively in Linux or Mac?
<hl> Only used NixOS.
<ixxie> I have the problem that because I only used NixOS I find it hard to write a lot of details about Nix without accidently mixing NixOS concepts into it
<hl> Yeah.
<ixxie> hl - would you like to help me complete the NixOS article?
<hl> Hmm, I'll look at refactoring it.
<hl> You know, I'd describe Nix as a build system more than a package manager.
<ixxie> hl: as in, build system is more general than package manager?
<ixxie> hl: its both I think
<hl> Yeah. But the beauty of it is it actually eliminates the need for package management. Every nixos-rebuild switch is a full system rebuild, it just happens that enough is cached that that's a viable way to model an OS.
<ixxie> hl: why do you wanna refactor it? I explained the reasoning of the structure in https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Category:Discussion
<ixxie> hl: I would like to keep some kind of consistancy in the structure across the different Ecosystem article
<ixxie> I am open to criticism and change in this regard, but I am hoping that whatever we decide will maintained consistently between the articles
<hl> I'm not changing the structure of it, just doing a proofreading pass.
<ixxie> as for the 'build system' - I am open to adding it but since the official documentation describes Nix as a package manager first, we should probably use that as a first description
<ixxie> hl: oh, I understood refactoring as restructuring ^^
<ixxie> one question I have is whether the Nix store should be described in the NixOS article so extensively
<ixxie> I am considering moving that paragraph to the Nix article
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1263&oldid=950&rcid=1260 * Ixxie * (+0) Bumped version to 17.09
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1264&oldid=1262&rcid=1261 * Ixxie * (+584) Copied Nix store section from NixOS article
<makefu> ixxie: hey ho, i am back from breakfast :)
<makefu> do we want to start a short mumble session?
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1265&oldid=1263&rcid=1262 * HLandau * (+586)
<hl> Did some editing up to and including the installation section.
<hl> Continuing.
<ixxie> makefu: what is mumble>
<ixxie> ?
<makefu> like skype
<hl> It's like an open-source Teamspeak/Ventrilo system.
<makefu> yes exactly
<fadenb> or you could just use https://videochat.mayflower.de
<fadenb> works in the browser so no client needed
<makefu> sure why not
<makefu> what will be our policy regarding copy-pasting text from the official manuals for the overview articles?
<fadenb> makefu: I believe we should try to avoid duplicating content
<fadenb> but if it helps to make a point it is probably OK
<makefu> however an article with only a single link is quite weird
<ixxie> One of the best things about *not* duplicating content (and actually, also about not being official) will be that we can qualify as a secondary source for the purpose of Wikipedia citations
<ixxie> at the moment, the Wikipedia articles about Nix related stuff have a lack of good secondary and tertiary sources
<makefu> sec, preparing my audio setup
<ixxie> alrighty
<ixxie> fadenb - we went with your thing
<ixxie> hl - I can't hear you
<hl> I don't have a microphone to hand, so I'll be silent.
<ixxie> can you hear me?
<hl> I can.
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1266&oldid=1265&rcid=1263 * HLandau * (+1681) adjust Declarative Configuration section
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1267&oldid=1266&rcid=1264 * HLandau * (+2) /* Declarative Configuration */
<ixxie> hmm
<ixxie> while I want to see 'Development' and 'History' sections in these articles, perhaps we can remove them since I don't think we can make them happen today
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1268&oldid=1264&rcid=1265 * Ixxie * (+64) added sections
<ixxie> makefu you got cut off after 'I guess'
<ixxie> makefu - you are cut off again
<makefu> yep yep
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1269&oldid=1268&rcid=1266 * Ixxie * (-35)
<nixoswikibot> [[Category:Cookbook]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1270&oldid=346&rcid=1267 * Makefu * (+494)
<hl> Yeah.
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1271&oldid=1267&rcid=1268 * Ixxie * (-65) Removed develepment / history
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1272&oldid=1202&rcid=1269 * Ixxie * (-255) Moved NixOS modules and NixOS testing to the NixOS article.
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1273&oldid=1271&rcid=1270 * Ixxie * (+234)
joepie91 has joined joined #nixos-wiki
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1274&oldid=1273&rcid=1271 * HLandau * (+710)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1275&oldid=1272&rcid=1272 * Ixxie * (+256) Added lead paragraph
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1276&oldid=1275&rcid=1273 * Ixxie * (-3)
<hl> I think we should mention the abnormalities of NixOS in the NixOS article.
<hl> Since the store is very distinctive, I think we should at least give an overview of how its filesystem structure differs.
<hl> NixOS isn't an FHS distribution though, it's kind of important to mention.
<ixxie> V
<hl> A separate article, sure.
<hl> Discussion article metapage says we should have an 'internals' section, I say we link to that in the Internals section.
<hl> Sound good.
<hl> I think I'm done with NixOS, if you want to edit the internals section go ahead.
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1277&oldid=1274&rcid=1274 * Ixxie * (-687)
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1278&oldid=1277&rcid=1275 * Ixxie * (+21)
hyper_ch has joined joined #nixos-wiki
<hyper_ch> howdy
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1279&oldid=1276&rcid=1276 * Ixxie * (-18) Editing the Nix Language entry.
<hyper_ch> I'm pondering, wouldn't it be nice to have a wiki article about clever's kexec on how to get nixos run on a (remote, running) server?
<hyper_ch> infinisil already wrote a small guide for himself https://github.com/Infinisil/guides/blob/master/DO-ZFS-NixOS.org --> with some adjustments I think it would be nice for the wiki
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1280&oldid=1269&rcid=1277 * Ixxie * (-1382) Moved debugging section to the Nix Cookbook
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Cookbook]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1281&oldid=975&rcid=1278 * Ixxie * (+1382) Moved Common Errors from Nix Package Manager discussion article.
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Cookbook]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1282&oldid=1281&rcid=1279 * Ixxie * (-8) Fixed section levels.
<ixxie> hyper_ch: awesome idea, feel free to pursue it; maybe infinisil will grant you permision to use it even (or better - they could move it into the wiki themselves so correct credit goes into the history)
<hyper_ch> I like your suggestion the best, since it involves least effort for me ;)
* hyper_ch eyes infinisil
<makefu> /nix/var/nix/profiles
<nixoswikibot> [[Special:Log/upload]] upload * HLandau * uploaded "[[File:Nixos-stack.png]]": NixOS Ecosystem Diagram Public domain.
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1284&oldid=1279&rcid=1281 * HLandau * (+38) Added diagram
<hl> Next-generation linux distribution.
<hl> Nonconventional, next-generation linux distribution.
<hl> I made it.
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1285&oldid=1284&rcid=1282 * Ixxie * (+604) Converted list to table with usecases.
<hl> Sure.
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1286&oldid=1285&rcid=1283 * Ixxie * (-8)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1287&oldid=1286&rcid=1284 * Ixxie * (+61)
<hl> Sure.
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1288&oldid=1287&rcid=1285 * Ixxie * (+1)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1289&oldid=1288&rcid=1286 * Ixxie * (-20)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1290&oldid=1289&rcid=1287 * Ixxie * (-28) Changed table title.
<hl> Can't overwrite File:Nixos-stack.png since it's a 404 for some reason.
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1291&oldid=1290&rcid=1288 * Ixxie * (+63)
<makefu> ^ about nixos internals
<nixoswikibot> [[Special:Log/upload]] upload * HLandau * uploaded "[[File:Nixos-stack2.png]]": Public domain.
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1293&oldid=1291&rcid=1290 * HLandau * (+1)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1294&oldid=1293&rcid=1291 * Ixxie * (-23)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1295&oldid=1294&rcid=1292 * Ixxie * (-50) removed initial and final bullets
<fadenb> hl: yeah still need to fix that 404 issue
<fadenb> Will actually look into this now
<makefu> thanks!
<ixxie> fadenb: we also have issues with merges when two people simultaneously edit and article
<ixxie> fadenb: it suggests a merge but when you try and procees and accept it, it returns with the same suggestion again
<fadenb> Does it not merge? Or does it merge but in ends up broken?
<fadenb> hmm, have to look into that. Never experienced that myself
<ixxie> makefu and I both experience it
<makefu> yes true
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1296&oldid=1295&rcid=1293 * Ixxie * (+7)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1297&oldid=1296&rcid=1294 * Ixxie * (-27)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1298&oldid=1297&rcid=1295 * Ixxie * (+9)
<hl> SVG support would be nice also.
<fadenb> I believe I found the culprit of the 404 errors. I currently use a `location ~* .(jpg|jpeg|png|.....)$` match in the nginx configI have to exclude wiki pages somehow
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1299&oldid=1298&rcid=1296 * Ixxie * (-6)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1300&oldid=1299&rcid=1297 * Ixxie * (-25)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1301&oldid=1300&rcid=1298 * Ixxie * (-9)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1302&oldid=1301&rcid=1299 * Ixxie * (-10)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1303&oldid=1302&rcid=1300 * Ixxie * (-13)
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1304&oldid=1278&rcid=1301 * Makefu * (+2822)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1305&oldid=1303&rcid=1302 * Ixxie * (-12)
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1306&oldid=1304&rcid=1303 * Makefu * (+1)
<hl> Not currently.
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1307&oldid=1306&rcid=1304 * Makefu * (-5) fix markup
<fadenb> Meh, seems like i need to build a "few" packages until I can deploy the new nginx config
<fadenb> Should have fixed nginx before updating my deployment branch :P
<hl> Customised system much?
<fadenb> only 2 commits on top of release-17.09 stable branch
<fadenb> (for the wiki bot I did not yet upstream)
<fadenb> hmm, perhaps I fucked up something, last commit on release-17.09 is 4 days old
<fadenb> should have been built by now on hydra
<fadenb> channel is still on 7f6f0c49f0e8d24346bd32c3dec20cc60108a005
<fadenb> just rebased my branch, way less to build. Will let anyone know before I deploy because system might be unreachable for a moment
<fadenb> ixxie: makefu hl
<fadenb> please save all your edits
<fadenb> I am about to do a nixops deploy
<hl> Go ahead.
<makefu> 1 sec
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1308&oldid=1280&rcid=1305 * Ixxie * (+31)
<ixxie> im good
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1309&oldid=1307&rcid=1306 * Makefu * (+769) /* Modules */ init
<makefu> ok done
<fadenb> deploying
nixoswikibot has quit [(Remote host closed the connection)]
<fadenb> ahh, forgot the udev settle thing, wait
nixoswikibot has joined joined #nixos-wiki
<fadenb> system is back, something changed with opendkim it fails to start. will look at it but you can get going again
<makefu> ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix
<makefu> ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays
<makefu> /etc/nix/nix.conf
<makefu> /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<makefu> ~/.nix-defexpr/channels
<hl> Nice.
<ixxie> hurray :)
<fadenb> Learning: Never blindly trust "recommended" nginx configs from the internet ;)
<nixoswikibot> [[Special:Log/patrol]] patrol * Fadenb * marked revision 1283 of [[File:Nixos-stack.png]] patrolled
<hl> Yeah... always understand what you're using, there's a lot of bad examples out there.
<hl> Bettrr do Nixos-stack2.png, it's the updated version. You can delete that one if you want.
<hyper_ch> pngs are working
<ixxie> fadenb: if you are interesting we are talking here https://videochat.mayflower.de/HackTheNixOSWiki
<fadenb> Might join later, I am currently in phone conference for work :P
<hyper_ch> "Your browser does not support WebRTC."
<fadenb> Because someone broke something by doing changes they do not understand on the weekend, again :/
<fadenb> hl: should I delete nixos-stack.png or nixos-stack2.png?
<hl> nixos-stack.png, the second one is conformant to the nixos colour scheme./
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1310&oldid=1309&rcid=1307 * Makefu * (+597)
<hyper_ch> I prefer the colors more on the stack one
<hyper_ch> the disnix on the stack2 is just too dark in comparison to the text
<nixoswikibot> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * Fadenb * deleted "[[File:Nixos-stack.png]]": superseded by https://nixos.wiki/wiki/File:Nixos-stack2.png
<hyper_ch> but then the blueish version fits better with the nixos logo
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1311&oldid=1308&rcid=1309 * Ixxie * (+410) Added declarative configuration section.
<makefu> i think for now it is good, lets continue with more urgent matters :D
<hl> You know the NixOS logo is pretty good... it's a snowflake, it's a lambda, it's frosty, giving the sense of being frozen, as in immutable... and it's got a hexagon in the middle. Hexagons are always good.
<makefu> yes, it is really fantastic
<makefu> and it is round
<makefu> but not 100% round
<makefu> hl: could you quickly check the internals part of NixOS
<makefu> if it is okay so far i'd remove the banner
<joepie91> nothing is 100% round, everything is just varying granularities of regular polygons :D
<hl> Sure, gimme a sec
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1312&oldid=1310&rcid=1310 * HLandau * (+4) /* Comparsion to traditional Linux Distributions */
<fadenb> How do i tell the bot to remote a wiki todo that is completed?
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1313&oldid=1311&rcid=1311 * Ixxie * (+59)
<fadenb> wiki-done: webserver config: fix https://nixos.wiki/wiki/File: links (currently resulting in 404 instead of delivering the file)
<Reaktor|krebs> thank you for resolving todo: webserver config: fix https://nixos.wiki/wiki/File: links (currently resulting in 404 instead of delivering the file)
<nixoswikibot> [[Category:Tutorial]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1314&oldid=331&rcid=1312 * Makefu * (+169)
<nixoswikibot> [[Category:Tutorial]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1315&oldid=1314&rcid=1313 * Makefu * (+9)
<hl> [[:Category:Foo]]
<nixoswikibot> [[Category:Tutorial]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1316&oldid=1315&rcid=1314 * Makefu * (+1)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1317&oldid=1313&rcid=1315 * Ixxie * (+273)
<nixoswikibot> [[Category:Cookbook]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1318&oldid=1270&rcid=1316 * Makefu * (+1)
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1319&oldid=1312&rcid=1317 * HLandau * (+543) /* Comparsion to traditional Linux Distributions */
<hl> An expression is anything, (2, 2+2), a function is x: 42, etc.
<hl> A file doesn't actually have to be a function, though the 'import' expression is usually used that way in Nixpkgs
<hl> You could put '42' in a file and import it
<hl> just a fragment, yes? [[Foo#a]]
<hl> German-style?
<hl> It's proper in English to use title case (This Is Title Case) for titles, but I'm not that fond of it and usually use normal capitalisation for section headings.
<hl> Aah.
<hl> Still editing it.
<hl> Yeah
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1320&oldid=1319&rcid=1318 * HLandau * (+301) /* Usage of the Nix Store */
<hl> Reviewing Internals: Modules and Internals: Generations and then I'm done.
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Expression Language]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1321&oldid=1049&rcid=1319 * Makefu * (+1483)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1322&oldid=1317&rcid=1320 * Ixxie * (+2)
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1323&oldid=1320&rcid=1321 * HLandau * (-9) /* Modules */
<hl> Still doing Generations
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1324&oldid=1323&rcid=1322 * HLandau * (+848) /* Generations */
<hl> Done with NixOS.
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Expression Language]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1325&oldid=1321&rcid=1323 * Makefu * (+459) /* let ... in statement */ init
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Expression Language]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1326&oldid=1325&rcid=1324 * Makefu * (+573) /* inherit statement */
<makefu> hl: great!
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1327&oldid=1322&rcid=1325 * Ixxie * (+180)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Expression Language]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1328&oldid=1326&rcid=1326 * Makefu * (+301) add rec
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Expression Language]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1329&oldid=1328&rcid=1327 * Makefu * (-11) fix headline
<hl> I couldn't resist: https://i.imgur.com/euWhAGW.png
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Expression Language]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1330&oldid=1329&rcid=1328 * Makefu * (+27)
<makefu> what have you done!!!
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1331&oldid=1324&rcid=1329 * Ixxie * (-241) Restructured `Comparison with tradition Linux distributions` and removed stub header.
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1332&oldid=1327&rcid=1330 * Ixxie * (+0)
<hl> started a resonance casc-I mean mass rebuild?
<makefu> my wife reminded me that we also need to eat something so maybe i will take a bit longer (3h or something)
<makefu> see you later
<hl> Bye'as.
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1333&oldid=1331&rcid=1331 * Ixxie * (-12)
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1334&oldid=1333&rcid=1332 * Ixxie * (+17) /* Comparison with traditional Linux Distributions */
<ixxie> hl: I'm also going for about an hour
<ixxie> see you soon ^^
<hl> See you.
ixxie has quit [(Ping timeout: 268 seconds)]
ixxie has joined joined #nixos-wiki
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1335&oldid=1305&rcid=1333 * Ixxie * (-8)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1336&oldid=1335&rcid=1334 * Ixxie * (-28)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1337&oldid=1336&rcid=1335 * Ixxie * (-4)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Ecosystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1338&oldid=1337&rcid=1336 * Ixxie * (-40)
<ixxie> fadenb: who made the wiki bot?
<fadenb> I am running it but no idea who built it. mwikiircbit i believe is the name
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1339&oldid=1334&rcid=1337 * Ixxie * (-23)
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1340&oldid=1339&rcid=1338 * Ixxie * (+1)
<ixxie> fadenb - is there support for declaring when someone is starting an edit? I wanna find a why to prevent merge issues
<fadenb> not that I know of
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Expression Language]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1341&oldid=1330&rcid=1339 * Ixxie * (-21)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1342&oldid=1332&rcid=1340 * Ixxie * (+296) Rewrote introductory paragraph.
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1343&oldid=1342&rcid=1341 * Ixxie * (+3154) Moved nix-env and channels section from NixOS
<ixxie> fadenb: about the anti-spam captcha-for-external-links thingy - is there a way to specify a whitelist? 90% of our links are to nixos.org and wikipedia I think
<fadenb> I believe this can be done with wgCaptchaWhitelist setting
<fadenb> I'll look into it
<ixxie> cheers
<samueldr> hi, woke up late, I'll see what I'll be able to do. There's been an unexpected death in my close family, earlier this week, if I can, I'll put my mind into it later, sorry to be a party-pooper.
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1344&oldid=1340&rcid=1342 * Ixxie * (-327)
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1345&oldid=1344&rcid=1343 * Ixxie * (+0)
<fadenb> samueldr: my condolences. Take all the time you need.
<samueldr> fadenb: while checking captcha stuff, you talked earlier, like a month or two ago, about wikipedia user groups, which would completely bypass the captcha
<ixxie> samueldr: my condolences as well; don't push it! Only join in if it makes you feel better
<fadenb> Yep, currently researching how to implement this. I was thinking of a "contributer" group
<samueldr> yeah, I won't push myself, only wanted y'all to know
<samueldr> at the same time, could you add the patrolling authorization (?) to the group?
<samueldr> won't be useful right now, but when there will be a volume of non-core contributor edits
<fadenb> Will do
<nixoswikibot> [[MediaWiki:Captcha-addurl-whitelist]] N https://nixos.wiki/index.php?oldid=1346&rcid=1344 * Fadenb * (+313) Add nixos.org and .wikipedia.org to captcha whitelist
<fadenb> ixxie: this last edit should (in theory) achieve exactly what you asked for. Let me know if it helps while I proceed preparing additional user groups
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1347&oldid=1345&rcid=1345 * Ixxie * (+211)
<samueldr> oh wow, the wikimarkup messed up the contents
<samueldr> well, the looks of it
<nixoswikibot> [[MediaWiki:Captcha-addurl-whitelist]] https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1348&oldid=1346&rcid=1346 * Fadenb * (+0) Fix captcha whitelist
<ixxie> thanks fadenb :)
<samueldr> iirc, as an admin, you have an option to set the "file type" of a wiki page, don't know if there is one like raw text, making that <pre> hack useless
<samueldr> or redundant, really
<fadenb> I believe we do not need to worry about this as this is a page a normal user will never encounter
<samueldr> definitely
<samueldr> but if it bugged you in some way
<nixoswikibot> [[MediaWiki:Group-trustee]] N https://nixos.wiki/index.php?oldid=1349&rcid=1347 * Fadenb * (+8) Created page with "Trustees"
<nixoswikibot> [[MediaWiki:Group-trustee-member]] N https://nixos.wiki/index.php?oldid=1350&rcid=1348 * Fadenb * (+7) Created page with "trustee"
<nixoswikibot> [[MediaWiki:Grouppage-trustee]] N https://nixos.wiki/index.php?oldid=1351&rcid=1349 * Fadenb * (+23) Created page with "{{ns:project}}:Trustees"
<ixxie> makefu: not back yet?
<fadenb> I created a "trustee" group. See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Special:ListGroupRights for the current set of permissions and just tell me if you need anything else
<nixoswikibot> [[Special:Log/rights]] rights * Fadenb * changed group membership for User:Makefu from (none) to trustee
<nixoswikibot> [[Special:Log/rights]] rights * Fadenb * changed group membership for User:Mic92 from (none) to trustee
<nixoswikibot> [[Special:Log/rights]] rights * Fadenb * changed group membership for User:Ixxie from (none) to trustee
<nixoswikibot> [[Special:Log/rights]] rights * Fadenb * changed group membership for User:Samueldr from (none) to trustee
<samueldr> looks good, thanks a bunch
<hyper_ch> so many edits on the wiki....
<ixxie> hyper_ch: well it is Wiki Hackathon day xD
<hyper_ch> ixxie: oh really? didn't notice all your messags in #nixos ;)
<hyper_ch> infinisil still hasn't shown a sign of life
<ixxie> hyper_ch: I only posted twice
<hyper_ch> (in the last hour?)
<ixxie> hyper_ch: all day
<hyper_ch> really?
<ixxie> yeah
<hyper_ch> wow, it felt like more often :)
<ixxie> I should have done it more often
<hyper_ch> you should have
<hyper_ch> all those people who joined after you posted the 2nd time are still clueless about it
<hyper_ch> it's unfair to them to not having posted it more often
<ixxie> hold on
<ixxie> there we go
<ixxie> so
<ixxie> I am working on the Nix article now
<hyper_ch> :)
<ixxie> I have a problem
<hyper_ch> s/problem/challenge/
<Reaktor|krebs> hyper_ch meant: :)
<hyper_ch> oh, there's a sed bot? sweet
<hyper_ch> s/sweet/awesome/
<Reaktor|krebs> hyper_ch meant: oh, there's a sed bot? awesome
<samueldr> iirc only does word swap
<hyper_ch> and it works
<samueldr> s/./!/
<Reaktor|krebs> samueldr meant: !irc only does word swap
<samueldr> or not
<samueldr> s/./!/g
<Reaktor|krebs> samueldr meant: !!!!!!
<hyper_ch> looks like sed
<samueldr> oh, I remember the catch, the separators are / only
<ixxie> so the thing is, we finished the NixOS article, and it mentions Nix channels as well as nix-env; I am working on the Nix Package Manager article now and I felt a lot of stuff should move there; I already moved nix-env stuff there and now I am struggling to see where channels should be.
<ixxie> s/[Nn]{1}ix/Awesome/g
<Reaktor|krebs> ixxie meant: so the thing is, we finished the NixOS article, and it mentions Nix channels as well as nix-env; I am working on the Nix Package Manager article now and I felt a lot of stuff should move there; I already moved nix-env stuff there and now I am struggling to see where channels should be.
<ixxie> s/[Nn]ix/Awesome/g
<Reaktor|krebs> ixxie meant: so the thing is, we finished the AwesomeOS article, and it mentions Awesome channels as well as Awesome-env; I am working on the Awesome Package Manager article now and I felt a lot of stuff should move there; I already moved Awesome-env stuff there and now I am struggling to see where channels should be.
<ixxie> anyway
<ixxie> it seems like some of this stuff should replicated in part
<infinisil> hyper_ch: I am alive :D
<hyper_ch> infinisil: how about adding your kexec guide to the nixos wiki and pretty it up a bit? :)
<infinisil> Been saying I'd do that for a while eh
<hyper_ch> now it's the perfect weekend for doing so
<infinisil> I have a serious problem with my lazyness
<hyper_ch> nix is a lazy language but that doesn't mean you can also be lazy
<infinisil> Heh
<hyper_ch> wow, the two wiki articles where I have contributed, got heavily reworked
* hyper_ch feels like he did everything wrong on the wiki and only caused more work for others... hence hyper_ch thinks that infinisil needs to put the kexec guide onto the wiki *smile*
<ixxie> hyper_ch: writing is rewriting, they say; if I write anything myself, I end up rewriting it at least five times, so don't take it personally.
<hyper_ch> ixxie: I actually wanted to encourage infinisil to do the work instead of me ;)
<ixxie> hyper_ch: also we often move stuff between articles, so it could be stuff could be elsewhere
<infinisil> Okay, how do i create a new page
<ixxie> search for it
<ixxie> it will give you the option to create what is not there
<samueldr> please use a more descriptive name ;)
<infinisil> ixxie: Oh, well that is kinda unintuitive, i searched for a few minutes for a "New Page" button
<infinisil> I will (if i get to it) :P
<hyper_ch> infinisil: it's how mediawiki and other wikis do it... you just surf to a url that doesn't exist yet
<samueldr> infinisil: s/if/when/
<ixxie> infinisil: I think all of us are cataloging many deficiencies in mediawiki in recent months xD
<samueldr> I believe they call them features
<samueldr> (add to that, that some deficiencies might be worse with the theme used, which does not cover 100% mediawiki features)
<ixxie> samueldr: what is a deficiency but a feature maladapted to your usecase? :)
<infinisil> Um, can I use org-mode or something instead of this horrible text box entry?
<infinisil> Oh I bet I could use pandoc to convert it
<samueldr> I personally edit on a local mediawiki instance and then dump everything in the wiki when done, especially helps with template shenanigans
<samueldr> (otherwise there would be a flood of edits with "oopsie" summaries)
<ixxie> samueldr: I should probably do the same xD
<samueldr> it sets up a container
<samueldr> with **dirty** stuff, but works mostly like the official wiki
<samueldr> caution: having both open side by side might be confusing
* samueldr checks if everything is updated and pushed
<samueldr> wait a sec, I'll push a more flexible revision
<samueldr> it's updated
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1352&oldid=1343&rcid=1354 * Ixxie * (+784) /* Internals */
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1353&oldid=1352&rcid=1355 * Ixxie * (+0) /* Profiles */
<ixxie> thanks samueldr, I might try that out
<samueldr> you will most likely need to fix a hash for a dirty build when installing
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1354&oldid=1353&rcid=1356 * Ixxie * (-46) Retitles sandbox section and removed stub header.
<ixxie> okay
<ixxie> still kinda rough, but the Nix article is now good enough to be no longer incomplete
<ixxie> I still would like some diagrams like the ones in the manual
<ixxie> samueldr, hl - I am thinking that in a few weeks, we can do a session to design a standard for diagrams in the wiki so that we can have a uniform visual style for them between articles
<hl> Sure.
<samueldr> visual standards, but possibly, standard tooling
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1355&oldid=1354&rcid=1357 * Ixxie * (+2) /* Declarative Configuration */
<makefu> sorry for being late, but here i am again :D
<samueldr> hi!
<samueldr> I have some notes for a complete refactor of the installation guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15DioG1Ywm2zSUJ448J2vfHJDoLoMMNf1dFXQGeWCfo4/edit?usp=sharing
<samueldr> (especially since right now it's a mish mash of special cases and no real installation notes
<makefu> sounds reasonable, what is SBC ?
<samueldr> it will be spelled out in the page, single board computers
<samueldr> raspberry pi and such
<makefu> ah okay
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1356&oldid=1347&rcid=1358 * Ixxie * (-2) /* Usage of the Nix store */
<samueldr> it's pretty much a 1:1 NixOS on ARM section since as of right now all popular SBCs are ARM
<makefu> yeah, true
<makefu> there not much other embedded devices we support
<samueldr> yet!
<ixxie> samueldr: do it! Looks great
<makefu> i really hope that someday the nix build system replaces the clusterfuck that is openwrt
<infinisil> makefu: Is it that bad?
<makefu> at least for me it is
<makefu> you never really know when it builds something anew when you change files
<samueldr> never played much with it, neither with buildroot, are both pretty much as bad?
<makefu> at least for newcomers the whole ecosystem is very confusing and it is not straight forward to understand when things happen and if so, why
<ixxie> makefu: I did some stuff with the Nix article and its now finished-enough that I removed the stub header
<makefu> fantastic
<ixxie> makefu: but I moved/copies some stuff from NixOS
<ixxie> makefu: specifically, nix-env stuff is moved and channels is copied, and I think the copy is too exact and we should think about how to reduce that duplication
<ixxie> makefu: I would love your opinion
<makefu> i will check it out
<makefu> regarding the channels, i was thinking the same when i saw it in the nixos article
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1357&oldid=1355&rcid=1359 * Ixxie * (+2)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1358&oldid=1357&rcid=1360 * Ixxie * (-2)
<ixxie> makefu: with nix-env I left something behind when I moved it, I figured its okay to reference Nix almost completely because nix-env isn't use much in NixOS (or at least, in my opinion, it shouldn't be encouraged)
<ixxie> but which channels its less obvious how to make the split
<makefu> maybe describe what is important for nixos (that is, stable channel means you will probably not break your system every week)
<ixxie> for example, I would be prone to thinking the channel command table should be duplicated between the articles
<makefu> maybe we could pull the information out to an article about "working with channels"
<makefu> this article could also contain info about how you could avoid channel usage or build your own channel
<ixxie> makefu: that is a neat idea; then the NixOS and Nix articles would only have the command table in the #usage section, and Nix would additionally have a #channels section in #internals to explain the backend of channels
<makefu> yes exactly
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1359&oldid=1356&rcid=1361 * Ixxie * (-1) /* Installation */
<ixxie> makefu: do you wanna do this or shall I?
<makefu> go ahead, i will add info about working "without" channels after that :)
<makefu> ixxie: samueldr: you already joined the audio conference website (again)
<samueldr> tried it, didn't remember I don't have a mic set-up with my new computer
<makefu> ha ok!
<samueldr> I'll listen in
<ixxie> my gf is going to bed now so it will be tricky to speak
<makefu> okay then we keep it at chat :)
<ixxie> Ill call it simply 'Nix Channels'
<infinisil> What audio conference?
<makefu> i will try to create a bit of text about nixpkgs, what it contains and how it fits into the ecosystem
<samueldr> oh well, looks like my container setup is broken ixxie, I just set it up on my new computer and it doesn't work... (mostly my own fault I'm pretty sure)
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Channels]] N https://nixos.wiki/index.php?oldid=1360&rcid=1362 * Ixxie * (+2825) Moved from the NixOS article in order to solve overlap problem with the Nix article.
<makefu> infinisil: you've used nixops or have some experience with hydra? these are two articles which would need some flesh :)
<nixoswikibot> [[Installing NixOS from a USB stick]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1361&oldid=994&rcid=1363 * Samueldr * (+38) Redirected page to [[NixOS Installation Guide]]
<ixxie> makefu: cool
<nixoswikibot> [[Installing from Linux]] N https://nixos.wiki/index.php?oldid=1362&rcid=1364 * Samueldr * (+7637) Moves "Installing from Linux" out of "NixOS Installation Guide"
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS Installation Guide]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1363&oldid=1255&rcid=1365 * Samueldr * (-7534) /* Installing from Linux */ Moves "Installing from Linux" out of "NixOS Installation Guide"
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1364&oldid=1359&rcid=1366 * Ixxie * (-1052) /* Channels */
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1365&oldid=1364&rcid=1367 * Ixxie * (+37) /* Channels */
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1366&oldid=1358&rcid=1368 * Ixxie * (-1419) /* Channels */
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS friendly hosters]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1367&oldid=1102&rcid=1369 * Samueldr * (+505) Moves intro paragraph from Installation guide to here.
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Package Manager]] https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1368&oldid=1366&rcid=1370 * Ixxie * (+317) /* Imperative Operations */
<ixxie> makefu: okay, done; I think it would help to somehow clarify why Nix users seeking stability are using a channel called nixos-17.09; but then again a detailed breakdown of the exact difference between the channels needs to be added to the channel article probably.
<nixoswikibot> [[Template:File]] https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1369&oldid=841&rcid=1371 * Ixxie * (+0)
<makefu> this would need a link to the nixos testing infrastructure as "nixos" channels need to pass a set of tests which can be checked in hydra
<ixxie> samueldr: does the file template support nix?
<ixxie> samueldr: I tried it and I get some meta error
<samueldr> it uses <syntaxhighlight> underneath, the only reason it was made was to get the bar on top
<samueldr> show me the first line please
<ixxie> {{File|/etc/nixos/configuration.nix|nix|
<nixoswikibot> [[Sandbox]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1370&oldid=1003&rcid=1372 * Samueldr * (+73) test
<samueldr> seems to work ixxie, weird if you get a meta error with that
<samueldr> oh
<samueldr> there's the issue with pipes in the contents
<samueldr> don't use that, we'll find out a better way to make this happen
<samueldr> possibly forking syntaxhighlight to allow adding a filename
<samueldr> that was a hack borrowed from the archlinux wiki, which they borrowed from gentoo wiki, iirc
<ixxie> samueldr: I am aware but there are no pipes in there
<ixxie> samueldr: I modified the bottom padding in that template btw, FYI
<ixxie> the name of the file was too close to the line
<samueldr> though, weirdly, I used your exact first line in the sandbox page
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1371&oldid=1365&rcid=1373 * Ixxie * (+36) Styling of the code boxes in the modules section: moved out the file names.
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS friendly hosters]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1372&oldid=1367&rcid=1374 * Samueldr * (+1029) Adds missing cloud provider notes from Installation Guide
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS Installation Guide]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1373&oldid=1363&rcid=1375 * Samueldr * (-2496) /* Installing on VPS & Cloud Providers */ moves section to "NixOS friendly hosters"
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1374&oldid=1371&rcid=1376 * Ixxie * (-4)
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1375&oldid=1374&rcid=1377 * Ixxie * (+4) Undo revision 1374 by [[Special:Contributions/Ixxie|Ixxie]] ([[User talk:Ixxie|talk]])
<ixxie> samueldr: odd; well maybe you can see if you can get the files in the NixOS article to correctly utilize your template
<samueldr> oh, it might have been trying to parse some nix as mediawiki formatting
<samueldr> wrapping with <nowiki> fixes it
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1376&oldid=1375&rcid=1378 * Samueldr * (+13) Use {{file}} template (first code block only)
<ixxie> makefu: I wonder if some of the generations stuff in NixOS should be moved to Nix
<ixxie> makefu: same story again :P
<nixoswikibot> [[Template:File]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1377&oldid=1369&rcid=1379 * Samueldr * (+91) Adds documentation about <nowiki>
<makefu> ixxie: mhhh, maybe we keep the nixos-rebuild switch --rollback and put the nix-env stuff into the nix article
<ixxie> from the Nix manual: "nix-channel uses a nix-env profile to keep track of previous versions of the subscribed channels. Every time you run nix-channel --update, a new channel generation (that is, a symlink to the channel Nix expressions in the Nix store) is created. This enables nix-channel --rollback to revert to previous versions."
<ixxie> this is so trippy somehow
<ixxie> I actually once noticed a channel upgrade broke my NixOS generation rollbackability, but apparently I could have just rolled back the channel
<ixxie> this goes into the Nixception category, along with the 'install Nix with Nix'
<ixxie> makefu: sounds good; I think I will have to continue tomorrow as its getting late
<makefu> ixxie: sounds great. i think we finished alot of stuff today!
<ixxie> makefu: I can promise to finish off the last details of the NixOS and Nix articles, and I will also work on the Resource articles the coming week
<ixxie> maybe you could continue with the Nix Language and maybe also Nixpkgs?
<makefu> when we have the big overview articles finished then i think we are almost able to prepare the RFC
<makefu> yes exactly
<makefu> i will continue with the nix language and nixpkgs
<ixxie> We need to convince someone to help with NixOps and Hydra; Domen would be perfect but he is anti-wiki
<ixxie> gchristiansen might wanna help; I think he could with NixOps but I am not sure about Hydra....
<ixxie> cool
<makefu> or i will have to try to set up hydra myself to get some insight :D
<ixxie> cool!
<ixxie> hey fadenb - what happened to my sidebar superpower xD
<ixxie> also someone reshuffled some things I think?
<samueldr> probably from putting you in trustee group, if mediawiki does not support multiple group for users
<ixxie> nope thats all on me
<samueldr> or not
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS Installation Guide]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1378&oldid=1373&rcid=1380 * Samueldr * (+1192) Started the guide refactor.
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS Installation Guide]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1379&oldid=1378&rcid=1381 * Samueldr * (-11) title header
<nixoswikibot> [[Bookmarks]] https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1380&oldid=952&rcid=1382 * Ixxie * (+787)
<nixoswikibot> [[Bookmarks]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1381&oldid=1380&rcid=1383 * Ixxie * (+11) /* Wiki */
<nixoswikibot> [[Bookmarks]] https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1382&oldid=1381&rcid=1384 * Ixxie * (-30) /* Wiki */
<nixoswikibot> [[Bookmarks]] https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1383&oldid=1382&rcid=1385 * Ixxie * (+0) /* Wiki */
<nixoswikibot> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * Ixxie * deleted "[[Cookbook]]": blocks useful searches and has no content
<ixxie> okay
<ixxie> im off to bed
<ixxie> as a parting thought, have a look at the bottom of https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Bookmarks
<ixxie> I made a grid between resource type and ecosystem component, and the hope is that over the next year or so we could fill in all of these
<ixxie> It made me think, how nice would it be to regularize the names: NixCore (=Nix), NixOS, NixLang (=Nix Language), NixPkgs, NixOps, NixFarm (=Hydra)
<ixxie> then again Hydra is a super cool name
<samueldr> (if you didn't know)
<nixoswikibot> [[Bookmarks]] https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1384&oldid=1383&rcid=1387 * Ixxie * (+169) /* Wiki */
<ixxie> heh
<ixxie> samueldr: funny xD
<samueldr> there's this old project: https://github.com/chaoflow/charon
<samueldr> that became nixops
<samueldr> which is also a moon of pluto
<ixxie> samueldr: I had one new template wish - there are lots of inline links to the manuals in the wiki, it would be cool if instead of the lock, there would be a NixOS snowflake and a custom Manual/Section linker thingy
<joepie91> so maybe we should use "Pluto" for the Nix language, since that's what Nix and Hydra revolve all around :D
<samueldr> definitely
<ixxie> samueldr: so all of this is Way Out There
<ixxie> samueldr: also, a lock somehow doesn't mean 'external link' to me... but then I guess its hard to say what *would*
<samueldr> yeah, that's mediawiki stuff
<samueldr> years ago, https links still weren't the norm
<ixxie> joepie91: but that will all remove from the original meaning of Nix
<samueldr> that's why they decided on the lock
<ixxie> ah
<samueldr> yeah, nix itself wasn't named for the moon, that was a coincidence iirc
<joepie91> ixxie: the typical 'external link' icon is a square with an arrow starting within out and going outwards of it
<ixxie> samueldr: Nix = Niks
<samueldr> it is that icon, when it's not https
<samueldr> ixxie: exactly
<ixxie> we can fork it into 'Iets'
<ixxie> anyway
<samueldr> probably should remove the lock one, and special case nixos.org and such resources
<ixxie> cool
<joepie91> ah
<ixxie> yeah like that one xD
<ixxie> anyway, thanks everybody
<ixxie> good work!
<makefu> thanks ixxie!
<ixxie> makefu: I would like your opinion on the grid thingy, lets talk about it the coming days
<ixxie> ciao!
<makefu> i check it out, bye!
<nixoswikibot> [[Bookmarks]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1385&oldid=1384&rcid=1388 * Samueldr * (-4) wikitable → table
ixxie has quit [(Quit: Lost terminal)]
<makefu> Reaktor|krebs: tell ixxie nix buildfarm was renamed to hydra at some point in the past, so i guess NixFarm matches ;) ( https://nixos.org/hydra/manual/#idm140737315986368 )
<Reaktor|krebs> Consider it noted.
<nixoswikibot> [[Nixpkgs]] https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1386&oldid=733&rcid=1389 * Makefu * (+1277) init
zraexy has quit [(Ping timeout: 260 seconds)]
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS Installation Guide/Unetbootin]] N https://nixos.wiki/index.php?oldid=1387&rcid=1390 * Samueldr * (+1540) Moves unetbootin installation media from the guide to a standalone page.
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS Installation Guide]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1388&oldid=1379&rcid=1391 * Samueldr * (-1398) /* Using Unetbootin */ moves instructions to a standalone page
<nixoswikibot> [[Install NixOS on a Server With a Different Filesystem]] !N https://nixos.wiki/index.php?oldid=1389&rcid=1392 * Infinisil * (+5690) Created page with "Usually when installing NixOS, you boot from an external USB device containing the installer, which makes it easy to change the underlying filesystem. On a remote server howev..."
<infinisil> Got a first polished up version done :D hyper_ch
<samueldr> infinisil: newly authored text or adaptation from existing documentation?
<infinisil> samueldr: I once wrote this very basic guide after I got it worked with the help of clever: https://github.com/Infinisil/guides/blob/master/DO-ZFS-NixOS.org
<infinisil> And now I polished it up
<hyper_ch> infinisil: you expect me to read so much text? :)
<samueldr> good, I'll cross-check them in case of discrepancies, maybe even try it, since it's cheap to spin up a DO vm for a short while
<samueldr> infinisil: think you can add that to this page? https://nixos.wiki/wiki/NixOS_friendly_hosters
<infinisil> samueldr: I am currently finishing up testing it
<hyper_ch> samueldr: I use infinisil's own/old guide and it works fine
<hyper_ch> I just haven't had a need to actually test it on a real server
<samueldr> not doubting it :)
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS Installation Guide]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1390&oldid=1388&rcid=1393 * Samueldr * (+2) /* Using Unetbootin */ Fixes an oopsie
<hyper_ch> well, meant to write I tested it in a vm :)
<infinisil> samueldr: Hmm, I actually think my guide works for pretty much any hosting provider which gives you root access
<samueldr> I meant, to the "Hoster-agnostic" section
<samueldr> since yeah, that's probably hoster-agnostic
<infinisil> Oh agnostic means non-specific
<infinisil> Not a native speaker :)
<samueldr> me neither, and a bunch of people here aren't either
<samueldr> :)
<hyper_ch> infinisil: not everyone can be a Shakespeare :)
<hyper_ch> May I suggest to alter: Then we can install NixOS like normal. --> Afterwards, you can install NixOS like you usually do.
<infinisil> Actually, this wiki editing box is so horrible for me for some reason: The background is almost the same color as the text..
<samueldr> dark theme on firefox?
<infinisil> hyper_ch: Sure, go ahead :)
<infinisil> samueldr: Yes
<samueldr> they still haven't fixed that?
<nixoswikibot> [[Install NixOS on a Server With a Different Filesystem]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1391&oldid=1389&rcid=1394 * Sjau * (+12)
<samueldr> infinisil: can you open an issue with screenshot, I'll make sure that at least the textareas/inputs are all usable
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS friendly hosters]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1392&oldid=1372&rcid=1395 * Infinisil * (+114) add reference to Install NixOS on a Server With a Different Filesystem article
<nixoswikibot> [[Install NixOS on a Server With a Different Filesystem]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1393&oldid=1391&rcid=1396 * Sjau * (+10)
<hyper_ch> infinisil: how do you terminate the ssh session? you wrote RET ~ ....
<infinisil> hyper_ch: Return, ~, .
<infinisil> Not sure how to write it better
<infinisil> it's just a neat ssh trick
<hyper_ch> never new
<samueldr> linking to documentation about ssh escape sequences
<samueldr> ssh keeps track of "returns" (newlines), and when it starts with a tilda and a dot, it enters an escape mode
<samueldr> oh, not the dot, the dot terminates
<nixoswikibot> [[Install NixOS on a Server With a Different Filesystem]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1394&oldid=1393&rcid=1397 * Sjau * (+70)
<nixoswikibot> [[Install NixOS on a Server With a Different Filesystem]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1395&oldid=1394&rcid=1398 * Sjau * (+8)
<infinisil> samueldr: Thanks! I assume you're Sjau?
<hyper_ch> infinisil: what do you think of this
<hyper_ch> infinisil: nah, that's me
<samueldr> no, I'm samueldr
<samueldr> :)
<infinisil> hah, then thanks hyper_ch
<hyper_ch> I have to press 6 buttons :(
<infinisil> how so?
<hyper_ch> because for ~ I need to press twice ALT GR + ^
<infinisil> lol, swiss keyboard layout?
<nixoswikibot> [[Template:META Message]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1396&oldid=1073&rcid=1399 * Samueldr * (+141) Updates meta message to allow use without heading.
<hyper_ch> THE BEST!!!!
<infinisil> Programmer dvorak master race
<samueldr> ca/cf ftw
<samueldr> (vconsole keymap name differs from x11's)
<hyper_ch> OCRmyPDF seems to work... but now I need guinea pig pdfs in other languages :(
<samueldr> scripts or languages?
<hyper_ch> languages
<hyper_ch> tested it on scanned pdf in german and works good :)
<samueldr> (scripts as in, latin vs. arabic, vs. korean and such)
<hyper_ch> I'm hesitant to submit it to nixpkgs because I needed to disable the tests for it - caused ton's of errors
<hyper_ch> samueldr: whatever tesseract can handle
<makefu> infinisil: finally a writeup for the kexec method everybody was talking about :D thanks
<hyper_ch> and you know korean?
<samueldr> submit it with a call for help with tests?
<hyper_ch> makefu: you're welcome :)
<hyper_ch> I psycho-forced infinisil to do it
<samueldr> no, sorry, but I would be one to assume that if it can handle german, it can do pretty much everything A-Z latin character based
<hyper_ch> it gets the Umlaute correct
<makefu> hyper_ch: haha you attacked with psycho-bullet and it was super effective it seems
<infinisil> makefu: No problem :)
<hyper_ch> looks really nice
<hyper_ch> thx infinisil
<infinisil> I just told myself "Just Do It"
<hyper_ch> justdoit.nix ;)
<infinisil> heh lol didn't think of that
<infinisil> yes
<hyper_ch> another gem from clever
<infinisil> I personally prefer to set up filesystems myself, so not gonna use it :)
<nixoswikibot> [[Template:Outdated:inline]] N https://nixos.wiki/index.php?oldid=1397&rcid=1400 * Samueldr * (+1715) Adds inline outdated template.
<hyper_ch> justdoit.nix inspired me to create my own auto-installer
<infinisil> I really want nixos to be able to manage partitions, will take some thought but i think it would be possible
<infinisil> and by some i mean a lot
<makefu> infinisil: i think there were some tests in this direction ... let me check
<nixoswikibot> [[Template:Outdated:inline]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1398&oldid=1397&rcid=1401 * Samueldr * (+63) oopsie (I did it again)
<hyper_ch> I really want to assign the whole block device as zfs pool and nixos then handling everything right automagically
<hyper_ch> no need for seperate /boot or that horrible bios_boot uefi thingy
<hyper_ch> (or use them in datasets)
<makefu> infinisil: last thing i saw for this https://nixos.org/nix-dev/2013-August/011591.html
<infinisil> I'd want to to not only do some initial partitioning, but also add/change/remove partitions
<nixoswikibot> [[Template:Outdated:inline]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1399&oldid=1398&rcid=1402 * Samueldr * (-15) Fixes it finally
<samueldr> what the... it was alright in the preview, but didn't update properly
<nixoswikibot> [[Template:Outdated:inline]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1400&oldid=1399&rcid=1403 * Samueldr * (+17) Think I got the <dd> out.
<infinisil> samueldr: I opened an issue with a screenshot regarding the firefox dark theme problem thing: https://github.com/nixos-users/wiki/issues/20
<samueldr> thanks!
<samueldr> once I fix my mediawiki container, I'll add the fixes as needed
<infinisil> :D
<infinisil> I really wish i could use some transparent git repository to edit the articles instead
<infinisil> and it being converted to org to edit, and back when I'm done
<samueldr> there is a git thing for mediawiki, but some people here tested it and it... didn't work well
<infinisil> damn
<samueldr> not sure which issues, but iirc, no conflict or merging
<infinisil> Isn't mediawiki just like a git repo with 1 branch and everybody having push access?
<samueldr> it works a bit like that, but isn't implemented with git
<infinisil> samueldr: Were they using this? https://github.com/Git-Mediawiki/Git-Mediawiki
<samueldr> not sure
<makefu> git-mediawiki works but it is horribly horribly slow
<makefu> i used this for the initial import of the github wiki articles
<infinisil> makefu: I see :(
<samueldr> could it have been slow because of the mass import?
<infinisil> samueldr: Oh, I don't think the dark theme is the problem, because it's the same with the light one
<samueldr> dark GTK theme?
<infinisil> ohhhh
<infinisil> yeah, must be that
<samueldr> yeah, ~2006 firefox had that issue too with dark gtk themes
<infinisil> using Arc Dark Red
<infinisil> Changed the title of the issue to indicate it's the GTK theme
<makefu> samueldr: no, it is just generally very slow. but you still could give it a shot :)
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS Installation Guide/Manual USB Creation]] N https://nixos.wiki/index.php?oldid=1401&rcid=1404 * Samueldr * (+4698) Moved instructions from NixOS Installation Guide
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS Installation Guide]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1402&oldid=1390&rcid=1405 * Samueldr * (-4113) /* Making the installation media */ Updated "Making the installation media"
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS Installation Guide]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1403&oldid=1402&rcid=1406 * Samueldr * (-362) Updates links, removes redundant older category, update outdated tag location.
<samueldr> any mac user here that can verify the usb drive instruction, either for easier to use instructions, or simply verify they work?
<samueldr> I'm testing the windows instructions now
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS Installation Guide]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1404&oldid=1403&rcid=1407 * Samueldr * (-1) an usb a usb
<makefu> unfortunately no macos here for testing
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS Installation Guide]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1405&oldid=1404&rcid=1408 * Samueldr * (-146) Removed last of outdated marks
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