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<nixoswikibot> [[How to fetch Nixpkgs with an empty NIX PATH]] !N https://nixos.wiki/index.php?oldid=1234&rcid=1228 * Gabriel439 * (+1712) Created page with " <syntaxhighlight lang="nix"> # This file provides a way to fetch `nixpkgs` with an empty `NIX_PATH`. This # comes in handy if you want to remove impure references to the `NI..."
<nixoswikibot> [[How to fetch Nixpkgs with an empty NIX PATH]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1235&oldid=1234&rcid=1229 * Gabriel439 * (+61)
<nixoswikibot> [[How to fetch Nixpkgs with an empty NIX PATH]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1236&oldid=1235&rcid=1230 * Gabriel439 * (+57)
<Mic92> ^ I remember some snippet during a talk on nixcon
<Mic92> *at NixCon
<Mic92> fetchgit might be easier to use