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<ixxie> how come this article isn't in the new wiki?
<makefu> nobody moved it? :)
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<ixxie> the articles were manually moved?
<ixxie> I thought it was all automated
<makefu> nope,the transfer was done by fadenb
<makefu> i transferred all nixos-users/wiki articles in an automated fashion
<ixxie> so there are still articles to be salvaged from the old wiki!
<makefu> yes!
<makefu> just watch out that we do not merge overly obsolete stuff
<ixxie> where is the old material again? In some git repo right?
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<makefu> mhhh good question. maybe make it part of NixOS ?
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<Mic92> ixxie: https://github.com/zimbatm/nixos-wiki-test (This message has been postponed on 2017-10-12 11:00:29.)
<makefu> Mic92: maybe we need a page about how channels work
<ixxie> makefu: probably, but it would be good to start by filling in the channel section of the NixOS article :)
<ixxie> hmmm but actually I guess that's more of a feature of Nix
<makefu> yes
<makefu> also, i can never remember how channels really work
<Mic92> A channel is just a url, where nix-expression are stored
<ixxie> Mic92: its also a question of how to use channels, how to set them up (rarer usecase but may exist), etc.
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