<Mic92> makefu: what kernel does the offical images use?
<Mic92> for rpi3
<samueldr> Linux bart 4.13.2 #1-NixOS SMP PREEMPT Wed Sep 13 21:21:49 UTC 2017 aarch64 GNU/Linux
<samueldr> it's mainline
<samueldr> (that's the uname output from my raspberry pi)
<makefu> Linux cake 4.12.10 #1-NixOS SMP PREEMPT Wed Aug 30 08:32:30 UTC 2017 aarch64 GNU/Linux
<makefu> i will test the latest unstable kernel tomorrow maybe
<Mic92> cool. mainline
<Mic92> Then I am in
<Mic92> I should also get a rpi3
<makefu> just for debugging aarch64 issues :D
<nixoswikibot> [[Docker]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1002&oldid=785&rcid=999 * Makefu * (+175)
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<Mic92> no I want to replace the network storage of my family at home.
<Reaktor|krebs0> added todo. check on http://lassul.us/wiki-todo
VLetrmx has quit [(Quit: leaving)]
<samueldr> both are ready to be implemented
<nixoswikibot> [[Sandbox]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1003&oldid=819&rcid=1000 * Samueldr * (+2838) adds title tests
ixxie has joined joined #nixos-wiki
<samueldr> hi
<ixxie> yo
<ixxie> samueldr: do you know where the Nix logo came from?
<samueldr> nixos.org
<samueldr> errr
<samueldr> that was supposed to be in the searc hfield
<samueldr> best I can tell is it's Tim Cuthbertson that made it
<ixxie> its actually original a proposed logo for Haskell
<ixxie> you can find it here
<ixxie> you need to scroll about 75%-80% down
<samueldr> that would be the old one
<ixxie> (past horrifically ugly logs)
<ixxie> yeah but its the original concept
<samueldr> that's good to know
<ixxie> theres a description there of the origin of the idea
<ixxie> I was looking for an articulation of the concept
<ixxie> I never thought about how the snowflake is made of lambdas
<ixxie> and how the snowflake connects with the idea of purity
<ixxie> some of the variants are interesting
<samueldr> oh, the lambda part I got, never went farther then thinking hexagonal shape is easy to design, with good geometrics
<samueldr> well, not "easy to design", but a natural shape
<ixxie> true
<ixxie> hexagons are common in design and have many advantages
<ixxie> samueldr - what do you think of the colors of the logo?
<samueldr> it's a hard gamble, changing colors makes it easy to be distinctive, but at the same time, makes it as if we didn't want to associate, less unity between users and the upstream project
<samueldr> (and they're using pretty much the most neutral of colors, red can mean no, yellow is hard to design for, green though could work, purples and such too)
<ixxie> samueldr: I don't mean about us making our color different
<ixxie> I mean about the Nix logo colors as such
<samueldr> oh
<samueldr> blue is nice
<samueldr> not too opinionated
<ixxie> blue *is* nice, but I am not a fan of the particular blues chosen
<samueldr> and as I said, red is hard for logos, yellow can't be shown properly, colors in-between those two too are hard
<ixxie> Orange can work
<ixxie> but not so much in this case
<ixxie> I guess blue would be okay, I just lament the shades chosen
<ixxie> they are SO 90s
<ixxie> and blue is so overused in tech
<ixxie> I am starting to wonder if its really wise to even have a seperate logo for the wiki
<ixxie> especially if we will make an RFC in the future about making the wiki official again
<samueldr> maybe not
<ixxie> the scenario where there is a seperate logo for NixOS, Nix, NixOps, Hydra, etc - it seems too much
<ixxie> these would all anyway have different text next to the logo
<ixxie> so they are at least differentiated like that
<ixxie> I guess I would be even more inclined to suggest we change the name of the wiki from NixOS Wiki to NixWiki
<ixxie> to fit in with the naming pattern xD
<ixxie> but it doesn't matter that much
<ixxie> I guess I would be worried because anything I can think of to differentiate these things will end up being corny
<ixxie> except for differentiating the Wiki, that can be done quite elegantly I think
<samueldr> pretty much what I felt when I tried, adding to the fact that I don't have much experience actually designing
<ixxie> but lets say, NixOps - you take the snowflake and add what? A hammer and scredriver crosses? A cogwheel?
<ixxie> I guess its more to do with the nature of this logo
<samueldr> yep
<ixxie> its beauty is appropriate to Nix - the elegance is in the abstraction
<ixxie> as soon as you try and differentiate with non-abstract things it loses that elegance
<ixxie> yeah that is nice
<samueldr> feals cheap though
<samueldr> feels*
<ixxie> I think you still need to whitegap between the frame and the snowflake
<ixxie> that will go a long way
<samueldr> played with a couple variations, it always seemed too stretched out
<ixxie> yeah I dig you had to have them close to the flake
<ixxie> but I meant more like, add a white border around the snowflake to give little white gaps between
<ixxie> I would have also gone with gray shades on the brackets
<ixxie> it will make it feel cleaner
<ixxie> but you did a great job with the layout, you were so right to bunch them together like this
<ixxie> and I like how you angled the bracket edge to match it with the flake
<samueldr> one pair is in front, the other behind the logo
<ixxie> (note you would have to whiteborder the left bracket too since its above the flake there)
<ixxie> yeah
<samueldr> though, I think that what might happen, is that the logo used in the navbar and in the favicon will stay the stock nixos one
<ixxie> yeah makes sense
<samueldr> and this could be part of a flavor image, like the big logo on the main nixos.org page
<ixxie> since it would still be too wide and end up being too small
<ixxie> I thought of something like your design
<ixxie> the other thing I thought of is basically overlaying something like the Wikiepdia W over the flake
<ixxie> which would have the advantage that we can use that as a favicon too
<ixxie> but it doesn't look as good next to text
<nixoswikibot> [[Nix Expression Language]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1004&oldid=949&rcid=1001 * Samueldr * (+34) quoting with blockquote
<samueldr> tried a W too when playing around with the logo, either covers too much or too small
<ixxie> yeah makes sense
<ixxie> its also difficult with the colors
<ixxie> to get the right contrast
<ixxie> this is really not an easy logo to work with xD
<ixxie> no wonder the talk about making logo varients ended up going nowhere
<ixxie> I still have half a mind to see how it looks like to give each ecosystem component a different color
<ixxie> then you can make a community logo with all six colors and look like a hippie commune
<ixxie> bah
<samueldr> I believe all issues with the wiki that you pointed out are fixed
<samueldr> they aren't upstreamed to the server yet
<ixxie> wow you are quick ^^
<samueldr> yours were easy enough
<samueldr> the login link was harder
<samueldr> the theme's internals aren't well documented
<ixxie> so this included finding a way to delete / move pages?
<samueldr> that's the actions toolbox
<samueldr> the theme documentation wasn't explicit, it needs a specific setting for it to work as described
<ixxie> btw I love the dynamic ToC thingy
<ixxie> is that part of the theme too?
<samueldr> yes
<samueldr> and part of bootstrap
<ixxie> neat
<ixxie> I didn't know bootstrap had so many features
<ixxie> I thought it was just a responsive design framework
<samueldr> I have strong opinions about bootstrap
<samueldr> and not all of them goes the same way most do
<samueldr> the initial goal of bootstrap was to make a base theme that could be used to prototype UI stuff that did not look like crap
<samueldr> for that, it's still a great tool
<samueldr> it has plenty of components ready to use
<samueldr> it's pretty much a full UI toolkit
<samueldr> with which you can build responsive applications
<samueldr> but as a responsive design framework, it's... bad
<samueldr> when you don't want to use it as it is
<samueldr> from experience, and maybe because I have enough experience with integration, it becomes a pain and you have to fight against it for *website design*
<samueldr> and that's the important distinction
<ixxie> yeah I see the point
<ixxie> so its more of a template than a framework
<samueldr> it's sitting on the fence between
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS Wiki:About]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1005&oldid=782&rcid=1002 * Samueldr * (+56) Added myself + review layout
<ixxie> samueldr: I don't believe in sitting on fences; you can destroy them to make a new bigger space, but why sit on them?
<samueldr> if you're a cat: nagging other animals and fleeing
<ixxie> heh
<ixxie> samueldr: check out the NixOS marketing discussion on #nixos
ixxie has quit [(Quit: Lost terminal)]