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<ixxie> yo
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<Mic92> the hackathon on nixcon is focused on improving documentation
<makefu> wooo!
<nixoswikibot> [[Steam]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1052&oldid=758&rcid=1047 * Makefu * (-2608)
<nixoswikibot> [[Explaining the current Steam Package build]] !N https://nixos.wiki/index.php?oldid=1053&rcid=1048 * Makefu * (+2727) Created page with "This article should give insight about how steam is currently packaged and how and why it works like this. It also discusses what the problems are in packaging it and how we..."
<makefu> ^ i need a better name for this, or maybe even a namespace
<samueldr> I know that with mediawiki it's "frowned upon" inside the wikimedia wikis (wikipedia, etc) to use "pages"
<samueldr> but maybe we should use Application Name/NixOS or Application Name/Package
<samueldr> though, it seems it's disabled by default
<samueldr> (looks like it might work with the current setup, the edit button is there)
<nixoswikibot> [[Steam]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1054&oldid=1052&rcid=1049 * Makefu * (-5)
<nixoswikibot> [[Steam]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1055&oldid=1054&rcid=1050 * Makefu * (+263)
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<Reaktor|krebs> ixxie: hi -- samueldr!~samueldr@unaffiliated/samueldr, Fri Oct 6 18:24:58 CEST 2017
<samueldr> hum wat
<makefu> :D
<samueldr> something was clogging Reaktor|krebs's pipes?
<Reaktor|krebs> I'm famous
<ixxie> yes you are
<ixxie> lol
<ixxie> samueldr: weren't you saying at some point we should make a whole styleguide for Nix/OS? something like https://teachboost.com/terms/brand
<samueldr> that there should be one
<samueldr> now, who would make it? I guess those in charge of the design :)
<makefu> i think we need something which explains the nix(OS) philosophy, in the last weeks there were at least 3 people who wanted to edit shit in /nix/store
<samueldr> oh, definitely
<samueldr> but yeah, ixxie, a brand guide will be needed
<samueldr> like how to use the actual logo and names
<samueldr> is it nixpkgs or Nixpkgs?
<samueldr> stuff like that
<ixxie> makefu: that can happily reside in our Ecosystem overview article!
<ixxie> samueldr: it looks like you and I are the design team atm xD
<ixxie> samueldr: Eelco saw my logo proposal and said "it looks like it might be a good candidate for an RFC"
<samueldr> that's great
<ixxie> yeah
<ixxie> what I realized is, if that logo is chosen we can recommend a change of font on the sites to match it
<ixxie> i.e. once we design on a logo we can make the whole brand guide to match it
<ixxie> samueldr: have you seen v4 and 5 of the logo?
<samueldr> not sure if I did
<ixxie> these were mainly driven by my contention that a wider font was needed
<ixxie> I am no longer sure it is
<ixxie> anyway, let me know later
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<makefu> aaand he is gone again
<nixoswikibot> [[Steam]] ! https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1056&oldid=1055&rcid=1051 * Makefu * (+67) /* Using the FOSS Radeon drivers */
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<ixxie> moo
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<makefu> hy ho
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