<infinisil> Not recently no
<samueldr> welcome, then
<infinisil> :D
<samueldr> I'm re-setting up my stuff to work on the wiki
<samueldr> I hate how chrome assumes that if a host is unreachable you wanted to google the terms
<samueldr> even though I specifically added http:// before
<infinisil> resetting your stuff?
<samueldr> setting up
<samueldr> moving machine
<samueldr> I have a local install to play around with
<infinisil> what do you mean by 'work on the wiki'?
<samueldr> oh, I'm the one to blame for the facelift
<infinisil> Ahhh I see, well done!
<samueldr> mostly, figuring out how to do stuff with mediawiki templates
<samueldr> otherwise the bot here would be logging a bunch of stuff
<infinisil> It looks so much fresher than nixos.org
<samueldr> I've tried to copy nixos.org as much as I could though
<samueldr> :)
<samueldr> nixos.org is built upon an older version of bootstrap
<infinisil> Hmm, it oddly looks almost the same comparing the 2 side-by-side, but the layout really makes it that much better
<samueldr> the mediawiki theme used as a base is built on a more recent version of bootstrap
<infinisil> Nice
<infinisil> Ah I just noticed a small bug
<samueldr> only one?
<infinisil> Heh
<samueldr> do tell
<infinisil> When scrolling on a long page, the toc doesn't scroll with it
<samueldr> oh, that's a hard one
<infinisil> Such as here: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ
<samueldr> I even fixed something worse
<samueldr> I think
<samueldr> let me actually try undoing my fix first
<infinisil> what was it?
<samueldr> it would overflow and never scroll
<samueldr> now at least it's scrollable
<samueldr> (albeit manually)
<samueldr> don't know if you do web development, but if you go to the inspector, find the #tweekiTOC node and remove the max-height and overflow rules, you would see
<samueldr> I've done it there and it just clips out of bounds
<samueldr> but yeah, that's an issue upstream
<samueldr> I wonder if it's only an issue with the theme or all bootstrap
<infinisil> I see, I don't do web dev, but I'd like to in the future
<infinisil> or something visual at least
<samueldr> ah, bootstrap upstream seems to have it working properly, but still feels weird
<samueldr> it doesn't play well with overly long TOCs either
<samueldr> webdev is hard when doing fancy stuff
<infinisil> Adding it to the list of unsolved CS problems
<samueldr> but fancy stuff can be fun
<nixoswikibot> [[FAQ]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1058&oldid=951&rcid=1053 * Samueldr * (+3) Fixes wrong header markup (h1→h2)
<infinisil> I have this guide I wrote which I'm using every so often (when I screw up my server): https://github.com/Infinisil/system/blob/master/guides/process.org
<infinisil> Do you think this fits in the wiki? Polished up of course
<samueldr> definitely
<samueldr> an actual battle-tested guide is good
<infinisil> I'm refining it every time I use it :P
<samueldr> right now the DO steps are... anemic
<samueldr> yours definitely could be presented as an aternative
<samueldr> especially since it describes generic steps that are mentioned in a paragraph before
<infinisil> And nixos-infect doesn't work when you want to have a different root fs
<samueldr> oh, that's a good sentence to work in your introduction paragraph!
<infinisil> But my guide uses clevers kexec thing (https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/tree/master/kexec), which is as unofficial as can get
<samueldr> that's great, this is an unofficial wiki! ;)
<samueldr> the kexec method is alluded two times in the page
<samueldr> and was ina previous edit in another page, before linking to the installation guide
<infinisil> (And actually clever helped a lot to guide me to these steps in the guide)
<samueldr> I don't know if there are good laid out steps out there to explain how to use the kexec method
<samueldr> (never really searched though)
<infinisil> Alright I'll make a note to write a nix wiki entry, it's too late in the evening for it now :)
<infinisil> Also, digitalocean now provides an additional read-only disk that contains stuff like ipv4/6 address/gateway and more, which nixos-infect currently detects by parsing debians commands output
<infinisil> The data DO now provides is in json format
<samueldr> hmmmm
<samueldr> something's wrong with my local wiki setup it seems
<samueldr> a font is missing, no big deal
<infinisil> Hmm that makes me think..
<infinisil> How about a local version of the wiki via man-pages or something similar
<samueldr> that should all be possible
<samueldr> since we're using mediawiki, we can probably piggy back on what the archlinux package does
<infinisil> there's a manpage for the arch wiki??
<samueldr> I think there was if there isn't anymore
<samueldr> maybe it isn't man
<infinisil> Hmm, I'm thinking more of querying a local version of the database (assuming mediawiki uses a db) directly
<samueldr> not yet a mediawiki expert, but it seems pretty open
<samueldr> probably possible to have an alternative interface
<samueldr> though, having a whole mysql/postgresql instance for local documentation seems wasteful
<samueldr> there may be more adapted formats
<infinisil> Hmm, right
<infinisil> I'm no expert with databases, but can't they run in both 'server'mode and single-request-mode that doesn't need to run continuously?
<infinisil> sqlite seems to do the latter
<samueldr> sqlite has been designed that way
<infinisil> with the sqlite3 command
<infinisil> Ah
<samueldr> mysql and postgresql, afaik, won't
<samueldr> they are not strictly compatible, even though they largeyl all use SQL
<infinisil> Yeah
<samueldr> for example, data types are different across database engines
<samueldr> iirc, sqlite only has two types
<samueldr> aliased to different names so it stays more compatible
<samueldr> but still, it would be possible to convert the data to an sqlite database
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS on ARM]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1059&oldid=1013&rcid=1054 * Samueldr * (+41) reviews wording to include links in text
<nixoswikibot> [[Special:Log/move]] move * Samueldr * moved [[Contributing to the Wiki]] to [[NixOS Wiki:Contributing]]: It is recommended with mediawiki to use the wiki's namespace for pages about the wiki.
<nixoswikibot> [[Special:Log/move]] move * Samueldr * moved [[Wiki Projects]] to [[NixOS Wiki:Projects]]: It is recommended with mediawiki to use the wiki's namespace for pages about the wiki.
<nixoswikibot> [[Contributing to the wiki]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1064&oldid=350&rcid=1057 * Samueldr * (-1) Changes older redirect to the newly renamed page.
<samueldr> hmm, not sure if the NixOS wiki history too should be moved inside the NixOS Wiki namespace
<samueldr> in some way it's related to the wiki, but in others, it's related to the history of nixos in general
<nixoswikibot> [[Template:Template]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1065&oldid=655&rcid=1058 * Samueldr * (+46) Updates visuals.
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS Installation Guide]] M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1066&oldid=1043&rcid=1059 * Fadenb * (+1) /* Amazon S3 */ fix section title
<fadenb> My Riot client went mad. Hopefully I did not spam the channel just now?
<fadenb> Google is finally picking up on the theme change and showing a reduced count of non mobile friendly pages
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<ixxie> samueldr: probably too much, but it makes me giggle
<ixxie> also this font is not open so we can't really use it
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<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS:extend NixOS]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1067&oldid=585&rcid=1060 * Eisfreak7 * (+54) The old link didn't exist anymore, replacing with a link to the internet archive. Might consider just removing it, as I don't think it really adds any new information.
<nixoswikibot> [[NixOS:extend NixOS]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1068&oldid=1067&rcid=1061 * Eisfreak7 * (+3) The user configuration was introduced, but not used. This replaces the hardcoded username with the configured one.
<nixoswikibot> [[Template:Manual:nixos]] !N https://nixos.wiki/index.php?oldid=1069&rcid=1062 * Samueldr * (+860) To be used to refer to a particular NixOS manual section
<nixoswikibot> [[Template:Nixos:option]] !N https://nixos.wiki/index.php?oldid=1070&rcid=1063 * Samueldr * (+390) Refer to a NixOS option, linking to the proper section
<nixoswikibot> [[Power Management]] !N https://nixos.wiki/index.php?oldid=1071&rcid=1064 * Samueldr * (+1018) Created page with "{{expansion}} == Suspend == === Suspend hooks === NixOS provides the {{nixos:option|powerManagement.resumeCommands}} option which defines commands that are added to a globa..."
<nixoswikibot> [[Bluetooth]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1072&oldid=502&rcid=1065 * Samueldr * (+9) Updates sectoin name to External resources, fixes article name in link
<nixoswikibot> [[Template:META Message]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1073&oldid=702&rcid=1066 * Samueldr * (+24) tweaks spacing for message boxes.
<nixoswikibot> [[Bluetooth]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1074&oldid=1072&rcid=1067 * Samueldr * (+1119) re-worked the page; added non-gui and gui variants of pairing and for pulseaudio management.
<nixoswikibot> [[Bluetooth]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1075&oldid=1074&rcid=1068 * Samueldr * (+249) Adds a generalized "enabling" section, points archwiki link to the generic bluetooth pairing instructions.
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<nixoswikibot> [[Bluetooth]] !M https://nixos.wiki/index.php?diff=1076&oldid=1075&rcid=1069 * Samueldr * (+483) Adds a troubleshooting section for bad bluetooth usb dongles.