adisbladis: do you have an example of something that was broken before that's fixed now?
[root@amd-nixos:~]# nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A libudev
anonymous function at /nix/store/1v1jczwm2d4wff3yq5j3zrknifpk8m77-nixos-21.03pre243434.e0759a49733/nixos/pkgs/top-level/default.nix:20:1 called with unexpected argument 'inNixShell'
not sure how, but nix-shell seems broken for me now
lukegb: Not a minimal one, but something along these lines: `python3.override { packageOverrides = self: super: { wheel = super.wheel.overridePythonAttrs(old: rec { name = "${old.pname}-${version}"; version = "0.33.3"; src = {...}; }) } }`
Where the wheel override wouldn't get picked up by pythotFromBuild and the build-time version checks fail
* lukegb
don't forget to pass `self = mypython;` to `python3.override`
note overrideScope' is now also available, if you prefer that
FRidh: [overrideScope'] Oh, good to know :)
FRidh: Do you mean to add pythonPackagesBuildHost as a nested set under the regular python3.pkgs?
FRidh: so what's the deal with merging stuff into staging. Can I do that myself? If so, is there anything I need to watch out for?
i regularly have some security stuff, that should go in rather sooner than later
AFAIU there is a stabilization period and merging something in will certainly extend that period, if not done at the right time
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17:08 <hexa-> FRidh: so what's the deal with merging stuff into staging. Can I do that myself? If so, is there anything I need to watch out for?
17:08 <hexa-> i regularly have some security stuff, that should go in rather sooner than later
17:09 <hexa-> AFAIU there is a stabilization period and merging something in will certainly extend that period, if not done at the right time
but I'm seeing this every once in a while from you
me not paying attention what build on darwin and what not
basically means there are no builds for darwin.
sometimes this also happens when ofborg tells you that there are darwin rebuilds
but the package does not seem to exclude darwin?
maybe on dependency. Didn't look further into this
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I am currently regenerating the node packages in nixpkgs. Going to merge that later into master. I would appreciate it if no one could merge something in the next hour or two
what does this mean?
shouldn't this go through a PR?
Here's how it should go: 1) Open PR 2) Wait for ofborg to finish eval 3) If all looks good and no conflicts, merge. 4) Else, resolve conflicts, push, and return to step 2