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<moredrea8> <freenode_Mic "there is no other compiler in th"> Mic92: Strange... Ok I'll see if I can find where that comes from. Thanks for having a look!
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<samueldr> hmmmm, using wrapGAppsHook with qemu makes the qemu process .qemu-system-x86_64-wrapped, making pkill more annoying to use :(
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<samueldr> reducing the amount of attribtues in possible need of wrapGAppsHook to 1717, removed all qt5 and qt4, as I mistakenly assumed it was new for qt 5.12
<samueldr> (still leaves those in a situation where the issue could manifest itself)
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<samueldr> leaving the list here, there are definitely things that are listed from dependencies where it doesn't matter https://gist.github.com/a91b8b32b2eb5f1e3c049185758e99d3
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<Mic92> samueldr: I think we should modify makeWrapper to keep the executable name intact but move it to a subdirectory i.e. .wrapped
<Mic92> that will solve a class of bugs we currently see.
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<Mic92> samueldr: I was thinking about this and this might introduce a new class of problems, when programs check there own directory they end up one level too deep.
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<timokau[m]> Mic92: can't we just lie about argv[0]?
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<Melkor333> I just updated a PR for a new package (mcfly) where I force pushed after a git rebase and git amend. ofborg now shows a very strange infinite recursion error which is from completely different packages
<{^_^}> #52940 (by Melkor333, 4 weeks ago, open): mcfly: init at v0.3.1
<Melkor333> Does anybody know what is going on there and if I did something wrong?
<symphorien> it says Target branch master doesn't evaluate!
<symphorien> do it's not your fault
<symphorien> *so
<tilpner> I think I restarted the eval
<tilpner> But it seems master is still broken in some way
<Melkor333> Yeah the last few PR's all failed for the same reason as I just saw
<tilpner> And across multiple builders too
<tilpner> You may have to wait until gchristensen wakes up
<Melkor333> Oh that's okay
<Melkor333> How long does it roughly take for a package to enter nixos-stable after a PR has been accepted?
<tilpner> That depends on what you mean by nixos-stable
<lassulus> If it doesn't get bakported, you have to wait for the next releas3, so max 6 months, if it gets backported it's usually a couple of hours to days
<Melkor333> aah okay thanks
<Melkor333> how is determined which packages will be added to the next stable release? Is it just after a freeze period of unstable or something like that? And/Or is there any documentation on that?
<gchristensen> whats up
<gchristensen> someone broke master for a few hours? :)
<Melkor333> gchristensen: yes apparently that's what happened
<gchristensen> Melkor333: the entire git repo becomes stable, so everything in it is part of stable
<Melkor333> oh, okay. Thank you :)
<gchristensen> you're welcome!
<gchristensen> I guess evaluating each push would be a cool thing to do
<gchristensen> it has been a long while since a push broke master, though!
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<ixxie> If I encrypt my drive, does it get locked when I put NixOS to sleep?
<gchristensen> what kind of "to sleep"?
<gchristensen> hibernate, yes, if your swap space is encrypted too
<ixxie> hmm
<ixxie> shutting down my laptop lid? I don't know what that is
<gchristensen> that one doesn't, no
<gchristensen> I think elvishjerricco had something along those lines
<ixxie> is that called suspend?
<gchristensen> I think so
<ixxie> cheers
<ixxie> btw did someone make a module to auto-harden NixOS?
<tilpner> How much frowning should I expect for using overrideAttrs instead of properly passing meta around?
<ixxie> cool
<ixxie> :)
<tilpner> If I have two PRs that depend on each other, what should I do?
<tilpner> 1. Include all commits (1) from the required PR into the new one?
<gchristensen> like both can't exist without the other?
<tilpner> 2. Say "This depends on #21872" and have the new PR be broken if merged against current master
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21872 (by basvandijk, 2 years ago, merged): strongswan: enable charon-systemd
<tilpner> Yes, they don't depend on each other
<tilpner> It's #54693 and a PR to convert standardnotes away from appimage-run
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/54693 (by tilpner, 42 minutes ago, open): [WIP] appimageTools: init
<tilpner> * Yes, they can exist without each other (of course there's dependency, sorry)
<gchristensen> it sounds like 1 PR then
<gchristensen> oh, so the dependency is not A <-> B, but just A -> B?
<gchristensen> I'd pr A and B separately, and put a note in the other saying it depends on the first
<tilpner> Yes, just A <- B
<tilpner> But does B include commits from A, or not?
<gchristensen> sure
<tilpner> (I locally didn't branch from master, but the appimage-tools branch)
<gchristensen> yeah, I'd have B include A's commits
<tilpner> #54696
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/54696 (by tilpner, 44 seconds ago, open): standardnotes: use appimageTools instead of appimage-run
<tilpner> I don't know how I feel about packaging prebuilt AppImages in nixpkgs
<tilpner> But if it's done at all, it must not use appimage-run
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<Mic92> timokau[m]: we can and we already do
<Mic92> but the OS steal leaks the abstraction
<Mic92> mainly /proc/$pid/exe and /proc/$pid/comm are a problem
<timokau[m]> Mic92:
<timokau[m]> Mh thats a shame. I assumed those were influenced by argv0 too
<samueldr> I wonder if there's a way to make some kind of prependable thing, probably needs to be binary, that would handle the wrapper duties in-place, and keep argv0 compatible in all cases
<samueldr> but then it'd probably need multiple ones, as I wouldn't think a script one would work for binaries or vice-versa, but glad to be wrong
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<infinisil> Hmm, #54194 increases emacs' racer packages closure size by 250MB by linking to the rust source directly, what do you think of this? I guess it's very convenient, but there might be lots of people who don't use that source anyways (and set rust source to something more dynamic)
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/54194 (by vanzef, 1 week ago, open): emacsPackagesNg.racer-mode: fix default value for RUST_SRC_PATH
<Mic92> samueldr: One way could patching ld.so interpreter. Another way could be injecting some code into the binaries.
<Mic92> everything is not as portable as a simple shell script
<samueldr> ah right, it also needs to work outside linux
<timokau[m]> Here is a list of horrible hacks to get this done: https://sysdig.com/blog/hiding-linux-processes-for-fun-and-profit/
<samueldr> (and even linux, there could be issues I guess)
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<infinisil> samueldr: I'm removing #17494 from the milestone, that alright? Nobody seems to really care much about it
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/17494 (by cmfwyp, 2 years ago, open): nixos: set default for boot.tmpOnTmpfs to true
<samueldr> I think a definitive action (merge / close) might need to happen with regards to the question, rather than moving it on the side
<samueldr> and with the discussion happpening in the PR, and previous discussions on different nixos irc channels, I think that it should be closed; disk space being a cheaper resource to abuse than working memory (RAM) means it probably is better to keep the current default
<samueldr> *especially* considering how not all FSes can receive a swap file
<gchristensen> +1
<gchristensen> but also kinda wish deleting temp on boot was default
<samueldr> that's probably the more right alternative to the same intents
<samueldr> though I was thinking it might need a "once you're installed" section to an installation appendix, with common configuration stories
<gchristensen> a GREAT idea
<infinisil> Alright I'll close it
<etu> gchristensen: that would be nice indeed. Because it keeps piling up garbage in there.
<samueldr> one PID's trash is another's treasure
<gchristensen> especially malware.exe's treasure
<MichaelRaskin> My experience tells me that the proper way of wiping /tmp on boot is mkfs
<MichaelRaskin> (Also, it was complicated to express in terms of NixOS config, and I don't miss trying to shoehorn this into NixOS boot sequence…)
<MichaelRaskin> If there are large nix-build leftovers, rm takes a long time and mkfs turns out to be much faster
<qyliss> +1 to wiping /tmp on boot. I’ve meant to PR this before but didn’t get round to it.
<MichaelRaskin> Round tuits seem to be a currency with stable demand
<gchristensen> round tuits?
<simpson> It's how you get things done in the future; you get a round tuit. (Say out loud.)
<gchristensen> jeeze.
<etu> MichaelRaskin: I had one of those many years back
<etu> Exactly one of these actually: https://szabgab.com/img/fosdem_2010_tuits.jpg
<infinisil> Closing #10851 because it seems to be stalled since 2 years
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/10851 (by nbp, 3 years ago, open): Shipping Security Updates
<gchristensen> it would be nice for nixops to have a build-there flag
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