zimbatm changed the topic of #nixcon to: 25-27 October 2018 - London - https://nixos2018.org , organisation is on https://trello.com/nixcon
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<samueldr> [22:05:24] <drakonis> by the way, someone peep into nixcon's trello
<samueldr> [22:05:59] <drakonis> someone pasted over a pull request from mozilla into garbas' talk
<samueldr> [22:07:26] <drakonis> apparently it is garbas' own doing
<zimbatm> thanks, fixed :)
<zimbatm> meeting in 1h30!
<andi-> Won't make it :/
<zimbatm> next one will be in 2 weeks
<adisbladis[m]> I'll be ~5 minutes late
<zimbatm> anyone else coming?
<zimbatm> ok!
adisbladis has joined #nixcon
<adisbladis> lassulus: ma27: mog: flokli: tazjin: roberth: fadenb: kalbasit[m]: makefu: LnL: infinisil: ivan: {`-`}: manveru: WilliButz: samueldr: meeting now :)
<zimbatm> is that spam? :p
<LnL> oh, I can join in ~15min
<adisbladis> zimbatm: Just a bit :)
<zimbatm> it's for the good cause :p
<manveru> sry, but i keep disconnecting
<manveru> my internet is shit today :(
<zimbatm> thanks guys! it was super helpful
<zimbatm> manveru: jitsy doesn't seem to stable as well
<zimbatm> maybe next time we can go back to hangouts
<manveru> i find zoom the best :)
<manveru> but i guess you'd have to install it
<zimbatm> yeah we can use zoom the next time
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<zimbatm> what type of food preferences should we add to the ticket? https://trello.com/c/eAxN2A5r
<andi-> Clicking on the logo in the website makes it look funny.. Pointing downwards ;)
<zimbatm> yeah, I also had to fix it so it would rotate around the center :)
<samueldr> haha, the easter-egg isn't good anymore :)
<zimbatm> maybe it should ring the bells instead?
<zimbatm> I'm not good at that type of stuff so just doing the minimum so it works
<samueldr> sorry, forgot there was a meeting this morning, only caught the tail-end...
<zimbatm> and I forgot to record it...
<zimbatm> do you want me to ping you in advance next time?
<zimbatm> next week is not happening but we are doing the week after
<samueldr> I should have added it to my agenda so I had a reminder *yesterday* to wake up in advance *today* (my own fault)
<zimbatm> I'll write a recap on discourse
<samueldr> thanks, though I have seen that the traced clock tower has been chosen. Looks much better on a white background than on whatever name that other colour has
<zimbatm> yeah we talked about this, it also looks good on a dark blue background, potentially for the t-shirts
<samueldr> zimbatm: do you want a version with text?
<samueldr> or need
<zimbatm> yes please :)
<samueldr> well, even if you don't I should export one with the same typeface used
<samueldr> and possibly matching the existing metrics for distance between flake and text
<samueldr> (as it's already being used in the GFX composition)
<zimbatm> FOSDEM CfP is now live, anyone going? https://fosdem.org/2019/news/2018-08-10-call-for-participation/
<andi-> I'll be there if nothing goes wrong.