zimbatm changed the topic of #nixcon to: 25-27 October 2018 - London - https://nixos2018.org , organisation is on https://trello.com/nixcon
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* goibhniu wonders if we could do something to include people watching the stream remotely in the conf
<adisbladis[m]> I like what the chaos conferences do
<adisbladis[m]> They have a "signal angel" in charge of taking questions from irc after the talk
<adisbladis[m]> So even streamers can participate in Q&A
<goibhniu> that would be great, and technically easy to do
<goibhniu> it wouldn't be too hard to hook up an audio stream either
<goibhniu> it would certainly require a person dedicated to it though
* goibhniu is thinking of a laptop running mumble, hooked up to the mixer
<adisbladis[m]> goibhniu: I think that's gonna be annoying and hard to moderate
<adisbladis[m]> Taking questions in text on irc/twitter is a much easier task
<goibhniu> true
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<samueldr> I had in mind to propose staking irc questions
<samueldr> taking*
<samueldr> they're not vampires
<goibhniu> lol
<goibhniu> it would be great to line someone up for that
<goibhniu> speakers often tend to move around during the question time, so I'll be too busy trying to follow them with the camera ^_^
<samueldr> if there's someone in charge, it can also fill-in dead time during Q&A
<zimbatm> as long as it doesn't disrupt the talks too much
<zimbatm> last year we had enough questions coming from the public
<samueldr> definitely no disturbances during the talk!
<goibhniu> that's true
<goibhniu> adisbladis[m]: here's another grabber that gets a good review on youtube: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074863G59/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoTYCC1ZnUo
<goibhniu> it includes a pass-through as well, so no need for a splitter
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<andi-> Was the logo thing still an open issue? Flokli and me sat together with a friend tonight making a bit of an experiemt. https://s.h4ck.space/nixcon2018.svg We thought the background color would be very british :P
<andi-> I read that and it wasn't very clear if either you (samueldr) would continue or matthew.. Additionally flokli said the original guy wouldn't have time to do that..
<samueldr> ah, I *guess* the original guy would be mog, when/where did flokli said that?
<andi-> This afternoon during dinner ;-)
<samueldr> and I wasn't invited? ;)
<andi-> well you can come here tomorrow and have dinner with us/me :-)
<samueldr> probably won't happen :)
<andi-> food is on me then :P
<samueldr> it wasn't 100% obvious whether mog would handle it or not, I'll admin
<samueldr> (I was going to bring it up soon)
<samueldr> I'd be able to look at it soon, + GFX compo for the stream (which will include said logo)
<samueldr> though I was going with what's in the XCF as a base
<samueldr> (ignoring the text and going with something closer to what's used in the NixOS logotype)
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