zimbatm changed the topic of #nixcon to: 25-27 October 2018 - London - https://nixos2018.org , organisation is on https://trello.com/nixcon
<samueldr> *it may be wise if zimbatm set `/mode #nixcon +rf #nixos-unregistered` if the spam gets worse and gets to here*
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<zimbatm> samueldr: what does it do?
<adisbladis[m]> zimbatm: It redirects users who are not authed with chanserv to a catch-all channel
<adisbladis[m]> nickserv*
<zimbatm> Nice
<zimbatm> It might make it easier for people to seek help during nixcon
<zimbatm> Err harder
<adisbladis[m]> Yeah. We might want to have it turned on most of the time but off for the con
<zimbatm> Which reminds me that the website should list the channel
<adisbladis[m]> zimbatm: Maybe even link the freenode webchat?
<zimbatm> Prepare for the flood :)
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