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<johnw> hmm.. ./Setup build seems to segfaults quite a lot with GHC 8.2
<johnw> I've seen it happen three times in the last minute
<johnw> i end up just having to keep re-running nix-env until they all build
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<dhess> I haven't built a ton of Haskell projects lately but I haven't seen any issues with ghc-8.2.2 on macOS at all
<dhess> I've been using it for several months
<johnw> it's happening crazy regular here
<johnw> as we type, I've seen it >10 times
<dhess> hmm that is suspicious
<johnw> it is
<dhess> are you running a recent channel?
<johnw> nixpkgs-unstable
<johnw> it's intermittent though
<dhess> same as me. Let me try a few things
<dhess> actually I'm on a Jan 2 rev right now
<johnw> that's what I see
<johnw> only happen for builds on the iMac, though
<dhess> yikes, bad memory?
<johnw> it's ECC though...
<dhess> on an iMac? Not unless it's a brand-new iMac Pro I don't think
<johnw> hmm
<dhess> I'm pretty certain about that.
<dhess> let me try to build texmath
<johnw> i'll run a memory test now
<dhess> what is the package?
<dhess> nvm got it
<johnw> it's random
<johnw> rebuilding the same thing works
<johnw> so, like, hpack just failed
<dhess> oh
<johnw> but it won't fail if I restart
<johnw> be back after the memory tests
<dhess> yeah combined with signal 11 that is bad memory :)
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<dhess> looks like I can't upgrade to nixpkgs-unstable right now because qtwebkit is failing
<dhess> so I will try with nixpkgs 310ad4345bbe42ae7360981243f6602a03fd232f
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<dhess> only anecdotal but I just built a couple of my own projects several times by cabal clean'ing and then cabal build'ing/test'ing in a loop, and didn't run into any issues.
<dhess> also have been building a pretty decent number of Haskell packages (~100?) for macOS on my Hydra continuously for the past 3 days and haven't had any problems there, either. That's on the last 3 nixpkgs-unstable channel updates.
<dhess> 2 different Macs
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<johnw> dhess: back
<johnw> dhess: indeed, a failed memory module
<dhess> johnw: sorry to hear it
<johnw> just a $75, several day inconvenience, that's all
<dhess> hope it didn't corrupt anything persistent
<johnw> yeah, that's the hope
<johnw> I have ZFS snapshots going back a ways, so if I notice anything in the next month I should be able to recover it
<dhess> apple blew it not putting data-level checksums in APFS
<dhess> maybe in the future
<johnw> I agree
<dhess> johnw: ZFS snapshots of Time Machines or?
<johnw> so, I rsync all of my data between machines using a utility I wrote called "pushme"
<johnw> one of those destinations is a huge ZFS drive
<dhess> ahh ok
<johnw> with rolling daily, weekly, etc., snapshots
<dhess> was it only manifesting on Setup's?
<johnw> yes, only there
<dhess> wow that's a weird one
<johnw> so, GHC is strange in the way it allocates virtual memory
<johnw> processes start by alocating a HUGE virtual address space, way more than other languages do
<johnw> like 32G or something
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<johnw> I wonder if this changed which pages they were using
<johnw> MemTest86 has found 3 errors so far. I just want to know exactly which module so I can avoid purchasing more than I need for this 4 year old machine
<dhess> no way for it to control the mapping of virtual address to physical, though, and there was a particular physical address(es) that were causing the problem
<johnw> that's true
<dhess> so that's what's weird about it.
<johnw> I just wonder if the usage pattern caused the OS to do something it doesn't normally do
<johnw> oh, and very oddly, it *only* happened with the cabal ./Setup program
<johnw> no other Haskell executables were affected either
<dhess> ahh but Setup.hs is probably exactly the same in each project, compiles to the same image
<johnw> likely
<dhess> so maybe it was just being smart?
<johnw> so a stray bit go into that executable?
<dhess> is there de-duping in APFS?
<johnw> i don't know, I don't use APFS yet
<dhess> oh
<dhess> well there's definitely no de-duping in HFS+ :)
<johnw> in ZFS it costs too much memory, and I don't need the space
<dhess> so that's not it. Anyway possibly related to the fact that Setup.hs compiled to the same image each time. But if so and that somehow got cached at the GHC+OS level there's some real magic going on there :)
<dhess> yeah I don't use it in ZFS either
<johnw> ok, now to pull 2 modules from this iMac so I can narrow down the faulty one
<johnw> I had this happen to a NAS box once
<johnw> was a really long time before I realized it was a memory module; thanks for reminding me tonight
<dhess> of course
<johnw> I have ECC in my NixOS ZFS box; I look forward to getting it in my next machine
<dhess> I use it whenever practical. Mostly just a few embedded/HTPC-type devices now that don't.
<dhess> and my laptop of course
<dhess> it's a bit bizarre to me that it's not a standard feature from laptops up
<dhess> laptops that cost what a MacBook does, anyway.
<johnw> true
<johnw> this shiny new touchbar macbook doesn't have it either
<dhess> are you using any LSP-based emacs modes yet?
<johnw> dhess: no, I forget where I got stuck
<dhess> I'm just now reading about cquery. Sounds great.
<dhess> yeah I am eagerly awaiting that one
<johnw> nice
<johnw> I've been using rtags, but it's a bit broken
<dhess> oh what a bummer that that issue has been open for 2 years
<johnw> I can use as a tags solution, that works
<johnw> but not for completion or checking
<johnw> i'll have to give cquery in Emacs a try
<johnw> cool, thanks!
<johnw> so, I found a way to make nix-build go into an infinite loop and segfault
<dhess> yay?
<johnw> hah
<johnw> it's like an achievement that doesn't make you feel very achieved
<johnw> so, to work around my Cocoa linking problem, I need to use:
<johnw> nix-shell --command "cabal build"
<johnw> just having the paths written in the dist directory no longer works
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<johnw> bad RAM module found
<johnw> bad module, bad bad module!
<dhess> yay!
<johnw> I think I'll just run with 24G this year; this machine is due for replacement anyway
<dhess> that always works for me
<dhess> Is it OWC RAM by any chance?
<johnw> "4 of Kingston Technology 8GB 1600MHz DDR3L (PC3-12800) 1.35V Non-ECC CL11 SODIMM Intel Laptop Memory KVR16LS11/8"
<johnw> purchased 2014 Oct 20
<johnw> heh, my desktop takes laptop memory, fun
<dhess> ok
<dhess> Yeah the iMac is basically a MacBook Pro with a slightly better GPU and a larger screen :)
<johnw> i was interested in the iMac Pro, but I think I'm going to wait and see if the new Mac Pro materializes
<johnw> I miss my old tower
<dhess> those were beautiful.
<johnw> I loved that machine
<johnw> used it for 5 years, and then resold it as a decent price
<dhess> Me too. I gave it to my dad, who's still using it as his main machine
<johnw> I upgraded the GPU twice
<dhess> me too!
<dhess> I couldn't even see the boot screen. Crazy times.
<dhess> and I use FileVault so that was interesting.
<johnw> I use FV on my laptop noly
<johnw> heh, found a way to provke an assertion violation in Z3
<johnw> i'm cooking with gas tonight
<dhess> on the iMac Pro FileVault is basically free because the encryption is offloaded to the T2 coprocessor.
<johnw> i mean, it can't be *free* free, though
<johnw> there's still a thermal cost
<dhess> Eh compared to the CPU and GPU it's nothing really.
<johnw> i worry about that closed in space
<dhess> I'm sure the T2 makes no observable difference in the thermals
<dhess> it's just a slightly better ARM than what's running in your Touch Bar on your MBP
<dhess> and less powerful than any recent iPhone CPU
<dhess> *and* it's already doing encryption by default, even if you don't have FileVault enabled. (A hardware-locked key so that you can't pull the SSD planes and use them in a different machine.)
<johnw> ah
<dhess> PC TPM-style.
<johnw> like drives that do their own encryption
<dhess> yes
<dhess> The FileVault key is presumably just hashed into that key
<dhess> I think you are right to be concerned about heat on the iMac Pro, but not because of anything the T2 is doing.
<dhess> If you take a look at iFixit's teardown, that CPU+GPU heatsink is massive.
<johnw> sometimes with my tower I would take the cover off and just blow a massive task fan at it
<dhess> why, did it overheat?
<johnw> the GPU did when I would overlock it
<dhess> I never heard a peep from mine, even with newer GPUs
<dhess> ohhh hehehe
<johnw> I just liked have the OPTION of controlling temperature a bit
<johnw> when I learn about things like them throttling the iPhone 6 due to battery, it feels so constraining
<johnw> which happened to my mother-in-law
<johnw> her iP6 feels like an iPhone 3
<johnw> you know anything about mod_perl? or perlPackages?
<dhess> perlPackages, just a tiny bit. mod_perl, no. I use nginx.
<johnw> if I could get this CGI stuff working on nginx, I'd use that instead
<johnw> but I spent hours last night and couldn't get it working
<johnw> switched to mod_perl, and it worked right away
<dhess> yeah this iPhone battery thing is bad optics, at the very least. They should have told people when they did that.
<johnw> now I'm trying to properly nixify it
<dhess> let's see, my perlPackages stuff is quite minor
<dhess> oh
<dhess> I do have a note in there, however. Hold on.
<dhess> maybe relevant, not sure exactly what problem you're having.
<dhess> Now keep in mind that when I wrote this, I was a Nix newb, so I can't honestly say it's actually needed. But I needed it. https://github.com/dhess/nixpkgs-dhess/blob/b5e4639cd5bf6e91c4e5aee73843ac28def5f4d2/overlays/perl.nix
<dhess> and unfortnately I cannot recall the scenario in which that occurred. I'm not even sure I need that overlay anymore, actually.
<johnw> my problem right now is that the Apache mod_perl plugin is not seeing the Perl modules that come with mod_perl!
<johnw> the @INC only includes perl itself, nothing else
<dhess> I mean that kind of sounds like it could be a $PERL5LIB problem
<johnw> yes; it's how to set it that I'm having the trouble with
<dhess> obviously you wont' want to set it to $HOME/.nix-profile/lib/perl5/site_perl as I did but you might need to set it in your Nix expression
<dhess> oh have you used wrapProgram?
<johnw> ooh, no
<dhess> oh I found another reference to this same problem
<dhess> hold on, this bit is not public but I can gist it
<dhess> I wrote a dumb little script in Perl and Nix-ified it. And I had to use wrapProgram to get it to run
<dhess> script specifics not important but here is the default.nix: https://gist.github.com/dhess/4d8982c5af415c988b7c2c696fdc6ff2
<johnw> thanks. I'm trying to package up Bugzilla to run under mod_perl in a container
<dhess> I wouldn't think that was necessary for mod_perl but...
<johnw> and I'm *this* close
<johnw> dhess: here's a question
<dhess> ok shoot, I will do my best
<johnw> oh, never mind
<dhess> oh come on, my best isn't *that* bad ;)
<johnw> haha
<johnw> dhess: ok, here's one for you: how can I temporarily run a mysql server that my build recipe can connect to?
<johnw> because bugzilla won't create it's params.json file until it has initialized the database; but I only care about what will result, not the database, so I'm fine just standing one up for the duration of the build
<dhess> hold on in the middle of fixing a PR
<dhess> this needs to be created every time you build?
<johnw> when I build the package yes
<johnw> I'm wondering if this means I should make bugzilla service, because then I could depend on the mysql service, and have this step happen if the file is not present at startup time
<johnw> having it happen at build time would be nice, but it's not *technically* right
<dhess> that's what I would do I think. Anyway I can't think of any place I've done something like start a service during a build and then kill it.
<dhess> if you want to get really funky could you patch in a test?
<dhess> and add mysql as a nativeBuildInput?
<dhess> and grab the output from the check phase?
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<johnw> hmm
<johnw> that sounds horrific
<dhess> yes it does
<dhess> you could also do it in postBuild I guess.
<dhess> can it connect to sqlite?
<johnw> what is the difference between buildInputs and nativeBuildInputs?
<clever> johnw: when doing a cross compile from x86 to arm, it will give you the arm version of the buildInputs and the x86 version of the nativeBuildInputs?
<dhess> I believe nativeBuildInputs applies to both cross-compiles and native compiles
<dhess> oh that is a better definition
<clever> when doing a native x86 build, it just uses the x86 versions of both
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<johnw> ok, what I'm doing now is so evil, I expect members of the Hague to appear at my door tomorrow demanding restitution
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<pjan_> LnL: I'm experiencing an interesting issue, that I can't seem to figure out solving. I have `nix.nixPath` set, have enabled bash.programs.enabled. It sources the /etc/bashrc when starting a new terminal, yet the `NIX_PATH` environment variable doesn't contain the path set (but /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels)
<LnL> grep nix-daemon.sh /etc/profile
<pjan_> yep, present
<LnL> you don't want that since it runs after /etc/bashrc and will override stuff
<pjan_> that's automatically set when installing nix, isn't it?
<pjan_> or where does it come from?
<qmm> i deleted my /nix directory to reinstall nix.
<qmm> i looked in install, but didn't see the NIX_BUILD_GROUP_ID variable
<pjan_> LnL: ah, yeah, was using the manual install instructions, so that didn't pop up
<LnL> I made a pr for nix so the installer should leave that alone after the next release
<LnL> qmm: what's the output of dscl . -read /Groups/nixbld
<LnL> looks like you already have a nixbld group
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<qmm> i do already have a nixbld group
<qmm> deleted
<LnL> hopefully that fixes the problem
<qmm> that did it. thanks LnL!
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<LnL> FYI. don't add users to that group, it's used by nix for builds
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<johnw> morning
<LnL> evening
<johnw> where are you LnL?
<LnL> I live in Belgium
<johnw> ah, that's why I never find you at night here
<LnL> yeah, you've pinged me at 4am a few times :)
<johnw> last night I was fighting bugzilla until 3:30am
<LnL> sounds like fun
<mitchty> who won?
<johnw> it did
<johnw> however, I think containers are wonderful
<johnw> I now spawn a mysql server during the buildPhase so that it's setup script can connect to it
<mitchty> at work we "upgraded" to jira
<johnw> it's so gross
<johnw> what did you have before jira?
<mitchty> bugzilla
<johnw> :(
<johnw> the absolute best think about bugzilla is deskzilla
<johnw> best bug browsing UI I know
<mitchty> never used it tbh
<johnw> without it, I wouldn't use bugzilla anymore
<mitchty> well glad i never knew of it to miss it then >.<
<johnw> wow, high sierra is a trash fire isn't it
<gchristensen> yes
<LnL> you already posted that
<gchristensen> nope, this is a new one lnl...
<johnw> lol
<gchristensen> new as of today :)
<LnL> that was sarcasm
<johnw> so, all those GHC segfaults yesterday were a bad RAM module btw
<LnL> oh, that was causing the intermittent issues with your build?
<johnw> yep
<LnL> bummer, but it's easy to fix
<gchristensen> oh, haha
<mitchty> wish my ghc segfaults on my arm box were ram related
<dhess> mitchy: ghc version?
<mitchty> 8.2.2
<dhess> During the stage 2 compile of ghc itself?
<mitchty> something in the stage2 build, not fully debugged it yet, takes ages to compile
<johnw> hmm.. i can't seem to login to a mysql database with user/pass
<dhess> mitchty: boom. Can reproduce.
<johnw> but i can login if I'm that user (which of course apache isn't running as)
<mitchty> dhess: oh? so its not just my port of ghc?
<dhess> mitchty: is this with nixpkgs and the latest GHC stuff? Or a different distro?
<mitchty> dhess: this is on alpine linux with musl libc
<mitchty> around here make[1]: *** [utils/haddock/ghc.mk:21: utils/haddock/dist/build/ResponseFile.dyn_o] Segmentation fault (core dumped)
<dhess> mitchty: It's not just you. If you grab nixpkgs from master or even one of the -unstable channels and try to build haskell.compiler on armv7l-linux, you will get the same thing
<dhess> mitchty: yep, exactly. Reproducible every time.
<mitchty> dhess: well thats good news, but now i'm curious whats wrong
<dhess> mitchty: that's interesting, I figured it was something in the Nix recipe
<dhess> mitchty: it's also odd that nobody has reported it as far as I can tell. Are we the only ones using ghc 8.2.2 on arm? :)
<mitchty> looking to me like a ghc bug/reversion at this point
<mitchty> dhess: probably :)
<dhess> mitchty: 8.0.2 on Nixpkgs can build all of my apps just fine
<dhess> ok well man am I glad I was idling here when you said that
<mitchty> 8.0.2 is fine as well, i tried bisecting things but it takes ages to build to bisect when it takes 29 hours to rebuild ghc
<mitchty> heh, i'm glad too, been poking at it with gdb, looks kinda like its relating to some primitive integer operation
<mitchty> my ability to debug ghc is pretty crap though
<mitchty> gotta do a standup, bbiab
<mitchty> dhess: so i'm guessing if we both are hitting the same bug its worthy of a new ghc bug, i'll fire one off tonight with what I've found so far
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<johnw> any mariadb masters here?
<copumpkin> LnL: nope, never tried. I didn't even know it was there, and don't know why it is
<LnL> hey! :D
<LnL> just wanted to check, maybe I'll take a stab at getting rid of it then
<dhess> mitchty: excellent, thanks!
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<johnw> LnL: I wonder if nix-darwin could be made to control what appears in the Sharing Preferences
<LnL> what are you thinking of?
<johnw> enabling screen sharing, file sharing, SSH server, Printer sharing
<johnw> for example, I like to have Remote Login (aka ssh) enabled with an authorized key on all my Macs
<LnL> oh yeah, that would be awesome!
<johnw> hmm.. I was testing my new found power of suggesting something to you and having it appear within 24 hours
<LnL> lol
<johnw> mere agreement was not the bargain ;)
<johnw> box.com <- grr
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<johnw> "Delete account". "Sure you want to permanently delete this account?" "Yes". "Ok, if you'd like to reactivate it later, visit this page"
<johnw> very different understandings of the words delete and permanent
<LnL> google points me to systemsetup -f -setremotelogin on
<LnL> but I'm not sure what the default user/group stuff is
<johnw> of course, being able to manage bluetooth and keep audio off and disable the webcam would be great too... ;)
<johnw> or being able to select which apps from the App Store should be installed on the machine
<johnw> you know, because i know you're bored
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