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<qmm> i looked in install, but didn't see the NIX_BUILD_GROUP_ID variable
<qmm> help appreciated
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<johnw> LnL: for a single build, how do I tell nix-build *not* to use remote hosts? It's not leaving me with a failed directory using -K
<dhess> johnw: I can confirm that behavior on remote builds :( I guess one of us should file a bug.
<dhess> not just on Darwin either
<johnw> well, given that development is going into "nix build" now, right? and it doesn't even have a -K switch yet
<johnw> does anyone know the answer to Can't open perl script "Makefile.PL": No such file or directory?
<johnw> I see preConfigure = "touch Makefile.PL"; in the builder for perl modules
<johnw> ah, needed buildPerlModule, not buildPerlPackage in some cases
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<dhess> LnL: nix-darwin is working great on this Hydra remote builder now!
<dhess> I skipped the part of the activation script that creates the build user as that doesn't work on 10.13.2, so I created that by hand. But the rest is working perfectly, including the new overlays support.
<dhess> I think I feel comfortable enough with this now to put it on my other Macs
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<johnw> I have it on my main machine and my laptop now
<johnw> hmm.. ld: unknown option: -mmacosx-version-min=10.10 is biting a perl package build
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<dhess> johnw: when you installed nix-darwin on your main machine(s), were those already running a multi-user nix setup, or was it single-user?
<johnw> it was single-user, and then I had to switch them all to multi-user
<dhess> ok I'm in the same boat. How did you do that? Is there a guide or a gist somewhere?
<johnw> i ran nix-darwin's bootstrap.sh script
<dhess> oh that converted it for you?
<dhess> or did you have to wipe Nix and start from scratch?
<dhess> well it appears bootstrap.sh doesn't do any single->multi conversion so I guess that didn't do it in any case
<dhess> I think the new installer supported it at one point (or there was a PR) but it was rejected due to concerns about impurities in the converted store etc.
<pjan_> It's in the bootstrap script of nix-darwin, @dhess
<pjan_> at least partly
<dhess> pjan_: well that doesn't, say, fix permissions in /nix/store, for example
<dhess> maybe that's all that's left to do, I suppose.
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<dhess> I just started from scratch. It wasn't too bad.
<dhess> err... until cache.nixos.org 404'ed :)
<johnw> I'm here
<dhess> oh in #nixos srhb was asking about hnix
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<johnw> how again do I get the list of attributes that installed my user environment?
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<dhess> johnw: you were asking earlier about doing builds locally instead of to a remote: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1118
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<szicari> Good morning! nix-shell started acting odd recently. When I activate a shell, it looks like this:
<szicari> \[\][nix-shell:~/src/farmobile]$\[\]
<szicari> Auto-complete doesn’t work, and it seems extremely limited.
<szicari> It happens no matter what TERM I have exported, and it was not happening before (maybe a week ago).
<szicari> Does anyone know what’s happening here?
<LnL> what does type -p bash say?
<szicari> LnL: Checking...
<szicari> /Users/seanzicari/.nix-profile/bin/bash
<szicari> I *did* recently switch to bash provided by nix. Maybe that’s a mistake?
<szicari> That’s odd. I expunged bash from my nix profile, but now type -p bash shows this:
<LnL> yeah, I thought so
<szicari> /nix/store/hgsbnqhg7zr5vbjazb250ac4wnj3cfhy-bash-4.4-p12/bin/bash
<szicari> What’s wrong with the nix bash?
<LnL> you want bashInteractive not pkgs.bash
<szicari> That one seems to work better.
<szicari> Thanks, LnL.
<LnL> nix-shell uses bash from your PATH and you installed the version without ncurses, etc. support
<LnL> talking about ncurses, ...
<LnL> copumpkin: have you ever tried to get rid of the clang -> ncurses dependency?
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<acowley> rustc broke on unstable
<acowley> Though I see the usual folks seem to be on the case
<LnL> hmm, the cargo hash stuff or something different?
<acowley> A test failure, one sec
<acowley> Associated with rustc issue 26092
<acowley> I glanced at their issue tracker, and it seems like it might be a transient failure
<LnL> oh!
<LnL> yeah it is, thought I disabled it with the last update
<acowley> LnL: Btw, I've semi-automated setup of cquery for C++ development. You may recall how I had talked about needing to dig around NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE for rtags in the past. It'll work more smoothly once cquery starts tagging releases and I PR this to nixpkgs.
<LnL> restarted, but we should really disable it
<acowley> This is what it looks like to use now: https://www.arcadianvisions.com/blog/2018/nix-cquery-pt2.html
<LnL> oh right I wanted to ask you about that
<LnL> do you know about a tool that can generate a compile_commands.json for non cmake projects?
<acowley> LnL: bear is a commonly cited one, but I could not get it to work on macOS
<acowley> LnL: It broke with SIP
<acowley> so the authors recommend another tool which I also could not get to work
<LnL> yeah
<LnL> oh what's the other one?
<acowley> My cquery packaging now supports two ways of running things: with a compile_commands.json (from eg cmake) or using a .cquery file
<acowley> The latter just dumps all the needed include flags in a way that cquery can pass to libclang
<acowley> That approach is arguably worse than a compiler_commands.json since it doesn't give per-source-file flags, but it gets things working in a nix environment.
<acowley> And I've been working with upstream to make sure the build continues to work under nix. As is usual they accidently break it with some regularity.
<acowley> All in attempts to make it as smooth as possible for typical users.
<acowley> I think the issue of people needing to juggle multiple simultaneous installations of LLVM is going to become more and more of a thing over the next year
<acowley> Oh drats, I've created another situation where I get linker failures
<acowley> Good old glfw
<acowley> I should upstream the fix for bindings-GLFW (Haskell) on macOS, but it's kind of a rigamaroll.
<LnL> dhess: added a warning for distributed builds :)
<dhess> LnL: good move for dummies like me :)
<johnw> does anyone here use mod_perl with NixOS?
<dhess> LnL: this is awesome because I have never been able to get remote builds to work from my Mac before this.
<dhess> I will try NixOps later today :O
<johnw> when they work, remote builds are amazing
<johnw> really cuts down my world-rebuild times
<johnw> or spreads the load to my other machine if I'm busy on this one
<dhess> johnw: you said it. Hey did you put localhost in your nix.buildMachines ?
<johnw> no
<johnw> I never got that to work
<johnw> it *does* use my local machine, it just still doesn't prefer it
<dhess> johnw: does nix-build run anything on your local machine when you have remotes defined in buildMachines?
<dhess> oh
<LnL> it's only hydra that won't use the local machine
<johnw> yes
<dhess> hmm I did not see that but I wasn't doing a massive build or anything
<dhess> maybe there just wasn't enough parallelism
<johnw> I have it set to do 4 jobs on the laptop, 8 jobs on the desktop
<johnw> right, dependencies may block parallelism
<johnw> the new "nix build" shows it the best, when rebuilding the world
<johnw> there is a bold number in green that shows the current number of active jobs
<dhess> johnw: what do you have buildCores set to?
<johnw> cores is 1
<dhess> yeah that is where I ended up as well
<johnw> I have too many builds that unpredictably fail when run parallel
<johnw> there should be a better relationship between jobs and cores
<dhess> yeah it should be more dynamic
<johnw> right now you have to balance between them, which is always bad
<dhess> yes
<LnL> orivej made a pr that improves that recently I think
<johnw> because if jobs is 2 and cores 2, and you have a bunch of single-threaded builds all of a sudden, now you're not using half your machine
<dhess> johnw: are you running nix 1.12 then?
<johnw> yes, 1.12
<johnw> right now mod_perl is kicking my ass :(
<dhess> on macOS or NixOS or both?
<johnw> just on macOS right now
<LnL> it makes builds look at loadavg to avoid using more than available
<johnw> on NixOS (which I use for servers) I tend to be much more stable
<johnw> LnL: nice!
<dhess> any issues you have seen so far? (I am inferring that this mod_perl issue is related?)
<johnw> what I'd like is a capability pool
<johnw> i.e., my machine has 8 virtual cores
<johnw> so, jobs + cores should always try to reach 8
<johnw> but should shift the allocation dynamically
<johnw> is anyone else seeing "ld: framework not found Cocoa"?
<johnw> this problem has come and gone for me, but now I'm completely stuck on it
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<dhess> johnw: no, which package?
<LnL> yeah where? I did change propagatedness for the frameworks of mercurial/rust recently
<mitchty> johnw: in that case i'd want a max of 4, those hyperthreaded processors tend to perform worse most of the time
<mitchty> in my experience, it can vary, but then you can get down clocking etc... depending on the core usage
<mitchty> of course i might be too embedded in junk like knc etc.. that is super weird
<johnw> dhess: right now, building something local for which i use cabal configure and cabal build; it doesn't happen when I'm just building within Nix