rycee changed the topic of #home-manager to: Support and discussion around the Home Manager project (https://github.com/rycee/home-manager) | Logs: https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/home-manager
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<ladfkjgad> hi, I have a question: I'm tryign to use dag.entryAfter but somehow it's not in the namespace?
<ladfkjgad> could someone tell me how can I import it? I imagine this is a very basic question but I can't understand the relevant sections from the nix docs
<ladfkjgad> (or maybe can't find them)
<rycee> ladfkjgad: You need to add `lib` to your configuration function argument. Then it should be available as `lib.hm.dag.entryAfter`.
<ladfkjgad> thanks! I tried that and it says "attribute hm missing"
<rycee> Are you using HM 19.09?
<rycee> In that case use `config.lib.dag.entryAfter` instead.
<ladfkjgad> yes, I think so. This is a system wide hm installation and I included it in the imports like that:
<ladfkjgad> now the attribute dag is missing
<rycee> Maybe you are getting the system level `config`? You need the HM `config` variable.
<ladfkjgad> could you suggest how can I specify this? I tried doing `pkgs.home-manager.config.lib...`
<rycee> Hmm, can you share the lines surrounding your use of `home-manager.users` in your system configuration?
<ladfkjgad> sure, gimme a sec
<rycee> If you see the `home-manager.users.eve = { pkgs, ... }: {` line at https://rycee.gitlab.io/home-manager/index.html#sec-install-nixos-module
<rycee> You'll want to change this to have `{ config, pkgs, ... }:`
<rycee> Then use `config.lib.dag.entryAfter` wherever you are needing it.
<ladfkjgad> okay, I have this part set up very differently maybe that's the problem. Let me check
<ladfkjgad> rycee thanks a lot I thinks this works
<ladfkjgad> (btw I love home-manager, nice work)
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<cole-h> rycee: When you're not busy, mind taking a look at #797? CI has passed (even though GH didn't seem to get the memo), just waiting on the final word.
<{^_^}> https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/pull/797 (by Gerschtli, 32 weeks ago, open): Improve non NixOS support
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<ZerataX> hmm i can't start vscode anymore due to this https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/91671
<ZerataX> I assume this happened because i tried to install some extension directly with vscode and now it's trying to create a folder on start but doesn't have the permission to do that. how would i force reinstall vscode or prune the installation?
<{^_^}> microsoft/vscode#91671 (by lakxraju, 4 weeks ago, closed): 'ENOENT: no such file or directory, mkdir' while installing extension