
<jtojnar> need to see if fontconfig supports something like CSS web font unicode-range


<jtojnar> yegortimoshenko: do I need to do something on top of installing a font?
<jeaye> I may be missing something, but that's how you'd typically set something like this up.
<Guest52592> Since NixOS also uses systemd, is it possible to do something like this? → https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dm-crypt/Specialties#Using_systemd_hook
<concatime> Something like PPA for Ubuntu.
<home-manager-use> hey folks, any of you able to help me with a simple question that pertains to nixpkgs and home-manager? i'm trying to specify a URL where a path is expected, for something like `home.file."path/to/whatever".source = https://...;`. can I use fetchurl for this, or am I Doing It Wrong because it would break referential transparency?
<LnL> sure, but something has to decide what to use when both are available :)
<acarrico> AntonLatukha[m]: Got you. Thanks. I'm guessing that the real issue is that my DSL modem, or my ISP is not routing ipv6, and something in the LiveCD network config depends on ipv6 routing.
<samueldr> yeah, something with your DNS resolution and IPv6 is... weird
<acarrico> Hey everyone. I booted off the NixOS Live CD. Some sites don't work. For example, I can ping archlinux.org fine, but "Network is unreachable" for wiki.archlinux.org. Others "name or service not known". Something funky with DNS?
<gchristensen> I wish I could have something like the Snapshot feature, but perpetual :)
<typetetris> Actually I want a compiler as a system packages, but even installing gcc-wrapper-something didn't help. Your nix-shell command helped. But It would be cumbersome to do it all the time.
<seccus> srhb: Great, thanks! Odd that after Googling for an hour or something, this never came up.
<srhb> seccus: Depending on your workflow you might want something like nix-shell -p 'python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ setuptools ])'
<dtz> good strategy-- nix is pretty great b/c you can always chase it down to something you can modify O:)
<ogle> I purely learn from necessity. Often there isn't a build expression for something I need so I have to just figure it out. I mostly use the existing nixpkgs as a reference
<dtz> Lol we really just need a nix run variant that does some quick mounts or something. Nix is so goooood but no one wants to ask folks to install it lol
<MP2E> yeah, I agree, just not something I'm familiar with doing. A way that would work would be to override each dependency with 'dontDisableStatic = true; configureFlags = "--disable-shared --enable-static"', but that could be tedious to apply to each dependency, so there may be a better way that i'm not aware of
<Lisanna> I just needed something with buildInputs


<Lisanna> Is it possible to, from within a Nix expression, get all of the dependencies required for instantiating some expression? I know how to get the run-time dependencies of a built derivation, but I need to know exactly what I need to instantiate something.
<mikaunix> I might have misunderstood something, but I really don't see it.
<samueldr> nix itself runs on Linux (or something linuxy enough like WSL) or Darwin
<vcunat> I'm always busy with something
<gchristensen> something along those lines would be good, but I'd never remember that triggger
<dhess> I'm sure it's something really dumb, too
<dhess> clever: something odd is going on, really baffling and probably something really stupid. I can't get nix-env to honor a 'nixpkgs=...' in my NIX_PATH
<dtzWill> err. Oh, glibc. and "haskell-static" or something, presumably?
<dtzWill> think we need to pivot a bit to accomodate the growth... getting a bit big for the current level of process/"organization" we have. Might be worth looking at other big projects, or something.


<cmiles74> dtzWill: Yeah, it's getting messier and messier. I was hoping for something that maybe would make it easy to bind_mount or something inside a package expression to try and fake it out.
<telent> (It seems, i may be doing something else wrong)
<srhb> Maybe something is up with callSubTests...
<jeaye> Something will be wrong on my wife's machine, and the UI doesn't show what or provide much info at all. xrandr doesn't lie and it makes things pretty simple, at least for my uses.
<srhb> It's called xrandr because it randomly does *something* to your monitors.
<gchristensen> plus maybe something to automatically run it when I plug in / unplug
<srhb> frontsideair: Yes. :) Something is depending on them that's not just an older generation.
<FRidh> Seems to be something with the systemd unit since starting the daemon manually allows users to build
<joepie91> the code that the developer writes is going to have to access a .children property or something like that anyway, because that's the only way most languages can represent that distinction
<infinisil> gchristensen: I mean a reference to a man page in docbook xml, something like `See file(1) for more info`
<samueldr> oh right, which markdown: make sure it's something well specced
<nikivi> I assume it being a sandbox build enviroment is something you want to have on a server rather than a personal OS
<gchristensen> PlasmaStar: you mentioned something w.r.t. censorship, what did you mean?
<Lisanna> hey, maybe I'm just misunderstanding something here... but I'm trying to get nixpkgs copied somewhere as part of a derivation. but cp ${<nixpkgs>} ... isn't copying nixpkgs, instead it's copying a bunch of stuff that would be in a /nix/store (derivations and products). I thought <nixpkgs> evaluates to a location containing the channel files (default.nix, etc.)?
<ij> If something's in my nix-channel --list, should it also appear in $NIX_PATH after profile.d/nix.sh evaluation?
<dan_b`> argh. updated to master and now something in glibc is overriding $AR back from "mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu-ar" to plain "ar"


<Dezgeg> so it needs to be ${!output} or something to use variable variable names
<samueldr> issue with qtxcb.so or something similar I presume pkill9
<yegortimoshenko> orivej: something to the effect of giDiscoverSelf is required by any package that includes typelibs that binaries in that same package depend on
<bgamari> unfortunately something has since broken
<samueldr> I believe I have something that may help you
<yegortimoshenko> Ankhers: fetchHex only handles one dependency at a time, and it still leaves for you to resolve dependencies, you'll need something else probably
<contrapumpkin> bgamari: do you have an example of how you want to use toPath? you can append strings to paths and the result will be a path, so sometimes the answer is to do something like /. + foo
<dan_b`> it is most likely something I've done wrong
<catern> it sounds kind of like they are moving towards a more Nixy way of doing things, where they rebuild packages from source much more often... but I'm surprised to hear that they are rarely rebuilding things from source at the moment, or something
<yegortimoshenko> gchristensen: also, they don't put much thought into blocking something, they just block some resource, and if it isn't immediately deleted, they block the entire domain. it's also rarely systematic.
<samueldr> I mean, is it something that should be reported?
<fpletz> dhess: maybe I mixed something up and its actually related to subsitutes
<Ankhers> Gotcha. I don't really need access. I just tried triggering a build on a PR and was wondering why there was no output from the bot. I wasn't sure if it was a bug, or maybe it doesn't output anything on successful builds or something.
<Ankhers> gchristensen: Can anyone get your borg bot to build something from a PR or is it only certain people?


<rnhmjoj[m]> what I don't understand is why I didn't see this issue before. something must have changed recently because i have been using mosh for more that a year.
<samueldr> (installing, looking at something which may explain the issue)
<samueldr> something is not opening the session "properly"
<rnhmjoj[m]> this is an error from Nix that i think has something to do with a missing environment variable
<samueldr> (had something similar recently wherein X crashing and re-logging-in made some things usint /run/user/1000 wonky)
<pkill9> is there a way to tell nix-env to --install something only if there's a binary cache for all parts of the package you tell it to install?
<samueldr> Ankhers: nix-shell in itself is probably something you can make your team accept
<samueldr> mine was by saving the day, using a pinned older revision of a known good working server when something broke in a dependency later on
<Rovanion> Found something to remove in tmp.
<gchristensen> something not in the nix store
<Rovanion> Can I do something like apt-get clean, autoclean to free up space?
<gchristensen> ok so it looks like something you have is overwriting the $PATH
<ariutta> dhess: thanks, that's something to get me started here
<dhess> like, perhaps PREFIX is set to $HOME by default or something like that.
<dhess> ariutta: ahh. Well it probably has something to do with the fact that /var/empty is $HOME for user 'nobody' on macOS
<ariutta> Is there a flag or something I can set to change the location from "/var/empty/local/bin/" to something else? It doesn't seem any of the nix-build flags are for that.
<ariutta> Why does nix-build on macOS try to copy something to "/var/empty/local/bin/"? Is that the default system-wide bin directory for NixOS?
<dhess> cmiles74: you can get whatever you need from the NixOS module definition with something like, "${pkgs.the-package-you-want}/etc/foo.conf" etc.
<hyper_ch> Baughn: since he doesn't know zfs, I thought I had to use something maybe familiar to him as starting point :)
<Baughn> You say "docker", so I'm guessing probably yes... right. Hmm, tried diffing them? It should be something in the header,I guess.
<vcunat> iqubic: we can try to do something about that
<samae> Is there something intermediate between runCommand and a full blown mkDerivation? Like producing an out path from a (bash) script.
<sphalerite> Sonarpulse: do you have something alerting you when your name is mentioned?
<srhb> I do something similar for virtd.
<Lisanna> it might be doing something that is incompatible with something else you specifically have enabled... nixos modules are not very well isolated from eachother
<rvolosatovs> or is this "exit code 25" something unrelated to the collision?
<Lisanna> on a non-NixOS system, you couldn't have both of those packages installed at the same time either without doing something special, since they would try to place files in the same place
<Lisanna> hmm, is there something similar that I can do for libraries like what you can use makeWrapper for on executable binaries?
<clever> fresheyeball: nixpkgs.config = { packageOverrides = pkgs: { teamviewer = something; }; }; i believe
<catern> I swear I saw something like it
<pkill9> if i install something by running `nix-build -A package-ver`, how can i run `nix-env -i package-ver`?
<Lisanna> infinisil: yeah, I'm thinking something involving symlinks


<dhess> infinisil: silly question but are you sure something is listening on 2222?
<orivej> kini: something like that is possible, but there is no strong case for doing it
<clever> it might be that something modified the env
<joepie91> it's bad enough that when something breaks on somebody elses system (since I don't use fail2ban myself), fail2ban is on the check-this-first list for me :)
<zimbatm> ideally something like the SSLlabs test or ACID test that has a point system
<symphorien> you have to replace it with the config you want : here something like { allowUnfree = true; }
<fendor> hm, why can't i install something unfree although i enabled `nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;` in configuration.nix
<judson> Or something.
<yegortimoshenko> actually, most steam stderr logs don't matter much unless something has actually broken, it's rather verbose
<yegortimoshenko> also if you want something to build natively on proprietary platforms, pkgconfig is not an option
<jtojnar> God, everyone should just replace it with Meson or something
<crucialrhyme> is this something i do through nix expressions or is there a command somewhere that i'm not finding? i enabled the config option for it
<greglearns> is that what you mean by instance firewall, or am I missing something?
<samueldr> anyway, the 403 is possibly an issue stemming from something else
<samueldr> there's possibly something wrong, it should be a 404
<samueldr> it might fail with something like TOS hash mismatch


<gchristensen> nix-push maybe or something like that
<tnks> I have a suspicion that nix-copy-closure isn't used that much, or is going to be replaced by something else.
<clever> and how insane is it that i can debug haskell like that?, or that ghci cant do something so simple? lol
<thoughtpolice> GHDL? I had it inside my clash-playground, though in my latest clash upgrade I think something broke and I didn't have time to investigate, so I removed it ;_;
<thoughtpolice> My motivation is it would be nice to expose this repository as something someone didn't need to fork, but could just import the release.nix and get a roughly equivalent environment that they can extend themselves: https://github.com/thoughtpolice/clash-playground
<samueldr> toppler: give me a sec, I'm checking something
<jtojnar> could something from https://github.com/mayflower/nixborg be re-used?
<gchristensen> somewhere, either "borrowing" github for persistence or something off-github
<Mic92> gchristensen: yes, sometimes I have tested the updated program locally or even added something on top. But this would require some additional privileges. So this could be even a different bot in theory
<sphalerite> clever: maybe you know something about this ^?
<pxc> I want to use something like this: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/30399#issuecomment-338747368 to simultaneously pin and patch nixpkgs, but for NixOS rather than just a specific project with a default.nix
<Ankhers> yegortimoshenko: Are they the most supported or something?


<samueldr> I remember reading about something similar, I think it was with btrfs
<sphalerite> of course it doesn't produce the output path, but yeah, I suspect you're doing something wrong :p
<seequ> Is it ok to PR something that will change in a day or two?
<sphalerite> You might be better off using an EC2 instance or something
<clever> but maybe something else has changed in unstable, i havent given it root yet
<lejonet> do I have to do virt_manager or something like that?
<betaboon> samueldr: sorry for not responding, something came up xD
<sphalerite> How can I remove something from systemPackages? Specifically in this case I don't want xterm in systemPackages but I do want services.xserver.enable = true
<samueldr> something like that, but that was because I assumed the sd-image had it by default
<ison[m]> Hello, I'm having a problem with steam on NixOS. It looks like the problem was fixed here https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/32723 18hrs ago but I still get no changes when I --upgrade my system. Am I misunderstanding something? Or is there something I need to do to gain access to these kinds of bug fixes? Or do I just need to wait longer before the fix propagates to me?
<sphalerite> Also, can I change the compression used on a binary cache? xz is heavy and I'd rather save the CPU time than the bandwidth and storage space, and use gzip or something instead
<clever> jmc_fr: the hostname.nix can then have something like ./core.nix added to imports, to share config between several systems
<samueldr> I'm loading the latest one to check on mine, maybe there's something wrong with the image? (I wouldn't bet on it)
<joncfoo_> When using `buildStackProject` in a default.nix file I notice that Stack always tries to download GHC and subsequently fails - is there something that I'm specifying incorrectly? - http://sprunge.us/KHdY
<sphalerite> neonfuz: catern made something like that the other day
<clever> so if i set systemd.services.foo.description, it will pass { description = "something"; } to unitConfig
<yegortimoshenko> Lisanna: or nix-env that also has something like that (in ~/.nix-profile)
<Lisanna> yegortimoshenko: I guess this is something about Nix environments that I've never quite understood... I know how it handles /bin (it adds them to $PATH), but what about other directories, like /lib, /include, and /libexec?
<Lisanna> You don't happen to know if nix-shell sets some variable or something to the root of the environment that it makes for itself, do you?
<Lisanna> yegortimoshenko: would something like this work? default.nix: { env1 = buildEnv { buildInputs = [ /nix/store/...-environment ]; env2 = buildEnv { buildInputs = [ /nix/store/...-environment ]; }, and then nix-shell -A env1
<Lisanna> yegortimoshenko: okay, I understand what you mean, I need to think about how I could use something like that to get what I want
<Lisanna> The closest I've gotten is that nix-shell -p <environment> will start a shell with <environment> loaded into the environment, but <environment> has to be something in <nixpkgs>
<jtojnar> or try to sign something?
<jtojnar> or something like nix-store --query --references $(nix-store --query --references /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/ | grep system-path)
<jtojnar> azdle: maybe something like nix-store --query --tree /nix/var/nix/profiles/system


<fpletz> azdle: just use something like: nixogs-rebuild switch -I nixpkgs=/path/to/your/nixpkgs/checkout
<cmiles74> yegortimoshenko: Maybe I am doing something wrong... I downloaded the source code for their latest release...
<yegortimoshenko> crucialrhyme: to do that, you should have something to call it with. so you import nixpkgs, and call package with callPackage to fill inputs
<crucialrhyme> i assume i'm just doing something wrong that's simple
<crucialrhyme> yegortimoshenko: hello! sorry if my connecting and disconnecting kept making everyone's computer beep or something
<Lisanna> oh, so basename $(readlink -f $src) or something
<infinisil> Always funny to see people on other distros struggle to uninstall something *laughs in Nix*
<pie_> im trying to build something but i get main.c:43:31: fatal error: readline/readline.h: No such file or directory , whereas i did nix-shell -p readline
<mitchty> am i doing something wrong with my derivation in default.nix here? https://gist.github.com/mitchty/21e8edd8d1a2c730499637e9ff0c38ca
<cransom> user input, at least interactively, isn't something i've run into either
<laggy_wifi> say if a user enters something like 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
<arximboldi> is there something special I need to do to use ruby based packages or something?
<hyper_ch> hmmm, something is compiling but now idea what
<Nol> Mainly, I just have a worry as a new user about the lack of an "escape hatch" in nixos. On an FHS compliant system if something proves too annoying to package I can just fallback to directly compiling and installing it
<yegortimoshenko> boomshroom: not yet, it's very weird that it would hang on render.so though, it wasn't even patched in that patch. also cpu doesn't go down when it happens, i.e. it certainly does something
<yegortimoshenko> crucialrhyme: conceptually, if you want to do something similar later on, you can override the package, e.g. `boot.plymouth.themePackages = [(pkgs.breeze-plymouth.override { nixosBranding = true; })];`
<boomshroom> samueldr: I am in fact trying to play DDLC. I started a while back, SDL broke something, and now I'm trying to see if I can get to the good part.
<boomshroom> yegortimoshenko: Before completely unflagging it, try running something with it. I remember that part still wasn't terribly simple.
<crucialrhyme> the kde launcher problem had something to do with something i had installed using nix-env bringing in an incompatible qt version
<Yaniel> complains something about an outdated libnss in the console
<kini> that would make all-packages.nix look cleaner, like maybe something like ''foo = callPackage baz { fooOrBar = "foo"; };'' which is easier to read at a glance
<Havvy> I'm trying to get nginx + let's encrypt working together. Is there something wrong with https://gist.github.com/Havvy/a81bff3e7c5c8418725a5931b8ec2359 ?
<Judson> For my purposes, I'm wondering if there's a liquibase.override or something?
<clever> bgamari: something better/more powerful


<Ralith> orivej: or you could inject something into NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE, or introduce your own wrapper via overrideCC
<kini> or at least, say, "-march=core-avx2" or something like that
<kini> so on gentoo you can put "-march=native" in your system-wide CFLAGS variable in /etc/portage/make.conf (iirc); is there something similar you can do for nix?
<srhb> Perhaps we need a backport of something.
<srhb> It does something different.
<hyper_ch> orivej: so did debian alter something in their meta data?
<DIzFer[m]> I swear, I've read the three manuals, and almost every day someone links to it I learn something new
<Fare> or something like thath


<Ralith> something to do with steam, maybe?
<srhb> baldr: Something like nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable nixos-unstable
<sphalerite> I don't, but it wasn't complicated — just debootstrap and use systemd-nspawn. There was a bug in debootstrap that I had to work around, can't remember the details, something to do with the shell
<spacefrogg> evangeline: No, I just told you nonsense. It was user error all along. You cannot just add a local repository with nix-channel because it expects a "channel" which is something different from a nixpkgs repository (e.g. contains a manifest).
<nixer_01> hedning[m]: the time to deliver searches is same. First query always takes 2 minutes on my system regardless if its direct query, piped to grep query or attribute path query. I think this has something to do with how nix stores database, the read operation is not sequental but spread over multiple files - I think disk iocache fills after first run, so for consequent queries the speed is reduced.
<hedning[m]> nixer_01: ah, misunderstood your isse, I'm guessing you're doing something like `nix-env -qaP -A nixos`, which of course takes a while.
<hyper_ch> but if something has no version numbers, it has none :)
<srhb> davidak: Ah, ok, just the front page. Is something usually there? The actual cache works fine.
<jeaye> Ah, just mean to be imported. Can I do that with something like <nixpkgs>/nixos/modules/profiles/hardened.nix?
<jeaye> Actually, sounds more like something which should be bound to the X session, a la ~/.xinitrc


<bgamari> so it seems something is not right with the logging
<jars-matey> Hi all! I'm new to nix, and I'm hoping for some help with an expression that builds on previous ones. I have expressions that build java jars as dependencies---call them dep0, dep1, etc. My final expression needs to build these, then include their names in a command, something like `java -cp dep0.jar dep1.jar main-thing-i-want-to-run`. How can I go about this? Thanks.
<evangeline> That way, the other channels are not causing this issue, but something else must be at play here?
<hodapp> I am trying to install https://github.com/raghakot/keras-resnet as another repo tells me I need to do "pip install --user --upgrade", but there is no setup.py, so buildPythonPackage is complaining... is there any example in nixpkgs of handling something like this?
<k0001> Is there something like `builtins.fetchTarball` in `nixpkgs` taking a `sha256` argument? I know the `sha256` argument will be present in nix 1.12, but I'm not using that yet.
<sphalerite> asdf_: not really. You could just touch $out or something to produce an empty output path
<chpatrick> I was wondering if there's a tool or something
<sphalerite> confused-with-bo: oh, apparently boot tries to donwload itself or something
<gchristensen> the other thing tomster is “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”― Upton Sinclair
<confused-with-bo> Hello everyone! I'm having some trouble getting boot (http://boot-clj.com) to run a Clojure script under nix, and was hoping you could help me. I'm sure there's something simple I'm misunderstanding.
<sphalerite> you can't check whether it's deterministic if you don't already have something to compare it to
<infinisil> rnhmjoj[m]: When declaring an option, you can do something like `mkOption { type = types.str; apply = f: stripPrefix "foo" f; ... }`. This will apply the stripping function at the very end when the config has been evaluated, so it won't cause recursion
<infinisil> rnhmjoj[m]: It's how nix works, things have dependencies and nix makes it so the dependencies are available. If you want to remove dependencies you need to do that where they come from. This is also how you'd go about when you see gcc in the closure of some package (which is not something you want)
<rnhmjoj[m]> I mean something like `environment.systemPackages = libs.subtractLists [ nano ] config.environment.systemPackages`
<aw> dhess: Something™ has done the trick, though. No message in the last 7 minutes.
<aw> dhess: I didn't try enabling at boot time + rebooting, though. Perhaps there's something stale™.
<dhess> aw: you might also want to disable it on the interface itself. Oh and I think this maybe had something to do with when the net.ipv6.conf.* settings were applied during the boot process
<catern> here's an example of something exciting you could do with unsandboxed builders
<vaibhavsagar> it sounds like you want something more like the way npm works then?
<Ankhers> Yeah. I'm just trying to create something for the BEAM (Erlang) and I just don't really know what to do about this question.
<clever> or at least, something that can run un-modified arm binaries


<sphalerite> OTT, if anyone's looking for a nixos fanboy (fanperson) to employ next year... I'll be looking for something starting sometime in Q3! (I guess it's still a bit early just now, but just in case :D )
<sphalerite> toogley: no, typically you'd want to either have a hard dependency on something that provides sendmail or invoke it from the PATH so that nix-shell and user profiles can affect it too
<srhb> I feel like I'm being fed broken store paths from the cache or something
<srhb> Probably something's been broken for a long time in the test infrastructure. I don't see it for similar files on my host system.
<Guanin> srhb, nuking those dirs does not cause a recreation of the required data until I change something related in the configuration.nix again
<srhb> efx[m]: At least I can do something like nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; pkgs.buildEnv { name = "modsecurityttpd"; paths = with pkgs; [ modsecurity_standalone apacheHttpd ]; }'
<srhb> if not, something like nix-shell -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; pkgs.callPackage ./path/to/default.nix {}'
<clever> Judson: its mostly as an example of how to boot something that was built with nix
<Judson> srhb, that happens to me sometimes but usually when I'm doing something weird. How does it happen all the time?
<tomster> manveru: should i be doing something differently? were you able to get `chef exec` working?
<Dezgeg> thoughtpolice: if you have irc logs for this channel, grep for qemu-system-arm or '-machine virt' or something
<marl> sphalerite: I think the target for something like that should compete with OpenWrt (or its name du jour).
<sphalerite> marl: I'd say it depends on a lot of things — especially what you need working. I suspect (but I'm not sure) that I personally might be able to get the essentials running in two weeks of work or so. But if we're talking about a router with 64MB of flash memory for the OS that won't fly for example, it would require a USB device or something to run the root filesystem off or something
<tomster> maybe i missed something then?
<phdoerfler> like a nixos-config --dump or something
<marl> toogley: something might be inserting a timestamp or something like that.
<crucialrhyme> for like, RStudio or something, an overlay would probably make more sense (except that one is already in nixpkgs, which is excellent)
<crucialrhyme> i'm pretty pleased with nixos so far and it's something i wish more scientists were aware of (not just FP nerds and sysadmins). there's a big push for reproducible research, but the way people do it basically involves putting everything in docker containers
<crucialrhyme> should i mainly be doing everything in configuration.nix, or mainly doing everything via nix-env, or something else?? or??
<sphalerite> Someone needs to run nix-store --verify --check-contents --repair or something on the builder machines :p
<hyper_ch> vaibhavsagar: define "something"
<vaibhavsagar> is something wrong with the nixos-17.09 channel?
<hyper_ch> (also breaking things is so much easier than creating something)
<hyper_ch> but I did first create a partition with fdisk... so that the first 2k sectors or something are empty for grub stuff
<manveru> took some fiddling, but it'll take even more to actually build something with it :|
<curry_nixos> fearlessKim: just xrandr --dpi with a bunch of settings and the screen flickered (so it seemed to be doing something) but no change
<samueldr> aaaand, I had to goof something there
<disasm> clever: ok, so would you do something like network.vlans = { lan = { interface = "enp2s0"; id = "33"; }; }; and then for the bridge, have it have interfaces enp2s1 and enp2s0.33
<clever> grantwu: something to do with git clone i think, the whole "rewrite it in rust" thing went a bit far :P
<samueldr> mount -o remount,size=____ /proper/mount/point where _____ can be something like 4G


<garbas> i think your work so far is amazing! i was always hoping we will have something like this for nixpkgs
<vcunat> probably due to buffering or something
<samueldr> hydra does something similar, but it might be doing the heavy lifting itself, while I would prefer it to work on a "normal" nixos-rebuild
<pstn> Lisanna: There is something bugged in there but I can't figure it out. Sometimes even adding rules to the firewall without actually enabling it can lead to breakage.
<samueldr> is there something specific you're looking for?
<ottidmes> FRidh: attempt to call something which is not a function but a string, at /nix/store/5ncma8gysijsswp8qwik63n1mssgvddq-pythonmodule.tar.gz/pkgs/development/interpreters/python/mk-python-derivation.nix:57:1
<datakurre> I've been working a lot with my Python development setup for Nix lately, so I'm interested, if I have missed something.
<catern> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i'm really looking for something that is more obviously the correct solution than "expert says sure, why not"
<grw> ah, didnt realise that. you can use wrapper and mkEnv or something to persist at runtime?
<hedning[m]> it doesn't complain, though it now didn't pickup a change I made to my configuration, so something funny is up, will investigate
<jeaye> Ideally having `nixos-rebuild switch` also build the packages in each user's `~/.nixpkgs/config.nix` or something would do the trick. I don't think an activation script is a good solution to that.
<onethirtyfive> Hoping someone here can tell me I'm missing something obvious. :)


<ottidmes> orivej: Awesome, I was looking for something like that :)
<ottidmes> Can I use NixOS to create something small to allow me to run some programs and then reboot or kexec into the actual kernel. I am using hardware encryption, making it all or nothing, so I plan to unlock the hardware encryption via a USB stick, but can I e.g. just create a stage1 initramfs for this purpose? Or would I need to use some small RAM linux distro?
<pikajude> because it's giving me a permission denied error, so it's trying to modify something in the store for some reason
<dhess> "crouton chromebook" or something like that
<dhess> sphalerite: don't those have a pretty hardened boot process and are difficult to "root"? i.e., to run something other than ChromeOS?
<herzmeister[m]> helloes, so why do some applications have no or wrong icons? libreoffice, thunderbird, etc? just sloppy maintaining? can i just pull-request? or am i missing something?
<clever> LnL: oh, something else that could save you
<LnL> I've been wondering if we should add something like that to the nixos system closure
<Wizek> elvishjerricco: okay, but I have something to attend to atm, hope to be able to try it a bit later
<Wizek> or something else?
<Ralith> if you're doing something significantly different from that, the bug is probably in there (or in your autotools scripts)
<Ralith> something like `with import <nixpkgs> {}; stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "foo"; version = "0.0"; buildInputs = []; }`
<Lisanna> mpickering: gccStdenv is acting like it doesn't have a C++ compiler or something
<Lisanna> maybe I'm just misunderstanding something here... can you have a stdenv that has both C and C++ compiling abilities?


<LnL> you'll need to do something like that for large evaluations
<clever> so it prints something every time you fetch the overlays
<gchristensen> guh I really stepped in something
<gchristensen> I feel like I'm probably doing something by mistake
<clever> something like --register-validity
<manveru> catern: the question is if you can use anaconda with something other than yum easily...
<Lisanna> well apparently I've missed something
<thoughtpolice> catern: Normally, you'd do something like `let boot = import <nixpkgs> {}; nixpkgs = boot.fetchFromGitHub { ... };` and then use `nixpkgs` afterwords.
<thoughtpolice> catern: I have an example here -- https://github.com/thoughtpolice/clash-playground -- if you just copy the 3 files from nix/ and then do something like `let nixpkgs = (import ./nix/nixpkgs.nix) { config = {} };` then you should be good to go.
<MoreTea> manveru yeah. I know that the author of the go2nix (or something like that) package, was also taking an interest in dep.
<clever> i have been considering making something with haskell and curses
<clever> vcunat: there is also "nix-store -q --roots /nix/store/foo" to find out what is keeping something
<vcunat> (e.g. a ./result symlink or something)
<vcunat> after that nix-collect-garbage should work, unless there's also something else keeping it alive
<ocharles> I have no github_authorization stanza at all, so you're trying to look into something undefined
<srhb> johs: You mean cached versions or something? I'm not sure. You might want to check the layout of the sqlite db.
<bennofs> infinisil: oh, I was thinking of some more of something for experimentation
<ison[m]> Is there any real interest in getting something like OpenRC working on NixOS, or is everyone pretty much just content with systemd?
<Lisanna> I've got a collection of test binaries and a million different versions of something to link the tests against, obviously I don't want a million copies of those tests in my nix store, but a million wrappers is fine. Apparently RPATH overrides LD_LIBRARY_PATH though so gotta nuke it with patchelf!
<orbekk> gchristensen: For some reason I thought you were in NYC, possibly because of your hostname or something


<marcinkuzminski> gchristensen: i think nix got a bit more popular now so maybe a good time to re-evaluate and write something new on that topic.
<dhess> samae: I haven't used it yet, but bookmarked it because it seemed like something I would, eventually.
<samae> Something that would pin the packages version for my project?
<ekleog> gchristensen: iirc, nixos tests use a file named like qemu-img.nix or something similar, which is the same mechanism as nixos-rebuild build-vm, which shares the store from the host with an overlayfs to allow modifications to it
<catern> I want something relocatable
<catern> can I build a Python egg or wheel or something using Nix?
<tilpner> Turion - It's parsing something while looking for something. Remember -i forces it to look through a lot of files
<tilpner> Turion - It's parsing something while looking for something. Remember -i forces it to look through a lot of files
<catern> does putting something in propagatedBuildInputs make it appear in the store dependencies of a derivation even if its hash doesn't show up in the realized derivation?
<gchristensen> srhb: yeah you could probably do something silly in the elf
<srhb> I could do something slightly less bizarre... Copy the binary out of the nix store at runtime (the systemd unit) to a new file..
<infinisil> yeah, but i won't use libinput just because it's new, i want something that works well
<etu> Most kids nowadays use markdown, I never liked markdown. Maybe I can transpile org-mode to markdown or something :)
<ryantrinkle> etu: if you're not on the internet, or if cloudfront starts serving you 500s, while you're trying to build something or nixos-rebuild switch