
<sphalerite> samueldr: it's also set to m without any information as to what's selecting it, nor the ability for me to set it to something else…
<ambro718> oops I meant: let drv = mkDerivation { installPhase = "echo ${writeFile "something with ${drv.outPath}"}"; };
<ambro718> ok now what I had actually been asking about back then was stuff like that: let drv = mkDerivation { installPhase = writeFile "something with ${drv.outPath}"; };
<infinisil> That's probably something clever knows more about
<illegalprime[m]> infinisil: so does this mean my derivation isn't outputing to `etc` and `lib`? Or do I have to specify something special for nix to keep those directories in the output?
<illegalprime[m]> so something like `nix-build -A autorandr`?
<manveru> also i usually specify something like /archive/1423512345345.tar.gz to point to the right revision
<joepie91> iqubic: right, but what is the client-side code being used for? normally, it's served up by whatever application/setup you have for the rest of the application, whether that be something like a Node.js or Python application with built-in webserver, or something like nginx when doing PHP
<joepie91> iqubic: wait, are you talking about developing something with Node.js, or writing client-side JS for an application written in something else?
<thoughtpolice> Ugh. Maybe I should do a mix-in postInstall or something to always create $out/bin for now as a workaround... Otherwise you have to make sure *every* extension does this.
<manveru> thoughtpolice: is https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/38698 actually something one can use yet?
<clever> sphalerite: i think there was a related bug, where it restarts something like dbus, which causes your session to crash
<clever> tenten8401: if you put something like this into configuration.nix, the entire ntpd.nix stops working
<clever> tenten8401: something within the nixos modules has set an invalid option on that
<LnL> sphalerite: yeah, should be possible to make an equivalent that works on any machine with qemu but I'm not aware of something like that
<sphalerite> what's everyone's favourite way to get a temporary http server, serving the cwd or something?
<tenten8401> or, y'know... maybe I could have a systemd reboot service write to /etc/issue or something
<sphalerite> you could use something other than mingetty if you really want it that badly
<tenten8401> also, is there a way I can set the tty greeting line to something like fortune run through lolcat
<Myrl-saki> Wait, I feel like I'm missing something. How do I get the machine up to play the game?
<Dezgeg> menuconfig should tell if something selects it
<sphalerite> ghasshee: the manpages are there, but I don't know much about ocaml so idk if you're looking for something else maybe
<leotaku> sphalerite: Ok, and how can you know if something added to stanging reaches unstable? Is that visible in the pull request or does one have to check the commit messages?
<sphalerite> manveru: it will build all attrs and name them something-{1..n} like that. As for giving each attr its own output name, I don't think so
<manveru> is there some way to use `nix build -o something` for all attrs in a default.nix?
<sphalerite> I seem to remember something along those lines
<sphalerite> something something crypto driver verification crap
<imalison_> I'm also kind of confused about why the channel mechanism isn't something as simple as a git branch
<Lisanna> this is the second time I've seen nix do something that I just utterly cannot explain or account for
<iqubic> manveru: How hard is it to install something like p5-manager via nix?
<Lears> gchristensen: This is all I have in my config related to chrome or the firewall: http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/ar3taRr7?nix ... but I honestly can't remember if those allowed ports are something I figured out for the cast or if they're unrelated, and I think I installed the chromium casting extension impurely because I couldn't find an ID for it.


<clever> so when building something like the system-path directory, it must have a copy of every program in system-path
<clever> tobiasBora: and all dependencies must exist before it can create something that depends on them
<logzet> But if it is something like a missing package, I try to make it PR-ready and get it on github
<manveru> home-manager automatically reloads my i3 if i change something
<d1rewolf> is there something else to do?
<tenten8401> home-manager is a good concept, but I wish there was something official
<samueldr> (so, if you enable something huge and it starts building, it may mean that it doesn't build on hydra either)
<samueldr> as long as atlauncher doesn't use something really weird, it may work this way
<LnL> I think it's also possible to use a different path with NIX_REMOTE=daemon?socket=/foo or something
<samueldr> my client mus be out of sync with something :/
<grp> What's the least clumsy way to actually package something in nix? I've been struggling with packaging an app that must have some hardcoded stuff among other quirks, and writing the default.nix, then runinng nix-build and see it fail miserably doesn't cut it. I mean, there's -K, but I'd like to have a shell in the very build environment to test a few things with everything correctly setup for the build process.
<goibhniu> I can't look up the issue now, but it's probably because I changed /nix/var/nix/db (or something like that) to rw, to work around an issue.
<dhess> so you could poke around in issues for something like "nix 2 permissions" and see if that uncovers anything.
<Taneb> I've been switching between them and rebuilding the VM trying to get something working, it was happening with both
<dhess> Taneb: could this have something to do with Hydra using Nix 1.x and your system using Nix 2?
<dhess> I'll check it out. Normally all of my Macs have access to my remote builders, but I need something that works on a plane or e.g., with poor Internet connectivity
<cryp7nix> re overlays: what I want is something like this: https://github.com/kreisys/nixpkgs-kreisys/tree/master/pkgs but I don't now where to put/link the default.nix in the root of that repo
<infinisil> clacke: You can just set your configuration.nix to something like `{ pkgs, ... }: { options = { <option defs> }; config = { <your actual config> }; }`
<iqubic> Ultimately I want something like caffeine.
<dtz> iqubic: try setting NIX_REMOTE=daemon and if that fixes it we know something
<infinisil> Something ain't right there


<infinisil> Whoa, something definitely improved in regards to memory with my latest update
<tobiasBora> it works something like once every 10 tries ^^
<logzet> Something between 10h and 15h
<freusque> and I would like to quickly test building something (maybe my system itself) using an alteration of this version
<clever> i would expect the above to at least print something, due to the loglevel=7
<sphalerite> infinisil: also try ssh-ng instead of ssh. They both have issues, but maybe ssh-ng issues won't bite you. Or something. idk.
<infinisil> (-k is something different though)
<joepie91> something something 3
<kalbasit> johanot: thank you, please let me know if you have any questions or if you want me to try something on my side
<JesseChaos> i'm sure it's something easy but i don't have a lot of experience tweaking x; either i'm headless, or it just works. sorry if this is dumb :/
<JesseChaos> what is everyone's favorite fs? i'm currently using ext4 but i'm interested in moving to something else.
<maurer> tilpner: Uh, still don't, because we don't accidentally want to package something that contains a credential fetcher
<adamt> etu: I imagine you would have something against a 675 km drive each way. :P
<hodapp> blob_: but he has the Linux port and he built it from something...
<blob_> Yikes. his source is windows only. guess I'll find something else
<hodapp> gchristensen: oh, wonder why they don't use Levenshtein distance or something
<gchristensen> so if something is inconvenient with how the install process works, opening an issue there would be the way to solve it
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a list, at (string):154:1
<buzzmaster[m]> Psi-Jack: right, it's just I'm not a fan of going through pages of manuals to get something to work
<cocreature> from a graph theory standpoint it’s something like finding nodes which when removed will break the connection to the root for other nodes
<cocreature> is there some semiautomatic tooling for figuring out nodes in the dependency graph that might be useful to remove? e.g. something like “if you manage to get rid of this dependency, we can drop those 50 other deps as well”
<manveru> something like `readonly NIX_FIRST_BUILD_UID="${$NIX_FIRST_BUILD_UID:-30001}"` would seem nicer...
<v0latil3> yeah i think those are native libs/extensions for the core php or something. https://stackoverflow.com/a/4960483
<dje4321_> Im trying to run something that require tkinter on python3 but it keeps failing to import. it cant find the module _tkinter.
<clever> something may be corrupt from an improper shutdown
<infinisil> Something fishy going on
<pie_> infinisil, doesnt nix-shell have a conf file or something? x)
<pie_> so i have fish set as my shell and everything, but nix-shell still runs bash after its done installing stuff, can i do something about that?
<infinisil> clever: So, compilation would do something like nix-instantiate --eval, while running it would do a nix-instantiate?
<infinisil> Well I'm sure there must be something useful about it, but as just a transitional format I can't quiet make any sense of it
<bgamari> hmm, strangely I get an error with both formulations; something of the effect
<logzet> I'll also ask the previous owner if he did something funny with the USB
<Dezgeg> perhaps the linux usb drivers are broken for that chipset then... maybe it has an sd card reader or something else to boot off
<joehh> is something up with cache.nixos.org?


<clever> logzet: let me check something
<samueldr> hmmm, am I right in assuming I may be doing something wrong if I see `bootstrap-stage[01234]` in a cross build?
<logzet> But thats something different, isnt it?
<clever> logzet: there should be a root=something arg to the kernel, which configures what it waits for
<ldlework> infinisil: what do you mean "And merging between multiple nixos modules works as well." Do you mean expressing your home-management configuration as a bunch of separate nixos modules or something?
<samueldr> ouch, I have ~800MB available, but it looks like (something derived from) sd-image on unstable somehow makes a 1.3GB ext4 FS
<rycee> pie_: Eventually I guess it would be prudent to have a stable "API" for the tool so it can be installed separately from the modules and be guaranteed to work for like a NixOS release cycle or something.
<pie_> hm. well i figured some kind of bootstrap would be enough, just to get it to install itself or something
<samueldr> (I assumed just a let or something)
* pie_ trying to do something like "./hosts/" + hostName + "/hardware-configuration.nix" in configuration.nnix
<Berra> So there's something I'm not getting - given https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tree/master/pkgs/development/compilers/ghcjs
<clever> adelbertc: thats something else i believe
<chessai> something that i might use ufw for on non-NixOS systems
<chessai> something like networking.allowedTCPPorts but with a conditional
<tenten8401> Is there some sort've max connection time limit or something in the NixOS firewall by default?
<grp> is that something one should do?
<ajs124> I thought modifying cmake_install.cmake in preInstall should work, but how do I get that store path? "postgresql" is something else
<WilliamHamilton> I would have understood something like fsrc/frontend
<samueldr> you'll something equivalent to if you did this:
<samueldr> e.g. if you start writing something that requires rake, it *has* to be described in the shell.nix (or default.nix)
<ToxicFrog> Because when something breaks, I can no longer change my system configuration until it gets fixed
<joepie91> acowley: something messing with your LD_LIBRARY_PATH, possibly?


<clever> srk: i believe at least some of it is, i was probing the SMI with a scope while trying to get it to do something
<clever> srk: there is something else, let me find it
<srk> clever: got something similar! :)
<clever> optimize can result in a GC deleting something and gaining nothing, but still stopping early
<srk> clever: do I need to set something else apart min-free / max-free options for auto gc to run?
<cocreature> is there a more granular version of require-sigs? i.e. something that allows me to not require sigs for certain caches without turning it off completely?
<nh2[m]> clever: no I mean if I make my own server build something from source, isn't it supposed to sign it with some own key?
<manveru> is that something you can share?
<jD91mZM2> Hi! How do you package something that uses the dep package manager for Go?
<worldofpeace> Can I make wrapPythonPrograms wrap something in lets say libexec?
<infinisil> acowley: Something like we do for hackage could work
<acowley> infinisil: What Thomas mentioned before was the idea of having a melpa2nix or something that takes a user's list of packages and generates nix expressions from a given melpa checkout.
<acowley> But if something goes wrong there, I'm in a bit of trouble because I don't have a hash that identifies my entire package set.
<acowley> ldlework: I have several! Sometimes it's a patch that hasn't made it to master yet, sometimes it's to customize something the package doesn't expose in a convenient way... like tweaking a theme or something.
<acowley> ldlework: Compared to use-package installing from melpa, I enjoy the aforementioned opportunity for applying patches during the installation phase. Compared to mangaging my own clones, I like being able to rollback everything if something goes sideways.
<timokau[m]> How can I force a rebuild with `nix build`? I'm almost certain there was a flag for that, something to do with validating reporducibility .
<adisbladis[m]> freeze_: Something like that
<adisbladis[m]> freeze_: Something like this incantation: `vscode-with-extensions.overrideAttrs(oldAttrs: {buildCommand=oldAttrs.buildCommand + "mv $out/bin/code $out/bin/jscode";})`
<nschoe> I have lots and lots of hits about the old hash. I believe that my `nix-collect-garbage` destroyed the old qt-full-5.10 hash, form that it seems to me that it's all very fragile in my case: my dev environement depends on me not running the garbage collector. How is this possible, I'm sure I'm missin something.
<tnks> I've been using cabal new-build with Nix for a while, but there's something that's been bothering me. I can use Nix to lock down all my Haskell dependencies. But there's a few tools that Cabal insists on pulling down to compile like alex, happy, c-language, and syb.
<rotaerk> well, all of my nix files were written manually. cabal2nix is something that I call dynamically from within them
<rotaerk> yep, that's something you can setup with nix-shell


<pie___> thanks for the input guys. ill try to do something better later, will stick with static config for now
<pie___> something for nixos.wiki
<pie___> betaboon, thats fine but something actually needs to get the upstream servers
* pie___ checks something
<domenkozar> I think it should be moved to something like channels.nixos.org
<acowley> tnks: Completions are great for something like "import qualified Data.Text as T", and now you type "T." and get completions and types popping up for just that module.
<acowley> I think it's likely that patching intero's elisp to find the intero executable again won't be hard, but it's not something I want to do
<johnw> so, it's going to be something like:
<pie__> QT_PLUGIN_PATH doesnt end up getting set or something and so programs fail with a slightly misleading error message about not finding xcb
<BlessJah> Was something changed in linuxPackages in recent days?
<infinisil> rschm: Hmm, something like this, but it doesn't quiet work yet: https://gist.github.com/d1902783995ef65a42d13b54588d60c5
<waynr> i'm probably misunderstanding something fundamental
<infinisil> qualiaqq: Oh, yeah that's a popular error about QT, I think the solution is to install something about qt via nix-env


<tenten8401> speaking of tweaks, has anyone else been having issues rendering with kdenlive on unstable? is that something I should make an issue for?
<samueldr> definitely, something I wanted to look into someday
<tenten8401> how does that work? does it download it every time or something?
<clever> that suffix is inside the double-quotes of something else
<infinisil> tenten8401: You'd use something like `makeWrapper ${jre}/bin/java --add-flags "-jar $out/ATLauncher..." --suffix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : ${makeLibraryPath ...
<tenten8401> Is there a list somewhere of characters I'd need to escape to get something to be purely evaluated as a string?
<elvishjerricco> clefru: Yea I've got something equivalent in my dotfiles git history somewhere...
<cocreature> in addition to the "overrides" attribute that you pass to "override", you can also add something like "all-cabal-hashes = builtins.fetchurl { url = "https://github.com/commercialhaskell/all-cabal-hashes/archive/${rev}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "${hash}"; };"
<zimbatm> with some kexec magic or something
<epta> then it's something wrong with the way how channels are being updated in my env
<Guest29> Hi there, hoping y'all can help me grok something.. I've mad a nix expression to install solr5. I want to organise things such that nix-env and other expressions can 'find it' when asked. instantiating and building have it show up in the store, but AFAICT.. some voodoo is needed to get it to appear in <nixpkgs> or making your own http channel.. im sure there' must be an approach a little less 'heavy' than that?
<seafood> Is there any way to set the error_log to something other than stderr?
<kalbasit> anyone here manages their dotfiles with Nix? How do you manage files containing secrets? When I was using git to manage my dotfiles, if I have a `.dotfiles/.private` then all those files are also symlinked and I'd like to have something similar but not sure how to do that. https://github.com/kalbasit/dotfiles/blob/14109dfb1f46de0ad75cc92bb9a7230f65f54914/Rakefile#L155-L156
<fragamus> something like blah.variables.BLISS_DIR = $out;
<waynr> also, what exactly is sandboxing? is that a nix specific feature/behavior or does it refer to something system-level?


<samueldr> then it tries to build it again with *something different* (obviously) and fails
<fasdfadsfadasd> infinisil: Sure, I just took a look at the package and can you do something with patchchef to add the libGL binary?
<infinisil> fasdfadsfadasd: I'll mention you when it's ready (gonna try something new out)
<fasdfadsfadasd> Did I do something wrong? I'm still new to nix
<samueldr> I was searching a bit to verify something
<clever> __monty__: currently, you would need to run something like squid on the remote toxvpn machine, then use its tox ip to connect to the squid proxy
<samueldr> ... which causes an issue with something I'm building which wants to link statically using libtoo, libtool sees the .la for libsupc++, uses the path in the .la, but the path isn't right for static libs (lib folder in "lib")
<clever> gchristensen: i think for nixpkgs itself, you just use system = "x86_64-darwin";, i'm not sure why nixos wants to call it something different
<worldofpeace> didn't you say something about a multiple output derivation?
<jgt> sometimes it'll copy over 2GB to the server, and most likely I'm just doing something wrong and telling it that the server needs more stuff than it really does
<jgt> towards the end of a NixOps deploy, it'll say something like: 'copying 14 missing paths (89.92 MiB) to ‘root@x.x.x.x'. Is there a way to show exactly what those paths are and how large each one is?
<jtojnar> worldofpeace: something like https://paste.gnome.org/pe8nuyycb should work for starters
<hyper_ch> samueldr: I thought I could do nixos-rebuild switch -I something
<hyper_ch> samueldr: I remembered now the better way :) cloning nixpkgs... set checkout to my state and then edit it and use nixos-rebuild -I something
<{^_^}> hyper_ch?: If a Nix file ./foo.nix starts with something like `{ bar, baz }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<worldofpeace> samueldr: It tries to fetch a file from sourceforge? and do something i have no idea
<worldofpeace> ldlework: elvish shell had something like that too
<acowley> infinisil: Thanks, it's definitely doing something. Not what I had hoped, but it is at least accepting the argument!
<acowley> How can I pass a path to nix to do something like "nixos-rebuild -I. build"?


<infinisil> runCommand or something
<maurer> (somehow, I suspect the resulting closure is going to be hundreds of megs or something similarly boosted)
<samueldr> Lisanna: maybe I'm missing something, but in the change it seems NIX_PATH is set to use `nixpkgs=channel:nixos-18.03-small` and hydra to use `<nixpkgs>` as whatever the path of the checkout used for buidl (pkgs.path)
<infinisil> kalbasit: You can make it put something like that file into ~/.nix-defexpr/default.nix
<LnL> disasm: hmm it looked ok, take a look at the setup-hook of glibcLocales maybe something else is also neccecary?
<tnks> Am I missing something?
<disasm> you could do something like this: for file in *.pem; do openssl x509 -outform der -in "$file" -out /tmp/certificate.der; keytool -import -alias "$file" -keystore ./java/cacerts -file /tmp/certificate.der -deststorepass changeit -noprompt; done;
<rrnewton> Coming back to Nix after a while, and I must be doing something wrong here because it's listing no packages:
<kitemikaze_> clever: Thanks, I know about the readFromJSON. but i'm more looking for somethings to transform kubernetes yaml files and use it, as it is describe in the kubernetes.addons options: http://bit.ly/2u9hora
<LnL> if something is broken on master it finds the last known good revision form hydra an starts a bisect with nix-build
<sphalerite> would be much nicer to patch alsaLib to look in /etc/alsa/ucm or something like that
<srhb> Something quite unique to us, I think.
<dtz> sounds like something that'd need recursive Nix--at least to avoid confusion re:evaluating an expression that wants to load a plugin that... does it change the expression already evaluated? etc. but maybe that's no big deal
<rotaerk> so now the question is, what change caused that RPATH to get set... should it be undone, or should something else change to work *with* it
<ryantm> brodavi: I wouldn't expect too much trouble though; you can always rollback if something is wrong


<pie__> fresheyeball, *shrug* whatever it takes so that it fails fast for a bad import of something
<LnL> and it's not something we can verify or require
<LnL> yeah, I get something similar not sure why it freaks out
<LnL> and you can get the revision of your current channel with something like this
<jgt> how do I install something into my profile, the same way `nix-env -i` would, when I build something with `nix-build`?
<bpye> Hm, is there any plan to support something other than datadog so widely as NixOps/NixOS currently has datadog integrated? Seems nice but the free version offers no alerts which is a bit of a blocker
<clever> hyper_ch: i helped somebody debug something a few days ago, where his channel was configured with nginx+nixos, and was hosting a tar directly from the store
<hyper_ch> clever did something clever again?
<jgt> I know how to use a specific nixpkgs with fetchFromGitHub in a file, but how do I do the same thing on the command line? I want to do something like `nix-env -i` to install something, but with a specific nixpkgs commit
<mupf> Okay, I tried again. Changed a few letters and it seems to install something. I didn' get an error
<boothead> I can't get X to work. If I enable X it doesn't start properly and I get lots of messages abou8t rcu_shed something or other
<pie__> infinisil, do you know how i could do something like this with the above?: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/misc/keepassx/community.nix#L95 i dont wany any wrapping, just for that env var to get set
<goibhniu> cool, I thought it might be something like that
<cfricke> goibhniu: Ah, I think I found something. One of the system seems to have a user channel. I fiddled with that to get rid of the nix search path entry warning at some point.
<infinisil> pie__: qpixmap doesn't seem to be in nixpkgs, so maybe you need to package it, or something, I don't have much qt experience
<pie__> so im doing some haskell stuff and the qt5 that qtah seems to pull in or something, doesnt support jpg with qpixmap (but png does work)
<fresheyeball> so just to confirm something
<fresheyeball> something about leading dots in file names
<maurer> kalbasit: OK, that should be multi-user. My next guess is that your AUR package made e.g. a nix user or something
<kalbasit> my venture to move to NixOS got blocked by Bazel, so now I'm moving back to Arch, but I want to manage packages by Nix as much as I can through user `nix-env`. Chrome is crashing on latest unstable (as of few minutes ago), Is this a bug or something wrong on my system? https://gist.github.com/kalbasit/24b23c466022f61b1bab1ebc474b650c
<rotaerk> so something about my upgrade to the latest nixpkgs changed that
<Ralith> my best hypothesis would be that something's getting the wrong libGL somehow
<rotaerk> I don't think it *doesn't see* libGL, it just fails to lookup something from it
<fragamus> something is stuck with channel updates
<infinisil> Makes me want to learn Rust, code something cool in Vulkan, and run it in a Wayland session
<rotaerk> it does *some* type checking; for instance it has something that statically makes sure you fill out all the required fields of the CreateInfo structures
<rotaerk> outside of nix, is that something that's generally automatically setup for you?
<srk> guess something similar could be done with vulcan shaders
<Ralith> are you trying to build a NixOS test that validates the usability of vulkan, or something?
<rotaerk> well, my approach to building, which I think clever came up with, is to have a derivation for my haskell project ("main"), a derivation for compiling my GLSL shaders into SPIR-V ("shaders"), and then something that writes a shell script that executions the haskell binary and passes in the path to the compiled shaders: https://github.com/Rotaerk/vulkanTest/blob/master/vulkanTest.nix#L61-L64


<long-tail-ext4> I figured that `in ...` should continue to something with `environment.systemPackages`.
<joepie91> Profpatsch: did you get the impression that they were there because that's what they were told to do, or that they had a genuine suspicion that you might have something to do with the claimed purpose of the investigation?
<LnL> but this must be something different
<LnL> kk, there's something weird with a specific dependency on darwin that also makes nix-shell slow
<keks> infinisil, {^_^}: thank you! what does that mean when you prefix something with "," (as you did in ",locate")?
<LnL> performance or something with the s3 log uploads
<tenten8401> I can if it's something simple like a version number change
<tenten8401> I've been trying to download 5.13 on unstable for a while but every time I do something fails to build
<bkchr[m]> I think that something for the gui stuff is setting up all this
<manveru> like 1gb or something
<Lisanna> manveru a nixpkgs checkout itself shouldn't be *that* big though... is it also uploading the .git directory or something if your NIX_PATH points to a git checkout?
<`_> Never thought I'd be so in favor of something so.... POSIX-less.
<winem_> good morning. I have 2 servers with nix 2.0.4 and copied a derivation file from one server to the other one (did it twice, first I got the file from the nix store, then I created it with nix instantiate on the nix file). but whenever I try to install something from that drv file on the target server, I get a syntax error "error: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')', at /home/agent/chdrv/qjh23rgcqsk4syw89panvlcraxmsayan-clickhouse-1.1.54385.drv:1:15"
<infinisil> fragamus: Since you're back, I'm pretty sure there's some environment variable NIX_CC or something that contains all the arguments for the library inclusions, derived from buildInputs
<tnks> sometimes I get heads-down in how I'm doing something, I forget to survey what others have done. Now that cabal new-build is out and support for multi-package projects is become more the norm, is anyone else building environments that merge dependencies for multiple projects?
<fragamus> is there a makeIncludePath or something like
<mudri[m]> Ah, did it become outdated or something?


<mudri[m]> Something to do with xwayland, which is weird because I don't mention wayland at all in my config.
<infinisil> mudri[m]: Oh right, something about a responsibility shift, don't know exactly
<worldofpeace_> elvishjerricco: You said something about compton?
<infinisil> mpickering: I'm often using it when I experiment with something, I just write a default.nix with `rec { foo = 10; bar = foo + 20; }`, I don't have to worry about structuring it nicely like this and can easily eval any variable
<infinisil> Unless I'm missing something
<joepie91> Baughn: would recommend looking at system-wide journalctl around the time of bluetooth init to see whether it's conflicting with something
<gchristensen> dunno :/ I've seen multi-userdetection go wrong due to Mysterious Errors so I'm hoping the `-d` exposes something
<samueldr> gchristensen: something in the env maybe?
<infinisil> The colors would have to be enabled unconditionally, since the build can't detect where its logs will land (tty or something else)
<infinisil> The colors look nice, would it have something that wouldn't work with it?
<infinisil> tilpner: I mean something like this: https://gist.github.com/aa4415b97a0961fe1a0b4d68ddf103fa
<samueldr> I was thinking something that could also be hand-crafted, but easy to generate
<samueldr> though, self-documentation: it could be possible to implement something that isn't used in the module for making the options, but only for listing available options
<tenten8401> would I have to make my own json exporter if I wanted to do something like that?
<tenten8401> I have no clue how I'd do something like that but it's definently something I'll look into
<tenten8401> this is what I'm currently doing for my module: https://hastebin.com/hinowuhahi.bash -- Looking at the ZNC PR it might be desirable to do something like that, but I'm still very new to this
<Lisanna> e.g., if the job's normal output is a tar.gz or something
<tenten8401> is making massive modules (everything in config configurable) for NixOS frowned upon or something or do most people just take the easy way out with extraConfig?
<infinisil> Because something with arguments being ignored or so
<sphalerite> Anyone know a pastebin like ix.io (but with known maintainers) and sprunge.us (but fully functioning)? Something I can paste to by just piping into a simple curl command?
<clever> pie_: you cant bind on if something else is already listening on
<disasm> is it possible to have multiple attributes in a shell.nix you can select with a single default? Something like nix-shell runs the default version and nix-shell -A foo runs the foo attr set
<infinisil> @convention(c) or something like that iirc
<LnL> you're thinking of something like pure darwin
<__monty__> arahael: Something to look into since you're on OSX is nix-darwin. Gets you as close as possible to nixos while still being on macos.
<arahael> srhb: I got something~ `nix-env -qa go` works, with actual results. Nice.
<srhb> It has some new features (like nix search which is great) and lacks some older one which are covered by the nix-dash-something commands,
<srhb> arahael: If you're familiar with virtualenvs, you can imagine we do something similar but encompassing all packages, not just python packages, whenever you make a project
<cbarrett> or is there something I'm confused about (this is the more likely option tbh)
<cbarrett> I'm wondering if I'm overlooking something


<joepie91> this sounds like something that'd attract some controversy :)
<samueldr> infinisil: an older PR, something newer?
<joepie91> infinisil: something auto-generated or other wasn't it?
<nh2[m]> like am I supposed to just replace `pkgs.stdenv` by something that contains the native stdenv?
<Baughn> I'll go with the simple heuristic at first, I think. That's something that should be implementable without too much ado -- if any of this is.
<hodapp> though, may need a bit of restructuring to be a flow network. in the form they give there, you'd be doing something closer to having N 'machine' nodes that you're trying to decide the assignments of, I think
<Baughn> This can be modelled as a DAG. What we want to do is optimize a particular graph problem I don't know a name for, where we have a system that's N 'slots' wide (N being min(#ofcores, ram/2GB) or something), and we want to feed that entire DAG in order through said system. It's a scheduling problem, in other words.
<worldofpeace> mkaito: I've tried forking nixpkgs and having your own patch set on top of it. Always ended up having to compile something which I don't have time for.
<mkaito> feel free to bump the PR or something. I've started to run my system off a fork where I cherry pick from PRs I like, just so I don't have to wait for nixpkgs.
<mkaito> worldofpeace: no, FRidh just forgot to review his change request. probably busy or something.
<Lisanna> I want to add something to rpmDistros and have the change automatically propagate itself to vmTools.diskimageFuns, like it would if I wasn't trying to manipulate something two layers deep
<Lisanna> so if I override something at the top-level (vmTools) it will appear as changed in self, but overriding stuff below the top level won't propagate the effects the same
<mpickering> so I can easily query something to see if it is applied at all
<clever> LnL: it has also caused builds to fail randomly, by deleting something thats in use by a building derivation
<shlevy> Is that a rust change or something weird about our config?
<tilpner> Mic92 - The individual repos. I was curious about the time that passes between me pushing something to my repo, and being able to talk about nur.repos.tilpner.* on IRC
<Mic92> tilpner: unfortunaly a day, that's why I want to migrate to different option. But I first wanted to get something working.
<mpickering> Is cmake looking in the wrong place for something?
<worldofpeace> Someone's most likely done something good
<samueldr> well, once I realised *something* latched on the older version, I looked at the expression
<samueldr> okay, so using *something else* than minikube as `src` doesn't build (as I said, dumb) so it's somehow still using the minikube checkout at the right tag (presumably)
* samueldr tries something dumb
<samueldr> which makes me think there's maybe something with how go packages are built


<infinisil> I'd like to think that that's no troller, but somebody who's *really* confused about something
<worldofpeace> Maybe something isn't right with keepass. I'm not familar with what this software would be doing aside from this configuration.
<infinisil> I've got something seriously weird with the xml docs
<Lisanna> ugh, hydra-evaluator is stuck waiting on some kind of futex or something
<{^_^}> booglewoogle: If a Nix file ./foo.nix starts with something like `{ bar, baz }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`