
<dtz> so like.. CFLAGS="-O3" or CFLAGS="-O0 -g" or something (if you're familiar with common gcc or clang arguments)
<dtz> now I haven't reproduced it but given that chain it sure /appears/ that they're just doing something wrong
<avn> simpson: -D-I/nix/store/0c3f1.... looks it miss something and space after -D
<avn> xwvvvvwx_: looks like bug in their configure or something likewise
<gchristensen> you probably don't need this, but, this is something I wrote about channels: https://gist.github.com/grahamc/c60578c6e6928043d29a427361634df6
<savanni> Fair. I have no idea the current state of my user environment since I've installed things like digikam5 and zoom from master, and other stuff from 16.09 and have likely something strange happening.
<gchristensen> ahh that ... yeah, you may want to go find something to tide you over in the mean time.
<leothrix> So, is it at all possible to pull out the path for a previously-written file that was written using pkgs.writeText? Something like `env."filename.conf"` or something?
<copumpkin> and if something else isn't specified, I want there to be no default
<magnetophon> or shoud I be doing something else entirely?
<Guest57887> gchristensen: Yeah, maybe this would be better. it's just another level of complexity. Alright, maybe a silly question. Anyways: Where in the filesystem would you put something like this and how would it be referenced in the config? I mean in order to keep the declaration pure..
<puffnfresh> haskellPackages.override or something
<fresheyeball> finding nix docs leaves something to be desired
<copumpkin> or something like that


<clever> sphalerite: something in the activation scripts sets that up on boot
<benzrf> i bet a lot of ppl would get on board with something billing itself like "just write a plaintext file and then users will be able to feed it to nix without worrying about installing dependencies, polluting their environment, or setting up a sandbox"
<guacamole_> Looking at the implementation of the tomcat service I found that if I supply a directory instead of a file, it will look under dirname/webapps, and link the apps found there instead. Does this mean the only way to get the context working as expected is to create a package containing just the structure $out/webapps/guacamole that points to the war? Seems rather a workaround for something so fundamental to deploying apps.
<eacameron> Is there a way to run something like "fetchurl" but give it multiple URLs in case some of them don't resolve?
<ToxicFrog> mrkgnao: what you should do is 'systemctl status' it and look for the exec line, something like:
<mrkgnao> ToxicFrog: it says something about /var/cache
<aloiscochard> LnL: is there a way I can try to fix it locally? or by adding something to my package?
<gchristensen> manveru: refs/tag/v1.0.0 (or refs/tags/v1.0.0? or something? try different pluralizations)
<offlinehacker[m]> I could use overlays for that, but it's not something docker could do natively
<manveru> it's a docker container based on yours, but i modified it over time, something must've gone wrong there :)
<ixxie> Ralith: I would love to do that, but I don't even know where to start. As far as I can tell this is something deep in xserver, and I never made a single PR for anything, let alone nix
<justanotheruser> how do I add something that is not from pipy to the pythonPackages? specifically something I have the tar.bz2 file for
<Rotaerk> hmm I have a nix derivation function that, given a file path, can transform the provided file into something else, dropping the result into the store. in most usages, the input is something already in the store, such as something fetched from git...


<viric> gchristensen: better. I haven't thought how to implement something like that
<gchristensen> needs to be generic, should work with something passed in as "${./foo}"
<LnL> flxw: if you're looking for something more practical you might want to look at https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin
<LnL> isn't this just something you want to add to fetchurl then?
<LnL> well, it this something new you want to add in general or do you want to do this because we have to fetch curl over http?
<pierron_> peti: instead, of `p = callPackage f { args }` where f is `{a,b}: mkDerivation { recipe }` , we would have something like: `p = importWithNixpkgs f`, where f is something like `{ args = { args }; derivation = stdenv.mkDerivation; recipe = { a, b }@args: { buildInputs = []; … }; }`
<Sonarpulse> but doing a for loop with [ elf $(type ..) ] or something like that
<gchristensen> LnL: LMK if I can build something for you to give you extra capacity
<gchristensen> rmrfroot: I have google-chrome installed, probably chromium, and would like to see something cool.
<rmrfroot> gchristensen: do you have chromium installed and want to see something cool?
<vozz> gchristensen: something finally happened in my build: make: target/snapshot/bin/cargo: Command not found
<MichaelRaskin> Not buildRustPackage, build something as if it were a dependency of a buildRustPackage expression?
<gchristensen> we'll have to figure something out
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: so far things get more complicated as something moves to Rust, as now there are mixed-packages not fully fitting buildRustPackage
<MichaelRaskin> In GSoC thread someone said something about describing the drv removal in a GSoC-fitting way
<MichaelRaskin> indent on drv's also sometimes gives something useful
<vozz> I think I was doing several python packages or something, and maybe I had to split them into several pull requests or something, i really cant remember
<vozz> Yeah, I tried contributing something a bit ago and it got rejected, can't remember what I did wrong
<mrkgnao> so you predict the position from the sound based on something like an NN trained from recordings?
<mrkgnao> so, wait. does that mean something along the lines of converting images of aircraft to sound based on predicted make, distance from the POV, weather, etc?
<mrkgnao> FRidh: do you do something akin to scientific computing or data science?
<vozz> Does anyone know how rust packaging works in nix? I'm trying to build something using nightly rust rather than stable rust, and can't figure it out. Here is an example of a package built with stable rust: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/altcoins/ethabi.nix and here is the top level stuff for rust: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix#L5320
<mrkgnao> in my defense, -I means something like "search path" to my brain because of xrdb
<simpson> rly: In reality, there exist multiple production NixOS systems running in many different environments. I'm not sure why you feel the need to say that something that is clearly production-ready is not production-ready.
<pie_> with like only a gig of ram or something
<srhb> Well don't sweat it, you'll rarely break something.
<pie_> well i just swapped out my 16.03 channel to 16.09 if that sounds like it would break something
<ToxicFrog> Presumably because otherwise you could do something like: PATH=/home/blackhat/bin:$PATH mount -t fuse.evil ...
<hodapp> it's possible something in my configuration gets it that way, I don't know


<Ralith> that's the correct invocation to produce a derivation; if you're getting an error, you did something wrong in your config.nix and will need to post details
<cheshircat> Did I miss something?
<Rotaerk> is there something that returns the difference between two sets
<MichaelRaskin> Well, if you link me any video where I have a chance to learn something new, I will listen to it on my way on Monday
<MichaelRaskin> At some point I downloaded the most promising-sounding things from λ-Conf and listened them on my way between home and university. I expected to learn something form the talks, I was wrong.
<Dezgeg> if rebasing from stable to master you need to give it a starting point, something like: git rebase HEAD^ --onto master
<srhb> Did something change in 16.09 very recently on those packages?
<manveru> __red__: that's to make sure if you build something twice, the different timestamp doens't cause different behaviour
<MichaelRaskin> Well, on Arch if something got installed by dependencies, you always has its headers
<ioejtner> When running something like `nix-env -i sl` - which configuration file is updated? Wondering which file I can put in git and sync to my other laptop - and get sl running on both. Looking for the NixPkgs equivalent of Package.json, or the Cargofile or Gemfile for node.js, rust & ruby.
<ixxie> mrkgnao: I have been investigating this recently, and there isn't something specifically designed for this built in but LnL just linked me their solution here: https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin/blob/master/README.md#environmentetc (not that I fully understand it)
<mrkgnao> i.e. something that a non-root user can maintain on their own and so on? to generate config files etc.? (I was asking about things along these lines yesterday)
<MichaelRaskin> If it is reproducible on Linux, maybe I could try to reproduce the problem myself in an hour or something
<mrkgnao> but the make step fails saying something about a missing header file. now, I used to run this from source on Arch till, like, yesterday, so I'm fairly sure the repo isn't the problem.
<mrkgnao> it's been ... interesting, but nothing I can't work with. (except for the fact that bold Iosevka seems to be missing the 't' and falling back on something, which I absolutely cannot explain.)
<LnL> ixxie: don't think so, just something I came up with
<ioejtner> LnL: interesting - is it so that you can just put that config.nix inside ~/.nixpkgs, run one command (`nixpkgs up` or something) and then it's all set up?
<ixxie> ioejtner: it allows you to declaratively manage services of systemd (something not possible with Nix on other platforms, to my knowledge)
<MichaelRaskin> When it was announced, I declared to idle there in case something complicated gets discussed. Have never seen anything
<ixxie> Something more geared for learning: tutorials, a digital textbook of sorts, etc. which would including troubleshooting guides and other formulas
<ixxie> gchristensen, kudos on setting up a security team; would the team also be handling privacy issues (I am thinking of something like the nix store privacy issue mentioned here https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/3990)
<simpson> rui: The rest of that thread is short and has some more commentary. And maybe the wiki has something too.
<LnL> rui: you can allow it to be a symlink with an env variable, but if you can I would recommend using a bind mount or something like that
<rui> I just moved it and them symlinked. All worked fine, but when running nix-env to install something else I got an error saying this isn't allowed
<kyle_b> i hope this is the correct place to ask this sort of question: i would have thought that `nix-env -iA nixpkgs.python3Packages.requests2` would allow me to later do `python3 -c "import requests"`, but this is not the case. have i missed something? (i am not a mac)


<hoodoo_wrk> Hi, I have a platinum question: if one follows unstable channel, is there a way to install from master and use something the size of a window manager?
<LnL> messed up something with the mounting
<copumpkin> curious how you'd deal with the problem of linking online identities without something like this
<__red__> I'm guessing it's because I nix-env -i'd something on a different channel
<hodapp> it's clearly *reading* my shell.nix, just not setting LANG for some reason... or something
<LnL> dmj`: that points to cloudfront, so if you're having issues it's usually something regional
<joko> So, I have sth like "nix-build -A config.system.build.isoImage -I nixos-config=modules/installer/cd-dvd/my-cd.nix" and it works ok, but I would like to add modules from my own nixos configuration. I was thinking using something like "nix-build -A config.system.build.isoImage -I nixos-config=modules/installer/cd-dvd/my-cd.nix -I mysetup=/etc/nixos" and inside the imports to do sth like "<mysetup>/modules", is i
<LnL> wow, is that something you could contribute?
<digitalmentat> though we needed something other than what pullImage would give us
<rmrfroot> i vaguely remember something about the registry API being changed last year
<LnL> oh, I thought you used the api before or something
<rmrfroot> this is something i do daily at work, having to implement API clients for undocumented APIs. you get very good at figuring out APIs after a while ^^
<grpala> talking about a mere symlink, can just replace it, but if I needed to really edit something in the nix-store, how should I go about it?
<grpala> I have a practicity issue: how can I edit something in the nix store? (I know I know, it's not supposed to be edited manually, but hear me out first) I need to try various configurations for /etc/pulse/default.pa to troubleshoot a recurring glitch. If I were to attempt this edit through the nix language, it would take for ever, not only to make the appropiate editing, but to nix-rebuild. In this case we are
<dtzWill> alex-v: I've had similar thoughts--i wonder if nix-on-redhat (or w/e) could be used to create docker instances or something as a half-way solution... would that help you? IIRC nixos's docker stuff requires nixos host but not sure what the technical reasons/challenges are...
<nathan7> I feel like I'm missing something obvious, because as I understand it, it uses /run/opengl-driver?
<gchristensen> to really mean something you need to trust the key on your local computer
<layus_> Surely something as big as firefox exiting suddenly when opening the print window should have been detected before
<john_due> I have a problem: I defined a package and built it. Then I changed something (added outputs = [...] and configureFlags). But It does not recompile the package and the variables defined in outputs points to nothing. What should I do?
<phorse> I remember reading about something back in August, but haven't heard much since
<clever> copumpkin: oh, that reminds me of something else i was planning, reguarding the self-healing of k8s
<copumpkin> like it's definitely cool, but I don't get the use case of the signed network fetching over something more direct
<LnL> perhaps can't contribute because of work or something
<rmrfroot> gchristensen: nice! no worries, glad i can give something back for once ^^
<FRidh> gchristensen: would be nice if (a part of) the Hydra database was available through something like Blaze, a simple flask app that allows you to easily query the data http://blaze.readthedocs.io/en/latest/server.html
<gchristensen> that is part of an explanation about how hydra is developed or something ... it is built for NixOS and Nixpkgs and not strictly intended to be run outside of hydra.nixos.org, so the manual isn't very good, there aren't releases, and features get added, pretty much, as needed by hydra.nixos.org
<LnL> pikajude: something strange going on with nix kn darwin, possibly only when using my nix.conf
<simpson> ToxicFrog: I agree, *except* that stuff in the hardware config normally alters systemwide stuff. For example, I have JACK configured; I really would prefer it if PulseAudio's configuration weren't magically changed because of something that I nix-env as a regular user.
<ToxicFrog> My first guess is that the libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so library isn't getting copied into the fhs or something
<gchristensen> LnL: can you review something for me?


<__red__> Suggestions for an MTA? I'm used to using exim everywhere pre-NixOS - any compelling reaons to use something else?
<LnL> eg. nixpkgs-unstable is not safe to use for nixos-rebuild because something could be broken
<ixxie> I can import ./module.nix { stuff="something" } ; can I pass the same thing to a whole list of imports?
<simpson> copumpkin: BTW I haven't been bitten by that yet, but it's definitely something I used to do and want to be able to do. documentRoot should be immutable and it's creepy to think that it's being altered by my system config.
<ixxie> most wikis seem to have something along these lines: critical/controversial articles protected and the rest is free for all (with moderators checking to eliminate bad edits)
<rly> Do I need to do something special to make Java applications which require cacerts to work?
<socksy> also, if you were to do something that the arch wiki does, e.g. explaining how to deal with certain laptops, then it seems unlikely to belong in the main manual per sé
<socksy> is the manual viewable on a page to page basis? It was a really horrible beginner experience the other day trying to google something and only getting the entire manual appearing as the top result, not finding anything relevant in there, and then ignoring it for ages
<Leo`> Something like Option "Rotate" "Left".
<gchristensen> I did, nice! do you have something similar for unique IPs?
<Mic92> nhooyr: either install zsh and set programs.zsh.enable = true -> will give you completion for nix-shell -p name<TAB> or use something like nox <searchphrase> (nox is in nixpkgs)
<nhooyr> i'm on darwin, so would I have to replace nixos with something else?
<ToxicFrog> I kind of figured the hash in the store would be the content hash modulated with the hash of the URL or something
<ToxicFrog> I had to change the sha to something known-invalid before it would fail


<Ralith> speaking as having been using git for small projects for something like a decade now, I feel like you might be overstating the costs and understating the benefits :P
<guillaum1> ;( that line is exactly what I have in my package. So there may be something else involved ;(
<hoodoo_wrk> Thanks, I'll look into that and poke around. I thought it was something like an interface to build options. If it works it's gonna be amazing, a good way to pull in newer packages while keeping the configuration.nix sane.
<LnL> do you have a working sandbox or something
<gchristensen> oh, huh, and do this as like a ExecStartPre step or something?
<LnL> or something like that, don't remember exactly
<guillaum2> I'm lost at packaging something. The tool depends on OpenEXR which contains, for example, and include such as /...nixStore/include/OpenEXR/half.h. Instead of incluing <OpenEXR/half.h>, the tool include "half.h" and change the include path to -I/usr/include/OpenEXR. And hence, it does not in my package. Is there a smart way to hande that (i.e. tells nix-shell to export /...store/include/OpenEXR as
<john_due> I am trying to compile the intel video driver on nixos. It needs to have x11 in the path. I am trying something like buildInputs = [ pkgs.clang pkgs.pkgconfig pkgs.xlibs.xproto pkgs.pixman pkgs.xlibs.xorg-server] but it crashes saying error: attribute ‘xorg-server’ missing
<icetan> gchristensen: but if you are interested I can send you the scripts, would be nice to make something official
<gchristensen> if someone wanted to improve that, we could do something like that convert-nix-from-perl-to-c++ fundraiser
<LnL> gchristensen: are you planning something special?
<c74d> What's less insecure, running something as root in a NixOS-made QEMU VM, or as non-root on the host?
<puffnfresh> AtnNn: probably want something like this: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#how-to-build-with-profiling-enabled
<guillaum1> yeah, now there is something happening ;)


<guillaum1> Something not clear for me, if I' adding the channel nixpkgs-unstable, should I remove the channel nixos-16.09 ?
<MichaelRaskin> If you take into account the cases where the library is a dependency of something
<ToxicFrog> So it looks like something is creating empty home directories in /home on boot, before local-fs.targt
<Dezgeg> yeah I noticed something similar with the shebang stuff, but that got fixed today
<copumpkin> martijn923: ''${ or something
<eacameron> peter-holm: Honestly I'd probably only keep the most recent month or so on something as robust as rsync.net
<hyper_ch> hmmm, is something wrong with Chromium=
<jaym> ok, well, it does something
<Mic92> jaym: maybe add a rename or something
<msd_> domenkozar: hm... maybe it's something to do with my config. Is disabling the firewall dangerous:
<rly> LnL: so, when does TravisCI do something useful then?
<msd> LnL: "Failed to create domain from /tmp/nixops-tmpozTNU8/webservice-domain.xml" <- any ideas what the failure is? This seems like something to do with the IP mapping schema; however, I'm not too sure what the problem could be. Image deployed using QEMU with default settings
<LnL> also time with a mass rebuild, but that's not something we can work around AFAIK
<ixxie> FRidh: I want to continue my research in the private sector; my dream is to create an organization that is something between business, NGO and academia
<gchristensen> would you / your team like to write something up about how much time / money / frustration nix saves you by promising reproducibility and package isolation etc. etc. ? :P
<ixxie> I was thinking of doing something along those lines for some R simulation code, but I wanna do it with a database.
<trqx> mmh seems like I need to configure something so ctrl+d, and ctrl+u, ctrl+w etc. work in the console
<LnL> and it's not very likely that something strange gets introduced in the core system without somebody noticing that hydra is rebuilding everything
<LnL> rly: I was in a meeting, it's something like $out/share/bash_completion
<manveru> ixxie_: that's something you'd set in your xorg config, not gnome, afaict
<LnL> just put it in a gist, pastbin or something like that
<Sonarpulse> I think something must have been confused hacking around dst?
<mpickering> is there a way to remove this duplication by setting the "version" with a bash script or something rather than a string?
<gchristensen> or: something else


<ixxie> aszlig: yeah after I package something else I will give it a go but I think Gnome extensions would be more useful (if it is not significantly harder to do)
<ixxie> first I will backage something simple
<aszlig> ixxie: it's a make replacement with a very limited syntax, which really helps for something like ninja2nix
<aszlig> ixxie: well, a way would be to have something like ninja2nix, which should solve the whole headache of building chromium
<ixxie> unfortunately that is something way out of my league to do, I am just a nixn00b
<gchristensen> not sure, maybe you don't really need to, but chromium's build system isn't something I want to tamper with.
<aszlig> so your code is expecting the key pair in the machine state while it's only existing in the definiton, so you need to add it to the db using something like with self.depl._db: self.ssh_key = defn.ssh_key
<aszlig> this leads to duplication of a lot of code, especially if it's something solely backend-specific like with the token
<aszlig> gchristensen: do you have something similar to a rescue system?
<hodapp> xwvvvvwx: just latest download or something?
<bennofs> nanobapt: well it means something is broken in nixpkgs and I can investigate on my system :)
<nanobapt> but first time building something in nixos
<Avaq> Note: This line only appeared when I managed to trigger rebuilds, something I haven't been able to do any more during this session.
<Avaq> I thought it may have something to do with "NOT restarting the following changed units: display-manager.service", but after rebooting the device the problem persists.
<gchristensen> learn something new every day, I didn't know about "Defined by"
<LnL> rod_: you should use a paste service if you want to share something that's more then ~3 lines
<ToxicFrog> simpson: I mean a bug against nixpkgs, since this seems like something that should be fixable by running in an FHS
<justicefries> is there a way to support things like AWS VPC creation in nixops? is it something I can add?


<bennofs> or perhaps we should just stop supporting imperatively managed environments and introduce something like system.extraSystemBuilderCmds for user environments as well :)
<bennofs> MichaelRaskin: perhaps it would be possible to add a configuration option (not in nix.conf, some extra dir perhaps) that tells nix to do something else in addition to buildEnv to create an environment? It could be useful for all sorts of "merging"/"database/index update" that needs to be done, but only when certain features are enabled. For example, mandb generation, gtk pixbuf module cache, and so on
<kmicu> Do you have an Ethernet connection (or smartphone tethering) to download something?
<symm-> pressing `o` in gdisk seemed say something about GPT
<kmicu> Yeah, first create a system partition. Something like https://www.refheap.com/53ff629e5b213e9eeaa154e57
<kmicu> hi andi- maybe you could use something like ‘programs.zsh.interactiveShellInit = ". ${pkgs.oh-my-zsh}/path/to/something";’ in your configuration.nix.
<srhb> kmicu: That should be doable, I'm just not sure it's something people want to do.
<kmicu> yumbox: if an update broke something you can immediately boot into previous *working* version of the system.
<Acou_Bass> not that nix is bad, but scheme is something some people will already know
<yumbox> something like that, yeah
<MichaelRaskin> It may be that the default iso doesn't include something needed for SD cards in the initrd
<kmicu> Did you use ‘dd’ to prepare it or something else?
<ixxie> NEL doesn't support any kind of regex substitutions right? I wanted to do something like imports = [ ./folder/*.nix ]
<kmicu> (That could be avoided though by not using the latest Nix on Hydra… or something?)
<hodapp> sphalerite: I thought johnw's hnix did something like this
<kmicu> Arch also has a plenty of broken packages, like any other distro. There is always something broken.
<MichaelRaskin> The optimal amount of stuff to read before installation for you (as you say) is zero, for me it is non-zero because I want people to commit that some basic design description is something for all power users to read.
<kmicu> yumbox: the same way as in Arch usability is not something to brag about it.
<gchristensen> "i dont want to screw up my nixos install" isn't something I've ever heard someone say
<hodapp> kmicu: yeah, former Arch user too. Grew tired of the once-every-few-months breakage that required me to manually hack out something
<kmicu> Hi yumbox: there is no GUI tools for Nix ecosystem, but if something is difficult or manual is unclear then we are happy to help. After learning couple of idiosyncratic commands you should be proficient with managing Nix systems.
<MichaelRaskin> «the less i have to read before using something, the better it is ofcourse.» — well, I would say NixOS is still not focusing on this definition of ease of use
<yumbox> the less i have to read before using something, the better it is ofcourse.
<jluttine> my webcam works on chromium but not on firefox. anyone else having similar issue? do i need to do something specific for firefox?
<MichaelRaskin> For me installation was easier, because I always fight the partitioning tools and here I was fully expected to want to set up something unexpected by the system and just list it in the config afterwards


<kmicu> gchristensen: Well, first of all become a programmer and discover a marvelous fix for something, and then, when the software engineering profession really starts to take notice of you, you can jolly well tell them what to do and make sure they get everything right so there'll never be any bugs ever again. ― https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNfGyIW7aHM (parody inspired by your marvelous exchange yesterday with
<hodapp> hm, looking at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21433#issuecomment-269808922 still; anyone have an idea how I might set LD_LIBRARY_PATH in a wrapper script or something?
<dmj`> hope it’s not xen doing something strange
<MichaelRaskin> Sigh. grep's should be done with context, -C5 or something
<GiGa> LnL, that's doing something
<GiGa> ah poo, because I re-edited I missed something else that I need to fix anyway
<LnL> GiGa: hmm, are you using the github ui to make the changes or something?
<kmicu> Change something meaningful for hash in a derivation e.g. buildInputs order.
<kmicu> (Maybe it’s something with mount points.)
<ToxicFrog> And looking at it again, no, the liveUSB isn't using unstable either; I was thinking of something else.
<ToxicFrog> On the other hand, new laptop has a touchscreen, so she might want something more touch-friendly to replace it, in which case gnome3 or plasma5 are the leading contenders.


<rly> gchristensen: and like I said, writing upgrade patches by hand is something I refuse to do.
<shanemikel> rly it depends on the package. it looks like a lot of the haskell infrastructure is automatic (with regards to the version bumps), but for that to work you need essentially a CI system (continuous integration) which is something you can use the Hydra farms for... etc
<earldouglas> E.g. something like { a = 6; } ++ { b = 7; } to get { a = 6; b = 7; }
<LnL> my machine failed with something different
<LnL> I was wondering before if we should add a status:staging label or something because I thought we couldn't change it
<nekroze> oh yeah that exists too. you learn something new every blah blah blah
<nekroze> you might try playing with the options to change syncing to passthrough... I can't remember the option name right now but there is something there.
<sphalerite> Also, is there any work on making the download output prettier? I do seem to remember that it was on someone's todo list somewhere, but is it actualy happening or is that something I could take a look at?
<eacameron> We really need to get that into the manual or something.
<gchristensen> I mean. I do like pass for certain things, but in general I want something like 1Password


<LnL> then there's something that's keeping it alive
* deepfire meanwhile, hacks something with bash, grep and sed..
<ixxie> deepfire I was thinking of doing something using R
<Dezgeg> I have something with 4.8.8, tooks about a minute to upload
<mpickering> Is there a way to query how something ended up in the build plan?
<Ptival> mpickering: like, something I can pass to nix-env -qaP to list haskellPackages?
<rly> I got something awful to run on NixOS today \o/.
<rly> /run/current-system/sw/bin/updatedb --output=/var/cache/locatedb # something which always works.
<LnL> the activation script of nixos also uses something like this to activate itself
<clever> something may have mounted /tmp over /tmp/xchg
<barrucadu> Is it possible to see why something is in the store? I have about 5 different versions of ghc there, which remain after `nix-collect-garbage -d`, and I'd like to know why
<LnL> gchristensen: perhaps we could have something like aliases.nix but for deprecated/removed packages


<sboosali> LnL: thanks. i'm trying to replace nix-env -i with something declarative. i found this http://sandervanderburg.blogspot.com/2013/09/managing-user-environments-with-nix.html
<sboosali> i got warnings about something being duplicate, so i got rid of the root channel
<digitalmentat> I built the Plum Lightpad and can easily say that IoT scares me because even well-meaning engineers who *care* about making something as safe as possible don't have nearly enough resources to do so for the methods that we *understand*, let alone the methods and solutions that need to be discovered...
<edapa> Does anyone know the right way to change fonts in virtual consoles? It looks like the i18n package has something to do with it, but I'm not sure exactly how to configure it.
<ronny> testuser_: not off hand, i never did something like that myself
<Dezgeg> and also something that can build stuff without you going insane
<Dezgeg> and some busybox-vi derivation that only has vi linking to buysbox or something
<LnL> unless that was something different
<LnL> lol, I've never run into something like that
<viric> niksnut: that's already advanced nixos: taking out something that is there for unrelated reasons
<viric> I think it's something never heard.
<rly> Do we have something to do binpacking in NixOS?


<MichaelRaskin> (unless you can make people behind a significant amount of donations publicly agree on something)
<MichaelRaskin> But when they do comment on something, I expect that they are worth listening to
<Claas> im doing something similar for mouse acceleration already but it doesnt seem to work for my tablet
<mudri> tvon: I seem to remember something like this.
<hodapp> though I'm curious, why that vs. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH=True or something?
<eacameron> LnL: I see. I'm guessing I may already have something like that generated by nixops so I'm wondering where I would look on darwin to see if I already have something generated.
<aszlig> so you could do something like pkgs.chromium.overrideDerivation (wrapper: { browser = pkgs.chromium.browser.overrideDerivation (drv: ...); })
<ToxicFrog> And implies it's unmounting sda2 before it creates the home directory or something
<ToxicFrog> gchristensen: why have nixPath at all, then? It definitely does something, since adding nixpkgs-unstable to it causes "nixos-rebuild dry-build" to report that it's about to rebuild ~most of the system
<ToxicFrog> And then refer to it using something like "environment.systemPackages = with unstable = import <nixos-unstable> {...}; [ unstable.foo unstable.bar ...other packages... ];
<rly> When using a busybox version of sed, how can I refer to sed in a proper way? I.e., normally one can do something like $package/bin/sed or something like that, but it seems that busybox isn'


<hodapp> hmm, I am wondering if my current issue is because I set preFixup when I needed to append something to it
<hodapp> ugh, something is wrong when I build this way. It doesn't even make the wrappers, and in $out/bin it just has a single file (named *) which is the wrapper script
<hodapp> after "export out=$PWD/tmp" genericBuild still isn't working in the shell; something failed at "-- Installing: /nix/store/z7xdrr27mmg1qi9czqf7g8ya1n6vp5nh-darktable-2.2.0/share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/darktable.mo"
<hodapp> LnL: hmm, so just stick that in postInstall or something?
<mitchty> just to make sure i format the commit message right, can't find anything quick on the wiki on it should the commit be something like multiple: Allow on non linux platforms
<Unode> I'm still new to this so translating https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/config/fonts/fontconfig.nix into something I can set on my configuration.nix is still non-trivial
<Unode> MichaelRaskin: yeah that's dense.. I was hoping for something simpler such as a global boolean to enable/disable hinting/antialias
<Unode_> On nix I notice that fonts are slightly blurrier than on my other machine with exact same definitions. I'm pretty sure this has something to do with font but don't remember the exact option that can be used to set this (hinting?).
<hodapp> I am not sure what the deal is here, and if I'm missing something or I should just symlink epstopdf to repstopdf and ignore it
<irctc719> along the lines of overlays... I'm currently subscribed to nixos-16.09... When I was using gentoo, there was something somewhat similar (with stable and unstable channels), but you could follow stable and choose to add one-off overrides to (for example) pull Meld out of unstable... Is there anything similar with nixos channels?
<Sonarpulse> than do something else impure to copy dotfiles into place etc.
<irctc719> Sonarpulse: I agree... for now I want to gt something working... and improve it over time. On the mailing list (I'm reading through nix-dev archives) I see an overlay proposal which looks like it would have the flexibility for what I want, so maybe sometime in the future
<Sonarpulse> can probably hack something


<Claas> MichaelRaskin: im a bit lost since i never had to build something from master, could you explain the process ?
<lpcwstr> Hey, I'm curious if anyone knows something about the origin of the names "Nix" and "Hydra". E.g. Pluto has two moons called Nix and Hydra or Nix could originate from Unix (*nix)
<srhb> simendsjo: nix-collect-garbage --delete-older-than 60d --dry-run might be something you want next time.
<simendsjo> Looks like it's working, but I guess it might take a while. Unfortunately `old` deletes everything but the last, so I hope I haven't done something wrong and brick my system now.
<MichaelRaskin> I thought the next attempt to install something to boot should remove the old versions
<spacekitteh> i have a feeling this might have something to do with the chroot environment
<sphalerite> Hm, syncthing seems to depend on the go compiler because (I think) the debugging symbols or something contain its store paths, but that's not meant to happen, is it?


<sphalerite> There's something special about watching something live as it happens
<MoreTea> yes, that is something that is missing!
<hodapp> and probably I need to learn the language a bit better, but usually I have problems doing that without something I'm actually trying to apply it to
<MoreTea> That's something else entirely
<hodapp> I would guess the only reason they separated out the js part is that something else depends on it
<mpickering> should I open a ticket or am I missing something
<kuznero> I even started to search for something like dnsmasq service, except that I have no idea how it works
<kuznero> no-no, it has probably something to do with name server
<MoreTea> ronny, np! ping the channel when you got it working, or when you get stuck on something ;)
<evangeline> xcursor: error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:370:30
<evangeline> xcursor: found it, thanks for pointing it out. One more thing: if I install the package from my normal user, where the ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix is present, it will evaluate and use it (for example to override some package installed by the user, not system-wide). However, how does the config get set when running "nixos-rebuild switch"; I'm guessing the "inherit system config" has to do something with it, but where
<sphalerite> Then it can probably also go on hydra or something. I don't really understand that stuff yet though
<seanparsons> Am I missing something?


<hodapp> ahh, needed something like 'nix-prefetch-url . -A turtl-desktop.src'
<rly> What was the portable way to install something via nix-env? Something like nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA foo ?
<inf-rec> I am trying to define a x cursor theme to be used system wide. This requires me to define /share/icons/default, and as far as I know the best way to define something in /share is to let a package define them.
<robert`> Ok the overall question is: How do I debug a haskell packages, the way the manual suggests for regular packages don't seem to fit. (patchPhase was the only one doing something sensible)